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The Herald, 1910-12-16, Page 8
Itt FAILED FOR AND DRESS GO I DS on.s .sem.r.,.-,wormer......- ext - -_-.a..ae _sr..aria..•..-.«_.....,..-sencestxa•.amemerszwcrumiar The great annual riddle, 6 for h„„), b is easily solved at this Store MakehHa Why not make mother, sis= ter, brother or sweetheart h•tppy with a ser sible gift, -get them sornethi !g to wear. You cannot please them better because every one appreciates , something to wear above anything else. Why not give Furs ? Iii making your Christmas plans this year, it will ply- you well to keep furs in mind. They are becoming more and more valuable, and styles never were more attractive. Their steady increase in values makes it particularly advisable to buy good furs now. In anticipation of the higher prices Which are sure to come later. Ladies, Listen ! We we're fortunate in buying for spot cash from one (if the best leather nlanufae,tulers of leather goods a 3toc;lc of up-to-date Hand bags, we will now give you the benefit of our buying, all sizes, all styles all prices. These are a few of ' our Yuletide specials • Serafs for men and boys; Hosiery from 20 to 85 cis a pair; 1 -larches tchil.'fs from. 1 tent up Suits and overcoats all styles. -111 sizes all pisses. all: !:'ilii' plass from •„ 1 q 3 to !1.75; Pillow "dills and Dresser drapes to unit<•h; Mufflers, in plain_ auli fancy colors; Glove.-, from 15 ets up to 1.15 Fine furs.Run's with Huff to match; Hand bags, a7.1 at:.t” - . P(.q.funie ills the new oilers, attalet'1ve- l�' :,71Xe{l iii ('tS to 1.x..1): L;t.a1111) plat'k combs side combs and barrettes to match. . n!vee u£" preSP;Il s. r�B _ h i P Q 9„h Bey are i s os+ y appreciated CC y The things you get here for Cristmas wi,l not only 'e nncq. t:. e(•ep:ataiale, on Christmas day, Lu` a sollla'e of t' •ce and pleasure for litany months to l'oine, Your thoughtfulness is to get them something • they- would have to buy ally - way, is sure to he especially appreciated, "The stor that's buiiti on Quality" GENERAL MERCHANT 9 27 (5 r Telephorne 28 ...ter..—rr...*..-... . ., m— x,._.mem ,_,,.mememe Where the Newest Styles Are Always Shown 'First .+rrlrglttlra Amoy tr'trtrntti , .0 tiw I B I 11 AAA We are alive yet, at the Old place l A Bigger Stock Of Everything than ever Wagons, Sleighs, Gutters, Carriages covered and ol)en all the latest styles in Bug- gies, !ill our own make, Also all kinds of Implem- ents, Filch as, all the lead- ing makes of Sulky and Walking plows. Root I?ulpers that different kinds Loi d'n's;Double Steel Hay Fork trach- best made. Ex- tension ladders, Magnet Cream Separators, best skinanaers and easy to run a durablr square !;star ma. chine. `'heel barrows, .Tolliette Grinder plates, all sizes. Metal pig trough. Wears all+ L - ready to do Business with --yen at the— OLDEST BLTSINESS PLACE IN TOWN F0 d ZURICH SON FOR S ALE. 15 acre.s'of good paktum land adjoin- ing the village of Zurich and agricultural grounds, 2 good Village lots, 1 new dwell. ing hou&e in good s tuation, also ono Large dwelling and largo stable. goo:l lawn in connection. Apply to E. Rannio, Hensall. UeIoCk ti" Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having a •`large stock of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to cut to order any bill up to 30 feet long in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST 'MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD .8AYFlli L P ess s mg, The Young Men Of this town have fairly swoop. ed down upon us this sprang.; and ordered snits to such un extent that we thought no other Tailor Wasdoing Iusine s And No Wonder No oitherstoro in town hose the right goods at the right price. So if you want ;your snit to wear well and fit we:l have it tailored with us. Suits from $12. to $2,4. Laundry in ComiecE( ra W A. HOFFMAN Tailor, ZURIIC1-� aD Q.KO©was Don" D WANTED Girls wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and most tip -to -date blouse and white- wearfactory in Canada. Work consists of sewing Laclirs' waists. Girls es• perienee(1 on power sewing machines preferred, but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quarters. Steady work.. Good wages. 4`1+ TUB STAR W1-1TEWEAR e, MFG, CO. Berlin, – – Ontario. GDCLQ aC1 QiD{ 'Dd D. S. Faust is the place for men's sot.. Every family 'has need of a good, rcelible liniment For sprains, brnises, soleness of the muscles and rhe twatto pains there is none better than Chamberlain's, Sold by ull dealers. CARD OF THANKS. Mr, and Mrs. Idward Merner desire to convey their sincere • thanks to their neighbors and triend9, for the kindness and a,ssistt�nee rendere3, during the long ilium and demise at their PHONE iA , in; elr t sob, 'matemmukommus .4' l4CCf'EIi&U •MAss.�. � l DiASSEY•'l~iA,lkataa v.,:' 0 a w e t0 D, !/• p p.4. p.O'.p. p..q.O.O d•` •'Ci . f }0 •O.0'•�J'•O•G�%�•p,''•Cv�a4••dl!O'•lJ'•d0• �•O.O•�1v�+ Fall � �efUa r. l�xk kkttll.. (io • You will be surpris'd at our large stock ao a�B of Shoes for men, women and children, but QIO as leaders in the trade we have to keep the a very best. Our turn—o`er is so large, that A. P VP 09. VV.r' 40� ‘„. we can and do give you better prices than a you are accustomed to get. Our Fall Stock 01 will be found right. Call and examine it 0� ?L ® ENDER, q Zt rich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town IIIWI 1 R III mild IFy WOB T.�,, IV" • a'9 r^'4 This is. the Malleable Iron cannot break with an axe. The one the People Talk so much about Range—the olle you It is built of the same material that is sold by peddlers, who charge the people $ i0 00. We give you a larger stove and more up-to-date. Our price is only. $5o.00 We have sold lots since thisstove was placed on the market, and those now using it say it is a World Beater. See it before you buy. P1 -ONE !3 09 ZU R1Clei HURON'S L 1,LitCEST,:COPIJiBlNATQQ EE&,;STOR Get our combination Door=keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer. Windows glazed and. repaired. Way iced We buy all kinds of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing mill work done on short notice. iJ Ca XALBFLEISOK. ZURIC