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The Herald, 1910-12-16, Page 5
WORIDCDKIIIMDCDGAIDCDOMICIR IWIDO DCCIDGDCWDO READY! 1 1 1 1 1 11 R.. N. D AAS, General Merchant, B L A Ii E. We are ready with a full line of Holiday goods It will be to your advantage to call on us be- fore purchasing. 411 1 UDGCOSDGD(SPDCD4 D0✓ DOMIDGD=11)0 DCCCiDCDm'.5:9G"y,iE n o m ■ • n Oh EAT IMP ' WE keep in stock a full line of fresh Meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and, wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our 'own sausages. Give us a call. Y MUT DEUR 15.0 ARE YOU RUM I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without• operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and. remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern tl) T. 5, SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. ti tratio^<1 Ont. Dept. r4 Name Address Age Time Rup Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed LIVE STOOK REPORT oows and other horned cattle, and a decrease of 8, 30 per cent in, the, ntirnber of sheep. In New Bruns- wick tiler() is a decrease of 2.88 per cent iii the number of sheep, and malt Increases in horses, miloh cows and swine. The number of poultry Increased in the year by 2,32 per cent, and other horned cattle than nilch oows by 9.20 per cent. Quebec presents small in- creases tor horses, flinch cows and other horned cattle, and a slight decrease in the per cent number of sheep; but tho inuren,ein the DELT11• ber of poultry is 3.80 per cent and of swine 4.10 per cent. In Ontario there are deoreases in the number of all farm animals during the year excepting swine, where there is an increase of 6.20 per cent, and poultry, where it is 2.26 per cent, The decrease in horses is 0.45 por cent, in niilch oows 0 42, in other horned cattle 12 30, and in sheep 5 02 per cent. Manitoba shows the gain in the number of horned cattle other than cows to be 5.80 per cent bub all other animals are less than a year ago, ranging from 0.45 for poultry to 1.83 for milch cows. British Columbia shows decreases of about 10 per cent for swine and horned oattle other than mileh Ottawa, Deo. 9 ---The report on Iive stock for the end of November issued today by the Consus 011icie, gives statistics shocviri for theprovinces, the per cent number cninparrd with a year ago, and their conditrr' : as coni+)careii with a standard con..ition. For the whole til eanadot there is ea increase 3 31 per cent i.. the nre.nor hnrsr.•s, of 1.13 in tho number of rnilob oows, of 2.11 in the number of swine, and of 8 u2 in ibe number of ponitry. I'be number of sheep has decreased by 1.55 per cent in the year, end tho number of live stock other than Inilch cows by 2.20 per cent. Tha provinces which show the largest gain per cent in numbers are Saskatchet,van and Al- berta, Saskatchewan has made a gain of 12 53 per cent in horses. of 4.00 in rniloh cows, of 6 03 in other horned cattle, of 4.26 in sheep, and of 21 38 in poultry,; but the .number of swine has fallen off by 5.39 per cent. In Alberta -the gain has been 8.59 per cent in horses, of 1.05 in snitch oows, of 13,10 in sheep, of 6.64 in swine and. of 22,70 in poul try ; while the number of• horned °tittle other than witch cows. has decreased by 0.12 per pent.. Prince Edward island reports sinall gains. for all elasses of farm animals.- the largest being 4.41 per Dent in the number of swine and 3,17 in poultry, Nova Scotia indicates small decreases for horses and swine and small i'+creates for nntloh and increases of 2.96 per cent for henn..8, 3 78 fcr niilch cows and 15 56 for poultry. By the Standard condition of live stock is meant e, healthy and thrifty' state ; and taking this condition as represented by 100, It is this year a fraction over for horses, mach cows and poultry and a little Tinder' for sheep, swine and horned cattle other than cows. In Ontario the condition of all animals exceeded the standard except for sheep, which are 0 05 per cent below ; and in Manitoba where it falls below by 4.36 per cent for iriilch cows, by 13.20 for for other horned cattle acid by 8.36 for swine. On the question whether the supplies of todder for live stock will suffice for the winter, 83 per cant of the correspondents give an affirmative answer for hay, 94 per eclat fez: :.t +v1.:, , S3 per cent far ensilage, 84 per cent for grain and 61 per cent for roots ; but in the case of ensilage and roots, they are not w' -:hely grown in some of the pi evinces. The next issue of the Census Monthly will report on the yield, weight and market prices of field crops for the year. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the natter of the estate of Henry Holtz late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer. deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any ,labia or demands agait.'t the lata Helix, Irt:tz, 1:s1 o,. the 13th day of October 1910 at the Township of Hay aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to cloliver to George Edighofi'cr and Laura Edighoirer, Dashwood, Ont., executors of the 1a.t. will and testament of the said cleceasc•I, I thrix taunts and a'1 kres4e. and frill parti- cular' in writing of their el•iims and The quicker a cold is gotten rich of the less the danger from pnen monia and other serious diseases. Mr, B. W,' L. Hall of Waverly, Va , says: "'I firmly believe Chani berlain's Cough ReniedY to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds, I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me.' For sale by all dealers. AVIATION AND A.GIUO 7LTURE. "'Cambuscan could soar on his courser of brass and Pegasus swift over Helicon pass. Men smile at the fables that poets have told, but greater achievements we now can behold." So sings Lyman C. Smith one of our best, though lesser known Canadian bards, in the Christmas "Tofhe " 1110 Zt'arnier8 Advocate and Home Magazine," just off the press. The lines quoted stand as the introductory stanza to an exceed- ingly well-written poem, "Aviation as applied. in Agrioniture," class• ical in tone and humorous in the very daring of its imagination. To not a few readers these verses, with the accompanying page of well executed drawings, will appeal as -"tae bit" of an uncommonly en- joyable issue. On the principle that a holiday number should be wholly delect- able, this one abounds in humor and reminiscence. with a few outstanding practical articles by a carefully selected corps.of writers. The first page of reading matter is adorned with an eloquent editorial, entitled, "Canada, A Nation." Avoiding successfully the rocks of cnntroversy,.it presents our most probable destiny as one of a cone munity of autonomous, pelf governing, yet allied, nations, wherein the Golden -Rule of Righiecusness will .replace the lactic of the jungle. The preliminary results of a recently instituted inquiry, by means of personal canvass, into the leading horse markets, are clearly set forth. under' the caption, ".Draft hers() opportunities.', But perhaps the best feature of a superlative number is "The Tale of the Pioneers," a vivid re- cital of real expel ience in the early days, when wolves howled about the settler's cabin, &rid 1111 wife foe u:t this and years kith,. out seeing the face clikeinother white worean. r� Among the many spec .'features of the Home ,5lagaslue tion are "'An Ideal of Motherho( Iv' being a splendid story about t e Sistine Madonna, by Tucker V. �1ooz; "A Christmas Clearing I3'-. e," by Peter IslcArtliur; -Con roerclalism Personal Culture" b'l' Co. Spartan ; and a charming story by the Prince Edward Island novelist, Mies L. itis. Montgomery, author of "'Anlle ot Green Gables." To subscribers ot -The Farmer's Advocate" this nutnber goes in lieu of a regular issue. To non- subserihers it sells for 50c. New sul:scribers wilt receive a corn pliinentary copy white the supply lasts, The subseription price of :,t, ,,,n--nts of thmr tionotnes awl that „ e rottoo oft 1e so,1111• 1,'� it r.:.r hc'1d I> "'v rr it'r'S A<lvt.;t ye and horns > ) y Jia;;, • )r)i' ti1•:it9 pi,i z't;=ar.:kdl3ress them. ,NP .Vr'r1i . i, further l iron that the William. Weld Uo., London, c u -- Farmer 's Advueat:l together one year, in advance, to any place in Canada tor $2,25. Send in your order oarly, after the 3r.1 day of •Tanua:v "1.111, the O t 1.111,1 HERALD and. the said executors will l,ro ecd to distribute the as -Ica:; of the said deeea$e'I among the persons en titltel thereto, having, regard t: only ,.) t1i claims of which they r.hall then have had notice and that the said executors will not be lt•thle for the said actiets or any part thereof to any person of whose claitn they shall not then have received notice. Dated the (ith day of T)ecemb+'r 1910. hi. 1. 1). (:wiles:, Solicitor fur said executors, NOTICE TO DEBTORS All persons indebted to the estate of the late Henry Iialtz must pay their ac- counts to the node/signed on or before Mr. cam iseerner, 1Lceon.panied ,January3rd 1911. ('L.i!,.• eu'srattt„n''r 1)' i1.. r'ienlbn our most genial after that date, will ht- plar''<l in ()Ater threshers. aro busy these drys h•tnds for eo..k filen. ',pi -14,z.: ..ret c;c,vl.r •Iced for the Dashwood 1) •n,. 6,,. 101e t , o ;r c. lit 7. , horror � ,, °r'. who for the Lauf•.. l t,;h"tlo±• t.. t, I ,, .t:' i';ti 1,;'. .'king for G. 10-3 of Diary Holtz, deceased. t4rrrrn on the Parr bine. has sever. ., o:1 his connection with hint anis his amtli.ng far'n i:; evelco:ned back to We carry a full line of teeoris.diff;* by every one. famous 'Peninsular Ranges, st^ral i'a?r. W. Hey of the Babylon Line or oast, no better stove made. le and Mr..serf of tlin r of Ingersoll, 'also ravg tho modern malleable were guests at Mr.:, �' . Horner's, steel ranges. .T. Preeter. ,Test to think of it, Jim Rocke- f,aller is worth a billion of dollars. 1'rovidieg th1.Lt his wealth was 4,, BEAVER MEADOW The continuous snowfall of the past few days, has put a real win- try aspect over this beautiful country of ours and the merry sleigh bells can be heard chiming at all timet. 1 am ready with a full Stock of Deering Implements in lay wareroom pposlte the Town Hall A full supply of Wheel -barrows, Extension ladders, and will keep a complete stock of the leading makes of Plows and Points; Dairymaid Cream Separators, Wagons and Sleighs. Give me a Call end see if I can't satisfy you. If I aril. not at home call at the Zurich Feed. Store -they will show you my Stock. 'See our one avenin„ last week. R. Merrier, our notable sportsman succocde'i in capturing a fox one one dollar bills and sewed together day last week. Roy says Mr Foxey Clover Leaf Manure Spreader before you buy. These Goods are SECOND TO NONE. E L I rPC DSARI1V2AGENT `7"?, Rare R )L 4 ',taro .i is a +'ar- o ?' DOM)CDhTDGr®GDEMIA c®GDCDIDDCD,S=9CDMIEDGDCSID4DGC DGMESDCDC EMNIDC CDC@EOCRCCOMMIlDCDM:1104 ry i ill •a qunrter'nf an inch 1} p, it is a pretty cunning animal, but it wntild encircle the earth four and a is a,11.in understrincline how. half 'Gimes; it would take 0330 A number of vniine risen of this hiindred years for one man to line, joined the 'Venni; Men's Bible count it and if Mr, Rockefeller had Class, in the Zurich Evangelical t received one dollar a mintLto since S d School heat Sunday 1 1 e Christ's time he would not be any better off than he is tit the present time. Nevertheless lie is grasping for mere Of course iVr., Rrlcice tin ay c oo , U. 'file now sports a fine Meek Alain- of drivers. They are the right kind. and without a doubt stand feller is a very Oharita blo iihlun, in the front rank.Elenryy says years until rnontlia, :incl led been and hie naive is heralded world- look out now boys,i,' in good hoalth a. few hour:, prior , wido when he gives a million. to Mes'trs. 13 and A. Horner arca to her •cioath. The funeral ''en'; some oollege or a few thousand to busy these <lays thenshing 1 eene. held 011 Thursday afterreem tit a el.tireb, but how =oh wore Although they are ta.ltieg the old Bayfiald centot•ary:. The relutiyee liberal is he than the roan worth fashioned way with the flails, they have tho sincerest syrnl)athy of ILrtlau tato d sdollaiis who gives cne believe it is the surest and hest the neiigathortb:icd'in their sadden d 0 1 a and you will find) out tart. Z� e will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR -Milverton, Exeter, tlensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds of Feed and Grain always on hand. Oil Ca,�yyke,, Bibby creamequhv= a eat, ii Ian. Seed, whole and ground. ;tat. � � e _.. a' o®GD®CDGIEDDGDC=CDGSDJCD�GD®GDCS9CDCD7ICDISZIDGD®GDG DGDCQ©CUIM DGDGD�CDCID�CDGD�C ,12, --. 1 a rser Stock For Spring d h ' ry Strong. straight trees Witil good toils zuid an ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every t'i'c' gu:lranrt'ed strictly first grade and true to name. Our assortment of .l)liit.)di is t'ompl:'t, . Vv -e ne've'r had such a fine lot of tl(L,S 111 this 111:•,.'. Send i11 list of stock wanted, S1:. ting \,Ve will quote you special prices. Ask for Catalogue. Take tho Agency. 1 hos. W.:'owman & SinCo., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, - ONTARIO _.•,••••.•••••••............m..- .. --- Mr Garnet. Murray of Drysdale, 1_... F,7 q ,' . "''"' p tO 7, called on friends rn our bio last I i � age, i hi d Sunday. 1 Mr. B. Horner and sister Myrtle, visited friends on the Goshen Line, last Sunday. D S. Faust is the store for Xmas present. The big re!luction sale is now on at Printer's. No bigger ber- pins havo ever been offered, quality considered. Watch next week's pager for further p1Lrt ealars retrardin:,t' the Xmas progrnth) to be rendered. in the lvant•;,a'.i.'al church, 1"rima;. evening Dae. 23. The Y,mng Men's Bible relies contest Of the EeaneelictLl r''L'ir< t Sunday ti"hiull elc,setl last ' friday with a 1„11)1 of 39 members wero 62 inonibers present. .flet Sunday. This class was or;.:anizo.rl by the pests r last March, with 20 charter members and the present membership of 71 is the r<,s rl.t 'l: Leet itnd l),-'rseverenee of tho officers )atlrl members of the <'1n's. I have a ll,rge supply of the very ',est tile On 7an<t, fr''iu 2': in. to six inch. If ,you.veed dry call, write i or telephone to .John Foster, Zur- Leh, Brick arid. Tile yards. 11 tf, ( D. S. t_ Lr'.. t lie ;ee ie :ine door mats wh Ili -„•,r" •.'rtro • 1x1+, f•i1 c' Oon 1 io•I• III the p: :t'e ;: . ti..i.:l, •29 rL'.atit r,i:.. :1, 1• .',,t•,b,'. tie 1•ty` your thorn Wt.l n 1.1 r3 t a t'.i. t deaths Luse is ' 1'.'por,t:.d wore ; Smallpox r� s.' haat• lever L �, diphtheria e 1 ; t;1 , •1.e: Co, svho''p- in•g 11. tt'p '_ii.i 110,; tL1)._r<'altlal�1 I 13e infantile: pa= ,Lt Laity 46. There , were ? deaths tr..nu 14c ovee5 of itVa,Li' .1:1, De i d. :4s and 128 (bee the . fro:n the 132oeso '.r t:ibercttlosie. C�,T 1ubhin ° ;l� � i ;airs Messer, widow of tette late It.' Thomas Mo:::acn of Stanley. j We him? rr'. i .o ari r, :tn•< inents died of heart disease. on Tuesday, ' to oiler the ft ilere::.ng lt,t. c.1.nl bin g at the home of her daughter, :\lrs. rates with ', iii= ... i<.Lr,tl . Daily (31,i)t t'llaii0 Weekly (i' 1,: . Ottl lwclrli''.cii r. ri.rtJ ((41,') 1+a,)iitly fill ;Lid tm btar Daily Adtet1i'~or \Vookly Advertiser Weakly Sun Farmer's ;%Chi?ooate James Stephenson, Goshen ein Lino, She had reached the ate of les t.3 5 1.2j) 1.60, i.60i aid"i 3.'617 1,7.5