HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-16, Page 2F(slugL
,�y:if#iq7��,:" .,�,, Irk%//('1�!'�'I•l,l��,�
The best premiums and the best values
ever offered. Gold and Silver Watches, G em
Set Ringsattd Brooches, laugghter-peedneing
Moving Picture M.aebines, Finely Decor at:'d
Tea Sets and many other premiums given
FRF.B for selling our high class Gout Em-
bossed Picture Post Cards. The very latest
designs In Views, Birthday, Floral, Holiday
Comics, &c., at 6 for 10c. Sell $3.tJ0 worth and
Wein one of these tine premiums. You can
sell them in an hour or two, but don't delay,
.for we give an extra premium for prompt-
ness. Write to-dav and we will sendou a
package and our big premium Ilse Come
with the crowds and get the best�premiums
offered. Write your name and addecss very
plainly,COU .LT GOLD PEN CO.
Dept 220 Toronto, Oet.
Jots About the •More Interesting of
the "doveities.
- They call It a "puffer" in tho slops
---"tori that i, just about what it is. At
first glance it looks a bit like an old-
fitshinncd wuorlcu clothes pin, but on
second hook you will notice that the
lower pert is solid, andall ill one piece.
Made of plain wood, the "puffer" is
about sin inches long and fire -eighths
of an sort !u thickness. It is hollow,
and when you pull out the end you will
see half a dozen or more wire bairpins,
so it is a hairpin holder as well.
This little accessory is for the woman
who has enough hair of her own—really
growing on her own head ---to snake the
little puffs and curls which are so neces-
sary to the fashionable coiffure.
Iloldingthe puffer in one hand, one
takes a strand of hair in the other and
twists it about the round, lower part.
Twist the hair till it is the right thick-
ness and size, and then take a hairpin
and slip in under• the )hair, in one of the
little grooves which are running up and
down the puffer. When the hairpin has
made fast and secure the puff slip the
hair off the end and fasten the puff in
plater on the coiffure.
The arr'angeme'nt is very simple, very
easy and will help wonderfelly the wo-
man who "doee" her own hair.
The privilege of reading the etud.at•a,
'obituary notices "which the i reiva1ure
report of their (loathe walled feet!. has
iallr'z to gran" dietinga141Jed men. haat,:•
'.'ash:lee death provided excellent. :mei
nor the evening papers long before '.h
'>..tcl event took place, anti more than
enee during :ills journey aeroee t',u' Bark
ekee.t.ineut Stanley was placed emc,•ng the
immortals. ..rtals. No statesrnatl ;,'' meaertl
e r,ries has dared to itmtat•' the triter cif
Lore) Brougham, who circulated 1.he story
' t 'i;;s •own death simply in order to =ee 1
ie wiiat estirltation he was held ay the
,Among tuatlern authors Mr. S. 1'ntratt;- 1
. uld vvaa able to read his own obituary 1
:rotIeea when his t•ousin died at. sea. tut 1
equal's retllarlcnble ease was that of l
Mi. :Tustin aio(larthy. During the time
)tr+ was associated with the Daily No we
a report of his death was is±ttt tl one i
,,,lt:, from Leeds. It reached this nif es' ,
tis;le Mr. McCrathy was reritnlg a )call-
."r.—From the London Daily Neaa.
•_w ,
IMMiaard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. I
(Harper's Weekly./
"here, niy dear,' she said gleefully,
as '',O eat a segment from her first pie
and for P co d it Isuit itr exactly 1 Iteefoe him. "Hotthe land it: that 1 the sear wouldn't show or be exposed
yorr mother used to slake?" whPn she appenred nu the stage,
"a. am afraid it is. dearest." lie. said, I "eati, veee" said the M. 1), atrokleg his
Rica :Tidy. as he tried to lift it to his' beard- "What is varnr ixusloer.5("
1?.r', end iottldu't, 'Why, Ian with Gertrude f[ ilne:in
-.a+-•s--- Oire: Of her denrmg ,iris, you knot"." 7d$ r ;' iF '.?Veli." :said the men ref nrediuine. ne
r !
¢ iii
\touter" baring rime need Baby's Own
Tablet.; for their little %ones. would, not
bo withrut. them. 'These Tablets are
a never failing remedy for the little ills
such a ti'r.;tipatinn, cuiic, worms, oolds,
etc., that zlf1"i,•t so many little ones.
And Olen, tar )they -can be given with
alrfiointe safety to the youngest ehild
_Fn; they are sold under guarantee of a
Government analyst to contain no op-
iate or other harmful drug. Concerning
theist. Mra. (.has. Whatley, Teterboro,
Ont., writes: I have used Baby's Own
ri'abh to :t,1' my' little girl and have
found: then" to be of great valne. Oth-
ers to whom I have recommended the
'1.'ab',# las hay' they would not be without
them." Sold by mecl'icine dealers or by
goal" at '_'•i cents a box from The Dr.
'.i'i1iftsrn=' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• -
??Filen Clertrudc Hoffman clad her com-
pany were playing here a week: ago, says
the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, one
of her "broilers," who had unknowingly
stopped at a bearding bou'.e in .Pittsburg
when' there' had been smallpox. ve:ltf. tip
to t phr;r mien to be vaceinoted.
was s ver, anxious to have it where
Oh�p ,14:
he land de 1 s h^ v: iglu ' t ,!. WSs %t that';
the co—,se veali nut. t* take it.•intern-
elaystops coughs, cures colds, beats e •
Jibe throat and luttt;s. • • - 25 °cats. i ?. 4
t"• n
space: above the gri"'tt'"y' in a
&heziammttter is not a pe'rf.'e•t Vacuum; 1 .All 'Vt•'rJlnen: _I will send free with
there is not infrequently u. Smart sur• Te full iustruetiot:s, my home treatment
u;in2; of air left in such space and Merle
vi p+:sitirel'y+ cures Leucorrhoea«,
ie r'Ways an atutosp,tere of the vas+ tr t'it'tiat1�11, Uispiac_e111ents. k'aUing et the
of mercury. It is perhaps impossible to \vee i, Patnfui or Irregular 1}eriadx,
l tinge -aid Ovarian Tumors or Growths•
procure a vacuum. saya tlal'per'e Weak- alt„ ,in# 1101u'hez+, Nervousness, Melan-
l;-. lr, ie most likely that, even if a c;tnlly, Paine its the 7lend, P.aeicc or Bow -
real vacuum cc+uld be obtained for An els, Kl irey and Yladder troubles. where
cr+ sea o s e0.tr.' 115 peeuilar to our sex,
is ';.nt, air o:: other vapor would It xou ran ceetlnue, treatment at home at
nra•e7 begin te, lie dist',ilina.te,l iron) t1 e n cost itff oWy 1'1 vents n week. My book.
tt'nruan''t c)w•n �ledt.',tl Adviser," also
�i4'•,r•a n€ tl`!' >ve't,el in til:ictt it, was uta le
:soil it would thus ittetitutly renee to r:;
sent ':ret ,'ti re�1ilPSt. Write
Summers, Box ff. 8
. unune
4-3' 1 ti. . i. , ,
1,•t. High euiiturity has denied the ,,o? I V master, Ont.
t i:'ty of a va.e'turn If a rte lilnt eattl.i •
.r r f<rtcei, the sides of t1, , � t gsJ•1 TREMENDOUS
T 'file largest whale of its type of which
I>1', i- eddy : e p iess^d intoco:linaet.
Marititue itadistrata's Case.
Mr. t . k:, Sanford, of Weston, Iglu g's
00., N. S,, a Justice of the Peace for
te. hcounty', and a, :penult of the Bap-
tist Church in Berwick, says: ".l have
used Zaxn•:tiulc for piles and found it a
splendid teniedy. It cured me."Mr, Phones i'eareon, of Prince Al-
bert, Sack., writes: "T gnus':. tbaule you
fc,r the benefit.L have received from the
use of .%am-Buk, last summer :C had a
ft:Yer, which, left ate With piles. 1 started
to use Lauelluk; and found it .gave Inc
relief, so I continued with it, After us-
ing dune •or= four buses, it effected a
complete cure.":
Zam-Buk will also be found a sure
cure for colic sores, eft.tpped hands,
frost bite, Woes, eczema. blood -poison,
varicose sores, Beale sores, ringworm,
ir:flsmetl pntehes •babies' eruptious and
chapped places, cuts. Mures, bruises, and
skin injuries generally. All druggists
and stores eel', at + the box, or post free
from Zam Bulgy { lt,. Toronto, upon re-
ceipt of price. 'Sart. are warned against
harmful imitation. end substitutes. See
the registered.tame. "Lam-Bulc" on
every packagebets re buying.
et le perhaps ie "he perusal of musty
old parcemer a, and parish registers that
the really curious mune is found. At the
beginning of the seventeenth century and
extending well Wu Puritan tiTnes, they
axe remarl ably n onerous. Amongst' the
baptisms alit.eneh Ulirieiian names as
Repent, I.reasgi tt 1.estare, Constant, and
Faintnot. Thatr'lltarka.ble member of
the parliament' et IVO, Patisegod Bare -
bone, was actuals" baptised by that
name, and s se anted in t Ile recants of
the Lea.therseLe're' company of London.
But it must he,stJtriitted that Barebone's
brother adept :d his eaarietian name,
which ran tune a t1 :mild never have
been comfortably et-Ionmodated upon an
ordinary visiting ear& of to -tray': "Ii -
Christ - had - eitt• died - Inc - thee -
thou - shouldesi have - been - damned
Barebone." And wins individual had but
himself to blame bemuse hie lightsorne
friends and the wits Balled hint Damned
finredone.---T. I.'.'3 Weekly.
I there is scientific record was captured
2lin:"rd's :f..irtirnerit floe T.intit,ed:
(xentlerneu •I.aet winter L received
great benefit stunt the use of .sI11`-
_1B.IYS LINIMENT ENT i' a severe attack of
Ln C -ripper and 1 have fregnently proved
it to be eery effective in erteel; of In-
? oure, -
ti. A. Hxlr"rt:rt1NSON.
tt.Ji VESEl'4D.
eleaeemel w,', eftwielelt the :' meriean
fleet ie rte e 1 to carrell, ease formerly the
regula.v la, tiling plaete'for royal visitors
to our ;.bores.. In B30tl, for inntanee,
Christian V. arrived there with a, fleet
of seven '"warships anal was entertained
by .Tames I, so suntptuouely that ii is
said that the English cu tom of execs -
sive drinking a.t dinner originated at the
1'nnquets at which the monarchs enter-
tained each other. George U. made
Gravesend his regtlla.r slotting place 'for
hie visits to Germane., and in 11;ti3 it was
there that. ween Alexandra lauded as the
bride of the Prince of \titles. ----from the
London Chronicle.
.u•�s "Vf1
Eints for Aviators.
Never fly into a rage. ,
The aviator should always take are
not to Iand in a strange lady's lap.
Lady aviators will find that the
most suitable headdress for a sky sail
is a blue sailor.•
It is considered bad form for a lady
to fly into a gentleman's tame without
an invitation.
The rumor that balloon sleeves would
be revived by feminine aeroplane en-
thusiasts is unfounded.
The highball remains the favorite
beverage of the aeronaut, and wing col-
lars will be in greater favor titan ever
this season, They will be worn with
batwing ties.
Don't be reckless. A live motorist is
better than a dead aeronaut, even if he
doesn't get as many press notices.
When buying an aeroplane, to avoid
lawsuits, be sure you are ('4V )right and.
then go ahead.
Learn to detect and avoid the treach-
erous "hot air" currents.
Because a man says you are a bird
of a girl, don't fly to the conclusion
that he is deeply smitten. Efe may be
merely referring to your aeronaut feats.
Don't soar too high on a mere flight
of fancy. Someone aright call you
Don't be conceited. You may be a
"highflier" to -day and a "bird with a
-broken pinion" to -morrow.
To answer, "Oh, this is so sudden:"
rand hold up your lips to be kissed, when
:a lnan asks you to fly with hits, is out
'of date. The proper thing now is to
counter with the question, ''Aerouauti-
eally or matrimonially"?
An aeronaut has no right to resent
being •called a flighty person.
The sky sailor frequently reaches the
"mansions in the sky" by taking too
quick a drop toward the Other Place.
Unlike the apiritual leader to whom
the title was formerly applied, the mod-
ern "sky pilot" is not to be taken as a
guide to the celestial realms, even
though he se ems to be going i'1 flay,
in Smart Set ---1':...na:ouvet• Saturday
akinard's Liniment ❑leis)]
stops Comilla. Rema cnida. Beals
ent Gores C3arget in recently off I'o1't. Arthur, Texs'e. Re lie 16ropt :tnd "soda. - 23 cents.
reea8ured (i feet in length. and was ee.
i d t o tt IMO veers old tato 11111 OUTLAW.
Mate Hot hoot t a .r .t t••1
in the bilotitq off the jetties, and the' Be the Leet `orad iiglit`tiu lies eyes go
crew el hie *sect captured the maim:I . ' K,liice,
But 1'll tl.roty him as sure as you're
Though the taut rope ohne like a banjo
dud tr.e lutigoes creak and strait,
Yet I've get no tear of au outlaw steer
1rd .I'll tumble limn on the plans.
1 imate to be tt > 1
t o Let v Things ill lone thing !loin cob i Pionimrl ,s mate
et of
+nrtls- ' Whenld y loop takes bold on a two-year-
r y + T p g• ' the next• or the horn
l,at is loot in Berlin. The other day one 1 1 Ill'
ktn Plli.Jge a
of cur cientities going through the Prue -
:gen r'apital on Bus return from the eon. '1'1rc huge body was towel ashore, '•x-
rreee at lrraukfort noticed a key at the; hibited and much photographed 'mime.
edge of the sidewalk, IIB picker) it up to , being mit up. �
ha.ud it to a pr:lice agent, The repreeen• ; ,
t:tt.ivc of elle pity pollee refused to take Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
1v, Gte•yiuq "You should take this ke}' to t
the ••petial l,uteau of t'hit,ge 1'.tat ere' How Tan Thousand Pottnel Work. leer a man :is a. man and a steer is a
tier"." 1 Neve Twee le i1 e city oii gilded misery „nc: tele roan is the bees of tax herd;
"Very well, where ie it ?" I 1,..,:. t're pc.or and the unfortunate, To And each or Lee. bunch. from ate biggest
'('li, s,gent Mink' the toteet. 1 the loan out of v;arlr, without money and, to leas:,
teats Must color. dein• when he says the
ISSTJE 1N O. 50 1910.
to postal for circulars, or l0c for
samples and terms, Alfred Tyler, Lon-
d•',u. Ont..
Accents acted.
Two new lines, Apply, Sellsry, 228 Al-
bert street, Ottawa.
fano near City of London, 185 acres,
with- Iarge buildings ; .easy torJils ; cheap
under mortgage. pply at once, G313 -
SON, HARPER & GIBBONS, Barristers,
London. Ont,
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Preecribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy of proven worth. 1 he
result From their use ie quick' and par.
manent. For gale at all drug stores.
This elegant state}),:
stent wind and set, fancy
engraved SoLII} SILYRn.
cases, FULLY e:Ul'n..t:r-•
Tr:F.n, Will Ifo seat you
FREE if you selt onlyY,
$3.60 worth of our bearrti-
fully colored and emboss-
ed post cards at e•for Inc,
These are the very Latest
designs in Views, Floral,.
Holiday, Conies, &e. Ttle
swiftest sellers. Just show
them and take in the money..
t tulyotwritten, and nd veeerrlwill
forward, you .a. package of
eards and our big premium
IIst. Don't delay, for we give
this extrapreseut tor prompt -
Dept. 301 Toronto, Ont.
Rural Telephones—Round Volum
Sunset. Sent Free on Request.
T ef, mebbe so. you gotta wife
Dat's good as ;nine to Inc.
Yuo weell be glad for mak' her life
So happy as an be.
Las' fail Carlotta tale' my ban'
An' inaka me so happy man;
Wan year today she ccs my elate,
A.0' so tonig+e we celebrate.
Lou theenk 1 would forget ala day
D t pour sooch sunshine on my way?
Ah! no. I gone. lat her see
How kinda husban' T can be;
How glad I am she, ees so true,
How proud for all da work she do,
An' so for mak' her work for me
More easy dan eet use' for be.
An' show how mooch my heart ees stir',
I levy a Ieetla geeft for her.
Carlotta got so pretta hair,
I buy her som'theenr nice for wear—
E)hl fit•"at? 0 no, ees nous. slat:
L'.ee som'theeng mooch more. us0 dan that.
l"et"s lettla pad, so sof' au' theek
' stuff' ' w'eeth 'wool' . dot she can steeclr.
.A.n t
On tem cis bale upon cher head,
Seo )ilea leetfa feathra bed.
fet stero weer mak' her i'e01tt good
'tv"cr she ees carry lode. wood,
An' mebbe so eel help her, too,
'F'or carry more dan now she do.
So tnoorh wceth love my heart neo- stir'
I buy e1eeS Ieetla geeft for iter!
znebhe so, you gutta wife.
Dat's good as Trine to ole,
You, too, would tr•y to male iter life
So happy tis can be.
T. A. Drily. In Catholic Stannard and
Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
"le it t•lr froth here. without 2011'iexlee, tramping the st
"A halt '.lieu"`,- threo.cntar]etK of an i teem eerie. e. morning. till late evening, New
Ener if You don't walk rapitlli', 'York with all its teeming population, is
The depilty replaced the key on the ,,;y used aese:1, with no speck of green
it..r enle tt. 'Stone nice rhe 11.11 Mier, it es ierreea the eye or drop of water to
tlo.* lie said c tit 11 a parched tongue.: tet lit this diter.,
'Net at ail:' quid the l •' t. in a ems. + c .'rt of the imr'nrtuJlates Hero and there 1 II whet'e,'er h" sees I'll ride.
i,+ :1 tJ t reee tar i>etes Ben, are to h. found l.rt 'stn yz>in anti flop Iike a Crazy' top.
tntz'riing toll.. "Yon should have left it :,onit• eases. of these tit.e Bowery :,tis- Or flit t'te a wind -Whipped srno:ce,
1.1. tie it woe, but 0011 }Tilt are obliged stun is the "dost prominent. For over. Liu hell :ntw the 'feel of my remelted
tterty S• are Il. Irks steed as it haven or }reel
to g' to t'te bureau. Eryou ilotl'r 111 en, ',Cele refreshing t he unfortunates heti'
Bial r' a ec,ifll•t;riuf af;.li:t:tt milt Anil you'll in body and in :eine. No discrhninatloIs
. , q x to
1St^r'- the l,iw,,,
rave. cr.eed caste of class. The only
Wller. my le swings 'cross on a outlaw
Aud my .:etre clinell into hts hide,
lit. cin J'ar slut phut of er 'the hilt and
he fitted. 00rllnta'. given a tea; in plieon. is 1„,.ee et titp newery Mission a
re,sr'noJ't to its doily 18 mistortilAA. �lhth-
'1'.t clep'I` zit ro',ineile,l to r,y,ev 1'• the past thirty-two months the Nils-
ordrr',. ;-1',r'p "lint flay' he carries i,i•s ale,, Labor Pureatt has secured employ-
eeeeee in hiv l,.r ., , r , C'ri tit ' men, for almost tell thOliskrlrl men 11.nd
l,tJ'ia• nue ret rent .ot' these have been
f.tlevee, -'rl.e fti.v;etina Herald.
How the Fest of •iiarnndan Begins.
Since the to amsned.tn year is com-
pose(' of lunar months, the le -glinting e,1
the fast y t el.'telet?t upon the arinearanee
ai the new moon. Tile "torsi of the al-
waylay i'': net ta.l: tl 3.1 tree .'vh1enc•e, .and
-1 vee re. the Mufti the highest. ;e[ostenl ttf-
t,ci:tt in the .ration. deelaree the 'fast to
have berm', two e. e
Till hes :.appy to own he's broke.
Vol a nae is a man and a hawse is a
And tee Lawee may be prince of his
Eta he'll bow to the bit and the steel -
shod boot,
And oeii that. bis Boss is 111e elan.
\:1Ien 11x• t.!rele at Jest ullti'3;1t('lllr 1i1.
Gets up aed begins to Patti.
And n,:.• 1 et tongue strains at its bridle
'Wien 1 tackle the real outlaw;
When I get plata riled arrd my 802:308 go
Arcl MN, tetncer has'fractious growed,
11 he'll r.li':p his ne011 dust a trifli'l
tl 11a runeuR'1^+ must op
il a ii Mars to dirges I'm ")stowed.
near before 11!1,1 011c1,,wear that. drew
have seen the new men. In lx'eeleely the Ter mart a Is a.rl7an, but he's partly a
manner the. fast 00100.8 to 't oloee• beam--
The Mufti proclaims a three days' feast. 17P ,e,n bra€; nil l:e anal es yon clear,
trtt r.•iv,'1 the new 51101>n is seen iev two
r'+ the ialtt fill. this year tite 5r10051
WAS v151131 - in 1;'pher fegypt the '+ipllt r
f>rr it was obsereed in Cairo. Two eto-
lranitnedanrl no c1 t .N it tete):eeapl. sd cee.
°,,.el to the 'Alit , chi,:no- him to en-
7+uonce 'the feast 1'hiv he renew,' tc+tie
t,,i the gtorC:d t+ rt i3 telegram loin," not
take the place of two ;tiuslern a ie'leesex, %e loped •'wirelese telegraphy" by gleans
1'tanzsdatl lasted 0110 tray teener then it e,f druids made en 1loliti.w Xi> s *need tovrnuld have tested, bad tee oaielieee bee., rill + r
sti'ktiy followvecl -Tee C :ristien Nereid, wtlr 3 g p• •hes,
lint 11+e csee, Ione brute, from. the 'ti`est
to tee feast,
'1'i.at tae .taint "taste "+real: is plisse'€.
—•r:haries Badger, Jr., In Economic -td-
verritma•. •
.�...,..-..s..:ttt•-•• ,41:41»4141.
Indians at the I.Ipix.r Amazon lune de -
'rhe i'Onitr•ft'tion of of al Inar'ine grilse
and promenade. which will con.lee t , I)ow-•
er with St. ltargeret'a Bay, has just
been commenced. The roar) is being cut
out of the face of the cliff; to the east
of Dover. It will be GO feet wide, gent-
ly sloping up the face of the cliffs Inc a
distance of nearly n utile and a hall.
The elifl entting will necessitate the re-
moval of over a million tons of chalk.
In connection with the growth of
rural telephone eumpanies throughout
the Dominion, a new book has recently
appeared on the market which will be of
special interest to rnanyr 01 our readers
Realizing the need for radical in.
formation on this subject, the Northern
Electric and Manufacturing Company
has recently revised into- a large volume,
its bulletin on "flow to Mild Rural
Telephone Lines." This book, bound in
stiff, cloth -covered binding, contains
over a hundred profusely illustrated
pages of comprehensive information.
carefully indexed into seven chapters.
"How- to Build Rural Telephone Lines,"
deals with the complete story of the
telephone, mutual and stock company
organitation. line -survey and construc-
tion, the i'nstaIlation of the instruments,
the material required,the instrument it -
,r t
n regulation's- of
t'• re
" government It
self and the ,,,o e „
the subject. Each and every ono of
these subjects is dealt With fully and at
With this book in hand, anyone w+iln
can follow printed instructions, can
handle the complete °realization and
construction of a rural telephone coin,
pane, from start to finish. Notwithstand-
ing its cost, the Northern ecrie will
send this book free --hut only on re-
quest. and When the name of this paper
its mentioned. We would advise aTT of
our reader% who are in any degree in-
terested in the subject of rural foie-
pirines to write for it.
i'li ende Metter.)
"Mamma says than if you. could make
up your mind to go into papa's business,
Arthur, he would very likely consent to
our engagement."
'But. my darling girl. Pm a poet.
"That doesn't matter. 'ikon could
write the adve rtieenient rhymes for our
are new and entirely different from ordinary preparations. They accomplish
their purpose without disturbing the rest of the system, and are therefore the
ideal laxative for the nursing mother, as they do not affect the child.
Compounded, like all NA -DRU -CO preparations, by ezpert chemists. if
uasattsfactotyr we'll gladly return your money.
2c. s box. ; If your druggist has not yet stocked them,' send 25c. and we
will mail them. 24
National Drug ansa C4,anurni Cowpony of Canada. Limltai, • - Montreal.
;,,: y.,• ., ""4141.:.
Ciao Kuno bandied very rmatter'!ho rh"Cxeok ae0 "kept from Sluatng
the disease, by using sroffr '0 LIQUip 1'18TSeett'3Stt trema.
1„4.17o on tho tongue or 10 feed. Acts on the blood and expels
germs of all forms of distemper. beet remedy over known
Por mares In foal, 60o and $1 a bottle: tee and ell down, or
throats OutfrreeraBookletglreS err)hute.hi'argestseellin
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wliOLltl . Lk! »aU,BOieTs.
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They make no noise or rapu Iter—a quiet, ;toady flame. The match
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Tube, Palls and Washboards.
The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited,