HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-16, Page 10 Vol, XI, The °facial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township FRIDAY MORNING, DEC, 16, 1910, log This is a clearing sale in every sense of the i word. Prices have been marked down so low tt that the goods will sell quickly. Seldom have fi you had such a great opportunity to purchase first class goods at such prices. This sale will last II until the end of Decemoer. We want you to 6. come and look over our sale prices. We mention /only a few of the snaps we are offering. LADIES MANTLES LES Ail this season's styles. Every garment well nude and of stylish appearance. in order to clear haw reduced to fol- lowing low prices. _Regular $18.00 mantles for 13 50 11.50 " for 13.00 1G.00 « for 12.00 12.00 " for 9.50 10.00 C, for 8.00 << 11.00 °a for 3.50 $ ' 25.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 20.00 13.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 10.00 30.00 Misses Coats for 1.50 0.01) Misses Coats for 0.50 7.00 Misses Coats for 5.00 Children Coats fi otu $1.00 up. {. c. cc Alot of Mien's Overcoats .All new Fancy 'tt%eeris with college and military collars. '.Mie best styles .and ll,tttc.ras. +: its: these prices. Regular x;10 overcoats for 13.50 .c 14 ., for 10.50 12 i.,for0.00 11 for 5.50 10 "c for 7.50 0 for 0,00 •c (1.50 'c for 4.50 Boys' Llsters at equally low prices. CC GG MEN'S SUITS Mews tweet and worsted ready made suits at the follot i; g low 1n•tces to clear. 4 Suits regular w 13 for 111 3 suits regular 11.00 1(11• 10 suits regular 10.00 for 7 suits regular 0.00 for 0.00 4 suits regular 7.00 for 5.00 Also special 1•alncs In all lines of Snits up 10 MOO Boys' and Youth's Suits, large assortment at Bargain Prices. e.am sn rrIl0 1 .. mer_ ......+vrwm.�r,.a.Ursman FURS Colder weather is corning. Our stook of Furs is s til large. Big values in Ruffs, Throws, Muffs, Coats etc. Hand Bags A large ass artment of l.ac1ie,' Maned Pans. specials at $1.25 and 15 ei nts. Xmas .. Goods See onr r� n endless variety of goods suitable for gifts for member of the family. We have them, at all prices. are cordially invitedto look over our display. • every You Seasonable Hardware Rat•c, Lamps,. Perfection ..Oil Heaters, Skates, Arte:', 0 Cutlery, bilverware, Carving bets, Stove boards etc. P OD J E OF ALL K S TAKEN J. Pr•ee Telephone 9 el 9 ZURICH NQ 20 LOCA J NEWS. rWWWWWWW Men's and. w.atner,'s underwear; of all description, at D. S.Faust. Mr. Walter X)ualart of Berlin. was in town, on Monday. Come to D. S. Faust for hosiery, the best in town. Wante d -By married man; work on farm by the ,year. Apply to Box 277, Zurich P. 0. Miss Lily (wiper of near Credi- ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E. Wurm. Come to P. Bender for ;lot r Christmas slippers, prices lower than ever. Misses Fanny and Muriel Praetor spent Sunday, with friends at Dashwood. Mrs. E. Hamlin slid bliss Meyer;: of Hensall, spen 'Sunday at the home of Mrs. S. nni0. Mr. Abe Ca,pl:= of Stratford, visited at the la e of Mr, John Preeter, last Feel,:;- A1r. Julius :Thiel: of Kincardine is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel. WANTED -Any quantity ot hides atZuricli Tannery, for which highest market price will be paid in cash. Last Friday evening was most enjoyably spent by a number of young people et the home of Miss Lottie Galster, in playing games and other amusements. Mr. John Moritz of Nortli Dakota arrived on Saturday even- ing for a visit with his mother. Mrs. P. Ha Lichand.: other friends. He is looking well. IVIr. John Esserly of Usborne Township has been appointed Cen. sus Cominissioner foil SoutliHuron, by the Dominion Goixernment The census will be tai, l i l'dxt Jttne. Property •for. s r' 'n Zurich -- (400d frame house to stable and o, er an acre v ,r c3. (✓3t14,1 be divided into that. `'' ore choice building lots. For pitrticalurs ap ply at this office. ' The Christmas 6 tertainment of the Evangelical church of the 14th Con., will be herd nn Sante day Dec. lith. A good progrwn will be rendered. Mr. Jacob Deicbert wan in Armada i\iicli. last week and while there purchased a' ltardwere bn't- ness in company With his brother Eddie. The hailer will ntEtnsge, the business, which also includes! a harness shop ,nr , Dr. (Oven's,geon Oculist : , specialist will be at Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Fricia;i. Dee. 9th. Hours all day, (,lasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat '6 troubles treated. ."4., 3+>G1;E01:0E37! OCXr3C211S3=f=f3100, 01210101E tl 11 eliftS MODERATE PRICES 1 rates Dome aY d rook through this Store. You'll find sensible gifts for young and old. Here's a List 50 -39 1 312 Fancy la Bread Plates, China Derry Sets China . o- Set, China Jewel cases, Fancy colored glass jewel oases, Orniulo gold jewel . boxes, Ladies' hand ba.,s, Ladies' silk and wool scarfs, Lad-. ;es' sweater coats, Ladies' furs, Ladies' gloves, Men's fancy shirts, :Mien's necks\ ear, Ben's mufflers, Men's gloves, Men's fancy, hiatus, Men's braces, Men's sweater coats, l'ien's pipe with. case, Men's shaving set, CANDIES Etc. Choice Fancy Cream Candies, Christmas Tree Decoration Candies Three sizes in seedless oranges, Mix (iant3,g, Cart rock and Chocolate, •Walnuts, Altuonds Tilberts and Peanuts. We cannot mention everything. there. Come and see. .All Farm Produce taken in exchange D. Ss FAUST r. C. w PHONE 17 Z c; RICI3 frip\ llWAFcr�JSj MA iS7T Y Ap1i 'y ,NI: N "")**11\7 ,�J�tl iir. ,toise, who has been employed at the local branch of the Molsoris bank, has been transferred to the Toronto branch. He left for the city. on Wednesday, Moire has been an all around gond fellow while in town and ho ;•iii be missed by hiss many friends.' Messrs. T. Turnbull Jr , and G. Armstrong bought eaoh a Modern Malleable Range, of 0. Hurtleib last Creek. These rang have cut a wide swath 1n the I r ,ritrce of Ontario since they have been riot on the Canadian market only one year ago, already 15.000 has been sold to date. A record that beats all other tunes known. Auction Sale of 15 young high grade cows. and a num lu r of young cattle, on Lot 24 Coo 3 1311r. nn Wednesday Dec' 21+t at 1. ' 0 o'clock. Terms 10 twos joint notes or 6% per anutnn off for cash, All cows guaranteed in calf or money refunded and cows taken back. (aeo. Joynt prop., Thos.. Brown, aunt. Mr. Aclam S .13'attst cliecl on Thursday morning, after an illness of about ten days, The deceased has bad kidney trouble for years and this :with other complications was the cause of his death. 130 was in the 62nd year ot his age. Adam was a general favorite with old and young, and by his genial disposition made many warns friends, who regret his comparati- vely early death. He is survived by his widow, two sons and one daughter, besides two brothers and one sister and other relatives, who sincerely mourn his loss, The funeral will be held on Saturday at 2 o'olook and after t1 service in the Evangelical chnroh the remains will be laid to rest in the Bronson Line Cemeteryt • 1 1 1 For Father or q other "Him" or "Her'9 UN AT THIS \Va.trhes from Dollar up. Swish and Waltham. Chains and Fobs, 50 cents up,. Gold•Pearl Scraf Pins ;"2.011 up, Gold Filled and Roll plats • scraf pins 25 cents up. The best combination set Links and Pins you ever saw for 50 cts complete. Gold Pearl brooches and filled brooches, 25 cents up Bracelets dollar up, all the latest Parisian style. Rings all kinds 50 cents up. Neck chains and Penclents, lockets a fine assortment. Stork and folding embroidery scissors. Boker and Safety razors, one twenty live. J.tck knives, 5 cents r.p Cut Glass Ebony brushes and mirrors. Silverware. spoons, knives and forks. Mouthorgans and all kinds of musical goods and fittings. We cannot enumerate everything here. Come and see. If you don't soe what you want ask for it Prices Right Goods Right F. W. dMELLER 11 ESS ZURICH P. S. We do fine engraving on all our Goods, FtREI& OF CHARGE