HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-09, Page 8Phone 28 "THE STORE THAT SATISFIES" 11111200 t AND ess FLS - r crifici a., le We wish to announce that we are remod- eling our store. The Molsons Bank of Zurich will take possession of part of it. This alternat- ion will have to be made in a very short time to make room for the same, we will therefore have to place hurry -up prices on our tremendous stock. We will be giving big bargains in all fall and winter goods. Note a few of our specials Gents. Youths and Boys suits and Overcoats, Ladies' and Maids overcoats, sweaters. underwear mufflers, rnens socks, woollen and leather mitts, and everything in Dry Goods. We have no space to mention prices. Come and share with the bar- gains you will benefit by it. Unusual Values in Ladies' New Coats You'll surely like them. See tiles.° elegant garment and you'll realize their Uncom- mon attractiveness. Try them on and you'll see how perfectly they lit, wear one and you'll know what ex<:ellent fabrics they ire made of. The styles are simply captivating, yon cant help liking th''rn. The prices w&' ask do not begin to tell the truth worth of the garment. Are you ready to 'consider Furs? 2, ew Fur leekwear and Mutr. Caraeal coats, Our curs ate torr<et in quality and. fit. in all these points we guarantee to please our ctr•tomert. style; value, service, It pays to buy €.Blankets at fierner's Another big shipment just reeeivel direct from the manu- facturers. This adds special interest to the big ,new stock, on which we have been doing heavy selling. Trice's are low enough to make it North while buying now, even if you have to lay the blankets to a side for a while. Fine New Soft Clean Blankets Spee al�, y ,00 to Egl.50 hr. illiner We have decided to clear our Millinery stock early this Fea**Ori, we do not wish to carry over one 'hat. a hat at almost yo'tr own price. Come and get Highest pi ice, for duce fiENER AL MERCHANT I.ouri,� AWN OHYI;S/ We are alive yet, at the Old Place! .A. Bigger Stock of Everything than ever Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, Carriages covered and open all the latest styles in Bug- gies, all our own make. Also all kinds of Implem- ents, such as, all the lead- ing makes of Sulky and Walking plows. Root Palpers thatdifferent kinds L' ouden s:Double Steel Hay Pork track best made. Ex- tension ladders, Magnet Crean Separators. best skimmers and easy to run a durablr square gear ma- chine. Wheel barrows, .7olliette Grinder plates, all sizes. Metal pig, trough Where the Newest .7 Are l�.� W ayS there the l ewest Styles . ►sways6 hown First a V.0W•!1 Ca• 4•�•4*'O•-•C�•4•'</l7.4.0•ll4cA• We are always ready to do Business with --you at the— OLDEST BUSINESS PLACE IN TOWN F. r4 S ZURICH N FORS ALE. 15 acres of good pasture land adjoin- ing the village of Zurich and agricultural grounds, 2 good Village lots, 1 new dwell- ing house in good s tuation, also one large dwelling and large stable, good lawn in connection. Apply to E. Rennie, Hensall. liemiock & Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having a?large stook of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to cut to order any . bill up to 36 feet long in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD .,;BAYFIELD si a. es V Rus inA The. Young Men Of this town have fairlyswoop- ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other~Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. So if you want your suit to wear well and fit well havo it tailored with us. Suits from $12. to $24. Laundry in Connection W. H. HQr 1MAll Tailor, - ZURICH VD43251D4D 0 �e ilk° F tock 11 � Shoes tommomecteamomare You will :be surprised at our large stock g( of Shoes for men, women and children, but g� as leaders in the trade we have to keep the 0•I very best. Our turn -over is so large that pi we can and do give you better prices than g,�. you are accustomed to • get. Our Fall Stock 40V will be -found right. Call and examine ` it. P. ramalarsamsstancratatossa END ' , Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town -P•*a' 7• oci�•c��a000a (10DCZNEREKiXiEBEIM C7 QD 4DC i1 WANTED Girls wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and most up.to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing Ladies' waists. Girls ex- perieneed On power sewing machines preferred, but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quarters. Steady work. Good wages. THE STAR Wl3ITEWEAR MEG, 00. Berlin, IDQLESEQD Ontario. A FAMILY AFFAIR The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal may justly be cal• Jed a oparnily Affair" for in its S3 pages, each week thero are found eclustins of matter that interest every member of a family, whether old or young, and however nurner- ntts they, may be. It is the best eoutbitiahen family paper printed, and any fancily not now receiving it, should give it, a 1 rial for next year, The publishers, we under- stand, contemplate elaborate im provetnents next year which will mite it even' more valuable. This is the Malleable iron Range—the one y cannot break with an axe. The one the People Talk so much about It is built of the same material that is sold k peddlers, who charge the people $70 00. give- you a larger stove and more up-to-dat Our price is only $50.00 We have sold lots since this stove was plac on the market, and those now using it say is a World Beater. See it before you buy. 9 PHONE 13 ZURLC HURON'S LARC'v ST:CO4 B1Et1 ,;, TCO §:,STORE tilg Get our combination Door=kee you warm in wi iter and cool i summer. Windows glazed a repaired. .. te e buy .F ifl kinds of good log Custom sawing and Plani mill work done on short notic 1 ;\ '' . PHONE AlI FLEISJ ZU RI