HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-09, Page 5Fansagoospoumetmamotatoomopettroopizamoo READY! .1 0 9 We are ready I with a full line of IIolid,ay goods It will be to your advantage y to call on us be- I fore purchasing. i' i R. N. DOUGLAS, i General Merchant, B L A K E. i it Dant Da DcICIVElODOMOODOQlLIDODCMo4 0a12MODarroa `al, 1 011 EAT 'MA trET WE keep in stock a ii full line of fresh meats, hams, etc, etc • Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. A U GLUT M BE C IRTI ',�',+o�sou.,esuotryxv�-a:s�ne,,.ra,l�r+eK�t :r ARE YOU 1 RUPT IRED 1 1 eau etre the worst case of Rupture from infano)r to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. 8 S dill t. 88 Caledonia St. Stratfnrcl Dept. R. Ont. Name Address....... Age.,..... Tim eRtip Single or double,. .... Satisfaction guaranteed 51 D. S. Faust Inas a goodassort. ment of chinaware. The best display we ever had. S L, i (,1= The following report shows lace stitnding of the pet- s of U. l3 is No. 9, letani, :. tor leoveaxil,e'. I'Vcl yy ,,rr )vol inson, 3 , Ae 11iscat;, Jie thio cY. Sr II . Ibertti Finlay, Zapfe, Nancy Brennermatu. Jr II Gladys Douglas, Munson, Clarence Parke, Pb II (a) John Moyer, Meyers, Ruth Zirk. Pt It (b) Eva l3oyes, Sarah Erb, Harvey Moyer. Pt 1 (a) Herbie Moyer, Gordon Zirk, Carl MoClinchey. Pt I (b) Florence Boyes, Mary (xingerich, 13 ,nth Sehrag. G. S. Howard, Teacher. The London papers of Wednes- day, informs us. that Rev Mr. Johnston, of Ilderton an English i ettlement has accepted the call of Blake and Varna, and will preach his farewell sermon on Christmas. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kennel, on Dec. 2nd , a sox'. 1 When women get the ballot if a handsome mann gnus against a pretty girl what will be the result? An the women will vote for the her:daem(' marl, and all the men will vote i. or the pretty girl. Hus- bands and wives will quarrel over the affair, and the divorce counts will be choked with trade. It looks dangerous. The Good Booksays; "Man is fearfully and wonderfully made," If the fashionable woman had exis- ted at that time, elan would never have been mentioned. An exchange says ;that an up-to-date woman wears a rat's net in her hair, a corset hugs her tired waist, a washtub over her head, and a hobble skirt handcuffed at the ankles. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CALANDER POR 1911, The publishers of The Youth's Companion will, as always at this season, present to every subscriber whose subscription ($1.75) is paid for 1911 a beautiful Calender for the new year. The picture panel reproduces a water -color painting of an old time garden in a flood of summer sunshine, with a back- ........,,,nTi .,p Tnr,•,7,.,..�:rr nalnlnrq through which one patches a glimpse of distant hills. The picture being in 12 colors, the tones of the original are faithfully reproduced. HAY COUNCIL The cannon met on Thursday `2nd inst., with all Members present. A large number of accounts were pas. sed and ordered to be paid, parti• oulars of which will he found in the treasurer's statement to be issued shortly. .A regulation was made as to renting of the town hall for concerts etc. Hereafter the fee for entertainments for which an admission will be charg- ed, will be $5.00 per night. The charge for church socials or other ohnroh meetings will be $1 00 per night. The next council meeting will be held on the nth inst. F Resq Sr., Clerk. DECEMBER ROD AND GUN A .Christinassy flavor, with an abundance of light reading, marks the December number of Rod and. Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor; Limited, Woodstock, On- tario. included are some notable articles, Mr. Bonnyoastle Dale tel. ling of the contraststo be found at this season on t1ieTaoidc Coast' as compared with.. other portions of Canada ;while the delights of a canoe trip in New Brunswick with the exhilarating experiences of days of days of rapid water are well described by Mr. S. B. Bustin. Then there are fishing stories re. raltin the pleavnres of rod and line. Mrs. Charlotte C 1'aloottgiv. ing voice to the feelings of many who are inevitably led to engage in the proper season in a retiree - tion that has filled some of the happiest hours of their lives Big gawps hunters targe net forgotten suis n. planer by Dr Edward Greek on I utol,e•afl <I ft1 A;:i" ;ir,:iti method - is calculated to i,Ttvo ;alt ine°r•et.terl in genie problems in thi,, eemitry niw-h food for thought OrNp, bright verses, with an Old Tinto Stcaiy, 21414 Many other good thini.r.3 coninie t e tc number that for variety and inn rest is the equal of auy. that have ever gone before and 'crest :sub.:edit; the reputaitem which the lt►i.ugez i.ne has achieved, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Henry Holtz late of the Township of flay, in the County of Huron, fanner, deceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons . qui i,'aln or r'ct y i„ e in,:t, rhe late Henry Hotta:, who died on ar ab",t,t: ;ltra inti" tlLLV n° ' , +i 1.•atnrlaap of Haytante:. t, .-cud he il,. : ",' cn JDI[ce, . Cu* tesi, eeeet, .,aid deccatFed, reirees and addresses and full Parti• s in writing of their diaaians and seente of then. avi.otants and tine „of the securities, if any, hold by D NOTICE is further given that the 3rd day of January 1011, th•e exooutors will proceed to distribute ssets of the said decaaaasasei aanong theas entitled thereto, having regard 0 the claims of which they 41u1,11 then tad notice and that the said executors of be liable for the said assets or art thereof to any person of whose, they shall not then have received ed the 6th day of December 1910. D. Coeke, ,F+olieitor for said executors, NOTICE TO DEBTORSa ,•-i SS t.l i theiry. Willie onla Ada natur than AN after said the e porsot only t halve 1 will n any la cltaint entice Dat Judge Holt of'Goderioli., presided at the Division Court held here, on T2nesday„ Beaver vs Jdayter, judg- ment reserved. Massey Harris Co, vs Snider, was non•suited. A nutnber of judgment suuln;onsee, were disposed oft'. ATHLETIC WORLD The Athletic World. by its- T;?a. oember putnher morestrongly than ever establiaihea its positioia'as the best athletic and sports magazine in Canada. Its exhaustive treat, merit of the whole national and. world aspects and occurrences in the realm of outdoor and izidoer sports fills a tong felt want The illustrations are many and excel lent, depicting the happenings in universal athletics, especially pre- senting to Canadians everything of sporting moment in the Dorninion, giving a complete resume of the past month's seasonable sports, It is a national monthly of world scope for Canadian followers of athletic sports. The following is the . report of S. S. No 8 Hay, for the month of November. The names are in order of merit. V el. Chien Trnemner, Sr IV L Kuntz. Jr IV F. Klienfeldt, T, Kuntz, E. Hartman, G. Wiegand (absent ) Sr III T. Miller, L Mesaener, O. Truetnner. Sr II L Shumaolter, B Shurn, acher, 0. Kuntz, C. W1egand, C. Rarttnan, E. Messner, L. Broder- ick (absent) Jr II C. Becker, N. Miller, H. Booker, B. Wiegand, E. Hiienfeldt, N. Klienfeldt, H. Messner. Sr Pt 1 E. Miller. A. Hartman, W. Ziler, V, Becker, T. Messner, 21. Truemner. Jr Pt 1 Edward Messner, E. Klienfeldt, R. Hartman, Elda Messner. V. Graybiel,'leacher. STEPHEN COUNCIL, The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1910 at 1 p. ns. All members were present. The minutes of• the previous meeting were read and adopted. Anderson _Yearley ; ''That the Bond of the tax collector be re- ceived as read and filed in the clerk's office." •`Tuerth--Anderson: '.'That in the matter of the Morrison Drain- age Appeal, under the Ditches and Watercourses Aot, that the clerk be instructed to notify the Solici- tor of the Municipality not to open up this matter or offer any further argument or evidence,'. Carried. A. number of aecounis were or- deredto be paid particulars of which will appear in the ', treasur- ear'sannual.statement.i, ••, The council adjourned to meet again in the Town"Hali, Crediton, onThursday-, the 15th of December at 1 p, rel. Henry Silber, Tp. Clerk. Ch°sm scri'm'sColic, Cholera area Diarrhoea Remedy, vi.quo:1'SCiI.a..Miv it %T+w. rt may save lire. CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL. A short time ago, in answer to the question "What Canadian magazine have we to take the Place of foreign women's lour. reals?" the Montreal Gazette replied, ".Write to The Canadian Rome Journtil. Toronto., for a sample copy." We tire glad to give the swine suggestion to our readers It is a magazine of splendid quality and interest that roust appeal to all Canadians. December is a cheery attractive number, breathing the Christmas spirit,. It has very excellent stories: "The Turn of the Tide" by Virna Sheard ; "The Comfort ing of Eugene" which must reoa.11 the many small troubles -of child- hood that seemed so momentous "The Unoonfessed Cross" by Katharine Hale ; "A Pound of Tea" by Marion Waltham; some interesting chapters from. Mrs, i oClung's successful book, "The ,ecor Chance" and the serial lvel, "".T,aainne of the Marshes" by E Pilin lis Oppenhein . ;:ehris'nias is the great "home" clan . ul next best to being home are letters from the folies, and remernhraxaces however tarnall the intrinsic value may he. Even on opposite sides of the earth the wanderers unite to celebrate and so far as possible to reproduce the the home atmosphere. Nan 'MotiI- ton tells of a South .African 'Yule- tide in "Christmas in Natal," A new, chapter in the -Life of 'Dickens, that greet lover of Christmas, is interestingly told in Dickens. at Broadstairs, -by Emily Weaver. The children are well remember lid in this Cbristrnas nurnber with a prize rebus, geographical puzzles, and a geographical Christ- mas dinner. There are prize stories, too, that the childret, tell about their pets. Christmas suggestions fill many pages; there are novel and asf eeto. tive table decorations, well illus. trated from photographs ; decora. tions for rooms; plans for Chrise max entertainments, games fortune telling, charades ; Christmas menus and recipes aappiaati to the house- keeper who is looking for some- thing a little different. ,"' All persons inclobLea to the' estate of the late Henry Holtz must, pay thoir ac. counts to the nndcrsit;aod on oz' before Jiaan,ry3rd 1911. Claaiins outstanding •a.ftcr that date, will be `l,taeccl in other hands for collection. Dashwood. Dec. eth ION, ) • Geo. Ittlighoilar ( Exeoutors Latu'a Edi;;iaofYer 19-3 of henry II'o' n, deceased. 1 ant ready with a full Stock of Deering Implements in my wareroom Opposite the Town Hall .A. full supply of Wheelbarrows, Extension ladders, and will keep a complete stock of the leading makes of Plows and Points ; Dairymaid Cream Separators, Wagons and Sleighs. Give me a Call and see if I can't satisfy you. If I am not at home call at the Zurich Peed Store—they will show you my Stook. See our Clover Leaf .Manure Spreader before you buy, These Goods are SECOND TO NONE. DEERING AGENT - 77e R gl o D" IDODOMEDONSECOO MIDCDORCZEaDCOCQ,aDONDIDOVIDOOMOR aDC aDctYti24D(GWd3 D OD 4 �aD(7RaODCA0k9CD4aryyaC6 3 8 Q 8 1 8 8 f g8 tl 8 8 8 8 8 8 e sa and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR==Miivertoi, Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds of Peed and Grain always on hand. OH Cake,, i bby cream equiv= a i en t, Fl l "yi x Seed, whole and ground. litl. 11 6ASCiO 7�1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g *oa'',44D4V11)4DartAOD 2tD4D•f4DCZNIDaDMAI0DCWM4DR•iI2,OD024KI Q:eIDIOCILI+,trgiVID40Q7 4DOZg4DC.A4g4aar�„48 Nursery Stock a -• � � t For °tprh i live,? y Strong. straight trees with good t(;1Ja and an ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every tree gtlaranreecl strictly first grade and true to name. Our assortment of Apples is complete. We never had such a fine .lot of trees in this line: Send in list of stock minted, stating quantity. We will quote you sp(; 'sal priccs. Ask. for Catalogue. Take the Agency. I loos, W. Bowman Son. Co., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, - ON T AR1O D. S. Faust invites you to conte and look through his stock of j scaooL REPorT. Xmas goods, Mr. Louis Sehilbe of the 14t Carl., bas purchased Mr. Len Kipper's farm, at the corner o Zurich Road and 1 eth Con. Th ricepaid$. . p is 1 Possessior � U00 00. Posse..sto will be given April lst. h Tho following is the report of S. o i S. No 0, I:i,.,•, for the month of f i November. Nettles are in order of e 1 merit zI Sr II Zinnias Etsenbach, Koletta Foister, Beatrice tiennio. 7 . ., . ci Jr IV +..1•, r ,.ell, F,?°.:1I•cl Hey, Iiolaert Ewer h,,cia, Sr II)" •c 7 in - •(? i 1..'111;1111. 1. l:,� r' , c.h. Car.- : on i Waldfone UUorbe, t t7,ibti.:, '1 Sr pt1'ler,t.Ree•iei, Tudor Snaith t Irene Regia='oseti.e, uabus. } ,lr pt 1 tVesley in ituier, Garnet 1 ‘t'ildfong. , . I('las' A Luella Buechler, Lylaa (:iingeerioil. ':�'o. on roll :34. Average attend- clan;; 2 a, digs lfartleib, Teacher. The quicker a cold is €;otton n of the less the danger from pueu Leonia and other aurions diseasee Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Wavet•1y, Va , says! el untidy belie e berlain's Cou: h Remedy to „t absolutely the best preparation on the market for colcls. I have recommended it to my .friends and they all agree v'ith .me, ' For sale by all dealers. Mr, Menno Oesch of the Bronson Lino, one of the old settlers of the Township died at the hone of his 'on Rudy, on Saturday, at an ad- vanced age. The deceased had been poorly for sense time, and the attack of pneumonia, proved too much foe his ,frail oonstitottc*it \Ir, C)esoh was a. man of kindly disposition and he was respected by all who knew him. The funeral was held on Tuesday foreeoon, the interment taking place in the Amisoli cemetery. A large number if acquaintances and relatives were eresent to pay their respects to a orthy friend and neighbor. Tani 1B1 Az,n extends the sympathy of lie coanmunity to tho sorrowing You young risen come to 1) S ! r'auat's store and buy a fine present 'or yonr .mother, sister or belt irL Auhb n` rates. F•..:�FY.T1! S} al a l! tilt t<i r :'aka nlontsi • to offer tem c.' : tr;f, Io1. alutibing rates with 'Pal,' .i2w.r.1 11 Daily ( lone " $ ..t.25 r t iSi iii r\S RXaitir'e .1.2751 Weekly Glebe 1,00 , „ Empire 1,00 1i.' I l>•o ;nett :•'tai (C rli•nit1r) t:'.:,0 >n)a„ ser ,rl & Star ,..ani` 1,ytl Dui]) ' 1t lire. Via• Weekly Advertiser 1.ai0 W?lily l�rrlid vocate 2 2e