The Herald, 1910-12-09, Page 2PHIS CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method If you suffering from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and 1 wilt tell you luny to cure yourself at home by the new absorptiou re-at:merit; and wilt also send seine of n his henso treatment free for trial, 'with reference from your own locality it requested: Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no honey, leeit tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8, \Vizi//astir, Oat. SMART SAYINGS. (Frons December Smart Set.) 1•;rctwn--%V1iatt Litre you got age iust abet man Smith? ire has unite several gourd things, ,bones --ices, but 1 happen to be oue Flt them. `ee.rs. Gramercy -Ay husband is aux- .:elm; to get rid of me, Mrs, Park -Don't cry, d.eu r. In that rsy he won't hagelo over the alimony. "EVhat`s tea prevent. Int, from lensing demanded the bold 'u'. . "My goodness!" exelaiined the mer'. 4But it didn't. 1110warcl----Did you telephone Mr.:. 114,w• and that 1 would be deta#ntel at the of- fice until midnight?? Offite Boy-- -Yes. sir. •-•it:d what did ehe sae?" ledil she didn't bhune yeti-- h,, had Made etn'ertgugenlent to go to tIL the- atre, tonight herself. 'Liss, Reno -Do you believe #u a tuli• sorra dirorc? lave? .'Lire. Nevada -Let's See the uniform. 6 t`rewf,;l•d • Do you really lik; to +:**.l. your wife? f`ra'usliner--••T -can't say the: 1 do. but r% :'nand out it'., the heat plan. E Pk 11:f]Pd IMO For Horny, Scalds, Rails. Sores, Caty, S,1 sod Poison., eta. Scalds, Soothing IFT.ealind Pain elieviiiitd, Sucre Cure TRY IT. 25C, ALLL'c)Rc0QI$Te Mysterious Visitor's Oag of Gold. Anonymous gifts have been made to Llangollen Wels:t (Impels. .1 fes days ogle a mysterious visitor, w'11e:i: identity is unknown, reit a bag containing la 1trn:quantity of gull corns with the &aeon of Rehoboth Ulundi, instructional being also given as to their distribution among the cations 1 i 'iunations of toe 7orN11, ihs^ amour to b:' given to each iJeieg sat torth. :'LF•tint, on -Weep nistru:tiuns the, deo- tan. lies given sums of ens to a surge num- har ot religions bods;'; in tilt' dietriet, telt he still !nide a heavy ye ti tcd packet t•t,it'rainitilw 0 chi idernbee surd 1n tru.,t for Rehoboth Ultorcti, the largest in tile town. It will be creed in the presence t)V the t Nllgregation o11 Setnd0y at set.- vivre- l,ondnn Evening Standard. 4-6 Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "GRAN DMA'S CROSS.''' 11! lL annntes gone away to -day, _t.uct gralcdmsl's cross ; Ml. +naminu told me to• be good, Y'va• tried to help just all 1 could, etru?. haven't done a thing that should .44akc• grandma c't'U5 . i ainerrd away 11,0 breakfast things c:;tllit'l; a4 a fly 'tihe! gravy spilled a !hilt: mite., Although T hugged the platter tight, Hun if 7 11as 1211 "awful Leigh i," 1 didr.'1, 41'1, 1 welt upstairs: to inaLr le ilt:eds 5nd bust •irutln2l ; ] filled the l.aIli-tub to the print, .iu Tark 'Par r 5010 lea r•ta :o S101111. - .A ci then I jump((:( ill alter hint Hetero• 1,e nhnwned. 1 rr'a11' thou„!)t the parlor should lie dusted. tai ; ' o angel fr•11 down on his fare arid hit a Roy;i1 \ti'orr•.'ster rnSe- Y .tut the rhe es 14 1' 14 it place. °>r'1411 Stieeimes gine. 1'v'- Lr+an as good as {leen ea0 be - Pau Geer:d)01 0 cross I've swept. I've Ironed all my clothe:±, wa,-t•'d the w!n01rn i' with the hose - What in the woricl do you. suppose Altihrio gt•atr•riin:a moss ? »-;;aha. Melo ' leo vle. 111 r1111(11'011.0 :47ng'a- A.t ' "THE 1910 FEMALE." A Model Which Hut Not Pleased an English Vicar. 171e Rev, 1V. J. Stobatrt, :vdeer of Ctri•.brooee, 1.1' of f'r'ight, dellounees the ,10011th gal's Clothing in hie parish utl;lzinte 111 says: I'ut' some tviceh, pae1 we haee enjoy- ed tile presence of the saintlier visitor. But who tluvL-ea their clothing? ''We tete remember a time when the .110 11.,0 girl was a most attraetivt• erea- tare ..Leek at heeeli s pictures lo the old Numbers ui 1'11111 h: pretty, tasteful and bright, they were it pleasure to 'look at. But the I 01 female ,Cents either to be wrapped up in a bundle of rage, with 1 the least dean one spread over her hat and tied under her chin, or else she dls- cards as hitch of her clothing as she call, "Sita leaves her lint at Monte and ;els her head frill ot .lust; exposee her chest to every whet that blows, displays ank- les that show the solidity of her under• standing;•, and tIto" about the ia!:tnd hall clad, crumpled anti (1ust'laden, "I' it to eunvey 'u1 impression that they have all traveled in ntotnre? --be- muse some of the ruehiltg motors give one the sn ggeetioe of 0. miles of crushed humanity. females 'and children lying in It ]teas.." �t> Houle Kt DYE Is the way 1:9 VI,Ve Money. and Dress a Q is Try it! Simple as Washing with 111111, a tido, JUST THINK OF ITI Dyes Woof. Cot ton, Silk or Mixed Coo,3sPerfectiv with the OA.itit Dye -No chance of nl stakes. Fast and c i4tti.l t Caters 10 cents, from your druggist or Denier - Bend For Color Cord end STORY !tool/set. 16 The JoInton-RL•tterdsoa Co., Limited, Montreal. ,,,,,,,.024,1 Why One Girl Failed in Business. tl3y Cynthia, Grey.) She felt degraded because ole had be earn money. She luoked upon her employment its a makeshift until she could that a than willing to marry and :support her, \\'lieu she had mistakes puinted out to her she 1 esentod it as it pet:sunat mare ter. tile: never permitted business to. inter- fere with her pleasure. She etaycd up tate at night and was dull next day in .eousequenee. She used the telenhoue to pay social callkp dltritlg bttsaiu15s hours. She dreeeeel like a cheap: imitation of ti woman of fashion, instead Of neatly and quietly. She asked indulgence on the seore of being a woman. Minard's Liniment Cures Gargct in Cows. WOMEN AS ANGLERS. ".Patience and endurance, the two most wonderful characteristics of wo- man, are better deeviopetl in the year 1910 by practice in the are of fly fish- ing than by all the ereatinns of table centres and embrul-c'-e,•iee indulged in by the grandmother, of the girls of to- day. " Sueit was the dec:aeation made sty 1'. H. ('ook, vice-pt'esideut of the City of London Piscatorial Society. According to \]r. Cook, who is consid- ered to be one of the tuost expert fish- ermen of England, woman's great qual- ity in fishing is her determination. "If a woman wants to etltek a fish," he said, "she catches her fish. She goes on try- ing much longer than any man does - possibly bee:lose she has the power to suffer in silence. The nlau grumbles and grunts. and when the boat is very uncomfortable he frequently remarks: '00, let's go home!' The woman is dif- ferent. '1'd sooner jump into the lake than go home!' she says. -London Daily 111si1, '6 quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • • • 05 cents. ar-a.m--- THE OLDEST OAK IN ENGLAND. A correspondent having written to Mr. Lewis Ilareourt, First C omnlis- sioner of his Majesty's Office of Works, suggesting that for its proper protection a suitable fence should be placed around the famous old oak tree in Hampton Court Park, has re- ceived a reply in which the right honorable gentleman states: `(This fine old oak tree in which yon are so good as to take an interest in espec- ially under the care of the keepers and the staff of the park, who have .1,irt itlstruat'Ll4. from Mr. Ttarrourt as to its preservation and protection." The tree, which is situated close to the south side of the Long Water, .is reputed to be about a thouealyd yoaeS of age, and it le probably, the old. eat oar: tree 111 England. Its gigantic trunk two feet front thre'gr::)und meas- ures about forty-five feet around, litld being; quite hollow offers standing room for about a dozenpersons. The sides, ho1vevee, aro eo sturdy aA to give. support to a number of branches, some of them dead wood, but the greater number are still alive and come into buy every even'. Some time ago a quantity of dried .:grass and Paper was placed in the, •trunk by, it is anneMernl, rnisellie eel b:)ys, and set alight; with the result that the old oak was nearly destroyed. - ..From the London Tele.raoh. T The hest miumhe avn ever ollered.preClold ansd tllvnn4410tWaberehtee, ai(teern) $et Rings and Brooches, laughter- roduein Moving Picture Machines,11'mely IN)eeorate4 Tea Sets and many other premiums given 1/11/111 for selling, our high class Mad Em- bossed Picture Post Cards. The very tritest designs In Views Birthday, Floral, Noliday, Comics, re., ate for loc. Hell $1) CO worth and win one of these She premiums. You can sell them in an Boar or two, but don't delay, for we give an extra premium for prompt- ness. Write to -day and we will send you a paelcago and our trig premium list. tome with the crowds and get the best premiums .l offered. Write your mune and deur. ee very mainlyy, COB>1LT GOI D 1 EN CO. Dept. 320 Torontto, Cnt. THE STONE OF DESTINY. Dunstaffnage, on its lonely preci- pice, is 1101 1120'11 to look at, but its history has been big with fate for Scotland. In the Clint days of the Pict.; it stood .far the seat of C: weern- ment and intrbtred the famous Stone of Destiny now iLuler the Coronation Chair in \Vestn,l.t.'tier Abbe,.. :1 cranny in the raatle wall wag pointed out to the Writer last summer as the Sacred. ret'Ct0t41R1 . of 1110 1t1abitia] Slone. lie.ineth if. thl�ut_ht tire "tone would 1' - Sc • e 11 but, #) ,.t Scone, 111 al al 4y e. as it turned 140 transference only made it easy for Edward 1. to carry it off to 1,''e., 11,1 -ter, Thirty-two year, later on1' of Edward's sue‘ -es - 801'1 covenanted to return the stolen symbol to Seutland, bur perfidiously forgot the promise. 'lite stone, as every Scot knows, bided its time till King Sarnia carne over the border to sit on tho English tiu'nrre, and so fulfil the famous prophecy: "Except old seers do feign, And wizard wits be blind, The Scots in place must reign Where they this stone shall find." -From the London Chronicle. 1 was eared of terrible lumbago by 3i:INA1tD'a LINIMENT. REV. W\l. 13'IIOW:i. 1 was cured of a bad ease of earache liy MI.\AED'$ I tN fMi! i.. ' I''4, i4. islet 01,13, CIC. i`i a as ettt _ l ii'"ithe leers blit Ml y ARIYS tiiTtS. S- f S'PL"115. ,••...-1_11_1 LONG DRAWN OUT LAWSUITS. 'The great lawsuit, )\r yler vs. Lewis (to give its short title), tvlticit came to an end in the !louse of Lords yesterday, though it had lasted fifty-seven days in its various stages, ttoes not rival .other famous eases in length. The 'Tichburne civil trial, for instance, occupied 103 days, the Yarnell Commis - shell 1.28 days. The criminal trial of the Tichborne claimant was begun on April 23 and was notfinished until February 28 of the following year. This was the longest trial known 111 li;nglend and it is likely to remain so. The law pro- ceedings in the Tiehborne case are said to have cost the estate £02,000. it is quite likely that the expenses of the Dale just ended may exceed that sum. Counsel alone have pocketed close to £4.0,000. -London Chronicle, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. THE FIRESIDE FIEND. Once more across my hearth -stone Sa113 the shadow of any foe. AL1 now '011 spring time comes again no rest nor peace I'll ltttow; All through the long bright summer days, as happy as a lark I toiled with my garden plot„ from daylight until dark, I hoed and raked and delved and scraped, and trained the creeping vine, Arid when my poor old back complained I trade fie Outward sigitered hands And oft with burning, I rose at early dawn, and dragged my little "thunder car" across the bearded lawn: A very glutton for such work, I toiled without complaint, But now that term upon my hearth makes me feel sick and faint- 1te horrid shape, its sleek blaek sides, fills me with fear and awe, But more I dread its gaping mouth, and ever empty maw; Toe "haven" of poor Edgar Poe, I'd deem a bird of grace, If you would but consent to go, and yield to him your place; I;ut no -you cavern -mouthed .tend, I knew you've come to stay, And through the dreary winter months, e•on'li wear hriy soul away; Ire, fiend of iron heart and form, I know your ways. of old -- 1 ou'll 'wait until /the winter nights comm clown all dark and cold, Then when . you find me warm and sour, within lily old armchair, And buried deeply 10 a book, far from all earthly care. 'Tis then i'il hear your hated call. that fills my heart with woe, And 10(111.01 mo quit any warm tireslde for regions down below,-- Down .three dark flights of draughy stairs, into a baasementdleaachill, farm, I'1 have t0. lug y' your empty paunch to f111, Then as with chattering teeth I drag your weary weight up stairs, 1'11 realize why married men so seldom comp gray' hairs; Olt, better 'oar an early grave, beneath time rold green s0)1, Than 01)1 age final me still et slave, unto the grist t. on]-T7cd. 11el't'.o Bertram. :\cpon(et, plass. HY! N BOOK. liudyrarri Kipling and Marie Corel!, • Contribute to Pilethotllst tlylntial. lletlludia:a u y 414 to ld Lave ct,rltli 10,11 tueir 11411. 1 1)11- i1V1.., .1140 .1•i0C":dist aot;Nul 01110001 ;11:11 tt V.:41 ue printed 10 1)1140. 10Y 1110 1.40•01:1e1.440 114101 3 0110. bi tet:1;0,4 said etiiJ,l.:al.,).1 4:ol1ttlhitter). 1 c;I1'1:,011 i11I 410.eyan +vaL'tti Utt lata, 1, i. atuCu _att?litud'3t,,, 11.411 •4letitvul.ta, .11144 1,)6111001'0 or Lie1 •;:,idy4iU i'.:;ut'In 1.411411:. 1,U1J1..:.1e15 44141 1.,.,e .414 --:114).1 W1ti1 sue .,,61.1141.,16 :.41/14:3 ..it 4 •tiff41.41 a VL 11.0 ..i1,).'o,' seta L1.d 144,1 ;,./1,14 o,.., .t .) i41 •)e V.1...,1,1,1U .11 'tile 00140144.. .t4.,, ,.1111a1:.1:CaU l4.(4.14 ,11aU .a,4/N) .a;,n:u., 4.tlu 10 Ail, ,11110.,, Ata) tl,4 aEN 10,6144. sire/ ,,.,.44.11 •e «LeQ 4' .0) the bed 000o..:o.1 L 1 ,..4. t' c,.utlt,.'14 ill0111 Ili ery `Jt lice 00111)1, 4!' 1.1r&11 111 114110 dl: :111 :4114. .1a1'10 1. orse„ 'las i, ).. illthe110 been ret;a1Qeit 6.4 ,41 ..y11,o1 ..'ICM(. ,104, 1l ctrl 1.18 t,.4) D t.;i.afi ,1•.414 )J •,dlL1u(ta 11/ 1,01 in tee new 0.41.4. Leri-, ,-,..11l.teticllto: Ail 4111' 1.0411.1.4 0,110.,.•.11 IfJ1'141( Suftl,y sal - ))ay 18 10u1,01.1 -IJ, lr:ii"ikt sa comma, 0.1400) awl play -4" fe i6 very wetter aim ee tutlul cattle poen!. '1'l,e Iter. Sillaatel 11 ,rl:0 Lae LLca,i captured by the bit to .. Trot ')L)ry Sottg, ' and 11&.8 141'11.14)1, it 41..., ,1g, paatrloiac li;arin. s.itogetllee ditteetrut ir,111t the sen- timent el "'That will Be (.bury For eae." ' sing We the 11)124 lel n•1 18 i Noting. to Reign." 1s the bueoen of e 11 . 11.)1" 4 lyr- 1.', end he eont,c.t:ds " All nleu 3110.11 0111)11 la Itis marvellous Biqa, Ral:oes lour 8 e1A 141, lits lure 0:111 uult0, 3 uetl/ a and til 11,:e414 L1.s 0 )tr:i stall spllog, 1.1'Z0)t5 anal1 lir N0,10d 1111,:1 .f",us 141ns." The select lz.i., stated. had 11 sLr.)t1 „i'' -t .'lr. general t'Unlltiit 2 11 10 Ne '-elk t4-. 11.011 Ebert 1•~lilott's t',1. n W;it Thou 11 -<• Chu People ,, but the electors carries the I vete. and the 1.40014 1.11)4"!* t6 elitee. next . 1 (40,1 bora ;be iCtela, IS 13 41111911, ripe ,x t.1 at 1)"rorl of •110 14 10'. to conte 8, 1'054 ,1 11Vt,11. by ('hitt. 1 V. 211.V, 11'hlcil i:as hitherto ";.:aped pub. .leation. It it a fin._ blaster 1:y111n .0' •41:: :1)21.0:; )1 eeetaier mere. Tee, t1:rat 101'). 1 da : •• our living 11 .ogle 4i•.1 r, ri '.a':, At our esll, t�1r1!•l;en all 'I'ny trate 111.02:1;11?r.) add the last.- " There, ast. - ,•There, wt,t`1e 'el: on 1r+ -•n"..•i1.,1'0 us, 1.7.141181, Jul bop., Take, lis tip. To 'rev Has von restore sus." Klp]ing•s ' 11 alonai' •ue.l Our Birth," . Burton's " "There's A Ligil tip,:! the 3lonal.ains," is::t•','ttlaa. Itaset't's " Live is the Mee of Lire" u;ie among tilt: newer hylar., v 10415 1, Aerial Transportation, int Afeica. 1t is said that the Fern. lit e0inti:at army 1)1tende to establish a erlt6l tran.i- portation across the desert of Sahara to link the French North African iossts- si0ns with thole of the C.o41'; t,, One- critic remarks that in auitghtiug sated is likely to work ireelf iato the motor and that unless. the a.-ropiane fifes at. 0. height of over 1.1:00 feet sand storm's may play hitvoe with the machin- ery.. Tlw French ogre likcsviu' eonsider- fng earryins nail by aero donee in Made- ge$eTr $CIWOe11 Anta,nal al:eir, .":tntl)osit- rat and Fehmrantsot. "trllte "11..t:mee ettel1 way is 2:50 miles, and ie takes a week to c10lii'er the .hail at Flinerantesoa. An aeroplane eould cover the iletanwe in !six hours.. -Prom the Scientific' American, Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. THE HAND AND THE :RAIN, The processes of reasoning by withal Scientific conclusions are roe?ached some- times equal in rnterest the 0eneluelcn5 themselves. Not long ago a skull was discovered at Chapelle-aex-Saints, in Terence, which has been pronounced to be probably the oldest bodily eerie Of pre- historic man yet found. It Las many of the characters of the monkey, and shows little indication of intelligence : but care- ful examination reveals a slight excess of size of the left hemisphere, from which it is argued that the owner of the skull was right-handed, and consequently a user of tools. a conclusion which is thought to he supported by the fact that ancient stone implements were found In the nei- ghborhood. eae• SERVED HIM RIGHT. (Philadelphia Record.) The ship was sinking. A great pante was imminent. "What shell we do?"' cried the terrified prussengers. "Send for the barber," remarked the professional •ititmorist. "He's tate only man on board who ran razor." With justifiable rage they hurled him into the angry 8(1a. NO. 4191.910 AGENTS W A Nl1 r........,.....-1111,.... .,...:....,...,.. a') ANVASSEIiS WANTED. Tv1h17ICL' 4 J salary Paid, Alfred Tyler, 855 Clar- ence street. London, Ont. • Agents Wanted Two neT lines. Apply, (30.101•)', 521:1 1l- o,'r4, al.ree1, 0ttltwa. FARMS FOR SA.LA;. SCh/AL, E1STATTI FOR SALE -SPLENDID Ha-ha near City ut. London, 1255 acres, with targe buiidtugs , easy terms ; cheap 11(1:4101.' irinl•tgsge, apply at once, GbS- SON, HARPER do GIBBONS, Barrirrters, Lon]on. Ont. - Dr. Marta ?s Female Pi g SIEVENTEEN YEARS 'l HE S!'.AlsWAitli Prescribed and recommended tor wo• men's ailments, a scientifically pro• pared rernsdy of proven worth. 'Inv result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. These Four Rings F"Filt VIM Write for 12 pieoes ut our goods to sell at 101: each. Remit $1.110 when sold, and we will send free these 4 genuine: gold plated rings a g Ota, ranteed to glee: eatist'autlon. FRI14NI) SO.A.P 00., IDept. 79, BOSTON, MA.S1. This elegant water(, stem wind and set,.t Whey engraved I loLII)• S1LYFrt 0011108, F('LLY (1I,701,Z.11): 'MED, will bo sent you FREE If you sell! onlyy. $3.60 worth of our beauti- fully colored mat emboss- ed postcards at 8 for'IOC. These ate the very latest designs i11 Views, Floral, Il0Tida , Cooker, &C. The swiftest sellers. Just show therm and take in tho money, 'Send your limo 01141 address pliiuly written, and we wilt man' you t package td (lards arid our big premium list.. Dott'tdetay,forweglve this extra present forpre:ept- ees:t. COBALT GOLD PEN CO., Dept. 3(11 Toronto, Ont. glmasoall•INO• 0011.61"91.121 CAMERA axed Photo Franke F4tE,E 1,- We give Cant - era. S pekgs. t3Z plates, develop- ing outfit in - et r rt ctionc, a 'u handsome photo - b r oocb frame Free .or selling 12 pieces of our ;'nods RI. 10e each. You can earn money malt - in, photo brooches with this, tivrito for goods. FRIEND SOAP CO., Dept. 778,. BOS'PON, MASS. • Feats of a Champion Swordsman... .Squadron-C')rporal-Major Eggle ton, ore of the finest avl'ordsmen in the .hritigh neatly, is retiring shortly from the'llls.y,:.nl noise Guards (Mies) alter twenty-one years service. One of the Corporis]-lTajor's sward feats is to. cut in two an apple• resting on the neck of a kneeling assistant. Af- ter a swift downward sword eat the halves of the apple roll away and the as- sistant rises unharmed. Another feat is with a horizontal stroke to sever an ap- ple placed on a loan's bead. The Corporal -Major has won many prime at the military tournament and has given displays of Ms skill before Quen Victoria, the late King Edward anti Xing George. -From the London Daily Mail. 7 qutcllly 4(000 conliha, cures colds, heat% the throat mad Sunlis. - - - 25 coats_ a b FROM A ROMAN VINTAGE. That the Romans of old knew some- thing of vintages is proved by the flnd- ing of s. vial of wine believed to be 3,000 years old In an old Roman cemetery near Bordeaux. In Popular Mechanics men- tion is made of the find, the manufacture of the find being ascribed to the Syrians, who were at that time in close commer- cial relations with what is now the big' French wine country. We ought to call in reason, like a good physician, as a help in misfortune, -•Epictetus. l rs., will cave you Aa,rs of miisorn. Thep atop the haadlxahrt but do you int' harm, 25 eentr a Soar at alt dour/pieta', ?.ATff0Nr1.L DRUG,& eruoMICI A'R. 'c®. 05' CAN.AJDA, I.aM1'rE» SG t6@' 30.,once.@twu.,===.02...J Seezece meinenvecoreer oaS' eeme FOR. DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL 'NOSE AND TIAROAT DISEASES ,, Cures else sick and acts as a preventative for others. Liquid given on the tongue. Sate for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy r, `.l 50 cents a bottle; $0.00 the dozen. Sold by alt druggists and harness houses. Distrtbutore---ALL WBOLE5c1L14 DRUGGISTS. SPORN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, Ind.,13. S. A. '>tlMEZINEWalalatI .'''MMEMS fdtu i.Ni+' di5"a trie.+stitil n^� r I ,,,...,..., µ .......,.,.. llama. arm.,-.....- .......,.......d,.,-...lerUI ..e..m•..,- I DY' "SEE R99 TCHES ARE TE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, T L E FIRST STRIKE They make uo noise or sputter -a quiet, steady Flame. The match for the smoker. the office and the home. All.good do(lers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, Filbreware, Tubs, PMils and Washboards, The E. ED ^:fit 11 Co., Limited, Mi, CANA A 1.1 'h.