The Herald, 1910-12-09, Page 1billy*••••••11,11.0111.1•••••••*,•••••••••••,••••••••••.••••••••,
The Official Organ, of Zuri911 and Hay Township
4101811EItt3d2s9CWM:28001:1C708CME Mit7ttal=3C031EV •ra:Si4.0-MMGC:atiO
To the end
of December.
Reductio s in
Ladies' Mantles
Children's Coats
Mens' Overcoats
Boys' Overcoats
Ready=made Suits
All lines of Furs
Fall and Winter Dressgoods
This Sale Means
Ili Your Pocket S re
•Do;rt Miss It
All new and a i5
on display now.
bigger selection than ever before.
See Our Lhies A
Carpet Sweepers, Carving
1 ' Sets, Silverware, Cutlery, 0
Skates, Hockey Sticks, i
Sad Irons, 4.,ells, etc. im,
1 ' e want you to come and 0
oook mizr our big stock o
• - 1
1 ---"P ADijailiF ALL KSTAKE
Telephone 9 - ZURICH!
ac:3013*.ls=t11 X3eial<34300rEM:343CNOMOOKOZIREMPE MOCK
grt,... orp.airtrATWFMr--.'.,b4-114:2141D41:),-,^.1,
We would like, to get a copy of
THE HERALD Of ov. 4th. •
Mr W, W. Kaiser of • London
visited Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Axt, last
week, , •
Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside, of Kempt.
ville, is visiting. her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 3, A,. Wililams.
Wanted—By inarried man ; work
on farm by the year. Apply to
Box 277, Zuric4 P. 0.
Miss Laura Preeter of Dashwood
is visiting at the home of Mr and
Mrs. 3. Preeter, this week.
Rev. A. D. Gisehler assisted Rev
E. H, Bean, Orediton in revival.
meetings, on 'Monday evening.
Mr, Ed. li/lerner intends giving
up farming and will go into b usi-
ness, in Hayfield.
D. S. Faust has a good range of
Xmas toys ter the boys. Come
and see our moving trains
Mr. Ed.. Seibert of Dashwood,
spent Monday at the home of blr.
J. Preeter,
Mr.. John Roth of Now Hamburg
is visiting his daughter. Mrs.
Rudy Schwartzentruber, this week.
Mr. C. Bartleib is busy this week
installing a Sunshine furnace in
Merner's block: -
Rev. A. D. Qischler attended the
South Huron Ministerial meeting
at Exeter; on Monday afternoon.
Messrs. Ira and Fraser Brauti...of
Crediton, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Preeter.
The Young, Men's Bible Class
contest of tho Evangelical Sunday
School, will close next Sunday.
D. 8. Faust has a good supply of
fanoy candies, walnuts, alumnus,
filberts and peanuts for xtn s
Mr. F. W; Hess, our popular
Jeweller reoetitI7,added two hand
sonicsix;fooli oases 4o his
Misses • Myrtle Horner, Dora
Geiger, and MessrsBlake Horner
and August Koehler spent Mon
day at Varna..
Eveiy family has need of a good,
relible liniment- Or sprains,
bruises, soreness of the muscles
and rheumatic pains there is none
better than Chamberlain's. Sold
by all dealers.
Lutheran Church --.The evening
service in St. Peter's Lutheran
church will be conducted in
English. Miss M. Short will
render a sacred solo. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Among those who attended the
funeral of the late Menno Oeseh
were Mr, Henry Brennerman and
daughter of New Hamburg, Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Zehr of Welles.
ley. and Mr. John. Roth of New.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at. Commercial
Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, Dec.
9th. Hours all day. Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
The members of the Yontig,
People's Alliance of the Evangelicell
elinrch, elected. the following offi-
cers on Tuesday evening Pres ,
W. la, Pfile.; Vice -Pres Miss Lydia
Faust; Cor -Sec, Mies Pearl Wiirtz ;
Reu-Sec, Miss Melvina Koehler;
Treas., Roland Geiger; Organist,
Miss Gladys MciNevin ; Asst, Organ-
ist, Miss Lottie Galster ; Lihrartans
bliss Ada, Ortwein, Miss Flossie
Hartleib. Motto For the Glory
of God and the Good of Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Monier of
the Bronson Line, mourn the clea th
of their son Mervin, a bright little
fellow ot about three years, which
sad event ocourred on Wednesday
evening. He had been quite ill a
month or so ago. but Virtif3 malting
satisfactory progress, until this
week, when bronchitis set in, and
the end came, rapid/y. The funeral
will be held on Saturday after-
noon. The sincerest sympathy is
extended to tbe sorrowing parents
in their affliction.
The election of officers Ladies
Aid of the Evangelioal church, on
Tuesday afternoon, resulted as fol-
lows :—Pres, Mrs. (Rev.) A. D.
Gischler ; 1st Vies Pres. Mrs, Oon.
Wagner ; 2nd Vice -Pres. Miss Lydia
Faust; Rec-Sec, Mrs. Ed Axt ; Cor -
Sec, Mrs. D. S. Faust; Treasurer,
Mrs. J. Preeter ; Organist, Mrs. W.
Hoffman ; Ass. Organist, Mrs. Wm.
Calfas. The Ladies Aid is compos-
ed of 30 members and is in a pros.
perons condition
NO 19
-3ka *to -
For cold weather, which means that you will
require warmer Clothing. Faust's Store has
gained the confidence of the public by its fair
way of dealing. It makes all persous welcome
whether they intenk to buy or not.
Here are some Bargains
Men's Fur Coats
dog coat, regular price $22.00, now for
black beaver Cloth coat, heavy lined.
with high fur collar, regular price
was $20.00, now for cash
rlen's Overcoats
1 overcoat, black, reg. price $8 75. for
1 overcoat, regular price $10. for
Ladies' Coats
black coats, regular price $6.00 for . 4 50
All our Ladies' Cloth Coats are now selling below cost
Boys' Overcoats
Wo are selling all our Boys' Overcoats below cost prices.
rlillinery IIats half Price
We are selling all our Millinery Hats at half price—the
regular price cut in two.
All Farm Produce taken in exchange
For Father or IVIother
"Kim" or "Her"
Watches from Dollar un,
Swiss and Waltham.
Chains and Fobs, 50 cents ur,
Gold -Pearl Scraf Pins $2.00
Gold Filled and Roll plate
soraf 0118 20 cents up.
The hest COM hi n a ti on sc.t,
Links and Pins yon ever
saw for 50 cts complete.
Grid Pearl brooches end filled
brooches, 25 cents up
B•licelets dollar tip, all the
latest Parisian style.
Neck chains and Pendents,
lookets a tine assortment.
Stork and folding embroidery
Boker and Safety mors, one
twenty five.
Jack knives, .5 cents up
Out Glass Ebony brushes and
Silver warp. spoons, knives
and forks.
Mouthorgans and all kinds of
Rings all kinds 50 cents up. musical goods and fittings.
We cannot enumerate everything here. Ccmp tql see. It you
dcn't see what you want ask for it,
Prices Right Goods Right
P. S. We do fine engraving on all our Good, FREE OF CHARGE