The Herald, 1910-12-02, Page 6*DOWD QD43 ((DQMCID (t ale s© MUDD aD Si0.GilUDaDCiESSDa 1 iv Capital paid up $4,000,000 1 Total Assets Iiead Office ra Aber i y itCity,Edmonton Lethbridge. l to Ca gars, 4amrose, Diamoi 1 , g es British Columbia --Revelstoke, Vancouver, Rrestminister A. a Manitoba -Winnipeg, Portage Ave. Ontario-Alvinston, Amherstburg, Aylmer, Brookville, Chesterville, Clinton, 1)rumbo, Dutton. Exeter, Forest, Franktor, Hensall, Hamilton - James Street, Market Branch, Highgate, Iroquois, Kingsville, Kirkton, A Latnbton Mills, London, Lucknow, Meaforci, Merlin, Morrisburg,. Norwich, , Ottawan,Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetown, Simms, Smiih's Falls, St. Marys, St. Thomas, West End, East End. Branch, Toronto -Bay 'Street • Queen St. W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West Toronto, VVilliainsburg., Woodstock, Zurich. ,1 • Quebec-Arthabaslia, Chicoutimi, Drutnmondville, Fraserville and a Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks. Montreal -Cote des Neiges. St, James St., St. Catherine, Sb. Branch. St. Henri Branch, Ma connanus Branch, Market and Harboror Branch, Pierre- villa, ieire.villa, Quebec, Richmond, Roberval, Sorel, St. Cesaire. Ste. Flavie Station, a St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Viotoriaville, Waterloo. The Ilolsons Bank Reserve Fund $4400,000 over 44,000,000 Montreal e'1 p BRANCHES AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND COLONIES -London and Liverpool-Parr's Bank Limited. Deland -Munster & Leinster Bank, Limited. Australia and New Zealand -Tho Union Bank of Australia, Limited. South Africa -The Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. FOREION AGEsTs-F rance-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- 4 gi um Antwerp -La Banque d'Anverti China and Japan -Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba -Banco Nacional de Cuba, . , n... , I -v.+". in all the tl.lrlt,:t.L'u i_, Lisa_..... .,. "... _.,,. ;. principal cities. Zurich Branch m 3. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent as D C,,D GEKOPIM { D=e3CODtQD QD LEGAL. CARDS. 4 eve) SID H. J. U. COOKE, BARRISTER ANI) SO- lieitc'r, Notary Public, Hensall, Ontario. At Zc'rich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, eta Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K: C. R. 0. Hass. J. L. Killerun. IVIED/CAL DR.1..� T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; tulsn ussietant ::nrg. r n st Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal mit) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DA HWOOD, ONT, BUSINESS CARDS. E3. S. PHILLIPS? AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms 'easonable. Orders lrft at this office will be 1 rcnlptly attendcil to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. OR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetios of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De ods , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care • fully and promptly prepared. Office- . Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS Ctl0F . Court Zurich No. 1240 • meets every ]et and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. ht ERN:ER, C. R. Ana • TT�-riekbeil Lodge .• No, 3 93, nets the 2nd and 4th Friday cf every mor)», a t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merger 131oek. Fam,. Z'i'ITwISit ,M. W MARKET R]JPORT.-The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up tc Thnrsrlay, Barley .... , 50 to 50 Peas 75 Bran 20.00 22 00 22.00 Oats it 32 Wh eat .. , . 82 83 Five. Roses fiour., .......... 3.00 Purity . . , 3.00 Royal Household. .... 2.20 Choce family , . 2.75. Hay .. .. 6.00 7.00 Dried ttpples ,... 5 5 Clover seed 8,00 9,00 Potatoes .. 25 25 Butter: .... 20 20 24 24 6.55 Eggs Bogs 1iveweiget IENSALL MARKETS C ok's Best Flour.... cheat.,••••• r. • ... tht'in . • P41-r1@y ....1 Tear„F..• 6.,.11 0 Hoge livowei ',lit e , • • • ► e 2 75 1.Ob 32 32 •4 5" 80 80 6,55 9s E 1.3qA. 1 PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY DEC 2nd. 1910. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the Zurich P. S. for November. Report i9 ba.erd on testpspers, regularity, attendance and general proficiency. The teachers wish to thank the parents for the excellent attendance during the month Where marks are not given pupils missed exams. 'nth Form l.iarshall Zeller 79 ; Rineman Kalbfieiscb 75 ; Ada Wurm 70 ; Freda Kalhfieisch 62 ; Flora Hess 57 ; Olive O'Brien 65 : Muriel Preeter 54. Forum 117 Sr Orland Johnston 75 ; Fred Thiel 62 ; Clarence Hoffman 59 ; Ferd Ho wale 58 : Clayton Hoffman 53 ; Arnold Leibold. Form IV Jr Alma Axt 79 ; Her- bert Wurm 72 ; Laura Dchilbe 72 ;. Karl Schnell 70 ; Elva Heyrock 70 ; Violet Pass 69 ; Russell Zeller 62 ; Gertie Weseloh 57; Theodore Foster 54; John McCormick 52 ; Leonard Davidson 50; Louis Zettel 48: Idella Brenner. Form III Sr Erna Fritz 88 ; Lloyd Kalbfleisoh 82 ; Hazen Zeller 81; Veda Fri i. 'r ; Harry Rose 70 ; Ears Rau 67; tiert,ie Weber 33; Ferdinand Haberer 62 ; Roy Appel 50 ; Theodore Mittelholtz 58 ; Mel- vin Braun 56 ; Ada Braun 54 ; Arnold Hildebrandt; Bernard Hildebandt. Enrollment 40. Av erage attendance 36.5 W. G. Beaton, Teacher. Room 2 Enrollment 48. Average attendance 41.ti Room 3 Enrollment 48. Average attendance 4:3. The following is the school re- port for room 3. • Sr pt II Margaret Hess, Graham Merner, Lawrence Ran. Clarence Branner, Frances Zeller, Louisa Howald. Jr pt II Russel Preeter, Clarence Foster, Mildred Hoffman, Rose Hess end Leroy O'Brien equal, Ruth iartleib, Jean Campbell, Pearl Walpe'r, Freddy Weseloh, Theodore Leibold, Claytns Mittel - bolts. Margaret Siemon, Alphon- see Dietrich, Alma Uttley. Sr I Olive'Zettel, Ronald Wit. war, Ha.l.ola seemed. Armina Bren ner. Owls Hildebrandt. Jr I , , Deichert, Leonard Ise a. Have Pester, Irwin Fisher, l:thone siiltellioltz, Margaret h1/, . Second class .Jacob Ila beeer, Iva Kalbfieisch, Marjorie Fritz, Ivan Kalish 3seh..T'o .Jeffrey, Alfon Lei - bold, Gordon Zettel. First class Lloyd Hey, Nelson Jeffrey, Lloyd Sararas, Clara Se. rares, Richard .Jeffrey, Mabel Bender, Laura Dietrich, Minnie Uttley. Gladys MoNevin, Teacher, OVER 65 YEARS! EXPERIENCE rll TRADE MARKS DESIGNS WVii t1N COPYRIGHTS O. anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably' patentable. Communica- tionsstriotlyooutldontlal. 11ANDB001C on Patents sent, free. Oldest agency for securing patents. 'Patents to ea t cough Munn & . reeotv9 epcanotice, elwithout (theta% iu the ithout(theta,,iiuthe 9igqn o A. 'handsomely illnatrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any' Seientille journal. Terns for Canada, rats a year, postage prepaid. Sold by R newsdeaiore. UNil CO,261 ondivay, New York Branch OfldG, 425 A' Ste Washin6tteu, D, C. W. c. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS "Thank God'-' murmured the in valid "Oh thank God !" "One more thing," continued the youth biding his face in the pill sw beside her, as his voice fell to a whisper "I and young, you may think me foolish-, but 1 want you to share al of my life possible, manna, I think I love Eva Fessenden". There was a slight pressure of Ms hand. I have told her so and she returns my effeotioris; and her father writ es that if we continue to think as we do now when my profession is learned he will be happy to call me his son. He paused, A momen of silence ensued, then his mother's lips sought his, "You have chosen as I would hove chosen for you had. I been able, Justin, God is answer- ing all of my pavers before I go you will be,anothsr man like your uncle" "God grant it he answ. ered fervently, "But a happier one in some -ways 1 anticipate Jus- tin. I want you to promise me to make up to him as far as possible, what I denied him. Do not mourn, darling, live for John, think of him, consult him, obey, love revere him, And Eva; kiss me, my boy, kiss me for her and for yourself, I am weary with gladness" So else remembered°all, so she entrusted John to Justin. and Justin to John and to live for each other. Her messages were a'tl given, her last little ants of kindness all done, she had nothing to do but to die ; and thus the end drew nigh. Dr Drout- ly had been detained, a patient lay very ill. He knew that unless he stood over him and battled for his life death would inevitably ensue. So he stayed anti fought and con- quered then he turned away to where his heart had been all day, where human skill could no longer avail to where the death angel even now stood at the door. Softly he crept over the stairs and into the room where lay. The nurse passed out at his appearing and only Jus. tin remained kneeling at the bed- side face hidden in the coverlet. There was a strange loveliness on the dying woman's countenance, in all her life it had never looked fairer, but it was a loveliness not of earth, Dr Droutly knew that the cherished. idol of his heart was slipping from him ; that she had not hours but only moments to live, A mighty, over mastering yearniug-seized him, a yearning to clasp her to his bosom ; to hold her against tb@beat that bad throb- bed So to g acl71fir her - these many years, to call her his own ; if but in death, to say tender things to her, to let her breathe out her life in the arms that had ached for lack of her weight, that had tried to shield her from the cares of life. "Helen !Helen 1 my poor darling 1" he whistered brokenly as he bent over hexa sort of sadness upon him, a Iiiadnese born of agony un- speakable. She turned her eyes on him, those wonderful, unearthly eyes. ^ls it you, John? I thought it mast be Maurice" she said feeb- ly, coming back to consciousness and speaking her Husband's name for the firsttime in all these years. Then tL paroxysm of pain attacked her, twisting and distorting her slender form. He put a soothing potion to her lips, ],laced her in an easier position, arranged her pil- lows. She was not lies even in death. Be stood and watched her, unable to bring her relief. It had been his lifework to save, to com- fort her ; to put himself between her and this last enemy was tortur- ing him,gyet he did not move. He saw death creeping up over her face, the face be loved, a strange, new agony . convulsed the fair features, "it grows dark" she gasp- ed, and he could not give her light. Oh, for power tb snatch her from her fate, to bear her to the death- less land! If only be could drain her cup and Get her free ! "Would that I might die for you, my dar- ling" las said, his voice quivering with emotion "Oh, that 1 might go with you, help you over all the way." She smiled oh such a rad- iant smile! she turned her eyes on him once more, "True heart 1" 1 t W ltry 11 inds Every LVf onday and Friday Forenoon. Highest cash Prices paid. Jas. Whyte, Ag MA$SEY.L AIi,RIS COs s she said. Then slowly, painfully, she put out her little hand, already claving with the dews of death, in his. "The way is strange," she whisperers, but the Guide is not, I do not fear, Another spasm of pain Oh, how fast she was going and how hard ! she tried to move her other hand, her eyes were on her bov's sunny head ; John under- stood and touched bins. "Give mania your hand my boy," he said to the dazed youth ; and John lift- ed the face and placed his band shndderingly into the feeble palm awaiting it. She smiled and drew it toward her other hand still clas- ped in John's "I give him to you" she gasped. ' Oh, John, faithful friend, dear brother, I give my all to you; bring hila with yon when you come." So in death as in life she accorded him his true plane. He kissed tenderly the lips he dar- ed not press in life ; he smoothed gently the fair locks from the marble brow with fingers that had ached to offer such caress in other days ; he closed the eyes that could no longer see ; then he drew the orphan to his broad breast and held him fast. "My son," he said "my son !" and broke down utterly and sobbed. Clasped in each other's arms they wept ; "And God do so to me and more, also if ought but death part you and rue, whispered John. It was a glorious moonlit night in late fall and prayer meet- ing evening also. Keith and El. were loitering on their way home ; be with the story of his love near his lips ; she with a dim conscious- ness of the same -woman -like - longing yet fearing the recital, keeping him from his purpose by talking upon indifferent themes "A fire !" he said as a gong sound- ed, and presently an engine, belch- ing with fire, dashed snorting by. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pros. Supt. Horn WILLERT-At Babylon Line Hay, on the 21st Nov., to Mr. and Mrs. George Willort, a daughter. SCOTT -At Hensall on Nov. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott, a son. JEFFREY -At the Bauble Line Hay. on Nov. 29th to Mr. and Mrs, Leon Jeffrey Jr., a daughter. FROM GOOD ROADS PUBCICI TIES ASSOCIATION, DUST LAYING AT OWEN SOUND The sandy lake shore soil, upon wl'.ioh Owen Sound is located, re- sults in very 'dusty streets. No matter how much rain falls, or how water is sprinkled on th streets, in an hour thereafter the dust becomes a nuisance and a menace to health. To overcom this, the municipal authorities early in the spring, experimente with oil, which proved such success that now all the prinoipa streets in the centre of the tow tire oiled, These thoroughfare are macadamized and, as a pre paration for oiling, are first steep clean, and oil put on inimediatel. after with the sprinkler. The objection at first was the, the odor from the crude oil w •1 ensive, but in a day or two th disappeared, and the chane f the better to dustless streets w recognized by all. The first a plication of oil lasted six week and the second application wi put on the other day, and wh were some of the dustiest stree are now perfectly dustless, The town officials state that will be an annual saving of $2,0 over the old water system, and the same time give much b results. It did another good thing in banishing mosquitoes, hereto- fore a great annoyance, none being now in evidence where the streets are oiled. Synopsis of Canadian -Northwest Lancs Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head of a, family, or any male over 18 years old„ may tr',.neacead a enamor -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Albertan. The applicant must appear in person al the Dominion La n Is Agtlney or atib.:11;etit.:y for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agen,'y, an retrain conditions, by father, mother, sou, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and - cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in rrood standing Tray pre-empt a quarter•sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Bust reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader 'who has exhausted his . homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. )3. -Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. W For Zurich and surrounding district for fall and winter months, an energetic and reliable agent to - take orders for nursery. stook GOOD PAY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY coo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee' to deliver the stock in good con. dition and up to contract graded. We can show thnt there is gond money in representing a well known, reabte firm at this time. Established over 30 years. FEL LU NURSERY CO TORONTO, - ONT. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix ,.yon up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia This remedy contains no opiiirn or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by all dealers. sarreemsrssreaveraassrerrzsmos W N A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay libseally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties- embrace+ a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stook. Seed Potatoes, Etc. Write for terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLUNOTON The JFonteill Nurserie • Est. 1837 Tclr.)nto Ontario amberlanIn11S colic, Cholera aha Diarrhoea Remedy. thieve:fails. Ttmr it nr,w. It may save life. Buy your overalls at Faust's,. they will wear the longest, The following names are in order of merit. The marks include good attendance, good conduct and the general deportment of the class. 3r III. Helma Sobilbe 512; Harry Hess 601 p-Ver.di,, Fuss 488 ; Milton Heyrook 486 ; Samuel Fisher 471 ; Teodoro Howald 452, Mary Jeffrey 365 ; Will•e Ciausins 355 ; Percy Weide 349 ; Robert Clausius 340. Sr II Charlie Davidson 487; Roy Weber 480; Minnie Merger 477; Lloyd O'Brien 468 Genevieve Zettel 461; Albert McCormick 400 ; Clara Weber 450 ; Mary Zettel 458 ; Walter Bender 450 ; Carrie Brenner 387; Gilbert Jeffrey 384; Luella Bender 148. Jr II B el. Alberta Mittelholtz• 603 ; Albert Hess 600 ; Lennie Calfas 594; Cealiea Disjardine 591; Reinhold Koch 565 ; Margaret Fuss 546 ; Hazel Fritz 538 ; Garfield Witmer 529 ; Simon Thiel S29 ; Edgar Schnell 518; Leo Mittelholtz 501 ; Lawrence Jeffrey 478; Cecil Weber 363. Jr II A el, Roy Foster 607 ; Gladys Fisher 586 ; Pant Jeffrey 575 ; Ada Howald 556 ; Maggie Deichert 541 ; Laura Sararas 540 ; Elinore Claiisins 535 Ward Frith: 528 ; Janet Thiel 517; Earl Zettel 489 ; Ernie Bender 430 ; Pearl. Sleiuon 203. U. H. Mulholland. . Teacher