The Herald, 1910-12-02, Page 2GIVE? q'' e Mt titch Collar or Belt Pin With Your Initial Three Pine are mode of n solid plere. or OmrrAltrt Si1Vnr, heavy Satin Sliver Flete, H ith raised bright pilau• ed letters. We will give ono of those handsome Pins to every Pars^ who will sell boxes of Sir. Kat=ie's Samoan Vents. tables ?ilia fur mood, Sunman,, Krdnuy cud Liver the. CaO.nnmod address today an wewill studLyebohe Send your gold. With the Nulls we vend you 4fancy Pins, to give nor to eaab euetomnr buying a box of pills from you. Whoa sold, re, hard e,omoney with anynlnttl$ desirwl aby return madlhab handsome aloe, salutele FREE. Aderuss:—TOE 31 •.ISATURIN M >D'NTE CO., DEPT. Business Pointers for House- keepers, The packing house horrors and the adulterations in foods will be abolished when women co-operate with the Gov- ernment actively in this regard. Women are daily cheated by false weights agranted. ndn Seureset Don't . take hon- esty for „ dard weights and a yard stick. Leisure is a gourd thing, but II a wo- man, be saved time from food prepara- tion only to waste it in bridge whist, she has lost by the arrangement and all society loses. A morning over the washboard isn't especially easy or pleasant, lett it is better than spending it in gossip that leaves the bad taste in the mouth. The average even poor family throws away daily what would feed another of the same size. it is as senseless to throw the conteu_s of the pantry into the garbage can as to deliberately cast real money into the street. -1.. S. Ex - ,change. THE KIND THAT GETS•ON. Booker. T. Washington, congratulated. by a New • York -reporter on tate sucess he has made of his life, said with n stela:: "1 snppose i must he modest and de- clare that duck has had much to do. with my progress, or otherwise Bit be in Sen- ator 1)a.slt's shoes: "'Senator Dash, of Tulhtponse, • prided himself on his rise from the bottom, for Senator Dash in his yoittlt had worked with the eolore(l Men in the eaten fields, "Boasting' at a political meeting about his rise, the Senator singled out Uncle Calhoun Webster among his audience and said: "1 see before nuc old Calhoun Webster. beside whom, in the broiling Southern suit, I toiled day after day. Now, ladies and gentlemen, 1 appeal to Uncle Oal- boun. Tell ne all, unele, was I. or was 1' not, a good man in the cotton fields:" "'Yo wiz e good man, Senatnh,'the aged negro ltentied; 'yo' War. a good mad fo' It Pack; but y'o' sut'ny didn't work much'' WEAK, SIMI' I' BABIES FREE .6" /, the i,fMt\�>;\ Thebest premiums and the best values ever offered. Gold and silver Watches, Gehl Set Ringsnud Brooches lour iter- reducing Moving Picture m ne �tls Finely Decorated Tutt Guts stn FREE Or :telling our high class Got Em- bossed Picture Post Cards. Tho very latest designs in Views, Birthday,ttFloral, Comics, tee., at 0 for 10:. i and win one of these flue premiums.. 'You can sell them in an hour or two, but don't del: y, for weasses. give eato-extra ay and we iltor sent! 'y}ept- n a l package and our big premium list. Conte' with the crowds and get .the best premiums offered. Write your name and ad.; ss very PlDtCU13ALT GOLD TorctoeP. 220Toronto, fat. THE TROUBLE. (Rarp.r'e Weekly.) "So she doesn't return your affection, eh? Well, 1 shouldn't get mad. about that. What's the nae of butll.,ting about a girl?" said \1 ati.ies. -I don't mind iter not returnig tn;v af- f•'ction," snaid. Dobblet h; "bnG, confound it, she won't return•• ttty diamo.ld ring, either!" Horne 4 DIME GI. Ls the way t) Save I on ey and Dress Weill Try it ! Sample astir Washing wi p 4e IONE°TE FORA'L,1't'CIN OSor°°°° JUST THINK OF IT! Dyes Wool, Cotton, Sok or Mixed Goods Perfectly with the SAME Dye --No chance of mistakes, Post and Dozed fit I Calera 10 cants, from your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Color Card and STORY Booklet. i& The Johnson-a%-'•',ardson Co., Limited. Montreal. Wanted—AWite Wililns to Be a Mother. (ivy Frances Gilbreath Ingersoll,) • A yoang professor, delivering an ad' - dress at a teachers institute, took Oc- casion tc remark that there were two things in life its, desired more than all else: "000 was a wife, the other a wife who was \viiiinee to lee a mother." The young ladies were properly shock- ed, the young men indignant, the old;. maids and bachelors scandalized. To vary an old saying—purity is it the ear of fear. The young professor wanted the most beautiful, the most precious thin on earth. Al wife who knew God made theism twain that they Haight become ung in love and desire; . A woman whose greatest joy .was to feel a babyy tautening up close to he r 'cheek; who wag- Walling' • to forego- the •: disfiguring, dewort*a:tticinh exactions of fashion that elle might hold "her mans child drinking at iter breast"; whose mother -heart we . so great that her snother-arms were never too full; A. home where patter baby feet made its sweetest music; sons to call him "father," and slaughters to base their standard of manhood upon what he sholud strive to be. A. "little" thin, a "despicable" thing, a "thing of ridicule"—lilt something so great that it is the nearest to heaven we will ever know Itere—a home with wife and babies to call his own. WHAT WOMEN ARE SAVING. RETCHED +<\ztltat's the use in matin stricter MAKE HOME W sick baby. The sufferings of the lit- traitinherited generations back is just as likely tie one moire the whole hOUSeheld ouzo _ Mrs. Freder- wretched,oulnot forwhat suffers or father to themselves id:. ahOw Selloff,imotter of ra the i1sevenn, and prest- t Man titan to see their little one suffer. dent of � atonal Congress of Mothers. But there as no reason for wretched The trouble with American servants homes bpeause baby is ill• Baby's is simply lack of tra e Own 'l,ablets will cure all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood; not only- that, but an occasional dose of the 'Tablets -will keep baby well. 'thousands of • mothers ' have found happiness ,through the Tablets mak- ing their little ones well and happy. Among them h Mrs. 0. C. Rowe, of Georgetown, Wit., who writes: " can heartily recommend Baby's Own Tablets as - a help to the baby dur- ing the hot summer season. We have used .them a.a':1 are much pleased with their results:" The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers dr by mail gat 25 Bents :. box fleets The Dr. Williams Med- icine (20., Brockville, Ont. murine laws? A child's• parents might No house'. is happy whets there is a be •perfect t d from someons oldse mean ancestor BEACONSFI Lt: O Disputes are sure to arise, while the long expected "Life" is coining out, as to the pronunciation of "Lord Beacon - field.": The late Lord Granville, however, . _ r.,.,. ,.11 He settled that thefining of Amort• can girls. They st,\tdy their poor brains ir bodies over things that will Prescribed recommended try andd d for o of thell re. ISSUE NO. 481910 AGENTS WANTED. TART TEA ROUTE TO -DAT.. SIBN y postal for circulars, or 10e for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, I+olt- a.�tL OnY, Dr. Marters Female Pills ti NENTEIEN' ESI.' iliiSTANDARD D men's ailments, a scienttftca Y P pared remedy of proven worth. lava result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. These Four IIUa¢C Write for 12 pieces of our goods to sell at 100 each. Remit $1.20 when sold, and we will send free these 4 genuine vol plated rings ,•^i -:+'e -a: g u a ralxteed to. give satisfaction. FRIEND SOAP CO., MASS. Dept. T19, BOSTON, • sesaossasesousteeemsomossiwassooseatootteos Otto never be of any use to them, and neg- lect tmust know if t toelements of y a .relto be ssuc- cessful. "Club life teacasoamntl justice. an eWillie e of gentleness, generosity o be just to one is comparatively easy you love, but the difficult attainment for a woman is to be just to one site dislikes, and this club life teaches her. The club teaches restraint, that there are other opinions, and to listen to them."—Mrs. William T. Helmuth, champion club woman of the world, be- longing to 100 clubs. AN IMPORTANT BUSINESS C1IANGL was at schof>i--"a very bad school, but very faahiouable, and called at the time as others have been sines, the little House. of Lords"—from 3 to 13 at Bett- eousfield" In MIAs, "We, as well as ev- ery one Cite, pronounced its wetne'Iieck- onsfield' T'itie Wild many years later a subject of difference between Lord Brad- ford, a former school fellow and myself' on one stclr>: and Lord Beaconsfield on the otfaer, who pronounced his title phonetically, as the field of the Beacon. He told us one day that he was. ori toc�• ing to be ` icaf auto to by two tic echooliety$ "—Prem the London, Chronicle. _ It will be of interest to the produce trade throughout Canada to learn that Mr. Howard B. Clentes, a director and Secretary -Treasurer of Fiavelies Limited, Lindsay,. also a director oat Flitvelle-Srl- verwood, Limited, London, is severing his connection with these •:ontpattieS to assume the management of tett* pr department ttnd Toronto 1:ranch of Gnnms Limited. 31t'. Cleutes will devote his energies principally to the development of Gunns Lixnitett extensive eggs, potl+iiry and cheese business, for whieh he is peels- liarly qualifietf by his experience of over twenty yeara in the Canada. produce business,. ' Gunns Limited are to be congratulat- ed on securing Mr. Olemee' .terviees, and his appointment is a further step' in the aggressive up-to-date business pollees Which eharaetenzes this company' oper- ations. FROM' THE BRINY: A sea captain and his mate. wetrt 'ashore on getting into port and maxle for the nearest restaurant. They ordered soup; when it wrrivrd, the captain examined the curious -look- ing fluid and shouted: "Ilere, vmtter, what • d'ye call this?" "Soup, sir," said the waiter. "Soup," said the captain, turning inougttoo the mate; blardBill e me, , if 3 me ain't been sailin' on soup all our lives and never know'ed it."—Every Woneates Magazine. Y was cured of painful Cloitre•ihy M.TuN- ARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD ic1 OI Ll . Chatham, Oat. 1 was cured of .Inflammation by MIN- AtR.7Y5 LINIM'EN'T. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. T was curet! of Feeial Neuealgia by MtNARD'S LfN1.NIENT. H. v iIT.EY. I'arkdale, Oat. J. 'Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. THE SELFISH ViEW. (Washington Star.) "1)o you want cheaper postage?" ••1 don't know, l n who C, • 9 )':�� 1� quickly stops couslhs, cures- colds healcease the throat and hinds. - LITERARY ACCURACY. (Washington Star.) "Sou write of your hero as stealing home in the darkness," said the editor. "Yea," replied the author. "Welt, you ought to know better than that. lie couldn't steal home in the noticing; the it tgameas l would.k havgh ebeebe worthcall- ed." 11• ed." know," replied the nta considers only his otvn interests. d � Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ?AWori!'�t; Most Beat1tifuly Women. The 31f ; an of flee tuntepec is the FREE! This elegant watch, stein -wind and set, fancy + et>grtvved SOLel? elrLVEn cases, P't'r.nx oloik nrr- ' a~ .;Tl.ttn\.will be sent you •, , 1'ItEL if you sell only ' sue worth of our beautl- ,r fully colored and etnbess- ed'post carets at a for 10c. These are the verytttest desigt •line 'evr/9, Floal, Holiday, swiftest sellers. lust Show them and take in the money. Send your name and address plainly wyritteu',aud we will of cardsr nd.uern- bog package eznftim' list. Don't delay, for we give this extz:tpresenz for prompt- ness. COBALT . L Tc r t�Unt sr WM-Icier r 'tete land. Frons! Range= right' afeand to Tiflis I have never seen her; like. 'The Circassian women have More lustrous eyes, it is true, and the Cingalese are a white mere willowy of take yftand largs e combines of mo e ee, take her by pity sisal attractions than any .other woman that I know. When I have said that these Tehuana women combine the flora of an Annette Kellerman with the ' face anti , features of a Ruth St. Denis, and the dignity of carriage of a Mary Garden, I have need to say but little further in their praise. Mesdames Garden, Kellerman and St. Denis are, in fact, the ones wito may feel compli- mented by the comparison. They are olive -skinned, are the Te- huettn women, with a soft rose showing through;• their eyes are big and dark And sparkling—just such eyes as the Dolores should have who swings in a hammocks under the palms; their fea- tures are perfeot and so are their teeth, which are kept as clean and white as though they were intended for a tooth powder advertisement. Of statuesque build, but, of little more than medium stature, with great masses of blue -black hair, exquisite litnbs and small feet, they seem made for artists' models. If these wometl were to irate with Cretan men Ave should have a race of demigods aga]n,--Everybody's 'Magazine. don't write many letters myself, and THE IC '3RAVi=�T BATTLE. dan't sectshould1 eager to make i JAPAN'S RICE PRODUCTi'ON'- The rice production of Japan exceeds antitp 2'451000,000 bushels w year; qu CANlgl2A a Photo (Frasii FREE We Cam- era, 2 Delos.. y, plates,, develop- ' a. ing outfit MA • i' 8 t rut ction ,.' hanrtsome photo •` b r nock frame Free for selling 12 pieces of Ott- goods at 100photo bre brooches with You, cam this. oWrito for nzr snak- lop goods. FRIEND' SOAP' CO.. Dept- 778, BOSTON, 1LLSSi. WHAT EDITOR HAD. TO` StiAND. (Boston'ranseript.) Indignant Caller—Your paper,, sir, re- fers to the man. charged with, centering ray house as "the, alleged diamond thief." Edttar--Well,. slrt Indignant Caller—Well, I want you to understand that I had no al]eged dia- roonda on my pee>n,iees; they were all genuine. T114' only idea' some. fellows. trove of rn 11 tea nearly-han.C1tk;40t7'1*ounds'a year and lent • is a rea' hie drilla., sill: more them 25,000,000 pound's; ai year. the horn of plenty great. vhy :I >' , r the leen who scall me bills:' The gravest battle that over was fought '--�-c•-•--'--' Sitall I tell YOu ''here astil Otl,ill tYind it t oo'der fon 371 01.911111111e nthetmapof thelvotld) ��zf�� Cf/l."v 'Ttvts fuul;ltt by the ntotlters of men. .1:t1 A' �•''� �' f� deep i:1 a wailed -up Welnate.idl-..cart tp rlclaly winos comma, cures calcis, heals bore yield— CA part— ^ t re thraar viiia tusks. :iS cents, of woman that would not i �,.•rot travel`. r ! 5a, there is the btzttlefleld. CAfthdCGlE EATS file, haling troop, no bivouac• song, er to gleam and wave: _ , Aa'lrrw ('ar:u''' ulna, Oh, these buttlev• they g indulged i u1 a oriel ice, present MarshalingB1.11, • s v. 0rd to the taut , a ;ittc- i tont bah,.: �Joa.r•uln Miller. stratril. "Why, 1:r. Carnegie," he said, 'tlo you eat1 ie !" "DT course," replied the need philan• tlttnpist. benignly. "\!'lint do you do l ')" wit.! St Smile girls never Improve their mind!. lacat:se they ae a ton b:tsy Improving their romp:..,onr. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Co•,vs. NATIONAL ALARM CLOCK. An .a.tiel,dan anti >t liit;tl'tlller were walking ono day. 051 the, top of the tc t:t + mounta;ns, when the Seetc ratan, wishing to imp: e se his beastfel •`eoneisee product -al it famone echo to be heard in visit pl•.11e. When. the echo returned eltat'ly 51'100 11+ t:'';; f fur minutes, the proud `totc.tl+'Sst tarring, t t Liu 'Niel - Lee, rxw'aned: "l'ho:', non, ye canna aw anythin;; l t.t` tlriS in ,'our cutup t1' • > To w101010 the other t lr] '.: l (:mi.'s l t' O'ne salt•rre W' by. tut t.rt. � 1 '•' Illy n ,t, Y0110 1)rrt>Y.•$tnd 'Will Tell You isfurine Eye 'Remedy Relieves Sore Dyes, strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Bye Pain a ,d Sells for 50c Try EMurineyes in YourEyelids anddin Grann cion l;y,rs font Scaly ' FARINEI FOLK OF PORTUGAL. Tite peasant and small farmer has had practically no active part in the present revolution, which was carried through by ono wing of the army and the'repub- licans of Lisbon. He is not interested in polities. and would not care to be both- ered with •pol'itical discussion. He is al- ways ready to "let well enough alone." and does not see why his compatriots in the city do not feel the same 'way. The country peeople are contented. Most of them own their small farms. In fact, in northern Portugal it is rare ,groan at t latborer does not own a p no which to grow his vegetables anal al- so a feet of this bright colored flowers which Co': delight • his eye.—The Christian Ilerald. _ -o-cab------` EMBROIDERY JABOT. For se:rnethin new and dressy to c. ��� i. p� ,.Mfr'ver throat Influenza, pintr eye, epizootic, distemper.•wad all nose and t dis- eases cured, suit all others, no matter horn" "exposed," kept from hav%ng any of these diseases with SPORN'S.1,LgP-Uil) DISTLM guaranteed P lR Ol, - do air_ tthins for brood marecure a s. Alts on the bnt lood. 5:N and 5? do so. Best thing bottle. 15>S and all a dozen boLttDa�,.B.�DGIS^iS.m and harness o ops. Distribn otKt—t fii'Oii;lP+ll'.hIM,131C:.f. C�••'Claomfst�>x o...y.�—a•.•�-- ��,` t li L d.Cate O.. Goshen. Indiana. ii. S. A. F This to a fine, doar•toned VJOltn of laponned metal. nicely polished, richly colored, complete with stews bridge, three gut swings. 'stymy Wei pegs, long bow of white horse heir, an A mil . cunt hlett c f lent prs *eat nurin peeked Ina r,ox' Just lend us , at 5c. a haame g. Ad ,rand remedy and cure for weak and impu0 conditions *0 Famous] Vegetable troubles, troubles, constipation. nervous disorders. diseases of the liver and t eoodt10, rheumatism, the blood, Indignation, o teen dntfe fancy Pan, whieb e e sy t law Muneyf, usong female o tpoubkf, A Mild receives v Laxative, � am Tonle andntes Bandar. They are Bas as than a Pills. buying a Dox of 'Plat from y with the Pitts, Do not mis:, thoor ct+ nee of your name we we arid roman goad you Mils haute postpaid, the eight louYo� ills and the Iilrm. Wn nsold address, to veto $S 00 ori wew tlsedyoend unby mat. some Violin. etc.. Just ua represented. rite today. Address: : THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO.. Depz. 156 TORONTO. 0111721...............................r........__.._ istimaaussyr"'lig'';? e^Idr f+' u' . f Ora tlaltr YISO > 'n,r 'lodge. f t . t; tnC.tll.i. I tYC U' wa`h a linen shirtwaist, ilia, a S.. •i ]f lttlltn I go t �' ' I i *Fist ` ^' i ant of tiroiltre bot At once nugge is 1 a. , my window end r.'.li out r 1'0'1 to g' -t l ;ince it is:less perishable than dainty up; tv•rke tip!' and 'ale boa after' rr ixvad wart] ilio toll, coin c,-; err'': ti Oa wakes l 1 {J t of {lop Swiss embroidery I mi."-'i>uth. 1 l 1' pattern was 'laid EVC,yY H)!° IN RELATIVE. ' (Chengr>"ev'.) F irsst microbe --i come WI' al t cry pony i arranged lin �igia, tile erf'r'. race. , r,>ry sr tri > of limn which served as its Extend micrsl •_,•�rrt haven't n t n••t- 1 , r fi>urt a,t]oef, tltirlir on almost ► tit - — -- Iu • e, to - ` laces ' Oits I1z ombe oidet in iet calcstde3 10 th y c. i to the waist Ii -1 ., gtad- frw+.t tlrr to ar rally de:t eesing til a point. 'Cita nlatill, ;:t1 Was gathered tightly, of course, ana • .n s 1e down the nar- 1 1 a,„ •�t]f r 1m- who d was rebig rnotit'.i to 1>' a,'•`•it by the 111inard'" Liniment Cures D tt'ompOr. nal,rd ere, v.. E, ' t 'S "SILENT'" y`' ( ATCHES in TEE MOST'MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRleKE They make no noise or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the home. All good donates keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, Fibreware, Tubs, Pails and Washboards. The E. B. ED` }Y Co., Limited, ULL, CAVA+� A - u, gaunvt r•�twi,.rL H•^h ., ti HA% 52Bla n WATCH F E . firatn or Ladino Solid Gold Plaids costa trots .03.7.Z0.as>t 114;2 5 to 15Oi is not Shrew yQ 0r !noway lawny. `1 V you dextro to secure es Watch which to aesp time and last ndlno 90 nameqan ddress Immediate- ly ulemediiate- lGold y and ' ly and agree to sell 10 bozos only, of Dv. Mutmrin'a 0 thisgsn;rreatest�remedyy�on earth for the cure ofpo r end Impure blood, indignation, headaches, consti- pation, uervona troubles, livor, bladder and kid- ney diseases and all female 'weaknesses; they are the Creat Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tome and Life ;ltiilder. With the Pitts we mi 10 attleles of jewelry to give away with the pills—, this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance and ltwe willseend your the XSend 10 boxes, post our order paaid. Whonyou have sold them, fiend us the money 132.50 and we will rend you A GENTS. . er LADIES WATCH 1 he'sathe day tho money' 18 received.+ Wo aro giving these beautiful Watehea advity to ise our Remedies. This is a grand opp ae- euro a valuable Watch without having to spend a cent. And our 'Watch Is a stem wind and stem a;:f+�-• set and notbeck toren as premiums.snfuilswhout olay..Address TOE DE. A4tlia7'6n1 1J1£U1CYlir. CO., Watch Devi. va Toronto flat„