The Herald, 1910-12-02, Page 10 0 TIE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township Vol. XI. 3 gic:ri t twice as many. Give us FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 2, 1910 If you bave'nt experien- ced the pleasure ot buying elothr s where your satis- faction is snore important than your money. you'll iearn something whew you cents to us. We esteem geotl-will more than profit and handle only mush Cloth- ing as speaks for itself. .A wizard could'nt keep you from buying once you see styles and qualities we have ready. They give expres- sion and character to a ruen's figure, and have an tl,agument past the common in the beauty of designs and materials. We're sel- ling the highest quality of really fine clothing at the lowest margin of profit ever attempted hereabouts, and crowding in all we possibly can of value to bring you an opportunity to prove it. Your goad judgment will do tic rest. Why Not Style r[- I Boys' Clothing? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bX 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 We're making a sp tial feature this season of a (Efferent kind of _i•'tthiai:' liar 11 ry i 1'.I ' trot e h'. a it r•e.1 to ('onsi'lt'.r any- p1( thing good enoarz'a if it di+1'nt wear me. eie tpuck.y, eau th3 aver- ate boy has looked the part., 11 errs rt'a ly ;law with di-dilutive style as Well as tali all y iia lioys' Suits 'tiara Overeu:ats, and the 31( yy novelty of it ail t"1 h i:1gieg it phial y r)t business. CT7 G ivo the 1 oys 7. t•litievel Appeal all nu cast tra their self- 1t res.pcet. Well d' essed hogs ora, margo ntrwielays at very little ex- pense, and valnes sue :ae thirst' wota% ints•rftee with your baying. Boys' Suits, aged 0 years 48.00 to 5 00; Boys' .`Slits, aged 10 and 11 years it 00 t • 0 lin; Boys,' whit.., aged 12 years 4.50 lag to 500; Boys' -and Youths' Overcoats, Tweed lined, military collar specie'. al 6 .50. It costs no snore to get boys' clothing re':I.ly stylish as well as good if you come to the right storax. If we were'nt very sure ve of the unusual quality as well as style of our boy's suits, we a. should say less about them. FURS AND FUR COATS We arc showing a complete ine of Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Throws, Fur lined coats and Fur coats.-§ Sae, cut special. Fur coats at $20.00. SEASONABLE HARDWARE A complete line of Cow chains, open ring and three chain, stall fixtures, stable shovels, snow shovels, axes and handles, robes, rugs, blankets, string bells chivies and open bells, meat grinders and lard presses, etc. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEil Telephone 9 ..4zacx3tt%(=uacsrt imAcx=imzsoucoliogmaacx ter, ZURICH LOCAL NEWS. iestaa a".e•cr eire-es.a'itesme-ia ea Buy your Clouse slippers at P. Bender's, all kinds and. all prices . Great bargain's in Faust's add. Coarse and share in with then e. Misses Marie, Louise and Sara Duchartn e, of the .Bronson Line, left on Monday for Goderich. • A more disagreeable November than the one just past is not on record at the local weather office. Mrs. T. Kelly and sou of Hensall, spent last Thursday etttae home of Mr. and Mrs. Q. Eillser, Mr. John Dutnart of Berlin. has been calling on old friends the past week, Mr. Davis of Hensaalle has taken the place of Mr. Edwin Koehler, at the Molsons. Bank here Mrs. Jaques Laidlaw of Michigan is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber,; Rev. A. D. Gisch[et! ocoupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church, Kippen, last Sunday evening. Miss M. Short of Glencoe, will sing a solo in the Evangelical church, next Sundayevening. Jolliette Grinder prates, 10 inch t 2 25, 8 in $2 00. All kinds of Pulper knives 25 tits, at F. Hess & Sons. The Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical church is booming. 5 new members joined on Tuesday evening. D. S. Faust will have his Christ- mas dfsplay out by Saturday. Ii will be treat to you to look through our stook,. Mrs. John H. Schnell is laid up with heart trouble, and has been seriously ill • for • some days. A slight improvement is reported in her condition. • Lsdies, we have il-ScS.,.143et...liew York style in ladies'' hand bags, which we still at very low prices 40 cts up. Call and see them, at 13artloib's. Every faamily has need of a good, relible liniment For sprains, bruises, sorenessof the muscles and rhenmattc pains there is none better than Chamberlain s. Solei by all dealers. Agents Wanted—Whole or par. time ; liberal terms; out t free. Over 500 acres in trees, rite at once. 'The Fruit Tree Special fists." W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd. Ridgeville, Ont, Mr. John K. Gerber of the Bronson Line had a ploughing bee recently, when about ten farm ers turned out mostly from a distance of four or five miles. and turned over about thirteen acres in a day. On Tuesday forenoon while threshing clover, Mr. John $teokle's driving shed, hog pen and some of the contents were destroy- ed by fire. A spark from the engine was the manse. The loss will be quite heavy. The big bairn which was only about 20 feet away was saved. .Mr. Orville H. Ehnes, visited his iparents here over Sunti,aav, He left on Monday for ('laresholm Al Berta, where he will be Manager of the Dominion Bank branch, in that hustling Western town. We congratulate Orville on his rapid advance in his chosen profession, and wish him continued success, The Young Men's Bible Class of the Evangelical Sunday School, is oomposed of energetic young men One of the latest features of the class is a membership onntest, which was organized by the pastor last Sunday afternoon. The class beiug divided into two sectional with bar. Wm. O'Brien and Mr. Alf Gellman captains, Both cap- tains with their respective mem- bers selected, are busy enlisting members for the class. The contest. ()loses on Sunday Dec. 18th The side defeated in the contest will have to provide for a social even- ing etc. The olass at ptesent is composed of 32 members. Retnetn- ber, this is a "Men's Bible Class" for mutual helpfulness in the strengthening of moral ohmmeter ; to form a more intimate and per- sonal acquaintance with the Bible for daily guidance; to us.ist in developing the social and religious life of the chutch and raaiee the standard of right living through out the community. Otir yotine. men's class offers helpful omen. tart ties. to :you. Corrie I 0 NO 18 ..:z .b AMMiaescANAMMi For cold weather, which means that you will require warmer Clothing. Faust's Store has gained the confidence of the public by its fair way of dealing. It makes all persons welcome whether they intenk to buy or not. Here are some Bargains Men's Fur Coats clog coat, regular price $22.00, now for cash black heaver cloth coat, heavy linecl, with high fur collar, regular price was $20.00, now for cash Men's Overcoats $i8.00 $17.25 1 overcoat, black, reg. price $8 75, for . 4.90 1 overcoat, regular price $10. for 7.00 Ladies' Coats 3 black coats, regular pries $6.00 for All our Ladies' (loth Coats are now prices. • Boys' Overcoats . 4 50 selling below cost We are selling all our Boys' Overcoats below cost prices. Millinery Hats halt Price We are selling all our Millinery Hats at half price—the regular price cut in two. All Farm Produce taken in exchange PHONE 17 D. 5. FAUST Z GRICH MARRNMWIMVAMMYPNONW\MMWANA Fowl wanted highest prices raid for them, at D. S. Faust. Miss Roxie Eliber visited friends in Hensall, on Sunday. Snow shovels at 23 cents, at 13artleih's. Mr. Edward Willert of Grand Bend visited at Mr. J. Preeter's this week, If you are in need of a ruff or muff. Call and get prices, at D. S. Faust. Rev Mr. Richardson of Kippen occupied the pulpit in the Evan- gelical church, on Sunday evening Missess Ada and Vera Siebert of Dash wood, visited their aunt, Mrs, J Preeter, over Sunday. Mrs..McAlpin, of Woodstock re- cently visited her mother, Mrs, George Thiel :fir., at the 14th concession. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangt- licnl church, will hold the annual election of officers in the church, on Tuesday afternoon at 2.a0. Miss Ella Ronnie left last week for Detroit, to take tt course in anuric and singing. She expects to remain about six months. The Ontario Provincial winter Fair will be held at Guelph, com- mencing on Monday 5th and con• tinning until the 9th, The prize list is a large one and the exhibi tion promises to be the best ever held. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist specialist will be at Commercial Hotel, HensaaIl, on Friday. Dees 9th. Hours all day. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat troubles treated. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy, bathe your feet in Inst water before going to bed, and you are almost rertainito ward off a severe mold. For sale Eby all r.ea'ers D. 3. Faust has a good supply of nuderwear. Call and get some, it will pay you. Wanted—By married man; work on farm by the year. Apply to Box 277, Zurich P. O. Mr. J. Preeter is installing the new furnace in the Town Hall, this week. Election of officers for the Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical church, will take place next Tues- day evening. Something New—Our "Downy" pocket rubbers, which sell best of all. They are packed in silk waterproof bags. Call in and see them, 13, Bender. The revival meetings in the Evangelical church 14 Con., were conducted by Mrs. (Rev.) Gischler. owing to the absence of the pastor attending the funeral ot his niece Margaret Marie Giachler of Tavi- stock. WANTED—Capiable girl to do general housework. No washing. Good wages. Apply 15irs. G. W. Harrison, Bank of Commerce, Exeter. Wanted --Good reliable man (married) to go to Alberta this spring to work on farm. Conven- ient to village. Apply A. M. Old- ham, 200 st James st London. 16-3t Conaivr AU—ROBTNETr--At St. Pe- ter church, Drysdale, on Thursday last, the marriage took place of Miss Georgina Corriveare daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ctrrriveau to Mr. Fred Robinett of Oiclallorna City. L.iiss Blanche Laporte played wedding march. The bride worn a gown of beautiful satin and lace, Miss Marie Duchartne the bride's niece, was bridesmaid and wore a, pretty white dress, Mr. Joe Onr- riveaau aoted as best man, Mr, and Mrs. Robinett will leave on the I eth of. Dec, for a trip to the groom's parents in Alpena, en route to their home in Okletaoma. We wish thorn nineh joy •and Imps pines in theirlfuture home. •