The Herald, 1910-11-25, Page 7Sunday School. LESSON. 1X NOVEMBER 27, 1910. r The Trial cif Jesus, -Matt, 26: 57»88. • Colnlnentary •-'1, 'JeStas keught be- fore Ca1ap11as (vs. 57, 58). 57, They. The officers who had been sent by the Jews to arrest Jesus, To Calap]las the high priest.. .Jetus had been. previonily taken to Annas (Jolla ].8:13) and later to ()aleph as. Inn a5 had; been :high ,pricst some, .years before this time .and :still wielded a powerfal influence in pee!es- 1as'tical affairs. Five of his sons had held the office of high priest and now his •son-in-law, _Caiaphas, was occupying that position. Since Annus Awad one of the. instigators of the movement. against Jesus, and perhaps the most powerful of the Jewish leaders; it seemed fitting that the prisoner should be brought be- fore him that they might receive his sanction respecting the course that had been :pursued, and possibly some advice as' to further proceedings with Jesup;. \Vere assembled, The scribes, who were the learned class of •the Jews, skilled iu the law, and the elders, together with the chief priest, constituted the Jewish council.: Upon the arrest of Jesus they had been hastily summoned and had come together to condemn him to death. The proceedings before Annas had been wholly informal, for Annas had no official authority, and the Sanhed- rin, assembled in the high priest's pal- ace, eauld take no official action ac- cording to the law until sunrise. The case was considered. however, and a de- cision'reaehed which would be confirm- ed by the council after daybreak. 58. Peter followed him afar off. Al- though Peter had forsaken Jesus after his strong declaration of devotioia, he was ready to watch the coarse of events to see what would become of the Mas- ter. With this end 'in view he and an- other disciple, .John, secured entrance into the palace, Peter's position was one in which he was especially open to temptation. Ile was following afar off, and took a place among those who were hostile to .Jesus. His course here is emphatically open to censure. yet we find in him qualities to mimetic!. While we cannot overlook his course in deny - inn' his Master, we expect great thing of hhn when he come, to himself agnin. Ile was undergoing the process of whit•! Jesus had spoken: -Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift yeti es wheat" (Luke 22:31). II. False witnesses sought (v.. 3D- 62). 39. Sought false witness. We may suppose that meet of the members of the Sanhedrin were present on this ne- easion and were implicated in the con- denination of Jesus, It is probable that those favorable. to Jesus, as .Nicodenuis -:atlld Joseph of Arimathaea,)ind'not been inimmoned. The • council had virtually colsdeinned Jesus beforehand, and were now going through with a semblanee of trial to give offieial sanetion to the desired sentence. They sought charges against hint and witnesses to sustain those charges. Zi%e can scarcely conceive such corruption in ecclestical affairs as would seek false witnesses to condemn at prisoner to death, but the leaders had decreed that he must die and they were willing to stoop to any wiekednecs that Would. aid in his condemnation. u.r. Found none. They had condemned flim through prejudice and hatred, and not on evidence. and when they sought. fur proof they found it difficult to ::(cos•.. (Witnesses were brought forward, hut their statements did not agree. I'we. At least two witnesses to the s tett Ilei: were necessary to convict an acc.n.•e:l person (Num. :3.530; Dout. 17:6) False witnees(s. They were not seeking true witnesses. They (multi easily have found witnesses to .Ic ee' mel'eiful and mighty nets, for there were Multitudes who had - seen them and had experienced them. Their one object was to prove hint guilty of some capital cringe. (11. this man (R. V.) --The Greek word. here used expresses contempt. 1 am able to destroy the temple of Go.I. etc•. --The utterane.e of word, tending to bring the temple into contempt was r( girded as so grave an of:juct, that. it atfter waral fO111(d a enpltltl el 01 against. tin. In martyr. step:ten (Ac); (it 1:1),---Ablott. Jesus had said, "De- stroy •this icons, and in three day, will raise it up" (john 2:111)• \V(hi(II sats very different from saying what they said he did, He had always shown the highest regard for the temple, as his twice cleansing it dearly indicates. .In speaking of raising up the temple he wn in aparable_ foretelling his resurrection (John 2:21). (12. answerest thou nothing --The high priest's question would im- ply that he considered the c•hargc and the evidence sufficient to condemn .locus. whlile in reality the -charge and the evi- (ld•nee were both false, and there was ' l4 a Sh®1 Rings :g�y,SR dsl w� F�lary � We will give you your choice ofoneofthose beau- tifu 1 iingi guaranteed 14 ]carats solid gold shell plain, engraved or set elegant shnuiatsd Jewels, for the sale of 4 boxes only. at :no. a box, of Dr. Maturhea Famrus Vegetable Pills. They are the greatest remedy for indigestion, constipa- tion, rheumatism, I5etk orimpure blood, catarrh, diseases of the liver and killnoys. When yon sold these 4 boxes of uille. send us the men,y f C and °maize of the ring desired and we will send you, yourciloico ofone c f those �a� tYJ1. 1eincl(nraRinas plainen- graavett or sot with preeieus stones. wend your nano and address inttnediatelyend wo willsenctyou, put -paid, the Pins awl fancy tains V-hica :tre to give away to purchasers of the Inds..tV11 do n'1t�y'ask,atynanncybefore the 111111 nth st4(10,nd Vra 'take 11Wclt what yon cannot : el!. Address The t3o'. ltfi:ltneas Itlediohno Co. Ring Dept 409 Toronto, Ont. tationinannimataa Li Chan a that limping, useless horse, into it sound, healthy horse, wining and eager to do a good day's wort:.' Don't let a Spavin, Curb, Splint, Sprain, Ringbone or any other Isaias- 'news keep your Horse in the stable. Cure it with . ,henee e s Spavin Cure It cures without leaving a scar, blemish or white hairs -because it does not blister. Port Kalb, B.C., June 14th 190:) "Have been using your Liniment for years and find it all that you represent. Have not been without it for 10years." GEORGE GORDON. $1. a bottle -6 for $5. $xcellent for household use. Sold by all dealers. Ask for free book "I• Treatise Ott The Horse" or write us for copy. 55 ITNYVILL Co. 8nesbnra Fails, Vt. 110tiiing to 01111] a reply 1(((1 be made. what is it -Their it (•ase had failed, and by the artful q(ustion the high priest hoped to get from his 'own mouth what they had in vain tried to obtain from their false witnesses. -J., F. & B. From the standpoint of their prejudices the .1 ewe had a strong ease against Jesus, (•)tile from the standpoint ut' reason and fact their case was weakneee itself. 111. .1e..us declares his lleseinhship (vs. 63,64). (13. held his peace--•.\ny denial or ex- phuuttimi that lie alight make would have been wrongly interpreted and si- lence wa; the only reasonable rouren open before hint. The prophecy of Isaiah 03:7) was fulfilled. f admire th00--- 110 high 1at'i0st placed •1est1(1 un- der a solemn oath hoping to get some word from hint twhi It the council alight employ to (unde11l11 hint. the Christ. the Son of (sod --Tho dil'ficnit' of this (ptes- tion Consists in thi-: if he eotafcssed that ht was the Sou of God. they stood ready to enudenm hint 10r blasphemy; if he denied it, they Sete propanol to tem- (teniti Miro as an impostor, and deluding the people under the prctonme of being the Messiah. 13011155. 04. thou hest said -Solemn, (1phat.it', vita, majestic, as -before had been laic siiences was now Itis speeds.-•-Edorsbeinl. 1 10s reply was, in the forte of speech thin employed, the strongest kind of doolarniion that was "the Christ, the Son of Gee." The time and 00(1(5ian had arrived when he should make clear to• the ,Jewish Sanli0(h'in. even though they w'01•e 1101tilc to him, that:be w'[54 the Messiah, nevertheless -- As startling as lied been his previous statement, what leas" to follow was still more: se. hereafter --Prom that time forward there would be manifestations of Christ's divinity that would cause the hearts of tai; enemies to quake. the Son of man sitting on the right Intnd of pow- er -hi that night Jesus 151)5 to all ap- pearance in the power of his enemies, but, the time would soon come when Ile would show himself possessed of all power. "Christ's glorification began ars soon as their proceedings against him were finished, and in such a way as to make the Jewish people S00 lois power.' -Schaff, coming in the elands of heav- en ---Nis :assertion of what he was, was conjoined with that of what (sod would show hint to be, in his •resurrection and sitting at the richt hand of the Father, and of what they would see, when he would crone in those clouds of heaven that would break over their city a.nd polity in the final storm of judgment...- Mere:beim, 3e.9115 makes reftu•dnee to I)an. 7:13. 11. 1V. ,Jesus condemned and in4alte(1 (vs. t!5-08). 63. Rem. his ciotnes•-4ceording to the rabbinic:a law the high priest was to rend. his garments when blasphemy was spoken and the elat.lting was not to be repaired. This act indicated grief. See Gen..:37. 29. 3.1: Job 1, 20. Blasphemy -- Evil -speaking -or slander against God. It was considered treason against God 11nd his government and was punishable i)V death, ''iia, members of the. Sanile- di•im decided t01ateiesn5 Wal guilty of blasphemy because ho declared himself to 'hu the Son of God and hence the Messiah. What. further need .,..,of wit- nesses -No effort. Slid) t3i0111lat neces- sary to prove that leSlis Watt not the Msee.i.eh. ,for their hatred toward hint had settled their minds that he was slot. t boy thought their \ieemy u+A1 swap aunts eompiet5. The \\"itneesee that they so - eared availed 1101 fling and they cunaemn- ec: Jews 01 Lia oven teit31110ny ititer. pre(ed by their prejudice end hatred. N. Whatthiun ye The case was bv- fore the irregtriarly called Sanhedrin. and I llc high pi nest exiled for all C) pr055ioa -01/41.4311, rt ltt;l eouad not be eonoid- (red a legal 'vote. Worthy ,sly nl death (R. V.) --The proenadinge lite sten a f"trc,: throughout. They hard the 'sentence de- termined upon before the arrest; was made. The pun!sh,nent for blasphemy was death (Lev. 24, 16). (17. Spit in hitt face --There • was 5.11 interval before tate regular scs510n of the Sentgedrin enald convene. During this time the judges delivered him into the halide of the niteb. They ,;oat in h., f.tee ail a mirk ::11 contempt, nuffeted- --Sinn to, \vith their fists In exaltation. 68. \\'h.. :.411)00.0 thee --•'Cher had blindf1ld."d hien (Mark 14, 63). 'They made r)tt with hon as the Philistines dirt with `4t iii ti•" No irs th:111'f.Ve forms or boating are refer. red to by the evangelists in describing this scene. Donbile(;s everything abusive ;13d vile was tdone that 'depraved hiat. love landhvet Jesus meekly en- dured tllt,nn t01ri'hle a1t5•11104, Qu'ntione.•--\Vho arrested. Jeans? Where- ovas ho. taken? \Vliet curt a-semhled? Who full((0'011 % eeue? ,Why cl!t) h'1 tUr .alt aantong the s(V'S tots? 'Who aa•re the ehlef,lprles'.5 • \'\'h. dill they seek Ta Ise wi5nas4(4 against. .105115? \\hot eharge was ,1)rotight:1. flow did ; heir state 0111t;s, dither from what Chri:;i. l:ii 1 a(IOt(Ily said:? ."Why :diel the high ;•lest ask Jesus if he were i!w• ('11rkt? 'Wont answer diel Jcyuii give', What it. - tion dhl the (nttuvil ttke1 • .PRACTICAL APt'1,1CA T1ONS. ' tilt your aaViour'• solitdry. "All the diselple s forsook Nisi, ap�d fled. And they ...led hint away"'.(i'-, ,i0 57), Ile trod the Winepress lone (lsa Where was :Peter, who had boasted so vehemently that he would go with hitt to prison (111(1 to death?' Where was James •ati(1. joists, who had 'declared. they , were able to be baptizect • with his bap- tla111 and to drink of his cup? Where were the disciples win) Ilea witnessed his miracles and had been itis chosen Scnnptnitins? Where' was :the multitude that had 411(1111 palm brandies - in his pathway and ct'ied "llosanna"? Where were the l.,liltd, lame: deaf and diseased w.ho. had been restored by his eonipas- sionate touch? Where were those he 10:1(1 brought back from: death's dark portal.? 'They all for4:ook:h)ur. He stood alone. forgotten, fol aken, betrayed, denied. Without conifortei•s, without a defense. Have We ever forsaken hilt? See your Saviour 5Jaondlered, "Sought false witnesses (vs. SP). -Many false witnesses came" (vs. 00). 10 is not ue(e sal•y. to staid in court and swear to a lie to be a false witness. Ever, one who joins a Christian Church with the thought of benefit in his business, or choose„ a awed: home For social staiditg. is a false witness. Every one. who Amide at the marriage altar im- pelled by tiny other motive than pure love. is a false witness. Every bit of fined in the sugar, every light weight or ;mall measure, 1s it Tale:( witness. The spirit will pat fair, large apples et the top of• the barrel and small. de- eepo4l ones beneath, that will sell half- eott0u goods for all sill:, is the spirit that will lead to perjury and blasphemy. See soar Saviour silent. ile "held Lis 0010,0" ( w. 03). They slap lered Jeius, they hired Melt to 5510105' falsely against hint. they spat in his ,fees. they buffeted him, they mocked hint, they preasect the cruel horns on his brow, they uttered vile blasphemies nga•inst: him. but iie resohlted-"lle1(1 his peace." The silence of Jesus was, 1. Vicarious, •2 Mereiful, 3.• .Prudent. 4. • Patient, The good emperor Theodosius (Clt enniel- cd that no Ulan should be pool„heti who spokes 31gaiiust hbn; for what was spoken slightingly' Said .111, wae to be hiug"Lett at; what spii:o!u]ly. to to par- doned: what angrily, t1) be pitied: and. what truly. to be thankful for. 5. Cour- ageous. 0. Consistent. 7, unselfish. 8 A rebuke -to the wild (ties of the priests and pophhie0. 1). An example. "Christ ale* suffered for tis, leawilee m5 nn e 1(10 - plc, that 'ye Hhriulcl folii,,.v.'Iis footsteps" (1 E'ot. 2:21). ' See• your Saviour• skeet iitg."stems saith,..Thou bast said"- tr. 04). 'When our word i4 questioned Ire may well be patiently silent; when' (hod's word is 'sailed we may he bold to speak. An English. lady Was once eonfrmited by See your Saviour sentes:ced. "He is knew there was a OM. She replied. "If you. had appealed to a person you had 1155410 50401, of whose existdlee you only knesf by report.:for a. thou40nd pminds. and he had reepondel •by send- ing you the-molney . would you not know that such a person trust be a reality?" "Fes;" lie said. "1 think I should. "Well." said she. "1 trade sit appeal 1 0 God for that very sum. and he gave me the exact anunit. T asked for without my having to appeal to anyone but him - :elf. T therefore know that he exiit4-." The 111a)1 eltangecl countenance and turn - (d away witlintlt '111 -It snag. See your Savious se•ntenc.5d. "lie is guilty of ,:Kath" (v. 011). "They all eon- (lemn04 him to be guilty of desitit" (Mark 14:04). They condemned hint hats on false testimony, 1(111 for hie own true word.. 'rhos witnesses 11)0y laburett. 80 Lara to finch did not "agree together" (Mark 14:5(1-50).'131., death was vohnt- tary. A. C. M. Tile ('anaelian I'aoi(ie 1131.11r0ad sold 9711.0:30 acres of land in western Canada last year at an average of $14 pet ears. Ith'ti • l$1, Christmas Gifts at Moderate Princes are to be found by the "hundreds" in our neve 132 page Catalogue just issued. Write for a copy at once -it will prove 11 greet 11e1',) in selecting suitable gi ts, ®, 'We pay all postal and delivery charges -guarantee safe delivery -- and refund the money if you are not perfectly satisfied with the goods. WRITE TO -DAY FOR CATALOGUE R YTIE BROS. LIMITED Normand Merchant?", ,jewelers and S+.5crenalthe 134436-138 1(8110E ST, 1 ile onTO J.as. r551tta, Iidnie5 Rsana President. Sec. -Treasurer. 1' ForWomen-Lysin. E. Pink= ban's Vegetable Compound Iielievllle, Ont.-" I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that 1 concluded to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I took several bottles of it, and I gained strength so rapidly that It seemed to make anew woman of me, I can do as good' a day's work as I ever did. 1 sincerely bless the day that I made up my mind to take your medicine for temale weakness, and I aiu exceedingly grateful to yo ufor your kind letters, as I certaiui profited by them. I give you permission to publish this any time you wish." - Mrs. ALBERT WIOKETT, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Women everywhere should remember that there is 110 other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak- ness and so successfully carry women through the Change of Lite as Lydia B. Pinkliam'slTegetablo Compound, made from native roots and herbs. I+or 30 years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills - inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors. irregulari- ties. periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you want special advise write foritto MCrs.Piuklrain, Lynn,lllass. It is free and always lselolio. � al ,r . c_ l J (VJ TORONTO MARKETS. etehre1EI1s' .\L\IIK1s.T. The offeriugs of grain ti) -day were smaller, being but t1)10 be -bels, .1 load of 051(1(1 wheat :surd al dale per bushel. Barley firm, :300 bushels selling at 01 to 0:3e. Outs steady, 501) )) t tats -selling nt. 38c per •bushel, Seeds nee easier. Hay in moderate supply, with pri,,0. mu1)01lged. _0 load; soltl at $17 to $20 a ton for timothy. 11114 at $12 to 4110 for mixed and (liver. There is a good (le, m lad for bundled draw. Die -:sed bogs are uuoalanged, with glue t.ltlons ruling at $9.50 t0 810. 'wheat, white .. et 0 Bit 14 0 11)) 1)o. red .. .. . • , . 0 80 0 90 1)o. _o0 -e .. • . , . , .. 11 ti3 (1 85 Oats. Wein.) ... .. 0 38 (1 110 1'ra•, b51.111 ! 0 e„ 0 137 Baxley, hnsbel O Ol Bee:wheat. hitch 'I .. . , . 0 51 fins, timothy. ton 17 011 I)o_ clover, tots .. 1'2 011 Straw, per ion .. .. l; 00 'ihikc (105(r.. ..... Fancy. bnshet .. , .. 7 511 No. 1, hIl-bel • ... .. , 7 00 No.:'. hu-llet . . , . , • tl 50 Ileal 0701 -pr, No. 1 .. , 7 tit) Do., No. 3 .. ... , ti 00 1)o., \o, 3 .i tit) Dressed hogs ... , .. . , 0 50 11010 1'. dairy .. .. t) 'la 1)o.. inferior ••••••••• . • 11 21 Egg. n(w•1:r..!, dozen . , n 4n - Ducks, sp0:1)5. lb. .. 0 1 1 1'I:tr•Ieu. lb. .. .. 0 14 Turkeys. ll'. , ... 0 20 u 13 ,, (1 11 2 50 [;tor !b. .. ... Fowl. Ih. .. .. , Aryl( s. bb!. ... . Cablinge. dwelt .... .... n 25 ('dill 8050(1', d"X(:1 .. .. 0 7,1 onions. hr„; ... .. .. .. 1 110 PO oto, . teen .. .. .. 0 (!0 ('afliflO)W(l'. il''.^e11 .. ,. (1 7e I (miens, h:,_• .. ,, ..,,.. 1 410 ipr.! (((11-. tray' (1 ill) 11: eF, teiinlenau l ,rs , , '•t 50 i t)u„ f,,r'l)aar: 'rs .. , . ; :'m 1 (115. 410 2(.e. (.t l'^t•e 5 .1(1 j Di, mrllii:'n, (tel'e••1 ' . 7 50 11('001011. primo. 1'.'" 1'Vt,.. 15 00 t \sole in'in:c, 1.0' (1551. :1 00 in *1.75; 11011.3 at )03,2, to iii, per cwt. to 1,150 1t,s, oath. s.)ld from 1•i t) $3,tgiS Feediras, 800 to 900 sohl 110 141.00 to :s-1.75; stockers from $3.IU to !4.30• Miikels :anti �,miug'rs .('li4 cller1I plenty of the int h 1 ee and:Triage* dm,. mg the wi1e1< h:1; not 14(0(11 up la) lite 1(1ual standard, or perhaps it wot4lat lie b; iter to saw there 111s 11')i boon as many of the good to ehoke loon, oifer- d o. 1.'ri1 s art. still high )tog ,1r' from - $4fl-io )$)) 10011 bit the a ((lags of the Olives paid we would judge would. be $5 to 810 kntrr. \`cal C dress-ilecc.ipts . 11 iiit, igriees toady at, 1),;..,0 34) $14 per utYt. 741ieep and f:uuah- ..-'('he run of sheep end lambs toelah vomited s:p to 1719. \\'e, ley Dunn quoted sheep, ewes at $1.50 to $4.80, and rams at $3 to $3,50: tenabl, *5,($ to�i l.iogla-Th7o bf.i.g mao•k„t 55a( rooted • firm at $7 for Meets; fel And 1v l.tered, 'nal ++(Lia to $6.711 fur hogs 1.0.1). e,u•.9 at (01111 try point.. • fit"G.\it MARKET. St. Lawrence grauu1ated $1,85 per ewt.,'in barrels; No. 1 golden. $4.45 per cwt., in barrels. liesver. $4.05 pet• cwt.. in bags. 'These price„ gree for delivery hese. Car lots ;ie lc -s. 111 100-111. bags mice4 are 5t• lees. wool,\I.1P,l�T'T, Quotations are: 21e to 2,2c for mer- lteautable Deem, 1 3e to 14c for unwashed wool, and 18e for rejects. OTHER MARKETS • \'1\N1P1?(t OV11EA'I' 'MARKET, i\'heat • November 941M, I)ee1inbe"T 02e, \lay!).7,ge. Oats•--N1,0('anb(1' :340. Uevelnbwr :;11Th ,. May :177k. 13111'l'I:;II ('.\1" 1'LE MARKETS, New fork -le ncleln and LiV('a•poot ea - Ides quote American eattle weak, at 12 1.2.e to I3 1-2e per lb. dressed weight;• refrigerator heelat 10e per Ill. (31100'KViL.LE ('I1EE>Is 130.1:1.), ltrocd:rihlo----At the hist regltlau• weekly Meeting of the season of the Broekvilte Cheese Board to -day, .1.:137 boxes were regi- t (Ted. 1.302 colored. bailanc'c 55ltite ;. US (Mored sold at 10%e. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. \1ontreal--(.'attic prices•at the C. P. R. 0(545 end market were 25e per 100 pounds lower than 0n Monday last, and the trade was eteneraily slow. Steers sold all the way front $3.50 for ordinary ,task to $3.25 to $5.50 for ehoice; cows, 412.75 to $4: bulk $2.75 to $3.75.:ebesp brought `si.75 to 1:'. and Iambs $d to $6.1)). 110,,: tt,ic slightly weaker at :;;7 I to X7.11, .ow-, ba; to $0.40, Calves .old. all the way frolil $3 to $10. Receipts (etre 1,000 cattle, 000 sheep and launbs,. . 9110 hogs and 30(1 calves. ONTARIO HORSE \!_AIIKET..: n 03 11 5'2 20 nu 16 00 180!1 8 00 7 50 7 till 0 25 a 50 10 00 0 :311 U 23 (1 4.3 (1 17 (1 17 (1 21 tl 14 i) 4 (1(1 n .70 According to the statement of the Pro- vincial Department of Agriculture terday farmers report that horses pare in greater demand and bring better 35)'ic(•4 than at any time in, the past twenty years ---and that despite the growing popularity of the automobile. Prices for good horses range from $206 to `+300. The 'aloe of all classes of live stock has had a larked tendency up- ward for sante time. The department at- tributee chi, largely to the reaction which followed the fodder famine of tinge yeah, aro. horses in patrti::niatr have been affected, and the fact that they rue this year generally in splendid' (oladitill.r--the result of good simmer' and fall pasture --.lines gone further t1* improve i -he peke. At the ti:ile of lb: - pasture stringency many farmers sacri- fieed their colts at fanzine prices, and in consequence they are relatively sages and in great demand. There are other causes 1vhi(h Contri- bute to the uplift in prices. The cost of keep has gone up, and horses are gener- ally better eared for than ever before. The sc•:urity of horses is. however, ne- vn,ioning no anxiety on Ontario ferns. The farmers have 5)lffieient for all farm (`uric, hut it is the 11)x1 olltside who is hit, Tn fact there is general eatisfuction with conditions in the rural. districts. TO is felt that the. farmer is coming into his own. ars for sante }'care good horses were going begging. GO TO THE ASYLUM. Toronto despnteh: Charles W. Con- nors, who was arrested for writing threatening letters. w'ns sent to jail for n week by Magistrate Denison 1(a �• 9n )04te r' 4L„1 the doctors cutld exa1118,, 1lt hint' 111 with reference to lily sanity, 1 2' 11eory 11. 11ogtn. another mar. 0 0371 whose sanity wn5 doubted by the po- 1 13(1 lieu. Sats emenlitted to the asylun. 1 20 a(5 at lunatic. (1 5)3 10 30 (;f) 11 `3 3 111 ((1) 11 n,1 e:vi. . 10 0)) 11 5') i': •(25. d.. . 1,) '1 so. with the (',,'110,:hrines(1 1 (1115 ln- i!'1 ' lie!): of '.(0.011 551le' 1-f :n'.r, r1'. 4'1100 1, e1.:1 111,- I. limn gltl;a t,' - tw1:l. nt ,riuf(:d the i)115(, 1)1111:111)' 01 (alilllil)/' (lt(lt ecen h. ca••01t. we: airs:. ow. (hey a1;p ,:1!" (1' . :1. el aril' 1, " "ahem' 1 1 p\••• ..' 15n11 of 111 '5'. W(. 1)r:1Pti 1,11 5 I i t 55:1.- 3)-1 : i 1'n-, l „e 111:1)1*• ^)e'• ,)11,1 , •5111 1ta 1''tl'; •.1(C•leere and il..'o' weer, nn 11 .P1' 111,1 it of \Veil- • 1 ty, a•"l :,11 ' nu'`:1. • 10)11'11 ;111,1 10.. 1 r•`t!n 'al.l a1.! t) :l; 11"1' ,) .1,"v v. , (111'+•' wonk• ac0: 1'• - 05 ''"s -Nor' •"1.1'+* 0<f5:'0.1. tames• •:. •, f,nr .1-1 1 r 3'• . la 1. 31'W(`',1 ore •o,; 1VOW' 11')• t.1 $4.811 net •x'(:. 11 ehliere.-_(:(`.'1. 3'55':11"•'•' 11'111Lr11t 01000 ''1 t11 11•(1) or 311^ (," ,•,a13 • 0n .5)I(0 fru' ,,, TTarri5 ,151)1((11 '1 tnmrn0, • 'Air, ' ,'"trr" rreert^.1 1.11' ' 11.01's' '( )51'a altrl :r tai $1.73 11 *5.49,1 00wv,: at $2,51) ( FREE TO if • The best premiums and the best vaaiues ever offered. (gold and Silver Watches,Gen1 Met Rings and Lrooehes laufiliter4�]woducingfi Moving Picture Machines, Finely Decorated Tea Seta and many other premiums given l''11t T1 for selling our High elass Uoia bossed Picture Post Cards. The very latest designs In Views Birthday, Floral, holiday 0011005, fitr C011005,4:0., ai for inc. yworth 43.00 orth and win 0110 of these fine premiums. You can self them man holm' or two, but don't delay, for WO _give en extra premiere for prompt- (10915. 'write to -day and we will send(on a package and tiro' lslg premium list. 'note with too crowds mid get the best premiums off0r101. 1•Y.rite voile 111trne aidasidress very 11i11hrlyy C013ALT GOLD 3'1:10 00. 11ept' 227 Toronto, Ont.