The Herald, 1910-11-25, Page 6FORECr eer-1I.
i)uga1d was i11, and hie friend Donald
teak a bottle of whiskey to him. Dun -
old gave the invalid one glade and said:
"Yell git anftiler vin in the mornin',"
About five ninrites elapsed and tam/
i''•gald suddenly exclaimed:
•' ie'd better let me has the ither two,
I;; nal': ye hear o' sae mond• Sit hien
.e lithe noon:da es."
01 14epz
aul+iely Stops e:eae,lis, Cures cold 3. ,.eats
the twroat cod lauds. • • • 13 ces;i;:.
STAND• li:::t ROOk'1 ONLY,
(Setae:4e Meg vine.:
The re•rttlal' umpire wag gii'i ...:.1
kind old get.tli+telan from tit,• t.,l
agreed to do tile beat lie knew hoe -A
wen; well until the fifth inning ,v.
with tile bA ties: I::il the, pitt'he, „-,t
lily and put over fourthe 11 t rtrt+>it to tele Nis
-11'1,:.t will .L >. dti with the •, t n
ler'?"- asked the aid nun of tee ea
We ain't gat any place to pet 'eine"
• -
r•• t 1, t •. 1• Xpre
141 d::1
.i•,Nc. but went
.vi,e)Rat eye L. ;tat lit:[@.
in a Alin and ea... E', .•a
• :a
Mr. Herbert Witter. of Il:
iht- t.tvr; (lin Pitts a dela
NVllil he car ever
T.,01'7.0nut r ?trim., a .. . .
+vti'14 nilY+a.I, witie•it 4'n -? t •.''«
Mr.B++nel sant fn. ,
'rime% I:•+sod Hetet :ht
.1 ...gan to take th'ai re mit Il , r •>
::regiment: errinitle fFe r curt
$ Vim. tan try Gita Pi i> t) iia
•then,, Write '.tivttfrs ' L ut n u )
Co., deplrtrf nt 1«. I . 'I ,. E'77.7
t,sinple. fit all 11,.. ..a, ars :t:.., v :i-
f son+" '1'11(..:, r• , `;
chickens so that Lr > r
cnid storage we .; t .•1
tap --
The Test o
"Are you t'gr tit' • .. .. - i - e i.'§ 414 "• t %. ...
'Ap-. illtely, t .. .,... t 'v • tt> r .r; .
sort- of it.1Y
• L. �`a`.^-`�t „'tj.,,_°`t. sir wl:I'ri .:'t •.
Rear. Weak 'i4 .art r3't! 'Y•. r• '
Etellan e3
Murine For Yotir Z. "1i+ r;tua ,%,,t+::%)+•
Will I.ike ;:*_r..:_. ✓:+ a
roar Druggists
ree. ;murine i : • ._.... t.;
A Western Iden That May be Util-
ized Elsewhere.
Tho boatman anxiaus to • improve
the e;hiniug hour might certainly
profit from I. extern development-
-that is, if local conditions are amen-
able thereto. Out at Catalina Island,
off San Fr:llieisco, glass -bottom
boat.- are in groat demand, for they
reveal to those who patronize them
an unknown world and new beauties
—the bottom of the sea. They are a
distinct novelty, and ply a thriving
trade upon the 13ay of Avelon, 'which
inshore is nit deep, while the water
is as clear as crystal.
In the bottom of the• boat eaya x
Chitnlbers' Journal, are placed large
sheets • of transparent oIg•, and DA1VlEL SAUNDERS
through this the passenger eau see,.
as lie is propelled ..lowly along, 4enee
clusters of eel'—eel asszl I ng • fan-
antastie slat +
hells f? she; t'a
finite v>r • d huein ;heir native.
element, well as eq ; c :he _
`tr an . e r ur2: that are kn.:A n to;
Eve in • tees~ Tie , reveat-
e i I:.g are
cafa:r a:
ease -re -:se S xe�:.liar
1>. - c
A Z tme
A i`x 'Te :'S PRAISE.
Shoal Lake, Alan., June 11th, 1910
'aper years I was bothered with per -
slits -tent Dvttpen.i . and Indigestion, having
'+ tare paiasl'titer meals and I tried every-
thing that I oe.:':d get but the pain in my
elr_'utarlt lieaeree no better.
4rne.,gist recommended "Fruit-a-
tive+ "' • I did F,, ,give up any foods I was
,:> the, 1S:ah32agrnor stop smoking—yet
.Frza-;:a_t';ive ' ;•:.s done 'wonders for me
3 I etrazara advise all my friends to
- •t i -k-.: , is sold at 50c a box,
. .5J a- ;-e, '23e. At dealers or
;Intrad, Ottawa.
` 4.9
::h:x•.:'%; r-.+,r._� ' i . -'?' :fork is at the root
f .e proportion of suc-
;eeese to .. :n business is in a very
..•,-:r ; and if we reckon the
• ,s:1 the milk -and -water
eueresseees„it• dwindles. Success
„ ::..z1Z :?•,._ , an only be obtained
;:,.• - :, • -he. , really in love with
sufficient to be eon -
Tart zee fres Aatisfied with the re-
, , • •-k,, or to make just
*F t:tea St a-_ . ee+'p out of trouble.
r , l : ver be made or big
„ t7.4SLIt. -% if one regards work
n e ,s°'” Something to be en -
nu ana el- t. at the earliest pos-
_,ps �;;;, t•rtnlein •-':len the shutters are
stn.,... y,_ -_, , • I ca ,. v �I_' s r ..? man who is really
.•..rk his business, his
r + 'Iran,
...t• _ a ..zL' t.i- `*-'a))d you will pOlnt
:i let. _ ..% ..r t - :,_114:4 m,:..E V. '^ _- ''hound to rise to suc-
_ •. _ ^•h. - , ,. ,PL 1'27'
i,n.rq his enthusiasm,. his
: sett : n t .ration and his breadth.
±:flit• s:. is in the Organizer.
:it"' 1-.' %'L"'i -on s !armee.
....+•er. _5.:= ..salt le em e ... ie v-•tr8. Sitting i
71eue eve•neee d ea-ee'nee. ":ht+ t:Tlln)ti.
Litt. n lr - ,111"1 ss.:
ere l e I re • int
t nlltt Il""'.. Yt. It Y i' alniY-t%lila>1 + )..:
Ani nit` aa 'Lite eeteioz
i ittlnt rii4t Teti +:^
'V 1.• t,r:lt
vri~e. •i i. T Rheumatic Gout by
wee i'w .t i Acute Bronchitis by
.... T..
C. CR.LW'E Br.1r).
-f Acute Rheumatism by
.fieicl, Que., Oct. 9, 1907
-11177.: -• 2 lien,
' S > 771lIEIB
77";-‘,411:7-1 TEA WITH GRANDMA.
s;iiiadelphla Record).
1I ,1 1.I tt tit . $i . sept r- nne and ,clary Lee
t e i by grandma out -to tea.
eminent .., 1%+t' ., ': l t ..' • S ;;t: So -arrived, dressed in their best,
tt ,tr• s1 - dear gradma at her rest,
eitnie /.. :teethes' t 1 >< ' mind." said Mary Lee,
.1.. e`;'' +•i = nit down: alone to tea:
tr+ sry and can't wait," said she.
t:.l+ �.. r?y Sat, the hungry dears;
tt. a soon their grandma hears
t;, t es Plinking on the tray,
•q+ t ;;+ r:ry. sugar -cream," they say.
>i. ,voted buns in years,"
le esee, resting grandma hears.
, .et:^ e'en the jam," tires say the
net ra,
.. r aa- 1 --lt"r let snit 1 •,-iii..-.. nit is ;a,:es. won't you stay a while!.,
•2y• •.at ndt'"bill .sits 'ilea:• 1..r:a ;al :n..:•: int i ..:; 0u% corning, with a smile.
" - r see nude to be a -snooze
li rttt^eI. ...ti'Itttiri1 ,,ir°et --;:—n° ". or. 1 L' Irl pleasant party lose.
.1 rr•t stir ;tats and coats I pray,
-'oi' b lid' yourselves at home to -day."
,t'. "We haven't long to stay."
Illi W.'ti .:fee.'....:
j fllic 'i c-: . ,
pants. That r r >
ers, l>t: said. 1f.1:
to say I have e.n
,et is • ,•:.te.1;3*1 II1"'G. '.t -y in.
9 �p »
0 F ' tra t' t
fir t., .1 r tttops conghs, cores colds, heals
Hoar orad lungs. • - 25 cents,
Minard's Liniment ""pa 'i. . .. at s"i :Its+'tt u,„!t,nF'
"Don't p.m tit;nbIId },i itei V?1%a tit it'.
be given to ttx t "t.•
';ddt1Cb ~:G1b0.r th'r'? .-. ,..•, f...• -: .r. :: 3a. .'.' h ti,..'it t %. v.•.+.adil.
tett.'e east t:i. I '.114•', i• ,:
Stop it in :52,4 .... . .— � .. e. s-: j ,rIl.
tc A„ UmCO"s Headache ache Water r.> ••I'.*o34,rco
NATIONAL D'RUG APIOo-..-ice'. i i. 4..�. G-� �iK:t.SiR.:.:*ut:•'•r is •,X1 ....,':_,
FtIvn EV:
sr r/Z.O fi
l°rr,nkie-t3:.e1ipw^: r'a-t f- a o.. To
uiUra bisLL'V.'v is r,aer..., ill la. ir"l i0e 'U". ,• c .�£ ....:k , .r. ro..~•'r
Sp iii?I MEDICAL CO., Co3hen. dIa: , U....t.
'i'lil311 n, tire, h :nrl�,o:nn, ct•ro•r-tnnetl Violin, hi ;hly pnli-he 1, richly tole r a+1•
ono)pletowithrtrin;breign,threegot taring-,obetry felilitpoa;3, long b:,w
t6lihtt i811!r, of :whit:, huge lull', , and tiof resin. Everything complete sunt secs:efy
!� 13 ii perked in a ltr,t amid. 0't your name one! addrsee, and neo to nod
only 8 bexev of Dr. ISLAtarltl a Ili -menu Vegetable r11111, rt inc. r. bine.
A greed reto1117reel mireforweak and impure c:itrditionlMt:iehlr,>.1,ilidi•
gostion, stomach troubles, cnontipatln't,tri woosrileordors,diseases of the liver and kidncyt,
rheumatism, and Ponhale troubles. /k mild tanative, Grand Tonic and Life Builds.. They 'i• )
oasy t> Belies a+lclr customer buying A brio of Mile, from you, rcoeiven, at t.iry sato:, h lino, a 5111 r
fancy Pitt, Wl,icit we send you With the P1111 Do not miss the chance l t yet: rlife.
Don't Senrlanymoney, -On iyparr i%tti10 andaddrostntoneo,110(1 'we will pro un ttyrend
iron by mai9, pestp:ud, the 8 beaver of Pill4 (ma the Pins. 'When c,,lr1 mit t,) a t t ^e 0.1.(.12 arse
lee wet dead you this handsome Violin, etc, POP SS represented, V/ri n tr>•,i:y.
Addreon , THS DR , MAT.URIN M1 ', I!CJNE+ CO., r
D041. 1 tt>' come rrC. czir
Mr, Nathan Straus, the well known
American. philanthropist has prollabla1
spent over x£200,000 • in reducing infantile
mortality by means of pasteurised
It 1.s about twenty years ago since he
began to devote himself tQ -the task of
saving the lives of children. He was led
to take up the work by the death of one
of his own children, while crossing from
New Toric to England. He formed the
opinion that pure mita was everywhere
working great destruction iunong the
young, and he determined to start
Pasteurisation plants in some of the
Principal American cities.
At the present time he has seventeen
stations in New York, Every day, all the
year round, about 10,000 bottles of milk
for young children are disposed of; they
are sold at much below cost price while
to those who cannot afford even a nom-
inal sum they are given away. During
the summer about 25,000 glasses of milk
are sold daily in the parks at halfpenny
"Stnce I started my work in New York,"
said Mr. Straus in an interview with a
come ress down Sin at)n representative,
'remartkablet has
It has been the same everywhere- in
Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago and
St. Louis. In every city where a plant
has been installed good results have been
almost immediately apparent.
Mr. Straus added that he was most
anxious to do something in this country.
Indeed, he was now considering a sche-ne
for starting pasteurisation plant in the
potteries. in which district he had a per-
sonal interest. Recently he placed a
plant at the disposal of Lady Aberdeen,
and he bad reason to believe that it was
having good effect in Dublin.
ISSUE NO: 47 1910
10[7- ANTED—AT axon, A GENERAL
Y domestic, one willing to learn. Ap-
ply 94 Duke street, Hamilton, Ont.
YY IIOtlSiir
maid. Apply Mrs. A. C. Beasley,
435 Main street east. -
V salary paid. Alfred Tyler, 355 Clar-
ence street. London, Ont.
'v V women for holiday books that sell
at sight. Salary $2 per day guaranteed
and COMMISSION; outfit 1013EE. Write
Immediately, J. L, Nichols Co., Limited,
Dr. Marten's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically, pre.
pared remedy of proven worth. Uwe
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at ail drug stores.
Ditch Collar or Beit Pin
With Your initial
These Pins are made of a solid piece of Gormsa
Silver, heavy Satin Silver Finish. with raised bright polish•
ed letters.
Wo will eve one &these handsome Pins to every person
who will sell 4 boxes or Dr• Maturin's Pannone VeSe-
table Pills for Blond, Stomaee. Kidney end Lives rill,
eases, to their friends and neighbors, at 23e. abox. Send your
name and address today and we will send you the Pills post-
paid, With the Phis-wo,end you 4 fancy Pins, to give one to
eacbeastomer buying a box of pills from you. Whoa. sold, re.
turn the money $1.00 to us and we will sent you our. of these
handsome Pins, with any Initial desired, by return mall. ab•
aolutely FREE,
Adores, : Tni:3t MATURIN MEDICINE 00•.
'mttm'•r' ircr
Brother's in a hospital
Busted up and lame,
Some one used hint for a. mat
In a football game.
Mother's also quite smashed up
Joining in the rush,
Got some fractures and the like
In a bargain crush.
Sister has a broken leg,
Quite a common hurt,
Got it walking in the street
In a hobble skirt.
Father has a broken skull
From a little mix, -
Got a brick upon his head
Talking polities.
To All Women: I will send free with
full instructions, my home treatment
which positiveliyt cures Leucorrhoeal„
'Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the
Womb, Painful or Irregular periods,
Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths,
also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, Melan-
cholly, Pains in the Head, Back or Bow-
els. Kidney and Bladder troubles, where
eel sed by weakness peculiar to our sex.
You can continue treatment at home at
a cost of only 12 cents.a week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also
sent free on request. Write to -days.
Address. Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. 8,
Windsor. Ont _
"I've found out why we speak of the
participants in a wedding as the con-
e in parties."
"I bite. What's the answer""
"Ws because the two become one"
4 s A
+d. o „ne of the number who had the
a>_+1 pleasure of mooting and giv-
.7. a »>:Sams to the brave, large -hearted
Lvhen he went to London af-
gllirious victory in taking Rome.
N.=. •-.erne to me btit of yesterday. He
11.>>-- '• : at the Bricklayers' Arms Ba l -
t. 'r°at,ien by tens of thousands,
-.till, old, 'dell and poor, and escort-
•;+agrh the streets of London to the
iiitlherlalid's London mansion.
J9.:.::.' -.nail a scene as I think never
. seen in London before nor since.
:.., +,r
ample could not describe it. From
:' r. tiiTh ter Bridge to the Duke of Suth-
e-r:.I ri'i house, the crowd of 'humanity
:as srr f,aelcod that once in the crowd,
v'., -i w+trn fixed there with no possibility
�'G'iartn w" arrived in front of the Horse
l; aard.i, those nearest the carriage un-•rhe,1 the horses and the carriage with
?..;+ hr•r%i was dragged the rest of the
wale by thausnnds that delighted to do
itirit 11jnu+r. It was tile enthusiasm of a
right and just people for the work done
by t;•aia one Iran not only for Italy, but
for the whole world --a victory over
tyranny, ignorttnee and stiperstition.
England above all nations wanted to do
hint honor, and -diel it to its full in the
::Bort time it had tlpao chance.. sVilliam
I)r'nla y, Dorset, 'Vienne ihl .the t"Ilrist an
Minard's Liniment Curos Diphtheria.
Cleveland Leader.)
'Tarty gowns will be out lower in
t.ire back this year."
"Is that soP Then ,we'll have to make
WIT belt,; harrower."
This wonderrul imported Moving Pic-
ture Machine with 2 films with 63 views„
All given free for selling 24 pieces of
our goods at IOc each. Get this marvel-
ous Machine and earn plenty of money.
Write for goods. When sold return 22.40
and we send Moving picture Machine
and films with 63 views. FRIEND SOAP'
CO,. bept. 777, Boston, Mass.
nocyrs STIOt WIND WATCH Eti +
AND PING lilt'' {F
Genuine ktnerica.n Watch,
Stem Wind, Stem . Set.
Beautiful case, Guaran-
teed time
keeper: also
Ring with
Spark ling
Gent. boot
10eeacfr e for Jewelr24 y. Novelties
100h Writsol'
send us $2.40 and we will send watch and
ring mend SOFA (-e:, Dept. 780, Boston, Mass.
This elegant watcir,.;,
stem wind and set„fancy
engraved SOLI) :llovEn
cases, FUULLE smuts r -
rem/ will be sent yon
FREE if you salt only
83.00 worth' of our beauti-
fully colored and emboss-
ed post card:t at G for 105.
These aren() vcrylatest
designs'tame, ):.Ictal„
EoitUay„ - Comics, IO The
swiftest sellers. just show
therm and takein the money.
Sendyourname and address
ptainlywritteu,and we will
forward you it package of
cards and 0117 big preuiinm
list. Don't delay, for we give
this extra present for prompt,
Dept. au Toronto, Un
A quaint ceremony, known as apple •
pie, feast, has just been observed at
Branscontbe. Owners of orchards pro-
vide the apples, and funds are collected
for the making of the pies. Every one
is welcome to eat of then) on handing in
his plate. The actual consumption takes -
place in the village square, the pies being
brought front a local bake house in a
decorated pony cart and placed on tables
from which they are served out to the
crowd. The late vicar and his wife al-
ways had- the first helping, and "for old
times sake” the first was this year tak-
en by proxy for his aged widow.---Lon-
idow: Lon-
don Standard.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
%,o-?t�.�..,F"gir>ti't.;; tvl.:>ni'n/5.�^'`+°.•'1iL .:'t,a.x.-'rt +•,°, ,. >,MC,„».:�.r.n •::.±.^'ii"3510 P tn'43NA4Y1
They make no noise'or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The mal•ch
for the smoker, the office and the home.
All good dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenwere, Fibrelvare,
Tubs, Pails and Washboards.
The Ea ire EDDY Co., Limited,
A Gaeta ear Ladino Solid Geld Wetee costs :cora
ytiurttonftaou dens se anc: aWatch winch o raise, tilos
and last well wilt be equal to any Seh,i Gold
Mice, send as your name and eddreno inittiediwte•
ly and agree to sell 10 boxes only, of Pc, 112atierin's
Pnmooe V aitethble Pills, at este a box, They are
the greatest remedy en earth for the cure of poor
and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, censtf•
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kid•
nay diseases, and. all female weaknesses; they are
the Great $iced Purifier and invigorator, a eirand
Ton -o, and Life 13ai1der. With the fills wo sent
10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pllls-
this makes theta easy to sell, This is the rhneee
of a lifetime. De not mist; it, Sand ns trtnr order
and we will send yeti the 10 boxes, post paid.
When you have sold them, Send us the money *.2,se
and we will rend yen
A GENTS. or LADIES Wfi.+ 012
thosa'me day the hroeey is received,
We are giving these beautiful Watches to eavertiso
our Remedies. This is a grand opgortneity to se•
cure a valuable Watch without having to spend a
cent. And our Watch is a stem wind and stern sot
and net the cheap back wind artlelo generally
given as premiums. Send for our pills without
CO., Watch Dept. ?.0 Toronto, Ont. on