The Herald, 1910-11-18, Page 1ed _.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township
Vol. XI.
NO 16
0 C
.w" yy If you have'nt experien-
ted the pleasure of buying
cloth s where your satis-
faction is more important it
than your money. you'll
ie.irn something when you ij
conte to us. something
Trod -will more than profit
and handle only such Cloth-
ing as speaks for itself. A
wizard could'nt keep yon
from buying once you see
styles and qualities we have
ready. They give expres-
eion and character to a kl
luau's figure, and have au
argument past the common
in the beauty of designs
and materials. We're sel-
ling the highest quality of
really tine clothing at the
lowest margin of profit ever
attempted hereabouts, and
crowding in all we possibly
k4r can of value to bring you
twice as many. Give us an o;•portuuity to prove it. Your
good judgment will cls the rest.
§ Why Not Style
In 'rot's' CIS this
kind We're making a sp tial feature this season of a different 0
of clothing for boys. The rule has been to consida:r any-
thing good enough if it d d'nt wear out too quickly, anu the aver-
age boy bas looked the part. We're ic•ady now with distinctive "
style as well as quality in Boys' wits and Overcoats, and the
novelty of it all is bringing us glen y of business.
Give the boys a chance! Appeal .all von can to their self-
rirespect. Well d, essed boys are matte nowadays at very little ex-
1,1 pease, and values such as these won't interfere with your bay ing.
Boys' Suits, aged 9 years X13.00 to 5.00; Boys' Suits, aged i
10 and 11 }ears 3.00 to 6.50; Boys' Suit., age:,l 13 years 4.50 6
to 8.00; Boys' and Youths' Overcoats, TI,veed lined, military
collar special at $0.50.
It costs no more to get b)ys' clothing rcilly stylish as well
as good if you come to the right store. If we were'nt very sure
of the unusual quality as well as style of our boy's suits, we
should say less about them.
FURS AND FUR COA'L'S We are showing a complete
0 line of Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Throws, Fur lined coats and Fur coats.
I See cut special. Fur coats at $20.00.
SEAtONAl3LIii HARDWARE A complete line of Cow,
chains, open ring and three chain, stall fixtures, stable shovels,,
snow shovels, axes and handles, robes, rugs, blankets, string bell
. chitties and open be114, meat grinders and lard presses; etc.
e:*Eiro4-Ar-04-ArwrP-4‘411,42 rt 411
D. S. Faust has a fine range of
door mats, for 25 dents each.
T' e British elections will be
held the first week in December.
For nine•date picture fram.
ing go to Hartleib s.
Mr. C. Hartleib has sold his
dwelling near Kalbfleisoh's mill, to
Mrs. john Siemon, for x.700.00.
D. S. Faust has reduced all prices
below cast in his millinery depart
trent. Come while they last.
Mrs. Peter Koehler had the mss
fortune to break her wrist, on
Sunday, as the result of a fall,
Root pnlpers all styles, Joliiett
grinder plates, wheel barrows,
cheap. F. Hess &Son.
Miss Ruth Gisohler of Tavistock,
is the guest of her cousin Miss
Beatrice Gischler, at the Evange.
tical parsonage.
D. S. Faust has some fine
tapestry rags with and without
seam, size 3x31 yards. Call and
get low prices.
The new plate glass front has
been put into Fritz' shoe shop
which adds greatly to its appear-
Nobby portland and piano box
nutters, latest styles. best work,
prices low, finest finish. F. Hees
ac Son.
Mrs. G. Holtzman, who spent
some time with her children at
Galt and Berlin, returned' home on
Mr. William Ruby and family
have moved to the dwelling recent-
ly vacated by Mr. Wm. Bender.
We welcome them to town.
See our cutters before you bey,
cheaper and better than factory
made work. Support ,your home
town and save money. F. Hess
3c Son.
lvfa.sons ant'" -. ranters started
work on.' Fr tv transform
purt of Mn, ) J. Merner's store
into an up-to-date bank premises.
Mr. Merner will build an addition
to his store, next spring.
Agents iVanted—Whole or part
time; liberal terms; outfit free.
Over 500 acres in trees. Write at
nnee. "The Fruit Tree Special -
W. Bowman & Son Co , Ltd.
Ridgeville, Ont,
D. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
speei'►list will be at Commercial
Hotel, Hansell, on Friday. Deo.
10th. Hours all ciao. Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh., deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
The new Mennonite church was
crowded at both morning and
evoning dedication services, on
Sunday. The congregation is to
be congratulated on their new
edifice. The building is of brick,
with nice basement, heated with
a furnace and has comfortable
seats which were made by Blonde,
of Chatham.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr.
and Mrs, Henry Sehade, of
Brewster, who are called upon to
mourn the loss of their two
months' old son' Norman TI., wlio
died on Monday, Oct,. "tat, after
an illness of about a week's dura-
Our dear darling baby
Who is gone to bleaven above.
Is resting in the arms of .Jesus
r Gol
eats or!
Faust's Store has gained the confidence of
the public by its fair way of dealing. It
makes all persons welcome whether they
intehd to buy or not.
Fall and Winter are fast approaching and
with the cold weather, which means that
you will require wanner clothing.
DRESS GOODS We have a large range of the latest
RUFFS and MUFFS Be sure and look at our stock of
Furs to thatch.
SCARFS We have a large assortment of woollen scarfs.
from 60cts to 3.00 each.
UNDERWEAR Just what yon women need, natural wool
Underwear, also men's natural wool, heavy fleeced wool
and cotton. Come and see our Underwear.
HOSE We consider having the best hose for women girls
and boys that money can buy.
SWEATER COATS We have a full range of Mens and
Boys Coats.
BLANKETS We carry a good stock of woollen and flan-
nelette blankets.
assortment of Rugs and Door Mats.
MILLINERY DEPARTMENT All hats below cost
price. We invite you to call and gat one of our hats for
small money. They must be sold. Come early and have
first choice.
FOWL WANTED Cash or trade. Come along we
highest prices. Dressed or alive.
Dutch Setts, Large Onions and
Ali Farm Produce taker& in exchange
Dominion Parliament opened at
Ottawa, on Thursday 17th inst.
Have you seen the beautiful
union carpet rugs for the small
sum of $5.00, at D. S Faust.
Mrs. George Campbell returned
on Saturday evening f rom a few
weeks' visit with her daughter.
Mrs. Kumpman, at Berlin.
Our trunk and valise department
is complete. Call and see them,
prices a little cheaper then the
ordinary run, itt Hartletb's..
There was no preaching service
in the Evangelical church Sunday
night, owing to the storm which
broke one of the electric, light wires
Two building lets for sale at the
South end, near Lutheran churoh.
1 lot 45x150 fent, $100,00 ;1 lot 45x
1iO feet with use of 16% foot lane,
;.150.00, Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich.
Wanted—Good reliable man
(married) to go to Alberta. this
spring to work on farm. Conven-
ient to village. Apply A. M. Old-
ham, 290 st James st London.
Robert Willis, Seaforth's oluest
nercbant, died] on Sunday. For
alf a century he had been engaged
n the shoe bnsiness. Mr. Willis
was a lifelong Liberal. He was a
harter member of the Oddfellows,
the A. O. U. W., and the Royal
rcanntn. The funeral was held
o Maitland Bank Cemetery Tues -
ay afternoon.
Fosrant YoST
For up to•dnte plush rugs, rcbcs,
and horse blankets, see Hartleib's
Enough snow has fallen the past
week, to make eleighin , but in-
stead of that the road.s are deep
with slush and mud.
Parties wanting apples can leave
their orders for same at Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, or at Jas, Moore,
Hensel]. A. Mittelholtz.
Mr. ,John K. Gerber has taken
possession of the farm at the
Bronson Line, recently purchased
from Mr, W S. Ruby.
There is little danger from a,
cold or from en attack of the grip
except when followed by pneu-
monia, and this.. never happens
when Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy is used. This remedy has won
its great reputation and extensive
sale by, its remarkable cures of
colds and grip can be relied upon
with implicit confidence. For sale
by all dealers
The regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. met Wednesday afternoon,
Nov 16th, at the home of Mrs. F.
Witwer. Mrs. C. Hoyrock conduct-
ed the devotional exercises and
based her remarks on "Prayer,"
Miss Ethel Williams took charge
of the educational half hour. The
subject chosen "1'he Silent Places"
The business was then transacted
and the meeting, closed with sing-
ing, "All round the World the
Ribbon White is Twined."
THE REV. Jai., HIOKS 1911
The wedding of Miss Mary Yost,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Yost of Sebewaing, Mich., to Mr.
Joseph Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Foster of Zurich, Ont.,
was solemnized at S. S. Peter Paul
Oatheral, Tuesday Nor., 15. Mr.
and Mrs, Foster have gone to the
northern part of Michigan, on
theirhouesutoon trip.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac
for 1911, that guardian Angel in a
hundred thousand homes, is now
ready. Not many are now willing
to be without it and the Rev. Irl R.
tricks Magazine, Word and Works.
The two are only One Dollar a
year. The Almanac is 35c prepaid.
No home or office should fail to
send for them, to Word and Works
Publishing Cornpeiny, St, Louis,.