The Herald, 1910-11-11, Page 61 One thorough application of :::•,t. Zorn-Buk at might will brim ease Farr-Buk Mops the by morning. heals they cracks, and smarting, makes the hands smooth,. FEOOl F_ -Miss Hattie Bertrand, Galesburg, Ont,, writes :—" I Was troubled with quipped hands and arms and nothing ever seemed to heal them thoroughly until we found Zanl-Bok. It has cured them. My father has also used it for several skin troubles and injuries, and thinks there is nothing like Yam -Bak." Mothers should see tliat their children use Zan). -•i Buk daily, as there is nothing like prevent'on. A little Tam -Bak lightly smeared over the hands and wrists, after washing, will prevent chaps and cold sores. Zam-auk is also a sure cure far skin diseases, ecema, itch, ringworm, ulaod•potsoning, pipes, and for cuts, burns and braises. 500 box at all stores and druggists, or post, tree from Zorn-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, Refuse harinful eubstitu.es and imitations. ,Y. my .V HOME NEE 5 T. lL ° IISi U 'riia9 L7.A\ r ','f +ilY'.=.•%k : �•. • .K ' f +•'' u ?• 6 NS Of THE INU��BEUEF U�� Teacher With 38 Years' Service Re- signs at Windsor. • Greek Laborer Killed on a Montreal Street Crossing. Motor Cycles Now Being Used by Kentucky Burglars, SLOOP FOUND. Was in Pike Creek and May be Smuggling Business. ASSETS ENOUGH. In Not Likely That Sovereign Bank Shareholders Will be Called On. Wndsnr despatch: The sloop .Sprite, .25 footer, supposed to be of Detroit, was captured last night in Pike Creek, two miles above Tecumseh, by Custom Officer P. McEwan and Cergt. Jackson, of Windsor police force. No one was on board at the time but two suit eases were found on the boat and it is thought that the boat was used for smuggling purposes from Detroit to Canada. The boat is being held and police and customs officers believe they have a clue. Mayor Gaynor has written a letter t•n- dorsing the candidature of John A. Dix for Governor of New York. The Board of Education of London has decided to employ a nurse to look after children in the .Public Schools. No less titan i35 new case, of measles were reported by the Health Depart- ment to have broken out in Montreal. The body of • a elan, believed to be P. If. Clancey, was found floating in the river several miles below Edmonton. It had been in the water some time. Rev. C. P. McFarlane, of 'Tavistock, has accepted•a call to the pastorate of Rodney, West Lorne and Aldboro' :Plains churches, beginning November 27. The formal 'induction of Rev. Arthur Carlisle, as rector of All Saints' Episco- pal Church, took place at Windsor, Bishop Williams. officiating. Howard Bracken. the 17 -year-old boy accidentlly shot at Se:leys Bay while out duck hunting on `i'hank'giviug Day, died without regaining consciousness. it is stated that the citizens of New- castle will be given an opportunity to again vote upon a local option by-law, the contest to take piece in January; By a unanimous vote. the aldermen of Victoria, 13..C., have turned down the proposal of Mayor Gorkey to adopt the Controller system in municipal govern- ment. Toronto despatch: As intimated at the annual meeting it is expected the liqui- 1 dation. of Soverei,n Bank assets will fur- . Blah ample funds to pay off all liabili- ties. leaving the shareholders free of any call, under the double liability on the ' e andos,,ibi v with some- , bank's s .parrs; p la among � Idistributiong . thin, left over for the shareholders. Tt is said liquidation is proceeding sat- isfactorily.a C 12 1S. and the last report shows a nominal surplus of a considerable amount. 4 . p' ° ' e; ;' m v aa. : '.. ' ....r:;r, l �s M or•, '� _. a rs1 en: butter ---and slie is any other. Windsor Dairy Salt is both a money- maker and a money -saver. It makes money for farmers and dairy- men because it makes butter that brings the best prices. It saves money for them because, beim; absolutelypure, it requires less to properly salt the butter. 39 The wise louse - wife knows the importance of always keeping a good supply of Windsor Dairy Salt on hand. She knows that Windsor Salt makes the best not satisfied to make The bar -room in the City Notal, Lon- don, was robbed early yesterday. Four tiil;s were opened and $40 stolen. Her- bert Bloomfield, a night pnrtc•r, is miss- ing. Bev. .1. C. Bowen, pastor of the church at Stratlu•ona, has been called i'y the Board of Governors of Bran- don College, as Yield Secretary of that institution , . Dr. :Leon .mei Luton. who has been prominent in professional and civic circles in Elgin county all his life, died at his home at St, 'Thomas. He was 75 years of age. The Toronto Medical Health Officer is •r it •of Controlthat 3 a Ca reports to the 1 oad will be advisable to "make assurance doubly sure" by continuing to boil the drinking water. The dairy instructor for the district of 1Varkworth estimates that there has been twenty per cent. more cheese made in this locality this year than Last year, with fewer cows. The ]Provincial police have been asked to locate Albert Simpson, of Flnbcny, Eng., who came to Canada three yaa.rs ago, and has not been heard from for eighteen months. A big building boom is assured for Victoria, 13. ('..as a result of the great fire in the business section. Live big blocks of six and seven storeys in height are contemplated. NavAan (n A' i :Sf � as T. l `'. ,1(S g is b o r .,. o "S'' a y,.^< T(Iepho ,�; `i',.e fib' t `1.r «..n ? ohn ®'' Then we want to send you our book on "How to Build Rural Telephone Lines," far some day either yourself, or someone else is going to start a Co -Operative Telephone Company in your neighborhood and you owe it to yourself to be posted on This book tells all about bow to organize and construct a Rural Tele- phone System. It gives you the de- tails that you and your neighbors would like to know. It contains Just the right information on how to get a community -owned telephone systema going and bow to keep it going. It also tells about the No. 1317 type Telephone Set the 119 9 at sho phone' instrumcn t ever made by any manufacturer. This book is the last *word on Telephone Set construction. Asking for it places you under no ob- ligation. Simply tell us that you would like to read Bulletin No. 390 and we will send it to you free on most perfect 'tele- AND MANUFACTURING, CO. um* Manufacturer and Supplier of alt apparatus and equipment osed to the construction, operation and maintenance of Telephone, Fire Alarm and Electric Railway Plants. Address our nearest house. al MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG REGINA. CALGARY VANCOUVER 225 A91� 49:.11.0.; ,gyp 1�4 ti • dl1yC flit housie township. The county is mulcted for court costs. Frank and Cora Bennett, husband and Wife. of (;ouvernetir, N. t., are under arreet sf Kingston on a oll:arg,e of vag- rancy. The couple were really taken 10 cnarbe because of a hold-up scheme they were alleged to be putting into effect. After a month's effort to get the Brantford City Council to vote enough money to provide aecommo,l.ition for a Hew patrol wagon alrr 1t } built, the re- quest of the Police Patti i s'one),? w:ig negatived by a tie vote taken three times by the city fathers. Motor cycles are the latest vehicles to be used by burglars in Kentucky. A gang of them mounted on these swiftly - moving =dillies raided six small towns in Moyle county and escaped with nearly a thousand dollars. 'With a record of 3S years' service be- hind her, all of which has been spent as a teacher in the Windsor Public Schools, 'Miss Elizabeth ]3in tlett has tendered her resignation, to become effective at the end of the year. '�k3.• —the peter to enjoy to t t ;t at , work, and pleasure—comes only with a good digestion, 13N Qui+ ''1 A tone tip weak stomachs—supply the cites ivt juioes which ale lacking ---ensure your food being property converted into b -awn and sinew, red blood and active brain. 50e. a box at your druggist's or from tenet Chemie. l Co. of Canada, t cited. �' • - Montreut. George Ualendis, a Greek laborer, 35 years of age, unmarried ,and living at S4 St. Charles liarorm.ee street, Montreal, was killed by a train at the C. P. R. erasing at 1)elorim:.er 1'at•k. The Provincial Government has de- cided to offer a reward of .$50 for infor- mation which will lead to the arrest of Peter Cousneau, who escaped from jail at Bracebridge on Aug. 27'. A new refining plant will greatly aid the mining industry at MooCe Mountain. A North Bay delegation asked the Canadian Northern Railway manage- ment to make ,some extensions. Twenty firing were; notified to vacate the Boxer building, corner of St. Francois :Xavier and St. James streets, Montreal. 1;o -.day, owing to the :structure being condemned by the building inspeetor, Henry Irwin, 60 years of age, who was found dead in Ills roost on Grove avenue, 1 Toronto. on Oct 26. came to his death from excessive drinking, according to the verdict of Coroner Clendenan'a jury. It was decided in the Toronto ;police Conrt that Abraham Wishart. the Irish constable tyle,) for several weeps has been held on advice. from Ireland on a charge of defaulting payment, will be deported. 1''raneisco .&ndino, who has just been liberated from Welland jail, was fined fifty dollars at Niagara Valls for carry- ing concealed weapons. lie had no money to pay the fine and was commit- ted, On. instructions from Ottawa, Gover- nor Vallee, of the Montreal jail, set a vanvang of prisoners at work on the erec- tion of a scaffold for the execution of Tnnothy Candy, condemned to be hung o11 Nov. IS, Herman C. Kehr, of Toronto, who un- successfully appealed leis conviction on a charge of usury, was sentenced by Judge ftellton, 111 the County Criminal Court, to pay a fine of $500. Mt. Kehr paid up inllncdiately, Judge Hensler has ordered that l'crth county 'anti township must each bear half of tile maintenance of the bridge at tile, foot • of Dalhousie Lake in Dal - Daviel Rom, the retiring Dominion grain inspector, was waited on by the whole of the Winnipeg grain inspection staff of over fifty men and presented with an address and a handsome cabinet of flat silverware, valued at 16.100. 11. Wilkes Crani, manager of the Bank of Ottawa, Lanark, was shot in the forehead by a twenty-two rifle bullet while walking along the road. The bullet struck him a glancing blow and missed the brain by a narrow Mar- gin. He will recover. In addition to the• Merchants Bank, which opened at St. John, N. 13., the Traders Ba1ck, the Union Bank of Can- ada, and the Imperial Bank have had representatives in the eity looking over the situation and making inquiries re- gnrding suitable offices. The British Columbia Court'' of Appeal has handed down a decision in favor of Theodore lanigate in the case - of the Vancouver Lumber Company against the city. Chief Justice McDonald finds there is no authority to support its 001tt01tti0n that Deadman's Island at low tide is Part of Stanley Park peninsula. E'z st�"P_r-P � Y.r"';�, .gym.. t,� •e«x:, BOY'S SLEIGH GIRL'S SLEIGH BOye and Girls, now its the time fur coasting, and we will give yen one of these hand- some Sleighs, forinches boy ng and r girl, inches wide. Runfor a ttle of ners oiled, strour iped and varare time nished, round : sto mel e «reo is83has th i h it sicwide, ool. The ses w Bo gand11 inch 7a on inches Ione s. The Girl's sleigh is 86 ma spring afoul eYtuc straight knees and flat shoes. Gear is oiled and varnished. Doth have top hand -painted, and finished with neat scroll. Alt yon have to do to earn one of these lovely sleighs, is to sell 8 boxes only, of Dr. 1liaturin'e Famous Vogctablo Palls. at 25e a box. They aro a wonderful remedy for indigestion, constipation, weak and impure blood, rheumatism, le grippe, colds, liver and kidney. troubles. They are easy to sell, as each customer who buys a box of pills from you, rectiveselse anice pieceof Jewelry,_which we send you with the pills. Do not miss this chance cf securing a nice sleigh MILE. Send ns your name and address and we wilt . promptly send you the 8 bo:ces of pills, by mail postpaid. When all sold, remit to us the 1;2.01) received and we r you cannot Dell ill. at. once. Write you the sleigh Just as reepprresentted(; we will � ttakee back the � pills Address : 111 he DL M&TURIN ME CINE CO. DEPT.2E0 TORONTO. ONT. 1 on the side of the house where. winter blasts strike hardest always bas a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a FECT @51CM. ELM SS Absolutely smokeless and odorless vhich can be kept at full or low heat for a shortor long time Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours,, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler -cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottles and is attached by a chain and cannot get lo����� prevents the Au a.0 tori at3ie-Booking name s� wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well - made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. Dealers Everywhere, if sot el yours, write for descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the The Qiueen City Oil Coonnpa tY' Limited.o m,srr Y ,e;- +. rRh 'atf r C r.}� \at' ��'�f�..�;�r��'t r�.�;ll�'lt�,�'�`iltr- �ti. ry nI fi 11 ',V ,.t +) mtva pa ttt1,'ttlaq•t��'}r) k 1gh '� }'�•' 'n l 'vA a4.1 „tamsiti!a k ti roar is the turning -point to economy in wear ant tear of wagons. try a box. [every dealet everywhere. The Queen City VeilCori. Ltd