The Herald, 1910-11-11, Page 2essage She Cured inler Hassband tirddin c l � Nor Today and She WIII 'Tell You.Now Yon Om Do the Same For over twenty years her husband was a hard drinker. lie had triad in every way to stop but could not do so, but • nine yeare acro she atop- ped his drin kingentire- ly by using o simple remedy which any one cangIveseeretly, Hun- dreds have freed their homes from drink by following her advice. The method is easy and sure. if you have a dear one who drinks we earnestly advise you to write to her at once. She makes no charge for her help, (she asks for no money and ac- ' cepis none) she only asks that you ere per - • tail Ton how toFree sonelly intere.sh5d in your Some from Drink. saving one who drinks. Send your letter with confidence to her home. 1iere is her address— Mrs. Margaret Anderson, 40 Horne Avenue, Filliburate New Yore Note; (Write your All nt de a and address plainly— HOW "GOD'S IGLOO" WAS BUILT. Our houses here on the Labrador coast are built entirely of wood. Our old church, which was built in 1814, is near- ly 100 years old. It is no wonder, there- fore, that most of the timbers in the foundation are decayed., and that the walls have given way in places, so that often. during a gale we fear an entire collapse. The new church will soon be complete, and this autumn we shall be glad. to move into the new premises. In more respects than one, the new church will be an improvement on the old. In the former, the benches were without backs, and during the winter nights light was derived from eandtetl and the space was limited. The new church will have benches with backs, so that the worshippers can sit comfort- ably. and the lamps—a gift from a friend in London—will not only give a better light, but will also help to decor- ate the church. To our Eskimos, the ru w church is a great innovation; they call it "God's Igloo" ((lod's !rouse.) They have not seen anything better or more beautiful and they believe it to be the prettiest place in the universe.— Christian Schmitt, in The Christian Her- ald. CLrd In On Mmth IT PAYS. TO ADVERTISE. (Detroit Free Press.) Our liner "ad" for someone to be come the twelfth member of an after- noon card drib now forming,. brought many responses, too many in est for us to answer them all to -day. Some of the applicants filed - their references, while others omitted this important de- tail. We have it strictly from the lady president and the lady treasurer, that no one who cannot give the list of clubs she has been a member of and why, she is no longer connected with them will be considered. But answering the applicants if our mission to -day. Mabel G.—You won't do. Your re- ferences show that you won too many prizes last year. Grace—Your application is being con- sidered. The statement that you always serve salads instead of sandwiches is greatly in your favor. Mrs. J, 1.. M.—Sorry, but you were not explicit enough in your explanation of why you were dropped from the Idle Hour Club. Barbara—Your offer to serve minced ham won't do. This club meets on Fri- day afternoons. Winifred—Women with three children are barred. Clara --One of the women you referred us to reports that you were always stin- gy with your ice cream. Irene—We rejected you because we are a good friend of your husband. If every woman, wise has kidney or 'Rledder trouble, could go to Davisville, they Ont and just to he did—take Gill Pills and cure themselves. "For 14 or 1e years T had Kidney or 33ladder trouble, suffering at times intense pain. I doctored continually, but nothing gave me permanent relief until T was persuaded to try Gin Pills. "Within a couple of days I received great relief, and after taking one box leaf- completely cured." b rn. A. Simpson. Writes :tiatiot:al Drug & Chemical Co. {pent. I3. L.) Toronto, for free sample. se cents a box; 6 be :es for $1.%, at all de -tilers, r BELONGED TO '1.'1:1Fe PROFESSION. I, A regress, very fat and Weil, along in years sauntered into the lobby of a more than THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LiTTLE ONES. The best medicine in the world for lit- tle ones is the medicine that will promptly cure all their little ills and at the same time can be given the very youngest baby with absolute safety. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They never fail to cure the e i '1 l child- hood of c hood and the mother has the guarantee of a Government analyst that they do not contain one particle of injurious drug. Concerning them Mrs. John Rob- ertson, Streetsville, Ont., writes: "I have iised Baby's Own Tablets for constipa- tion 'with the very best results. They are indeed a valuable medicine for little ones. The Tablets are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at flit cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EFFECT OF SCENT ON THE VOiCE (.front the London Globe.) According to a well-known Viennese doctor, perfumes have a great effect on the voice. In this connection he re, calls the experience of a celebrated sin- ger who had Yeeciyed from a friend a large bouqultr$ of Parma violets. Before appearing itt her scene she took a deep breath of the fragrant scent, and to iter surprise upon going on the stage found herself unable to sing a note. This authority is of the opinion that all strong scents should ba avoided by sing- ers, as they exercise influence (tit the vocal cords more or less marked accord- ing to the subject. •e♦ Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure many common ailments which Broadway theatre the outer day and are very different, but which all asked for the manager. arise from the same c•uuse--a system "What can 1 do fur you, mammy:"' eloped with impurities. The Pills asked the manager. "1 want a ticket into the gallery, hose," she replied calmly. "But why should 1 give you a ticket?" "'Cos 1 ant a retired actress." "You? \Vhat did you do?" inquired the other in amazement. ,. Cleopatra, 1 n a d • •r •e inAntony 1 played was €an bearer for Miss fanny Deem-. port." She got her ticket. BOYS 100 a ilia FREE This cemelw. Nlek.1 OWL atam WIndtag and S utng, null nag u Lo hwlllbn'lvn £ autusd Wets t EA� any hay or RSr1 derothil s taw hours selling t4 psrkots of ehm tiro" Shout Dining 5.1100, each. Send us your untie and whiffet plainly written, and we, wilt man the Itlu1nr with nttrinatrvntiohelu,w toarillt. when addend no the manor, and WO will Arid the wntuh prepaid, t\'rhlu to -day to Empire Metre fai8 iifg. Co, • tulle 522 4cerilsf Trxdttlldg, feat, id., firlrest tee. • MYSTIFYING. (Chicago Tribnne,) "Baseball is such at euriot;a game," ob- served the puzzled fort'igneis. "When that man they call the empire said 'Safe!' he beeatne at once. in ;treat per- sonal dancer." Minerd's Liniment Cure, Diphtheria. FIi1ST Ai D. Husband --I met Iiawkine to -:lay, and he orae veru gloomy-- told ole he was pr•rf.'etly willing to die. . \Vitt --Oh, John! Why didn't yon t' .l< bite. 1 ere a ;e Ta i nkeeiving di ruler? cause the bowels to move regular- ly, strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and. open up the pores of the skin. '!'hese organs immediate- ly throw off the aceumulated impur- ities, and Bilionsness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles. headaches. Rheumatism and similar • �''s Indian n ailments vanish. Dr, :dols. Root Pills. Save Doctor's' Bills GIVEN UP BY HIS PHYSICIAN "FRUIT-A.1111/ES", "1'ril+' FAMOUS FRUIT M PIGiaM, S WED (MISS LIFE. JAMS DINGWALL, ECM. Willirnnstowm, Ont., July 27th, zgoS. "I suffered all my life from. Chi:onie Constipation and no doctor, or remedy, I ever tried helped zee. "Fruit-a-tives" promptly cured me, Also, last spring I had a bad attack of BLADDER and KIDNEY TROUBLE; and the doctor gave me up but "Fruit-a-tives" saved my life, I am now over eighty years of age and 1 strongly recommend "Fruit-a-tivee' for Constipation and KidneyTrouble" Signed) TAMES DINGWALL. 5oc abox, 6 fcr $2.50 —0 r trial box, gee --at dealers or from Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottare. NAMES IN SAMOA. Travellers visiting Samoa are puzzled at first by the fart that many boys bear feminine names, while girls as frequent- ly have masculine mimes,, The visitor learns after awhile, however, says the New York Mail. that tills confusing use of names. instead of being due to ignor- ance, is in reality the result of a native custom which is highly poetic. Thus if a girl is, born soon after the death of a brother the litttt'r'e name is given to her, in the belief that his spirit and all his good qualities hove been transferred to her. On the other hand, if a boy is born after the death of a sister he takes the latter's name, and, as the Samoans believe, all her Lovable traits become bis. Who shall say that those gentle Sonth Sea Islanders are destitute of the poetic instinet'1 BETTER TAN SPANKING. WAVE OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS Infantile paralyal's "le most common in early :9hrideoud. with too exception or the first yegr Tlie greaest ttuautor of cases e(fcut• in 1150 third and fourth years. 'Phease earfom three tiays to n Mysonthdissited.•appekpeststrer, usually before the tenth day. For marry years it was ttr,possible. to say definitely where Lite seat of infantile paralysis was located. kfowaver, to -day, with all the auxiillarles of modern tecnique, and a careful study of the blood vessels, which supply 100 WW1/ cord we have positive proof that the disease is an Inflammation of tite gray platter in part of the spinal cord, and in the small blood vessels leading to this area. hTo early symptoms of this disease, In many cases, are characterized by the child complaining of headache, hatless- )ress, weakness of the limbs and loss of appetite. This condition is followed by levet (from 101 to 101 degrees- Fahren- heit), disr,rees in stomach and intestines and vomiting. The fever lasts °"om one 1u four days. In other more' severe cases, the disease begins early with fel er, followed by marked disturbance in the brain, accompaniedby spasms or convulsions. Another uncommon type bo here a child will go to bed apparently in perfect health and awaken in the morning paralyzed in one or mono of its timbe. The symptom of the second stage is paralysis itself. Generally spealting it is rather extensive. In many cases, all Nur limbs are involved, and sometimes she muscles of the nape of the neck. In other cases, the paralysis involves only a Army of muscles of one or both legs. The extent of the immediate damage from the paralysis is usually complete within a few hours, although it may ex- tents over apetriod of three . or four days. Li a week or ten days, some improve- neert begins and this continues usually until only a arnall degree of paralysis remains.—Samuel G. Tracy, M. D., in The Christian I•Tereld. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mere, Box W • 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to anv mother her successful home treatment, with full Instructions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame it. This' the eatment es aalso it eu es adults and aged people troubled with. urine difficulties by day ,or night. • Aged tett,.. « saved B),; His Dog. 1t;beneeesr'Laru ey, 821years old, killed three bears near his home in Lang Val- ley, on the line between El Dorado and Placer counties a few days ago, but es- caped possible death from one of them Hornei1 DYEING Is [hc way 5o mad Dyes.„ Weil ' Trp it Simple, as Washing with eery,e;i 4, Z+ ONE int PORM I KIN D'301iiocD5 .01YA rose a raAt JUST Tie U MG OF IT I Dyes WOOL Cotton, Silk or Mixed Goods Perfectly with rho SAME Dye --Ne chance of mtstakee. Fast and Dental Colors 111 coma, from your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Color Card and STORY/30014m. 76 Tho Johnson-gt..hardsou Co.. Limited, Montreal. by the interference of his dog. Ralnsey's dog treed a large bear and her two cubs, and Ramsey, with an ancieltt single shot rifle went to investigate. Seeing the bears, he shot all three, but the mother bear was not killed, and on falling to the ;round she took after Ramsey be- fore he could reload his rifle. His dog, however, pounced upon the infuriated animal and kept it busy un- til ltamsey secured an axe, with which he killed the brute. kie says it was the most exciting hunt he ever had. --Placer- ville correspondence San Francisco Chronicle. HUMAN POTATOES. Frederick Townsend Martin, the lead- er of the more intellectual set of New York society, praised, at one of his din- ners, the Alnetncan heiress' new resolve to marry only an Aiaerican tnan. 'There's Miss Harriman," he said. "There's .Miss Townsend. There's Miss Gould, These glide have set a fashion that 1 hope will prevail for a long time." Mr. Martin smiled. "After ell," he said, "a nobleman, with nothing to boast of but his aneestors. is hat a human potato ---his sole good thing abort him is underground."---Waslting- ton Star, rates. elevate. si estrY, yi'rlttery Ureic, Relieved By Mtrrina Paye Remedy. Try eiurine For Y.ottl' Bye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 60c At Your 's'ree. Murine, 1• yeWrite Remedy tCo., Toronto. STRANGE. (C'levelend Leader.) "A girl of twenty 10 ever so much old- er than a boy of the same age." "Sure. I know a girl of twenty whose family Bible shows that she was born in 1590. Minard's Liniment Cures Diotemper. 4 - 0 ' EIS SPELLING. Little Wee hail been !nought up to be polite, incl not to interrupt when there well; onmpnny unless it was vert• important. Ile always remembered this ISSUE NO. 45 1910 A LONG UST. (Catholic Standard and Times.) Citiman—You've been living in the su- burbs so Iowa I suppose you've bad con- siderable menerience with servant girls? Subbubs--Well, it's not so that when my wife is interviewing an applicant now she always begins by asking: "Were you ever employed by me before? If so, when and how long?" Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Gentlemen, -'--In Jnly 1905 I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was obliged • u 9. In Sep- tember, use a rrutch for 14 months. I P tem:ber, 1908, Mr. Wnt. Outridge, of La - chutes urged me to try MItiARD'S LINI- MENT, which I. did with. the most satis- factory results and today I am as Well as ever in my life. 3.'out:x sincerely, his MATTHEW x'BATNES !nark and kept very quiet. One (lay there were viuitnre. who talked and stayed aiel stayed, until pear little Wee was tired. Ile wished them to go, but not for any- thing would 11e let ihein see this. All of a. sudden Ise ,then; tt of lie 'rive pine that hie mother and 'father i.. DOW when be was too little to spill mini they dill not want t;1 hurt' his fseltr.gs. 5o in Ll, little pause lit the milts'' .tiells. Wee said in •his prettiest wa r: "ilfnthei',,ple'ns deity you tt t , c'an't he be a -r -o -n -e?" Anel si11,tjv t'1tiri '' 1[iee.%,Isyv'bl - leo, , ors laughed anti 1<i•sr'ti him o<x1.1»r ;Et1 t_� thprt , gave him his good mother all to hi rrselt,--'----"` -----•"`", ` '-YinItlh's Companion. ' Rrinar:i'e L36111130t Cures Coi:ds, Etc, HELP WANTED. W ANTED—AT ONCE, A CrENDRAL domestic, one willingto learn. AP. ply 04 Duke street, Hamlton, Ont. '7;X%' ANTED --- OAPA73LB HOUSE V1' maid, Apply Mrs. A. C. Beasley, 4115 Main street cast. AGENTS WANTED. ...,� ANVASSERS WANTED. WFEIIKI,Y 'r.,) salary paid. Alfred Tyler, 1105 Clare enre street. London,Ont, • Dr. artel's Female Pill SEVENTEEN YEARS ME STANDARD Proscribed and recommended ler wo• men's ailments, a scientifically pre• pared remedy of proven worth. i he, result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all deur! stores, MOV/NG Pic- tUnhs MA- C DINYe .AND MAGIC LANT— ERN combined. If you wish to give your friends an en- tertalnment that will make' them split their sides laughing at the comic pictures get one of these machines. They are the - limit. 310 more d n 1 I hours. Wittruterr machine we give Tree films and lanter 1 slides with full directions so that anyone can ran it. We give it FREE for selling onlv $4.60 worth of our GOLD EMBOSSL+D POST CARDS. The very latest design s• in Vizws, HOLIDAY, Coaucs,. &0., at 6•for 10e. Send your name and address plainly written and we will for- ward you a package of cards and our big pre- mium list. But won't delay, for we give an extra present for promptness. CBALT GOLD PEN CO.,.Dept. 400' Toronto, Ont. CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE. (Washington Star.) 'Why was the engagement broken?" "Because of a misunderstanding," re- plied Miss Cayenne. "Each considered the other lacking tit etiquette. They subscribed to different publications and weren't reading- the same' 'flints on How to Behave in Society."' atulckly stops. conyyl�ha. cures colds, hosts the throat,end.hunln. a a 25 cents. S,TCLL BETTER. Mrs. Blase—Have you begun your suit for divoree2' Mrs. Ilighup—No, but I've begun the suit 1'm. going to wear when I get my divorce'!' THE OLD _�CURMUDGEON! � (Boston Transcript.) "Marriage," said the serious man, "is an education itt itself." tit "Yes," eomtuented old Grouch teaches you what not to do after you've done it." i� quickly stops coughs, cures calk heals cents. the throat and lungs. - SHADING IT CLOSE. ( tl.tttell.) Farmer hills (who htta just ca.s.red a cheque) -1 don't trunk tillS money's right. . The (bshier_Would you mitaa count- ing i1 again, sir; 1 think you'll find it cc:rrect, J''nrtner (!flee (having Clone se) —Tee, young 1tnit1; 11.'e only hut you he careful, .r r, judi Minard's Liniment Cures Cnr1ct in Cows. F)..E:AQANT NEWS. (Boston Transcript.) Youlig llr'rde- x <lidn't -accept I`iarty flet, first time itis posed. ' .el1't LiAliosran ` e Splitting ; ; eadach q will vanish if you take to Fi,TfA' :R1J.CO" Tea ache Waters k14 Give qutck, sure relief, and, '0o guarantee they contain nothing harmful to tho heart or narvaita:systeal. 25c. a box, at eli drufglsts'. Nationai Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal. This is a flee, handsome, clear -toned Violin. highly polisher!, rich!y colored, complete with string bririgo, throe gut at:loge ebony finiahpega, long busy of white horse hair, and box of rosin. Everything complete eerie securely packed itt a box. Just Bend as your name and address, and agree to sell only 8 boxes of Dr. Pilatnria s Famous Vegetable rills, at 55c. a box. A grand remedy and cure for weak and Impure conditions of the blood indi- gestion, stoma° t troubles, constipation, nervous disorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys, rheumatism, and Fom rte troubles. A mild laxative, Grand Tonic and Life Budder. They are teeny to sellas each cuatomer buying a box of pills from you, receives, at the same time, a nice farm fanPin, which we send you with the Pills. 'Do not miss the cbaneo of your life. Don't send any money—Only your name and address, at once, and wo will promptly wrest you by mail, peetpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When sold, romp to us the 62,00 ars we will send you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented. eNrito to -day. Address: THE DR; IIIATUPIN MEDICINE CO., 1 Dept. 156 TORONTO. arm .6 awes :Ietdr 14 97,ilt'I 'l4dl°+vf'i&rok,r;. gttJ!-8an`?L,'`""+'tu` �Alyd''llt"Mt�'?J. 40. :M 'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SUM LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE They make no noise or•sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the home. All good dealers keep thein and Eddy's Woodcnevare, Fibreware, Tubs, Pails and Washboards. The E. B. ED I Y Co., Limited HULL, CANADA • eve. .,reereseeme r>' ''w. t HANDS 1 E WATCH FREE. A (lento er 5.554lee Solid Geral Wstcb costs from $125 10 BSO! 110 not throw your mosey away. II Mimeo you Mimeo to mem* e, Watch which to keep time end last well winl be equal to any Solid Geld Watcb, send to your name and addrees immediate- ly and agree to Bell 10 bozos only, of 1)e, Mntaria's Famous V egetteb1e Piller at 250. a box. They are the greatest remedy en earth for the euro of poor andlimpuro blood, indigestion, headaches, consti- pation, nocuous tronbltte, liver, bladder and kid - nay diseases, and all female woakneesee; they are the Great Blood Puniest and Invigorator, a Grand Ton -c and Life Builder. With the Pills we scud 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pills— this makes them easy to sell. This is the cheese of s lifetime. Da mot miss it, Sand us your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid. When you hr ee sold them, send us tho money 162.50 and wo will rend you A GENTS. er 6.A IE:S WATCH . the same day the looney is recetveel. Wo are giving thews beautiful Watches to advertiee our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to se- cure a valuable watch wi vont having to spend a cent. And our Watch is a Stem wind and stem set and not the cheap back wind article generally given as premiums. Send for our pills Without delay. Addrese TEE DE. b.rArraurt MES UCUUI CO., Wetah »opt. 20 1 nreato, Ont. ca3 mmiridis^JwL traseaa ALli 1 vt "0.4