The Herald, 1910-11-11, Page 1THE
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township
Vol. XL
Itezve A.
p -ride ourselves that iii. this store will
be found all the best and most seasonable goods
that the largest wholesalers in Canada offer. A
satisfactory purchase is not necessarily' one that
commends itself through cheapness alone, but
rather upon the value you receive for .your money.
Our prices and values are uusurpassed. quality
considered. We invite your inspection of our
large Fall Stock of seasonable goods, •
2113Mattlikareasill6.1GEICIRMEIMIIMIM11.2.,671=211.<12.1Er 7.21.61
Ladies' and Children's Jackets in Black and colors in
plain and t.iagini a cloths. All the latest at prices to snit every-
body. Call in and look through these (oats before you buy.
rens Goods
We are always adding to oar range Dress Goods and do
not hesitate to sty vat our showing comprises the latest and
best that can be bought. 1,Vo have all the popular cloths in all
the leading shades.
Be sure and look through Our stock or Neck Furs and
Ruffs before you buy. Also Mutts to match.
riOTOR CA fly, S
SPECIALS—Motor strafe and clouds from 25 cents up.
Glove-•, all shade, special at 2.5 eents a pair.
N0 15
Our showing of fall style in Trimmed hats is attracting
well merited at entice) if we earl judge by the numbers that visit
Vthis department. You are cordially invited to visit our show
',idles vests and drawers, spy dial at 25 cent, a garment
and up.
Fancy Collars and Sweater Coats
Fancy a 111nrs special at 25 cents. Ladies' and Child.
ren's sweater coat-•, all sizes and prices.
Latlid s' and Children's hose, special worsted at 25 cents a
The kind that does not wear ont.
news and Boys' Clothing
We have a large stock to choose from. We would like
you to have a look through our stock of Boys' suits, of which
we have a very complete line. Also in men's and boys' ovt-r-
coats. See our military coat, it is very serviceable and looks
neat. Everything 111 suit:, overcoats, Gaps, glovers, mitts,
uudierwear, etc.
A large range of Far Coats in Goon, Yak, Sitka Beav-
er, Klondike Beaver, Black Martin, Bulgaria! Lamb, Bishop.
Also Furlined Overcoats and Overcoats with 1'ur Collar. Piie-
pi es as low as any. Buy your winter clothing at this store and
W save money.
We have a complete line of hors( Blankets at all' prices.
Also Plush Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Robes, etc. See our Single har-
ness. We guarant6e the quality.
Our line of Steel Ranges and Cast Ranges cannot be beaten
Alit o a full line of baseburners, Oak Stoves, Stove Boards, Elbows
and), P ea els Get our prices before you buy
me r
Z U R i C ll
� f 41 411; 4-9
Men's long boots from $2,75 and
up, at P. Bender's;
Mr. Oliver Surerus, of the 14th
Con., moved. into the house re-
eently vacated by Mrs. Schuottler.
The B. B. • razors are making
good. The razors are positively
guaranteed. . 'J, Preeter.
We take ' dressed poultry any
time. Geese and..clucks must have
heads off and • not scalded. J.
Miss Stroeder, formerly house
keeper for her brother, Father
Stroecler, hae retur=ned to town, to
resume her duties:
Always ask for the snag proof
nates cross rubbers They are
the best on the •market. at P.
Mrs. Northwood, nee Miss Vero;'
Witter, of Windsor. is visiting her
parents, i1r. and Mrs. Fred Wit
wer, for a few weeks.
W. .R. Kerr.- publisher of the
Blyth Standard for the past three
Sears. has disposed of the same to
J. H. R. Elliott, of Thessalon.
Jost received a fine shipment of
first class cutters. Intending pur
chaser, call and examine goods
at 'Massey Harris agency.
Agents Wanted—Whnle or ltkrt
time: liberal terms; outfit free.
Over ,500 acres in trees. Write at
once. "The Fruit Tree Special-
W. Bowman &, Son Co , Ltd.
Rid:>evilie, Ont
A special Tetnperanee program
will be given in the Ertsn:,relieal
Smalley School, Sunday Nov 13th
commencing at 2 o'clock. Mrs, E.
II Bean of Orediton will deliver an
address. Everybody invited.
Two building lots for sale et the
South end, near Lutheran church.
1 lot •15x150 feet, lett 00 ,:.lot 45x
150 feet with ?t:s " •; Y fi?oG,lnlic�.
;•150 00. Apply to rd Zeller, Zurich.
Grand Trunk at C�oderrc.r, va
Sunday afternoon, and only
Qr�co� rrecl to tllo� ticket office and
way. The � g
h �'0 UUO
£ l
z' C00 b' feet
the Town
For pains in the side chest damp•
en at, piece of flannel with Chamber-
lain's Liniment and bind •it on
over the seat of pain. There is
nothing, better. For sale by all
The handsome station of the
., was
completely destroyed by lire on , 17
walls are stending. The .re was �Iq mwkm r W Vii�1 MARRA i N
e ¶'edy
U.r Giki .'other!
Faust's Store has gained the confidence of
the public by its Air way of dealing. It
makes all persons welcome whether they
intehd to buy or not.
Fall and Winter are fast approaching and
with the cold weather, which means that
you will require warmer clothing.
DRESS GOODS We have a large r• of the latest
RUFFS and MUFFS I3e sure and look at :ins sock of
Fur, to match. ••
SCARFS We have a large a,.sortnieut of woollen scarfs.
from ti0.•ts to 2.00 each.
UNDERWEAR Jest what yon women -nuts?, !lateral wool
'Underwear, also mens natural wool, heave tlie.ed wool
and cotton. Come and see our Underwear.
EEOSE We consider having the best hose for -icemen girls
and boys that money can buy.
SWEATER COATS A new .shipment o: nn'his. boys
and suis. woollen coats twill arrive the later hart of next.
BLANKETS We carry a good stock of woollen autl flan-
nelette blankets..
FLOOR RUGS We expect a large shipment of carpet
squares and door mats next week. it will no you trued, to
see quality and prices.
partment is displayed with the most Suitable hats for you.
FOWL WANTED Cash or trade. Come along we Bits
highest prices., Dressed. g,r alive.
Dtitela Setts, Large Onions and
All Farms Produce taken in exchange
o AU �`
fanned by a ,ra.le made great head -- —
freight sheds were •
The town hall has been wired tip' Mr..1'. H:,be•er is busy cnntl.let-
saved by hard work. The loss will for electric lights and is a much' in, his new betan at ttre S pith end
reap 3 needed improvement. ` of the town,
George T. Jost, manager o the
The �C' C. i'• >✓. will meet
Wed... IIr and Mrs. John Fuss and
a by lshootingnhimsin self nesday nfternnnn Nov.. filth, let the
daughter Verde, returned this
home of Mrs. Fred tiVitwer. creole from a visit to Stratft.rd. and
with a shotgun in the stable behind , Berlin.
his residence on Sunday. Sthile Sinee January liii79, there were Lost, on edn esday, between St.
temporarily insane as u. result of an 7ti lives saderifieed in Canada, a, by and Zuri, ch, a horse blanket
attack of typhoid. II carne to fire, while the property loss for the 1 Joseph
Uaunhin three months ago from same time will exceed ado uo0,t)CCi Finder kindly le ave rlt-Ttxr: HERALD
Kindersley, z aslt. His home was office.
in Guysbcro, N. S,•,, where his Lutheran Church—The evening For a. gocd winter outfit call at
parents still live, service in St. Peter's Lutheran ` P Bender. We have s.nt:ething
Editor of Tut Hituaep—Last church will he ooreld;cted•to }it) riew which has nevtr la en out
Ned. All are cordially invited to before.
week appeared an item in your
valuable paper signed "J. Preeter" attend, • Mr. J. J. ilIerner is getting the
with reference to the furnace con. (`.ripped, the convicted nrttrclerer material reach for the Molsons
tract he secured of the -Hay council of his wife, who way to have been bank quarters. The new premises
and was $20.00 lower than the roan hanged on Tuesday. in London will be ready about the end of the
who sells so cnertp 1 meg sag in England, has been granted a xe•
reply that this statement which he spit( until elle '?3rd ins.. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
made public are falsehoods and Mr, 7acnb Mayer Sr., met with specialist will be at Commeroial
tntsrepresentations. I will now an accident on Tnesduy, by which hotel, 13e+isall, on Friday. Noy.
givethe figures of the tenders just ho broke two rihs and svgs other. 11th. Hours all day. Glasses
as they are, also size and weights wise bruised. He was leaving the properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
of furnaces, 1 fiC;urecl on two hou'o and slipped off the steps. I failing eyesight and throat
One has a 26 in fire pot and weighs Be is under medical treatment troubles treated,
1718 lbs, my price on the above and will be laid up for some time The dedication of the new Men-
was :109 72. This furnace has get/ A n, Glachic�r expects to I nonite church will take place on
hi heating calpacity of 35,000 ctthie,, commence ar serious of streeial i ynnay next, 13th inst. Services
teat and is just what the Town ne meetings in the 13th (fon. Even- ; will he held at S} 30 a. rigs and 7.�;o
1H lr1 24 requires.
in fire pelt and e'wei weother ighs HiQ velicning
Bev. eE�l , MrGtsebierch, on oof �LTavistoek, p. nr., in both wnguages. Among
other speakers will be Rev. M. S.
lbs has the saute heating capacity. brother of the pastor, will assist ! Steiner, of Columbus, Ohio, who
price 89.72. gigs Preeter's furnace duringnext week, You are 1t/ el• t fig said to be a splendid speaker.
has a 21 in, fire not weighs about come,' The public is cordially invited to
750 lbs,ofprice5 9O 15 and a heating The stereoptiean lecture given in attend the services.
capacity of ' o, oti is Now the Town Hall
Hall has an area of
33,000 cubic ft to be heated and
how is Mr. Preeter going to heat
this space with a 25.000 cubic feet
furnace? Tani willing to leave the
matter to any experienced furnace
man and see who is right. And if
the council allows this little infant
TO be installed it 'wig he another
botoh. Now the public can judge
for thetnseives who was entitl ed to
the furnace job, with the best bar•
gain for the township. Then he
says "where should the people
buy their goods?" why, shrewd
buyers who spend their own money
and want to get big bargains, they
go to Hartleib's,
all on Wednesday even-
ing. by Rev. Ray the South
American missionary. was well
attended. The affair• was conduct
ed by the Ladies' Aid of the Evan.
gelinal church and netted the
society a nice surplus.
There is little danger from e
cold or from an attack of the grip
except when followed by pneu-
monia,, and this never happens
when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is used. This remedy has won
its great reputation and extensive
sale by its remarkable cures of
(olds and grip oan be relied upon
with implicit confidence, For sale
by all dealers
Tuesday evening the Y. P. A
of the Evangelical church, had a.
eontest on the Ten Commandments,
il1iss Lottie Gaster and Miss Flos-
sie .Hartleib, being the captains.
Miss Lydia Faust gave out the
Commandments and explained how
Moses received the Ten Command-
ments on Mt. Sinai on two tables
of stone upon which God had writ-
ten then. with His own finger, and
that God has given tui these special.
Commandments which we must
obey, The Commandments were
,memorized and learned so well that
it was impossil-le to get either side
down. This meeting proved very
interesting to -all.