The Herald, 1910-11-04, Page 2- W0d00s/0is'"'b!Yi' . 'e,1hrtr':,r:y," Atl5.4:. adl'i- f: Wil, ;.�,;?r.,•'•t Home DYEIN Is the way to Save Money' and reSS Wen Try it d Simple as Washing with fn �liJrtlVeEl'!""¢frGK75GIpR ^y1li. '1Y^4 'ltiV7i5^1`+.i ON E D1 FOR AU K! NDS aF 000DS JUST THINK OF IT Dyes Woo[. Cotton. Silk or Mixed Goods Perfectly �. with the SAME Dye --No chance of mistakes. East end Beautiful Colors 10 cents, from your Druggist or .1 Dealer. Send for Color Card and STORY Booklet. 76 The Johnson-R:•=-hardson Co., Limited, Montreal. MADE HIM RIDICULOUS, Joseph Leiter, in an interview on his yacht Chantecler, said, with a smile: "Please quote me accurately. In an in- terview, you know, the slightest inaccur- acy can make a man ridiculous. It is like the Frenchman who, though he had a very fair knowledge of English, never- theless said to a father: "`Aha! Your son he resemble you. A Chip off the old blockhead, hein?"— Washington Star. e- Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. e a+ HISTORIC DROUGHTS An interesting record is that of severe droughts, as far back as the landing of the Pilgrims. In the summer of 1021, twenty-four days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1030. forty-one days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1057, seventy-five days in succession without rain, In the summer of 1662, eighty days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1074, forty-five days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1088, eighty-one days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1694, sixty-two days ill SUCCPF-Si.011 without rain. In the summer of 1705, forty days in succession without rain. In the sunlnter of 1715, forty-six days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1723, sixty-one days in succession without rain. In the summer of 1730, ninety-two days in succession without rain. il0Ciaire (Begs % i a- tat re g ? If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once. Backache. Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kid- neys. Dr. hole's Indian Boot Pills contain a muo"t effective diuretic which strengthens anis stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try fie-- Pei d is IIire clii2trs FPcecrib moil's SOME GENEROUS FEES. New York has a few clergymen whose marriage fees average $1,200 a year. The pastor of a large Presbyterian church on Broadway has estimated that his fees amount annually to $1,000. These are top-notch figures. The fee re- ceived by an American minister for offi- ciating at the wedding of one of his wealthy parishioners in Paris, a few years ago, is said to have covered the expense of his four mouths' vacation to the eontinent. Such fees, however, arc extraordinary. They are beyondand the wildest dreams of the average pastor, who may be table to recall one fee of $50 in his entire ministry—Frederic Walter Norcross, in The Christian Herald. t% re. quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and hinds. • - 25 cents. A SURE SiGN. "I understand, Mr. Reuben," said the visitor, "that your son is devoted to the turf." "Ya -as, I reckon he is," said the old man. "—abez kin lay down on the grass for hull hours 'thout makin' no com- plaint."—Ilarper's Weekly. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. A -O A SUBMARINE TUNNEL. Project to Connect Denmark and Sweden by Electric Trams, It is proposed to construct a tunnel, or rather a series of tunnels, under the sea in order to connect Denmark with Sweden. An electric railroad line will be run in the tunnel and partly overland. The matter has been brought forward by a commission of leading engineers, and in the present case the tunnel is not likely to meet with the opposition which prevented the idea of a tunnel from France to England from being carried out. Starting from Copenhagen, the tunnel will run under the sea, and in part upon the islands, ending in Sweden at the sural Mown of Malmae, which lies at the southeast. The proposed electric line will start from the central railroad depot of Copenhagen and run at the small town of Dlalmoe, which is now coneeted with Zeeland by two bridges. From this point it enters in tunnel under the Sand and traverses this thence to the island of Amack, which is now connected at Saltholin. Crossing the island, it again descends in tunnel at its eastern extremity and passes under the sea to the SwetUsh coast, where it comes out at Scltonene. The total length of the electric line will be 21 miles. The Swedish Parliament is to consider the matter, and is is claimed that there are no great engi- neering difficulties in connection with the project. THE ADVANTAGE. Old Maid—Why should I want a hus- band? I have a cat that stays out all night. Matron—Yes. but you won't be a wi- dow till he loses all nine lives.—Judge. w. The automobile people to the con- trary notwithstanding, the beet sparking device continues to be an old fashioned sofa with the lights turned down low. 0 m 6 WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLET! Mothers having once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones would not be without them. These Tablets are a never failing remedy for the little ills• such as constipation, colic, worms, colds, etc., that afflict so many little ones. And then, too, they can be given With absolute safety to the youngest chill for they are sold under the guarantee of a Government analyst to contain no op- iate or other harmful drug. Concerning them 'Airs. Chas. Whatley. Teterboro. Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for nit• little girl and have found them to be of great value. Others to' whom I have recommended the Tablets say they would not be without thein." Sohl by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. O.4 VIVIAN ON HOUSE PLANNING. (Canadian Courier.) "What do you think of the Canadian idea of letting real estate agents lay out all the new suburbs adjoining our larger cities?" "It does not strike me favorably. The plotting of these new districts is not well clone. It is not scientific. The house's are built by different architects, whereas all .our houses are built by Gee set of architeets, Who have the beauty of the whole` street and the whole sub- urb in mind. We secure harmony by a common plan; you secure usually only diseord. No city which leaves the plan- ning of building of its suburbs in the ]lands of a large zaumbee of unconnected individuals . should expect to produce harmony and beauty and efficieney." A WINDSOR LOY'S APPEAL To All Women: I will send free with full instructions, my home treatment which positively cures Lcueorrhoear„ t'ic•eration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Painful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, e ervuusness, Melan- cholly. Pains in the Head, Back or Bow- els, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where cr' sed by weakness peculiar to our sex. lou can co xtreatment at home at rtinue a cost of ouly 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -days. Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. 8, NN:indsor, Ont. - TOUGH LTJCK. (Kansas City Jourial.) Champion hard luck engagement story: A Topeka man recently bought a diamond engagement ring for his fiancee. She lost it the first week and Then bounced flim. lie is still paying for the ring. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. WIISHALE WITH DYSPEPS;g .mother Wonderful Care By That Wonderful Fruit aledicino t5$'rult-a-lives.' IN THE JUDICAL REPAIR SHOP. (Chicago Tribune.) "What's the charge against these two nen?" inquired the police justice. "They were havin' a quarrel over a busted auto tire, your honor," answered the officer. "Well, we'll let them patch it up themselves," said his honor, with a slight closing of his left eyelid. "Call the next ease." edy a quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • • 25 cents. Mr. Mathias Dery, of 225 Church sheet, Ottawa, Ont., was treated for years by physicians for Painful Dys- pepsia. He spentso much money for doctor's medicines tvitltout getting much relief that he had about macie up his mind that his case was hope - Seeing "Fruit-a-tives" advertised, however, Mr. Dery thought he would invest 50c in a box of these wonderful fruit juice tahlets.e, And this famous fruit medicine dict for Mr. Dery what all the doctors could not do=it.cured him. He writes:—" Fruit•n- ?ves" positive- ly cured me of severe Dyspepsia when physicians failed to relieve me." "Fruit -a -tires" makes the stomach sweet and clean, insures sound diges- tion and regulates bowels, kidneys and skin. 50c a box,'6 for- $240, or trial box, 25r—at all dealers, or from . Fruit-a- tives, Limited, Ottava. WHAT WOMEN ARE SAYING. "WE HAVE WARMER SPIRITS and great grandmothers s had. Wthan our eare lseldornn ing hyster cal and we never faint. Wear and tear plus luxury is said to break down the human system more rapidly them wear and tear plus want; but per- haps wear and tear plus pensive self - consideration is the most destructive conrideration of yell." AGNES REPPLIE.ft, Woman Essayist. * 4 4 "ii'OLI•TEESS COSTS NOTHING. impoliteness may reef much. Good ex- ample. manifested .- the child. will by precept and examp! : slake him polite. Children are natural mimics. They will naturally mimic the superior thing if given th ' opportunity. THE .MARQUISE DE CH AMBER AY. 4 e ry "IT IS ALL NONSENSE to say that w i man has left home. The home has Left woman. Minimum wage boards should be established to •fix the least wage for which women should work. Tnere are no margins no* for emergen- cies or illness." MISS MARY VAN LEEIE, Sage Found- ation Investigator. WHY SHE WON'T WEAR IT. She will not wear a hobble skirt; she says the style ism ugh too pert, and tint no woman of good taste would so dellal•monl'Ge her waist; besides, she says Ile thinks the style will last but for, a little while, because to any one it seems the fad is going to -extremes. Where're her hobbled - sisters pass she only sighs end says: "Alas! How can a lady of guoc sense incase herself in that pre- tense! .Tust see her trip and wobble by Would I appear in that Not I! And how the horrid men -folks stare at her as she goes here and therel 011, if the knew just what they said I know she'd blush a rosey red. Besides the style is aivkward, too, I don't care if they claim 'tis new." And she so carefully explains her .preference for fuller trains and for a petticoat that's wide, and will not be with giggles eyed when she is tripping down the street—Besides you See she li+ s LARGFI i+EET. • —Wilbur D. Nesbit in Life. Nearly 800,000 tons of paper - are tit[ nttaly manufactured in the -United King- dom. Send for free sample to Dept. H. L., National Drue & Chemical Co., Toronto. GOOD THINGS TO KNOW, - Many faniiles are large enough to warrant the purehaee of whet is known as tr kielzen cabinet for the sewing room. There it will be found to be invaluable, as it gives table, small cut ang board, weep drawer for unfinished cue for pap- er patterns, another for pieces, while the string of little drawers on top can con - tam hooks and eyes, patent fasteners, types, buttons, demon threads, silk spools, beltiligs and braids. With the aid of screw Jroolcs different situs 01 .alasors may be conviently hung. Paint wooden pails and tubse with glycerine to prevent shrinking. Itub mirrors with methylated spirits stud polish with a touch of blue powder. One tablespoonful of ammonia to a quart of water will clean gold or silver Jewelry. Place all cakes to cool on a wire sieve and never put them away in tins till perfectly cool. Ordinary wsll papers may be cleaned with dough, 6r rubbed with a soft, clean flannel dipped in oatmeal. For dusting women's heavily trimmed hats the best brush is a cheap shaving brush, as it is both stiff and small enough to reach every crevice. New rope may be made pliable by boil- ing it in water for a couple of hours. Its strength is not diminished, but its stiff- ness is gone. It must hang in a warm room and must not be allowed to kink. Try several shades of silk together in one needle when mending plaids or checks using colors to harmonize with the pre- dominating tones of the material. The mending part scarcely will show after it is neatly pressed. One way to save steps is to nail'a strip of varnished wood to the wall above the gas stove. Screw in a row of 'brass crooks and use them for iron spoons, strainers broilers, small spiders and any utensil that goes direct from hook to stove, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen—I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on niy vessel and in Irny„ family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life 1 consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage with- out it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamouraska. PORTUGUESE BRIEFS Portugal has 40 banks, including sav- ings banks. Ming Manuel TT. was born Nov. 15, 1859, and acceded to the throne Feb. 1, 1408. Portugal's colonies •Iltrcl an area of 317,350 square miles, and a population of 9,266,008, in 1900. Portuguese public schools numbered 5,334 in 1590. 10 years later they had dropped to 4248. Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira; comprises an area of 35.348 square miles, and a population (in 1900) of 5,428,059. The Portuguese are the longest-heacl- ed people in Etu'ope. In stature they ate below the average. Blond hair is prac- tically absent. One-fifth of the popula- tion have black hair; the remainder are very dark. The Portuguese Republican party came into existence in 1881, and has since carried on a more or less active propaganda, etimulated in 1889 by the niade,that country a republic. ISSUE NO. 44 1910 HELP WANTED. VC-ANTED—AT ONCE, A GENERAL• Y domestic, one willing to learn. Ap- ply 94 Duke street, Hamilton, Oat. 'W ANTED — CAPABLE HOUS111- VV maid. Apply 2VIrs. A. C. Beasley, 455 Main street east. AGENTS WANTED, • TART TEA ROUTE TO -DAY. SEND postal for oireuiars, or 100 for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- don, Ont. WANTED — RELIABLE MEN OR ry t� women. I will start you in the tea business; lasting proposition; easy and profitable. A. S. Taylor, Tea Importer, Chatham, Ont. Dr. Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS.. - THE sTANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pro. pared remedy of proven worth. Fins result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. MOVING PIC- TURE MA- CHINE AND MAGIC LAN'r- EnN combined. 1f you wish to give your friends an en- tertainment that will stake them slit their sides laughing at the cetalc pictures get ono of these machines. They are the „� ,.. limit. No more =Mull hours. With elicit machine we give free f11ms and lantern slides with fall directions so that anyone can run it. We give it FIIItE for selling only 54.50 worth of our GOLD EMBUSSED POST CARDS. The very latest designs in Views, lioetuAY, Conies, &0., at 6 for 10e. Send your name and address plainly written and we will for- ward you ap_aokago of cards and our big pre- mium list. But don't delay, for we give an extra present for promrtness. CORALT GOLD PEN CO., Dept. 400 Toronto, Ont. TACT. (Youth's Companion.) A fashionable photographer, however, line undoubtedly attained the pinnacle of tactful achievement, A woman with a decided squint came to hint for a photograph. "Will you permit me," he said, promptly, "to take your portrait in pro- file? There is a certain shyness ,about one of your eyes which is as difficult in art as it is fascinating in nature." Heti, Weatt. >i4ears-, Watery IOyee. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try :Amine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Druggists. Write For Lye Books. tt'ree. Murine ,Lye Remedy Co.. Toronto, Boston Babies Healthy. In thirty years Boston has not aver- eged one death out of five babies born during the year. - Alcohol liquors for the use of natives are not permitted to be imported into Somaliland. New Uses tor Alcohol, The Germane, havlmg no native supply of petroleum or natural gas, have sought a substitute for those mels in alcohol, which they can produce cheaply from the potatoes that luxuriate in the sandy plain, of their country. The result was seen in an exhibition of the indu;tr•ial appliances of alcohol in .Berlin, where there were shown alcohol rtel1 ofo . for stationary engines as well as for automobile carriages, port- able alcohol engined for farm work, do- mestic utensils, such as flat irons, heat- ed by alcohol; alcohol cooking ranges, in- candescent lamp; for house or street use, in which the- mantle le combined with an alcohol flame, and many exhib- its of chemical preparations derived from alcohol. Although as a fuel aleohol ha; theo- retically only three-fifths of the heating value of petroleum, it has been found that for motor purposes 28 per cent, of the theoretic energy of -alcohol can be utilized a:, against only 15 per cent, in the ease of petroleum, SAILORS WHO CANNOT SWiM. Some iconic expressed surprise after the capsizing of tee launch of the New- Hampshire ew- s seamen `ere t net ruble a to that all of afloaet An officer speaking of this said that the, public forget that the navy wa.s re- cruited all over the country, and that a great majority of the men were lands mcn when they enlisted and learning to swim later. tp to two years ago about fcrty men out of every hundred were unable to swim, but great efforts have been made to have the Shen learn the art. and at the present time that had been reduced one-half and xiow about. eighty sailors out of ane hundred are ante to swine well. On the summer cruise to the Caribbean Sea nets were hung over the sides s0 that the men couid not sink or be attacked by sharks and most of them .took their turn in the water. ',Che, Christian Herald. Minard's Liniment Oui'es Diphtheria. e . THE FISHERMAN'S FISHERMAN'S WIFE. 1 set my light In the window pane— Blurred and splattered and splashed with rain— Wild wind carry him .home again) Heart of my heart,• would I love you so In a world with never a wind to blow, Nor waves to batter, por tides to flow? Never the need for a light to burn Nor dread of the news it were death to learn, Anrl never the bliss of a sate return? Who can lova' who has, never prayed, Sick with Tonging and all afraid, While the hounds of the hurricane barked and bayed. Prayed and lister'ted 0,110prayed aagin, And then, throuOli the roar of the wind and rain 7TIs finger tur.,ing ate i iSt the pane? I EldgfraFi iletelemt y This i; afi-e, h•tadsaero, doer-tn:zee Vlolre.. higbiy polished, richly col:ire,i• complete with string bridge, throe gut st tag-,ebonyfis 1t o sa let • . v of white hone hal•> and cf ream. Erc tin complete seat securely packed in a boa. Suet send ns your name and addrois, and agree to sea only 8 biros of Dr. 1%iattuin'a Yam 'as'Vegetable Pifls, at y,C. a hos. A rand remedy and cure foe weak and iuipu'o conditions of the blood indi- gestion, stomach trtnrblea, constipation, nervmts dleordoni, aiseasos of tido liver and ku!neya, t heumatism. and Female troubles. A mild laxative, Grand 'Tonic and Life Dundee They era easy t.r sell es each customer buying a bon 01 pills f:om.y,'x, receives, at tho same time, a nico fancy Pin, which we send you with the Pills. Do not miss the chance of yonrlife, Don't send anymoney—Only your name end address, at once, and wo will promptly send you by mail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. Whe'i sold, remit to us the $2.00 aux we wall send you this bandsome Vieliu, etc, Just as re;,re entad. Write to -day. Addrean: THE IDR MATURIN MEDICINE CO., 156 ^,-,"arty('. c',r •.+.,., WS...H. „rot -..y. ,-.,JM «✓.w n MH.n:u,,'N,+., n ., . ,nn,,..,a ..iltre".•,, . t'brae,.^L".1 HANDSOME WATCH FREE. A Goat. or E.eSis,e &olid Gold Waieb coats frons :,a25 to 5501 De rot throw your mousy awry, If you desire to secure a Watch which to keep time and 13.si well will be equal to any Solid Gold /gate?, send us your oamo and address immediate. Iy and agree to sell 10 boxes only, of Dr. Mntarin'e remota( Vegetable Pills, at 26o. a box. They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, const!• pation, nervous troubies, liver, bladder and kid. nes diseases, and all female weaknesses; they are the Groat Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand TOO-0and Life Builder. With the Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pills— this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance of a lilolitno. Da not miss it. Send us your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid. ;•-When you have sold them, send us the money $2.60 and wo will rend you • A BENTS. or LADIES WATCH the sante day the money is received. We are giving those beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. This isa grand opportunity to se- cure a valuable Watch without having co spend a cont. And our Watch is a stem wind and stem set and not the cheap baolt wind article generally given as premiums. Send for our pills without eel ay, Address TSE DR. MATIIRIN MEDICINE CO., Watch Dept. 20 Toronto, Ont. intoomosiommessisrewasser vireexametwowe EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE TBE MOST M0» ERN, AN '.E F'CT A SURE LIGIIT, THE FIRST' STRIKE They make no noise or spn tter—a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the home. A11 good dealers keep them and Eddy's \Voodenware, I+ibreware, Tubs, Pails and \Vaohboatele. The E B. E Y Co., Limited, HULL, CANADA