The Herald, 1910-11-04, Page 1TI4E
The Official Organ of Ztrich and Hay Township
Vol. Xl.
We pride ourselves that inthis store will
be found all the best and most seasonable goods 16(
that the largest wholesalers in Canada offer. A
satisfactory purchase is not necessarily one that it
commends itself through cheapness alone, but
rather upon the value you receive for your money.
Our prices and values are unsurpassed, quality
considered. We iuvite your inspection of our
large Fall Stock of seasonable goods,
Ladies' and Children's Jackets in Black and color:, in
plain and eiagonal cloths. All the latest at prices to suit every-
body. (Gall in and look through these coats before you buy.
Dress Gods
We are always adding to -our range Dress Goods and do
not hesitate to say teat our showing c:nnprises the latest and
best that can be bought. .We have all the popular cloths in all
the leading shades.
Be sure and look through our stook of Neck Furs and �(
Ruffs before you buy. Also Muffs to match. �y(
SPECIALS—Motor serafs and clouds from 35 cents up.
Gloves, all shades, special at 25 cents a pair.
OUT showing of fall style in Trimmed Hats is attracting
well merited at eution if we can judge by the numbers that visit
this department. You are cordially invited to visit our show
UNDERWEAR vest: .grill drawers, spc sial at 25 cents a garment
and up. -
Fancy Collars and Sweater Coats
Fancy collars special at 25 cents. Ladies' anct Child_
ren's sweater coats, all sizes and prices.
Ladies' and Children's ho e, special worsted at 25 cents a
pair. The kind that does not wear out.
Glen's and Boys' Clothing
We -have a large stock to choose from. We woulu like
you to have a look through our stock of Boys' suits, of which
we have a very complete line. Also in men's and boys' over-
coats. See our military coat, it is very serviceable and looks
neat. Everything in suits, evercoats, cabs, gloves, mitts,
underwear, etc.
A large range of Fur Coats in Coon, Yak, Sitka Beav-
er, Klondike Beaver, Black Martin, 13ulgarla i Lamb, Bishop.
Also Furlined Overcoats and Overcoats with Fur Collar. Pyle -
es as low as any. Buy your winter clothing at this store and
save money.
We have a complete line of Horse Blankets at all prices.
Also Plus,li Rugs, Rubber Rugq, Roles, etc. tiee our Single Har -
flak We guarantee the quality.
Our line of Steel Ranges and Cast Ranges cannot be beaten
Alec a full line of basebnrners, Oak Stoves, 5toveBoatds, Elbows -
and pipes'. etc Get our prices'before yon buy -
mirmaasseorstrener.twerro,......m, ...,
Telephone .9
NO 14
areetee,tretresre esse-11 e -e.4-19 —
Mr. HaroId' Appel of Seaforth
spent the holidiiys with his parents
Mr. Martin W urm who sold his
farm recently rnovecl to town, this or
Mr, Wes. Merrier of Elmira
visited his parents and other re-
latives here, this week,
Rev. Mr. Eidt, of Dashwood will
occupy the pulpit in the Evangeli-
cal church, on Sunday morning.
Mr. O. H Limes, manager of the
Dominion Bank at Baden spent the
holidays with his parents.
Miss Colvin • of Brussels, and
Mr. McGillivary of Wingham spent
the holida-T,.s with Miss L, Colvin
of town. sea.�. �...�
Miss L, Siebert, and Misses Pearl
and Linda Willert of Dashwood.
spent Thanksgiving Day, with Miss
M.nriel Preeter: RUFFS and MUFFS Be sure and look at our s ook of
There was quiteftsnow-fall the Fur; to match.
latter part of last week, just to 4 SCARF'S We have a large assortment of woollen scarfs.
remind us that 'winter is at the 51e from Nets to 2.00 each.
Mis.s Elvira Gottschalk of Sea -
forth. spent: Thanksgiving Day
with her eoOin, Miss liens Lipp-
Rev. A. D. t isahler left on,
Monday for Rodney, to assist Rev
W. M, Sippell in a series of
Evangelistic meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt of Pres
ton were visitors with the latter's
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Maass, BLANKETS We carry a good stock of
over Thanksgiving. nelette blankets.
Re". E. 1e Moyer wife, and two
children of Jerseyville, visited at
the home of Mr and Mrs. John
Preeter, last week.
Up to date over a hundred tons
of dutch setsha,l*o been marketed
here this fall, 1 ase represeint a
value; ' if =abtfire le'n `;tlateesr nd
dollars •
Mrs, E. Zeller entertained over
Sunday and Thanksgiving Day,
her parents,,Mr, and Mrs. L. B
Marshall of Merlin, and her uncle
and . aunt Me. and Mrs. W. A. Shaw
of Tilbury.
The North Went seems to be
the aim of our young men but if it
is wealth they seek. they should
all come to hear Mr Ray, who
will show them some of the great
possibilities of Sonth America.
The Ladies. Aid of the Evan-
gelical armee are gathering cloth
ing to send to the city of t•Vinntpeg
Anything friends may have to
contribute to this noble cause will
he gratefully received at the
EvanseIioal Parsonage.
It is reported that Mr. J. T.
Merner will fit np part of his store
premises for the Molsons
The bank has been looking for n
more suitable stand for some time
and this corner is about the most
suitable in town.
J Preeter has received the con
tract from the Township Council
to install a Recta furnace in the
Town Hall, his tender being about
twenty dollars lower thein the man
who claims to sell so Cheap because
he has no expense ' Where should
you buy your goods, at Preeter's
We are also installing a Bede
furnace in the .nQw Mennonite
church and another one in the
Methodist Parsonage, at Varna.
Heola furnaces cannot be beaten
3. Preeter.
The regular meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance
Union was held Thursday after-
noon, Oct. 27th ht the home of
Mrs. S, Rennie Before the meet.
ing c omnienoed Mise Lizzie Rennie
gave the members a musical treat,.
rendering several fine selections on
the piano. Mrs, D. Koehler very
ably conducted the Devotional
exerohes, after which Miss Ella
Rennie took charge of the Educa-
tional half hour, the subject being,
"Our Mission Work Among the
Lumbermen in the tnining and
construction camps of New Oat-
ario." Miss Eiizabe'h Rennie sang
very sweetly, "The Old Old Story Following the field day Nov. Gth,
is True " 'The President Miss when nearly 100 pulpits of the
Ethel Williams then transacted County of Huron will be occupied
the business, The election of by representatives of the Dominion
offieers resulted as •follows. Pres- Temperance Alliance, 8, County
ident Miss Ethel 'Williams, Vice Convention is to be held in tl e
President Mrs. C. Eteyrock, Cor- Towyn Hall,• Clinton, on. Monday
responding Secretary Mrs. S. Nov, 7th, with sassione at 2 o'cicok
Meynert Recording, Secretary Mrs, and 8 o'ciook, Ben H. Spence of
D. Koehler, Treasurer Miss Ella 'Toronto will address the Clonven-
`Ronnie; Organist Mies E. Rennie • tion also two Of the field secret.
Auditor Mrs. 1E. Zeller. T H gyve, Howard 1 ttsso 11 of Ti ionto,"
meet ng was .closed with singing a talented singer will give seleo--
the Temperance Dee alage.. art ttao convention,
Faust's Store has gained the confidence of
the. public by its fair way of dealing. It
makes all persons welcome whether they
intehd to buy or not.
Fall and Winter are fast approaching and
with the cold weather, which means that
you will require warmer clothing.
DRESS GOODS We hive a large range .,f the latest
UNDERWEAR Just what von women noel, natural wool
Underwear, also men's natural wool, heavy fleeced wool
and cotton. Colne and see our Underwear.
FIOSE We consider having the best hose for woinen girls
and boys that money can buy.
SWEATER COATS A new shipment of mens.
and girls woollen coats will arrive the later part of
woollen and Ilanot
FLOOR RUGS We expect a large shipment of carpet
squares and door mats next week. it will uo you good to
see quality and prices.
partment is displayed with the most suitable hats for you.
FOWL, WANTED Cash or trade. Colne al. rxee we pay:'
highest prices.. Dressed or alive.
Dutch Setts, Large Onions and
All Farm Produce taken in exchange
Miss Lydia Faust v sited Lon-
don, on Friday last.
Mrs. .1 • K. Wing, of Berlin was in
town over the holidays visiting
her mother, Mrs. Philip Bauch,
Beginning with next Sunday the
Senday School of the Evangelical
nhnrch will be conducted in the
afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Don't forget to embrace the
opportunity to learn more about
the vast nentinent of South
America, on Wednesday Nov. 9th.
Mrs. Isaiah Witmer
ter Ada. returned
Friday, after a three
with relatives and
Elkton, Mich.
The hearing of the two Jardine
boys before Police Magistrate
Butler, in connection with the
Lizzie Anderson murder ease, was
again postponed until next Wed-
nesday, Nov. 0, on the request of
Mr, L. E Dances, solicitor for the
There is little danger from a
cold or from an attack of the grip
except when followed by pnete
monia, and this never happens
when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is used. This remedy has won
its great reputation and extensive
sale by its remarkable cures of
colds and grip can he relied upon
with implicit confidence, For sale
by all dealers
and dangle
home last
weeks visit
friends in
Mr. W. H. Moise of the Molsons
Bank staff, visited his parents in
Lucknow, over the holiday.
Mr. Dan Thiel of 'Kincardine,
spent the holidays with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thiel, in town.
This would be a queer world if
wo all thought alike. Just to
think of all the women telling, the
same yarn at the sande time.
Rev Mr Ray will give his illustrat
edlee tore which has proven a decid
ed success in other localities next
Wednesday evening Nov, 9th, in
the Town Hall.
For pains in the side chest damp-
en a piece of flannel with Chamber-
lain's Liniment and bind it en
over the seat of pain. There is
nothing better. For sale by all
Rev. Mr. Miller, B. A.. Toronto
will money the pulpit in the
Evangelical in the interest. -of the
Lord's Day Alliance, next Sunday
Dr, Oven's Surgeon, ()enlist
specialist will be at Coniniercial
Hotel, Heneell, on Friday. Nov.
lith. Hours all day. Glasses
prni,erly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
Now they are telling us that
shaking hand is a relict of barber -
In proof of the assertion it
is claimed that it became a custom
in the days when every one cur.
tied a dagger in his belt, and
when one friend meeting another
thought it necessary to assist, the
peacefulness of bis intentions by
extending an open palm.
A very enjoyable time was sport
at; the home of Mrs. Minnie Fritz,
on Monday. evoeing lust, when a, of young people assembled
there and spent the evening
\melees kinds of games, The
tnnst interesting part, of the
programme was that or euele one
responding to their pante when
called upon. ' Every one pi eta e t
reports having had e good titno,