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The Herald, 1910-10-28, Page 10
Phone 28 "THE STONE THAT SATs HE " ,r• We have left no stone unturned in prepar- ing a line of Dress Goods for Autumn, which .Authentic Fashion, quality of fabric, and excellence of coloring has never before been sur- passed. We carry all the leading and fashion- able shades in Broadcloths, Venetians Ser= ges, Coat igs, Twills, Etc. DIAGONALS Mt BE THE NC FEATURE TE3IS SEASON 11 inns) We carry a splendid range of table cloths, napkins. towels. toweling. lawn and silk hauder- chiefs, fancy lawn and embroided handkerchiefs, ete. We carry all gradeti. r ter wear Maia n Will be satisfactory, if you buy it here, where all the differeLt kinds are shown, and a proper fit is assured, we kitow that the most im- portant feature of satisf.tetory Underwear is a proper fit, and that's what you get here We are glad to show you whether you choose to buy or not Men's Furnishi ligs This seasons lines surpass all our pre- vious offaringgs, note especially our values in Knitted U wear, Fieeceiined U Awear, Ribbed U wear, Natural wool U wear, Woollen socks, Knitted sweater coats, etc. ighest ice for Produce GENERAL MERCHANT Tr riry h t• Ontri Where the Newest Styles Are Always Shown First AuoTrinc SALES A.uetipn Sale of farm stock and imple meats on Lot 22 L. R, W. Stanley, on Thursday Nov. 3rd at 1 o'clock sharp. Joseph Mero, prop., E Bosseuberry, Auet. Auction sale of farm stook, implements and furniture, on lot 13, Can. 13 Hay, on Tuesday Nov. 1st„ at 1 o'clock. Wm. S, Ruby proprietor. E. Bossenberry, Aunt. Auction Sale of 9 horses, 43 head of cattle and other farm stock and imple- ments, on Wednesday Nov, 2nd at one o'dlo,:k.sharp, on Lot 3 B. Line Stephen, no reserve. proprietor has rented his farm. 1)oiplLus Allen, prop. 0, 13. Wilson, Auet. h Hemlock & Cedar Cat to Order The undersigned, hAving a Wlarge stook of prince Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to out to order any bill up to 36 feet long in Hemlock and up to 20. feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE '. A, MUSTARD BAY FIEL D na0gs us The Young Men Of this town have fairly swoop. ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. • So if you want your suit to wear well and fit well have it tailored with us. Suits from $12. to $24. Laulidry in Connection IT. . ' "a leis;, ,;: - ZURICH • F9t 4t?c+111110Q111D®6p0111111D4{ w xi i v WANTED a o Girls wanted for newest 2 v brightest, cleanest and most co 1 up•to-date blouse and white- I wear factory in Canada. o Work consists of sewing n 0 Ladies' waists. Girls ex- v perieneed on power sewing machines preferred. but beginners will be taught. a a Comfortable quarters. v a, work. ork. Good wages. THE STAR WEITEWE:1R a MFG, CO. 1 Berlin, Ontario, d*aD®131XIMS1N3 Dia Yellow sweat pads large size. red hound, at 30 cents each, at Hartleib s. Dutch sets are being deliverers in town for winter storage. The merchants are paying 4 cents in tra de. What Chas Meyer of Blake, says about the Malleable range bought of O. Hartleib. He says, would not part with it for 3100, if I could not get another one like it -03tt anus Prem. 4 •.aou ,t /Ma st�s3 .wnaty ;ttpamag 11trs g s 1 px.iegwutri bis.il.TET REPORT.—The fol lowing is the report of Zurich market; corrected up to Thursday. Barley.— 42 to 45 he&.9.:,.... 7 Brun .. 20.00 Shorts. 22 00 22.01, Oats .. - 30 32 Wheat. .. 82 88 Five Roses flour . • 3, t0 Purity ..... 3.10 Royal E3atisehold. 3.00 (;hose family 2.75 Hay 6.00 7,0J Dried pples...w•5 5 Clover seed 8.00 9.00 Potatoes... 1.3 25 Butter . 10 20 Eg,gs•.•,.• ....•. .1+ 22 Flogs lveweiget 7.15 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour ....... 2.75 /Wheat.. 1.08 )ats ..... , , 32 32 Harley. .. .ii. Kt+ k'eas... °. 80 80 gongs liveweight 7.15 ury Fall Stock of 5 oe Yoii will be surprised at our large stock of Shoes for men, women and children, but 0,1 as leaders in the trade we have to keep the DI very best. Our turn -over is so large that DI we can and do give you better prices than. dU 4 !0 - 4 you are accustomed to get. Our fall Stock will be found right. Call and examine it. 00 QO q0P VP P. HEN Elt, Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town • •O•�.•�10.1�•O.O.//.O.©.0•4. 4 es•Or0•C�•4G.O.1/. a.7• o�v�•v�•44`1 OPO�04��V.1 1� 411 L • hIIIIIr■ .r1��'� 1 i i 1u1� 1nts This is the Malleable Iron Range—the one you cannot bl :�eak -with an axe. The one the People Talk so much . about It is built of the same material that is sold by peddlers, who charge the people $70.00. We give you a larger stove and more up-to-date. Our price is only $5o.00 We have sold lots since this stove was placed on the market, and those now using it say it is a World Beater. See it before you buy. • ARTLEIB, ZURICH HURON'S L/i RGES"'WCQiit7BiN,ATION: 'i OR e hill New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand Shingles, big shipments just to hand. Bring in your Order Now C. KILLIMEISCH zURICFt• PHONE /g we- re�rws■ww■