HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-10-28, Page 7FIRST CLASS TILE "I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2* in, to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards, 11 tf. Moved! Moved!. SHOP AND STOOK MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watche Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everythin in this COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. 1 1 WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Ie, customers a L Happy and Prosperous New Year, anal thank each and all for 8 1 having made the past year 0. our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. 1 1 1 R. H. OOLJOLAS9 General Merchant, B L A K E. 'i' 1 1 .■■ZURICH a■■ MEAT rift‘PirtEir WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call: YU i LUT .._ w'EL & J14 1 I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J: S. SaiiTH, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. Name Address Ago 'Time Rtip ,. Single Or double • •.. Satisfaction guaranteed trocualooeceteaceloacKXxieezereltereti We desire to call special attention to our line of horse blankets. .No better vtilues offered anywhere. J. Praetor. Chamberlain's Uaragh Remedy has become fatuous for its aures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. It Contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief, Sold by all dealers BIRTIEWAY CELEBRATION. Mrs. Philip Fassold was taken by a big surprise on Wednesday even- ing Oct. 19, being it was her birthday and married eleven years. About twenty five of her relatives assembled at their home. The evening was spent in music and singing and " all had a pleasant time. Mrs. Fassold received some nice presents from her friends, and a nice hanging lamp from her husband. They all brought a basket full of cakes and everything good, about twelve o'clock they spread the table and all had re- freshment, and then started for home. Mrs. Fassold was very much pleased to have her friends remember her in this manner. A. Musser's auction sale: on Wed. laesday last, was largely attended and good prio ys were realized, Instead of the usual discourse on Sunday evening Rev, L, Eidt gave the report of the recent Y P A Convention, which was listened to with rapt attention by all pre- sent. We take sett onions in exchange for furniture, harness and hard- ware, at Sartleib's. SCHOOL REPORT Tho following are the reports of nrioh Public Sehooll for October, 'tending is based o best papers, egularity of attendance, and gener- 1 deportment. Names are. in crater rf merit. •In almost all cases the ow standing is due to irregular at- eudance, Parents are urged to see that their children are inschool very school day, punctually at 9 'clock. Room 1 marks are in percent. Form V Flora Hess '82, Ada Wurni 78, Olive O'Brien 78, Mar- shall Zeller 76, Rinewan Kalbfleisch 76, Muriel Preeter 72, Freda Kalb- fieiscb 70. Form IV Sr Orland Johnston '13, Clayton Hoffman 62, Clarence Hoff- man 58, Fred Thiel 48, Ferdinand Howald 47, Arnold Leibold 46. Form 1V Jr Laura Sohilbe 65, Gertrude Weseloh 65, - ]Eva Hey - rook 64, Alma Axt 60, Karl Snell 60, Russel Zeller 52, Idella Brenner 52, Violet Fuss 51, Louis Zettel 40. John McCormick 35, Theodore Fos- ter 33, Herbert W urm 24, . Leonard Davidson. Form III Sr Erna Fritz 84, Hazen eller 81, Lloyd Kalbfleisch 76, eda Fritz 75, (ertie Weber 72, Earl Ran 70, Roy Appel 69, Harry ose 63, Ferdinand. Haberer 61, 'Via Braun 58, Melvin Braun 55, l heodore Mittelholtz 49, Bernard ildebrandt. W. G. Beaton, Prin. Jr I1I Harry Hess 366 ; Verde Fuss ;,,lU ; Helena Sohilhe 859; Mil. ton Heyrook 335 ; Teodore Howald 1242 ; Setnuel Fisher 241 ; Willie I Clausius 218 ; Mary Jeffrey 174; Percy Weido 57. '( Sr II Minnie Merner 458. Roy Weber 431 ; Mary Zettel 403 ; Lloyd O'Brien 401 ; Clara Weber 888; Charlie Davidson 375; Carrie Brenner 287 ; Walter Bender 209; Genevieve Zettel 207;. Albert Mc. Cormick 116. Gilbert JefT-rey ". II 01 A Cealie!p eee4g..dins 469 ; Alberta Mittelholtz 457 Gar. field Witmer 447; Odell Weber 440; Margaret. Fuss 445; Hazel 'Fritz 445 Lennis Callas 441; Reinhold Koch 441 ; Lawrence Jeffrey 438; Simon Thiel 434; Edgar Schnell 428; Len Mittelholtz 421. Jr II 01 A Ada .Howald 439 Gladys Fisher 432; Paul Jeffrey 429 ; Roy Foster 425 ; Laura Sararus 421 ; Ward Fritz 420 ; Maggie Dei. chert 416 ; Earl Zettel 389 ; Elmore Clausius 374 ; Jiinetta Thiel 361 Ernie Bender 358; Pearl Siemon 263. L. 13. Mulholland, Teacher. Sr Pt Il 'Mare; :arett Hess, Gra ham Mercier, Frances Zeller, Lar:rre• nee HMO, Lonna Howald, Clete -nee 133rennt,r. .1r l't It Busse!! I•reeter, Leroy () rien, Ciareeco Fester, Rose flees. Mildred Hoffman, Jean Campbell. Ruth Hartleib, Freddy Weseloh and Theodore Leibold egra.l, Pearl Waiper, Alphonsus .Dieterieb, Alma •Uttley, Claytus Mittelholtz, Margaret Sietnon. Sr I Olive Zettel, Harold Schnell, Celia Iliidebrandt. Ronald Srittner, Alrninu Branner. Jr I Susie Deichert, Leonard Rau. Irvin Fisher, Hazel roster, Margaret Thiel, Anthony Mittel - Second el Marjorie Fritz and Ivan I1albfleisch equal, Jacob Fro borer, Iva Kalbfieiseh, Joe ;1.etfroy, Alfon Leibold, Richard efE;ill'e� First 01 Gordon Zettel, Clara n araa,as, Lloyd Serena, ) Tilia Davidson, Nelson Jeffrey, Mabel Bender, Laura Dieterioh and Minnie Uttley equal, Lloyd Hey. Gladys McNevin, Teacher, Born ETLx—At the Salable Line, Stanley, on the 20th inet , to frlr. and Mrs. Edward Etue, a son. Several from here attended. the funeral of the late Wellington Johnston, who died at his .home near I)t Kittle on Sunday lavt.,The funeral ;as held on Tnetei,iv ufter- not•n to the Bayfield cemetery. l oielnv nest will be observed as •i r•l�i lir bo,Ii'lati. '1'}*'re will be no sohoo', the el lees b :closed and the 'i/ trans generally will take a day off. Mr. and Mrs G. Edighoiier have the s•'nlpnthy of all in the loss of Mrs. Edighofer's father, which sad event occurred at bis home near Blake, on Tuesday last. A real nice new village property for sale, just the property for a re tired farmer as there is a lot of land in connection therewith. Ap ply to E. M. Brokenshire Dashwood It is said that P. Kraft has sold his farm to M. Hoffman, but we cannot verify this statement as er either ,.,,. tv might in t'•e meantime back. o"u, The farm consists (.1-1:9) aereS 'n every weer a first- elnres 1:ic?, t't.'- and if ?.Sr fecainan has cl nob.:J the bargain, he onght to congratulate himself on securing a first class farm at a reasonable figure. Atea' rl. til i c u Lla 1. u iI a ii Savings and Loann Ca, HEAD OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on. good Farm Morbgages, Prompt attention given to applications for loans, E ZELLER, Zurich. Live Poidtr A, N T E ighest Prices Every Tuesday forenoon J. PREET ��dPA�fv+Q♦,aR�+aDi1■roaaa�DaD.l�aDd•■D�Pa■NW@AI�IPaDm■oaPaopApi� 1 1 1 1 1 1 Give us a dal atuppoitopapowt(ociatilik -. and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR—Milverton, Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of . gram in exchange fo r flour or anything : we sell. All kinds - of Feed and Grain . always on hand. Oil Cake, Bibby cream equiv= alert, Flax Seed, whole and ground. M. f J. ASCIIO, Z� 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 . 0011111DaD0'VILaOa®ODQIM DO!1113DMIIIEDOD00.90D0®O1,MIND MUD 0 DCLIIIDCD0IODC®CID CO= CD(CET0DO■C90 500 is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this we will send The Herald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, F SEE TO 11 LD CO Open to all readers of The Herald The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is going to send throe or more of their readers to the Old Country next June at the time of the Coronation, with all expenses paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. We have completed arrangements with the Family Herald pub- lishers by which our readers can enter the competition for this prize trip andit certainly will be a trip to be remembered. R•RCere ire The Conditions The Issue of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of September 15th, 3910, had 656,370 readers baseci on an average of five readers to each paid subscription. How many readers will the issue of March 15, 1911, on the same basis? We offer THE HERALD and Tho Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year each at $1.75, and every person at:ceeting this offer has the right to make an estimate and The Family Herald and tM1 cetyls Star will send the first three of its readers who make the corrt-ct or nearest to correct estimate to England with all expenses paid from tiny pert (1' Canada and n liberal allowa.na'e f•.r s:.in3iur :in v. E,stiri•?te et-uelons. can he hail at than t,•; :'t', 'ye ti';, t...ee7 be lille,� in and ae-;e npan:r your s'i'.)s?'rittfio•1 t•) thy 1 , ;:ria ' t,.,?)�>r•-. The Family Herald and gest:iv Etat., of lont;ra1. 1; the E;reate-»t Family and Farm papier on ;his 0.mtinent nn . one .•afely be depended upon to carry out this nnique c mpeti1i.,n i i partia11 -. We, hope to see some of our readers win the trip, Sena in your ettbscriptiene in now. THE HERALD, Zurich D. S Faust has a goad range of m en's gloves. SLAKE It is our duty this week to report the death of Wellington Johnston (son of Thos. Johnston) a ixromis ing young man of 21 years, who after eight months suffering pass- ed away, on Sunday let, s -, Seine time last winter. ,1, ,.n.:• -1•,,,a growth appeared on his leg and the medical attendants found it necessary to tunputa.te the limb. This was done but soon after other growths appeared elsewhere and ;slowly but surely sapped away his vitality. Finally his lures became affected and itil hope of recover was dispelled. He was a young man of exemplary character and his genial manner won for him a wide circle of friends, who to -day lament his early demise. He leaves to mourn his loss hid father and mother. six brothers and three sisters, who each and all have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity. The remains were laid to rest in Bayfield cemetery on '.twos• . day afternoon, whither they were followed by a• large concourse of mourning and sympathizing friends The beautiful casket was covered with wreaths. The laall- bearers were Messrs Ti. Howard, E. Snider, (4. Jacobs, P. Derand, R Allan, (4. Freckleton. The service was taken by Rev. Mr, Davidson the late pastor of B3ake. EXc: TES .T. N Howard's new dwelling an Main at. le ileai'iy eempieted. Jas. Swinerton and wife former- ly rosidenta !epee visited 'in town recently. They will spend the winter ai 17'e nee..ti Charlee ?'ye toiler of tee Vlot. sone; bans. L '•cen trans! e -sed to , ,F .. r. . Li..i 1 ti the? "i'riviit Memorial 'Cbl t. h al Chilt - ren's htt' 1 1•t ,•+ Rev. 1) \f Collins, had charge of the service 'end in the morning addressed quite a le-ge number of little tots, his talk bang uppropr;tito and, inter -- feting to tie little t.,nes. In the evening his cti;cour;•e was more Particularly directed to parents, ani was nee of deep interest, ern - taming many plain truths that should he marina away and acted upon by parents.