HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-10-28, Page 5FIRST CLASS TILE •"I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2,a in, to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. fovea! Moved!, SHOP AND STOCK We desire to call special attention to our line of horse blankets. No better vr,lnes offered anywhere. J. Preett�r. Chamberlain's Votigh Remedy has become famous for its cures of coughs, golds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. it contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers "ive iz.t:tl;,dl'i Are ,iNlrrG stir: 'Q t 14adt+lrt.'.. ;cart !far- t'" MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House VVl(ciln su ,urs 1 Ready to slippier you with just u wen -little bit tho Nicest- e ' JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY Joan, GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches' eyes Brooches, Bracelets, grant Veil Pins, Collar me -I 1 Pins. Everything 1,'likeill in this Line. your down :Miss COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. FD�DD®G,4,f,D®OD aD®DD®OD UDDG', o o Q i 9 - TE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our customers a 115appy and Prosperous New Year, o and thank each and all for having made the past year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty Support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. 1 1 1 1 1 ftD =MD aD.7R3DeD®GOD (10110 011730CD CZ= GD CCM OU R. N. OUCL A9 General Merchant, B L A Ii E. th a )k of in a 11 not redly, t died and have 1 her More St as it to osom and Bfront 1 the It the 1.1 5thing G k 1 1 1 1 • A O l. 1 H+ MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh Feats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aiin is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. MEL' T El" BIC T. S 42.9=1:1=* 9ss:25r=xu0(=4YCTO WiCMCSacaev:; ARE YOU t k I't 1 1 I can cure the worst ease of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily clan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford. Ont . Dept. R. Nano Address Age Time Rup Single or double , . , • Satisfaction guaranteed esloanssea asecasoesr +t$wsasearersvresl out a )en young man, not at all angrily, "ssaidgter 33, I-Ierbert Wurm 24, Leonard that you so kindly keep it in my tr,Davitlson. ory ." Form III Sr Erna Fritz 84, Hazen "A boy in the gutter -selling 1Zeller 81, Lloyd Kalbfleisch 76, fers!"-and addressing the furnitureyeda Fritz 75, Gertie Weber 72 "F usees," corrected the young n i R 7 0,'I� o Appel 69,Harry never mind that. The questio ,trau y pp arr y what do you want now I am here?" Rose 63, Ferdinand 'letterer 61, He stooped as 'he suoke, and•pleAda Braun 58, Melvin Braun ,55, up a piece of paper which lay, half t,1 heodore Mittelholtz ' 49, . Bernard across; in the fireplace. It was the 3ildebrandt. W. G. Beaton, keeper's bill at Deercombe. "Deercombe!" he said, flashing - Prin. eyes upon the old man. "Deer -ah, ' Jr III Harry Hess 366: Verde I remember, that is Lprd ArrowfitFuss 1160 ; Helmut Sohilhe 359 ; Mil. place -no, not his now! Who Caine ton H:oytook 335, Teodore Howald A. Musser's auction sale on Wecl nesday last, was largely . attended and good prig es were realized, Instead of the usual discourse on Sunday evening Rev. Lt. X; Eidt gave the report of the recent Y P A Convention, which was listened to with rapt attentionby all pre. sent. We take sett onions in exchange for furniture, harness and hard- ware, at Hartieib's. stool in his office, Every now i SCHOOL REPORTS then he looked up at a crazy, lop4 clock that hung on the wall and creakily= and, as the old thing who The following are the reports of out the hour of ten, lie was rising iZnrich Public School t for Octobea. the stool, when there came a knoc1tanding is based o best papers, the door, and there entered a Y°.egularity of attendance, and gener- man. Ile was tall, and thin. and hand deportment. Naines are in ordet having black hair, closely cut, witof merit. In almost all cases the dark mustache. His eyes were ow standing is due to irregular at - too. and brilliant, almost too brillitendance, Parents are urged to see so that when he flashed them arolthat their children are in school as he did when be entered Mr. C; ver school punctuallyat 0 dock's office, one felt an uneasy „everyday, of having been pierced by a gimlet. ;o'clock. haps he knew of this unpleasant sh Room I marks are in percent. Hess, for after one of these pier Form V Flora Hess 82, Ada glances. he lowered his lids and hidwur1li 7S, Olive O'Brien 78, Mar - black, sharp eyes from observation. •' lust an hour late!" said Mr. ashall Zeller 76, HinmanKalb$eisch dock, pulling out his turnip -faced wa70, Muriel Preeter 72, Freda Kalb - "Just an huur! What. on earth mifiojsch 70, you so late?" and he snarled untilForm IV Sr Orland Johnston 73, telipeth showed through his thinpart Hoffman 62, Clarence Hoff - "1 have been dining out!" man 58, Fred '1Liel 48, Ferdinand "Dining out! A pretty time you 1lowald 47, Arnold Leibold 46. of it! And you dine out every da Form IV Jr Laura Schilbe 65, the week, dressed like -like a dook!'Certrade Weseloh 65, • Elva HC he!" and he trucked. "Shouldn't .7 ock Anna Axt 60,Karl Snell y - der if you've forgot that 1 picked'64, out of the gutter, out there," ani 60, Russel Zeller 52, Idella Brenner pointed into Fenel urch street, 152, Violet Fuss 51, Louis Zettel 40. MAO a man of you." !John McCormick 35 Theodore Fos - "1'm not likely to forget;' ' ,z_,......vvt! 242; Samuel Fisher 241 ; Willie BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. 1 Clausius 218; Mary Jeffrey 174 ; Percy Weido 57. Sr II Minnie Merner 458; Roy Weber 431 ; Mary Zettel 403 ; Lloyd O'Brien 401; Clara Weber 388; Charlie Davidson 375; Carrie Brenner 287 ; Walter Bender 209; Genevieve Zettel 207r; filbert °'Me- Corinick 116. Gilbert Jeffrey 7. Jr II 01 A ,Cealiee';e' "»'cline 469 ; Alberta Mittelholtz 457; Gar- field Witmer 447 ; Cae%1 Weber 446; Margaret. Fuss 445 ; Hazel " Fritz 445 ; Lennie Callas 441; Reinhold Koch 441; Lawrence Jeffrey 438 ; Simon Thiel 434; Edgar Schnell 428; Leo Mittelholtz 421. Jr I1 01 A Ada How ald 439 ; Gladys Fisher 432; Paul Jeffrey 429 ; Roy Foster 425 ; Laura Sararas 431 ; Ward Fritz 420; Maggie Dei - chert 416; Earl Zettel 389,; Elmore Olausius 374 ; Janette. Thiel 361; Ernie Bender 358 ; Pearl ISiemon 283. L. 13. Mulholland, 'Teacher. Sr Pt Il M trg:trett Hess, Gra.- haat Merrier, Frances Zeller, L' wrenee Rau, Louisa Howald, ( r'Tuc'e 1.37•r77ner. J r l't II Russell t Freeter, Leroy tl.;ric•n, Clarence Foster, Rose floss. Mildred Hoffman, Jean Campbell. Ruth Hartleib, Freddy v reseloh and Theodore •Loibold aural, Pearl Waiper, Alphonsus Dieterieh, Alma Uttley, Olaytus Mittelholtz, Margaret Simeon, Sr I Olive Zettel, Harold Schnell, Celia Hildebrandt. Ronald Witmer, Almina Brenner. Jr I Susie Deichert, • Leonard Rau. Irvin Fisher; Hazel Foster, Margaret Thiel, Anthony Mittel- hnitz- Second of Marjorie Fritz and lvuu Kalbfleisah equal, Jacob Bei,orer, Iva Kalbfieisoh, Joe ;1,'tlroy, Alfon Leibold, Richard Ja ifrcy, First 01 Gordon Zettel, Clara 'araraa, Lloyd Sararas, Julia Davidson, Nelson Jeffrey, Mabel 13ender, Laura Dietericli and Minnie tTttley equal, Lloyd Hey. Gladys McNevin, Teacher, Born ETrI'-At the Sauble Line, Stanley, on the 20th inat , to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Etne, a son. Mrs. Philip Fassold was taken bit a big surprise on Wednesday even- ing Oct. 19, being it was her birthday and married eleven years. About twenty five of her relatives assembled at their hone. ' The. evening was spent in musice and singing and all • had a pleasant time. Mrs. Fassold received some nice presents from her friends, and. a nice hanging lamp from her husband. They all brought a basket full of cakes and everything good, about twelve o'clock they spread the table and all had re- freshment, and then started for home, Mrs. Fassolcl was very much pleased to have her friends remember her in this manner. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Wellington .Johnston, who died at bis home near Drysdale nn Sunday last- The funers1 was held on Tnt'scl.ty tater- noon to the 13aylh ld ceul+• tl•rv. Monthly 1)r'`;t will be oh -.,rued Its a i'T)I'lit' l',t,lt+ley. There v ill bn no schoo'. the el tees will b rielosed and ! the it 7re'ns generally will take al day off. Mr, and Mrs. G. Edighoffer have the synputhy of all in the loss of Mrs. Eclighotfer's father, which Fad event occurred at his home near. Blake, on Tuesday last. A real nice now village property for sale, just the property for a re tirecl farmer els there is a lot of land in connection therewith. Ap ply to E. M. Brokenshire Dashwood It is said that P. Kraft has sold his farm to M. Hoffman, but we oannat verify this statement as tees!, ar either ;..•'•ter might in ti:ce meantime ba'k cot. The farm onnsiste c f 1 t) aerea ars' rt every of nitr a lire, t:i' prolate.:- and l:oif �an hes el:;nel,.Vid the bargain, he ought to congratulate himself on securing a first class farm at a reasonable figure. AgrIculturail Savags and �® an Coc, HEAT) OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applications for loans, ZELLER, Zurich. Live Poitry F W YtN f Highest Prices Every Tuesday forenoon PREETER i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,GWraDDONIDat'DISDOPOND9oatoamworDailDaoarwaoaADOMMGDOIMODMI DODOWDEMIMa)fit>UDpC#ICDGOD' Give us a edit and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR==Milverton, Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of . grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. A].1 kinds of Feed and Grain • always on hand. Oil Cake, Bibby Cream equiv= alent, Flax Seed, whole and ground. J. UK 0, ZUPIC 1 1 0 1 as 1 1 1 0 1 1 ICE DORM CDUSEDGD GSM GDONIDGD MOD GD®GD(6Ym GD,711019GDq OD (IND OD =ID CD '021)DD =ID QDMUD DD arl:40 Dom' DD@SVtI is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this we will send The Herald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, NEt { TO COUNTRY Open to all readers of The Herald The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is going to send three or more of their readers to the Old Country nest June at the time of the Coronation, with all expenses paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. We have completed arrangements with the Family Herald pub- lishers by which our readers can enter the competition for this prize trip and it certainly will be a trip to be remembered. Here Are The Conditions The Issue of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of September 15th, 1910, had 656,370 readers based on an average of fire readers to each paid subscription. How many readers will the issue of March 15, 19 l i , on the same basis? We offer Trig; BERAL.n and The Family Herald and weekly. Star for one year each at $1.75, and every person uncepting this offer l:us the right to make an estimate and The Family 11er,;itt and €, eekIy Star will pend the first three of its readers who m•eke the correct IT r.eare't to correct na;tilnate to lDnglanl with all expenses paid fr,o:ll t.I:`,.' Trot i f Canada, and. a lil,eral al!otv'Inc,:) 1.,r. sp; n•ii:).; :-..n.. v. 1+,Rti1'1 ,fl et.tt!) )Tal Can be h i11 ''t t 114 (•'i."t', v°' I'+' t 1,1 . , lt:' ililEa in and toter)+)1!ttiht, your si.t.;!:{•t•!pth,t•i .•, the tvc,, T,.t!,,,. The i+'alrnt!y Herald :tel '.'e'r'rs is thr, or ',l l Ili a1. 14 ti., t,rente,,t, Fatuity- and Farin paper on this ('•,m inc'nt an,.: tau :.,ft'ly ho 1,. ,pt.nde,l upon to carry out this unique cionsperitten i rl):lrtierya Wo lisp i t:,) see some of our readers win the trip, Semi in yoar eubscript®n;a in now. THE HERALD, Zurich D. S Faust has a good range of to en's gloves. BLAKE It is our duty this week to report the death of Wellington Johnston (son of Thos. Johnston) a pro:His ing young rrtan of 21 years, whe after eight months snfferinl; pass- ed away, on Sunday lust, Some time last winter a :•at r:l,( growth appeared on h7:, leg and the medical attendants found it necessary to amputate the limb. This was done but soon after other growths appeared elsewhere and slowly but surely sapped awriy his vitality. Finally his lungs became effected and all hope of recover•, was dispelled. He was a young rnan of exemplary character and bis genial manner won for him a wide circle of friends, who to -day lament his early demise. IIe leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother. Fix brothers and three sisters, who each and all have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity. The remains were laid to rest in Bayfield cemetery on Tues• day afternoon, whither they were followed by a large concourse of mourning and sympathizing friends The beautiful casket was covered with wreaths. The pall- bearers were Messrs I'£. Howard, E. Snider, (4, Jucobe, P. Dt,rancl, R Allan, G. Freckleton. The service was taken by Rev. Mr, Davidson the lute pastor of Make. EX ETir f7 .T. N Howard';: new dwelling en Main tat. la nearly coed 3lett0tl. Jas. Swin.erton and wife former- ly resiaetlt:.l J';•+'?, vi.4dt'e,1 'in trava recently. They will spend the wvintr i of t' 1 ,c Charle-- ?'yo 'eller of t i Mot, sons hank 1 on trans' ;tee 1 to Dott■fit;;.l tit.,':• :"vt4it;tag 'l'rivi1t jIlc mnlinl (}u 'h tts t`ltiir - ren's Pitt.. "'1'. <" Now 1) \'r' t't)l ins, had charge of ti,.' service and in the morning nadreesed quite u 1?ir„ e number of little tote, his talk briny; al'iir()i';--ato and inter- esting to the 1 the 1 .tc'<a. In the evening- his discourse was more particularly directed to parents. and was cane of sleep intore-tt, con- taining us any platin truths that should. he c'arrin l away and acted upon by parents.