The Herald, 1910-10-28, Page 2This elegant watch,
stem whin and set, taur.Y
en)'n,l tved Sown tiiht NIC
oasts., 1•ttLLS farAL.I -
Peso, Will bo sent you
?LEE it you sell culy
OA worth of our beauti-
fully colored and emboss-
ed lost cards at o for Ith:.
These are the very latest
desips in. 'View), Floral,
holiday, Conics, &c. The
swiftest sellers. •lust chow
Mem and tale in the money.
Send your elamU and address
plainly written and we will
you a package
cards and our bigpremium
list. Don't delay, for we•givo
this extra present for prompt-
Dept, 301 Toronto, Ont.
(Catholic Standard and Times.)
"Ye hear a lot o' talk 'bout `philan-
thropists' thesele that ld goes Iles, 'ound
Korn -
top; "them's people g
doin' good, ain't they?"
"Yes," replied Farmer Korntop. "I
think I seen one the last time I was to
the city." „
"Did ye? W'at did he look like?
"He had a sign onto him that said, "I
use Fakeley's Cough Cure. Try .its"
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
A Quartette of Jokes and Ali Are
One flay Tommy thane- r with his
face dirty and a black eye. y,. Tom-
my," said his mother, "I though I- told
you to (Iowa a hiludred before you
"Well, nlanllua, I did;" said the tear-
ful buy, ad related in Paris Modes, "hitt
look what the other boy did while I
was counting."
infant Aviator,
Mother—dust run upstairs, Tommy,
and fetch baby's nightgown,
Tommy—Don't want to. going to
Mother --Oh, well, if you're a g
be unkind to your little new • sister,
she'll put on her wings and fly back to
Tommy—Then let her put on her
wings and fetch her nightgown.
"The American woman is not a door
mat. She is vain enough to prefer to
stand upright. She is the most. ehum-
mable woman in the. world, with a mar-
vellous variety of interest in common
with her husband. And Ameriean w.) -
men are better housekeepers than ever
before—when they need to be."—Mrs.
Wilson Woodrow, novelist.
"We women do not wear the native
costume any more in Japan. We dre:as
an the American plan, keep house that
way, and enjoy an automobile ride just
as you do. But we don't put on fele:
hair. Somehow, we like the better nat-
ural, and without e. hat on it. We believe
Short Division.
Sallie -elf I was dividing the cake I'3
give you the biggest piece.
Tommy --Then what yer kicl:in' about?
I've got it, ain't I?
Knew Papa.
Teacher—Now, Tommy, what is the•
meaning of the word 'purchase?
Tommy ---Don't know, ma'am.
Teacher—Well, if your papa gave t ottr
mother $10 to
omo and
er clow new hat,
what would y o
Tommy—Rave a fit, I guess.
Mrs. Nicliolas Breau, Rogersville, j
"w B., writes: "1 can highly recommend
Baby's Own Tablets to all mothers
whose tittle ones are constipated. 1. gave
my little girt the Tablets and they regu-
lated her bowels and now she sleeps
well, eats well, is fat and good all the
time. 1 ant really delighted with the
Tablets and 1 always keep them in the
house and as soon as my little girl be-
comes troubled or feverish t give Iter the
Tablets and she is soon weil again.
Please send me another box, for they
are the very best medicine I know of
• I* ones' The Tablets are sold
in marriage and fair-sized farm lles. The for ,
average is four children."—Baroness under a guarantee to contain nothing In-
citi- even the youngest child. Sold
a an's wealthiest carious to
' ri wife of J 2ea1-
:lfrtzr P
sen, now visiting in America.
"Consciences are no longer hereditary.
even in New England. The instinct of
worship is dying out, but the instinct
of humanity is springing up in its phare.
Every soul must travel its own way, if
it is to Kate DougleseW'Pigginr(Mrs. Geo. R ggs)•
We believe MINARD'S LI:TtMENT is
tike best:
lfathias Foley, Oil. City, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norwriy, Me.
ftiv.i.teia Wooten, ltltttgrave, N. S. ta.
Rev. B. €fl Armstrong, Musgrave, N.
Pierre Landers, sen., PoI:emcuche, N. B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. 13.
From the Persian.
Of thatrforbiddenio have vintage tastede
of the lips
That, press'd and pressing, from each
other draw
The bdo h ght that so intoxicates theta
Teat, while upon the wings of Day and
Night and Moons do wax and
Time rustles on,
Alt fromdkthe very Well of Life they
And, drinking, fancy they shall never
But rolling Heaven from his ambush
'So in my license is it not set down :
Att for the sweet societies I make
At Morning, and before the Nightfall
.Ah for the bliss that coming Night fills
And 'Morn looks in to find an empty
Edward Fitzgerald.
at 25 cents a box by all me to
ere or from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Oh, let me lay my head to -night u
your breast,
And close my eyes against the sigh
Main would reast,
I'm weary and the world looks sad;
worldly strife ou; and,
Turns o be youme to r wire!
Thought friends
You, fail and- turn a
And in your love I inay abide, for
are true—
My only solace in each grief and
I pair,
Your tenderness is my relief; it soot les
each care.
If Joys of life could alienate this peak`,
weak heart
Front yours. then may no pleasure
great enought to part
Our sympathies fall to niy lot. I'll e'er
Bereft oi
f � ri eLdds, though true or not,
Tour tare and regard,
your presence bright,
And, oh I thank my God to -night, 1
am your wife! —Old Clipping.
Mr- it%#1 D re, -,c,"
oh, I'm
Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que.
"I have beencompletely cured of a
frightful condition of my Stomach
through the wonderful fruit medicine
'Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything
but what I suffered awful pain from
My head ached incessantly.
I was told to try `Fruit-a-tives' and
sent for six boxes. Now I ant entirely
well, can eat any ordinary food and
never have a Headache."
soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box,
:5c. At all dealers or from Fruit -a
tives Limited, Ottawa.
Here's a Girl Who Knows How to
Make It Most Deliciously."
(lay ]senora Stubbs, daughter of Kausas
G overnor, )
At night take one-half of a cupful
of earnmcal and a small pinch of sugar
and salt each, scald with new milk heat-
ed to the boiling point, and mix to the
thickness of a plush. I usually make
this up in the cup. Wrap in a clean
cloth and put in a warm place over
In the morning take a one -gallon stone
jar and in this put one scant cup of new
Had Her• Way at Laet. -
There was duce a girl in Atchison
who had never had her wty. Her
father bttlldc?ed and tryannized over her
and when he was Culled Route her anoth-
er began it, and up to the time the
girl was forts -five site lied never ,e eet-
ed even a hair ribbon. Then thegood
angelscame to he= mother, and when
the girl managed her mother'e ftmernl
she went about_ the task of ordering
hacks and flowers end selecting text
and hymns with a smile. "How bravely
she is taking ifi,' friends said who, came
in to see her weep, but found no one
to weep with; "hut she it holding her-
self in. She was really letting herself
out and enjoying it. "My mother al-
ways said site thought pink flowers were
inappropriate for funerals," she said,
putting pink flower; in the coffin. Then
the girl managed Iter mother's funeral
having been told all her life that if
such an occasion arose she should wear
black.—A.tehisOn Globe.
milk. Add a level teaspoonful of salt
and one of sugar. Scald this with three
cups of water, heated to the boiling
points I Would advise a milk ther-
mometer to insure success. Reduce the
temperature to 108 ,degrees• with cold
water. Then add flour •find mix to a
good batter and lastly mix your "start-
er" that was made, the night before.
Cover with a plate, Put this stone jar
in a large kettle of water and keep this
water at a temperature of 108 degrees
until the sponge rises. It should rise
at least an inch and one-half. When it
has raised niix to a stiff dough and
make into loaves and put in pans. Do
net let the heat out of the dough while
working. Grease your loaves well on
top. and set your bread where it will be
warm and rise. After the loaves rise
bake in a medium oven for one hour
and ten minutes. After taking loaves
from oven wrap up well in lineal cloth.
a t yrac
qrichly stops coughs, cures colds gents,
tha throat and lungs. -
II re me re time I
our • grandgrandfathers a new used them.untried
Half f a
century ago, before Confederation,
they were on sale in nearly every
drug or general store in the Canada
of that day, and were the recog-
nized cure in thousands of homes for
Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious-
ness, Rheumatism and Kidney and
Liver Troubles. To -day they are
just as effective, just as reliable as
ever, 'win nothing better has yet
been devised to
tO tris a rim rem cis a'* 11110
Miniature Railroad in England.
ISSUE NO. 43 1910.
a'7 domestic, one willing to learn Ap-
ply 94 Duke street, Hamilton Ont, _
Y@ Apply Mrs. .A.. C. l•3easleY,
436 Main street east.
New Absorption Method
Are you Making $5 per day. If not
vivito outfit iofinHoliday Books.ediately for Sells at frebpght
• LIMITED, Toronto
'.J salary paid. Alfred Tyler, 355 Clar-
ence street. London, Ont.
1 w l stta ?rt youMEN
the tea
bt.stness; lasting proposition; easy and
profitable. A..
S. Taylor, Tea Imparter,
If you suffering from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this beam treatment free for trial,
with refereuce from your Own locality
if requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assured. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Bos P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
1 ' 6
(The Forum.)
Disregard for the needless suffering of
charity patients, especially children, can-
not possibly be condoned or excused. In
spite of the great and noble work done
by the hospitals and free clinics, there is
occasion for shame and indignation when
we have to stand by and see helpless
elpildren. with broken limbs being twisted
Med turned rind pulted and jerked around
'to one to raise a voice of protest
and no law to invoke to mitigate their
needless suffering. here
I know of Many city hospitals where
this cruel practice stilt obtains, of bone -
setting without the aid of a Iittle gas
or chloroform to ease the sufferer, arid
the ease is the
economy. Yet the in m material would cost
but a few cents—probably less than the
cigar that the. operator lights when the
clinic is over—and this •paltry sum, and
the callousness of the hospital authori-
ties, are all that stand between the ag-
onized patient and a painless operation.
Dr. Marters Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended :or wo•
men's ailments, a scientifically pre
pared remedy of proven worth. ins
result from their use is quick and per
manent. For sale at all dew; stare.
eirie atm
(Cleveland Leader.)
"Jones is the same old easy mark
be used to be."
"Is that sot I remember he let his
mother choose his wife for him."
"Yes. And now he lets his wife buy his
neckties." •
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc
They met in tlx: reeveafter of F'ietion,
'Fifteen Ylffeen men on the ])rad ms.tis eltcst!
beliotted Steven-,Olt'fi Pirate.
"gat Jolty old football son';, thatt"
eneltuinted the hero of the L:oil^tis nave!
which, though rrct'nt, was already deals.
When duty calls, 'natty paopte art
bttsy'nt stored hin r el;e.--1).tllas News,
One of the smallest railways in the
world, aside from the miniature sys-
tems in the summer parks, its a pri-
vate line in bingIand, which runs from •
Balderton to Eaton hall. The hall,
as well as the railway, belongs to the
Duke of Westminster.
There are two engines on the Eaton
Hall Railway, • the largest weighing
about four tons with a tank capacity
of seventy gallons.
The single passenger car is twenty
feet long and has a seating capacity
of sixteen passengers. There are a
number of freight cars used in haul-
ing coal and other supplies. The
little trains make regular runs, con-
necting with the trains on the Great
Western Railway.
,. yibiJ97YWrv1.•R1JY.q �•..•
Dyes Wool. Cotten, Silk or Mixed Goods Perfectly
with the SAME Dye., -Ne chance of mistakes. Fant
and Itenutiful Colorsae cents, from your Druggist or
Dealer, Send for Color Card and STORY nooltlet. 76
The Johnoon•lilehardeon Co., Welted, Montreal,
A. North Philadelphia little girl had
been so very naughty that her mother
found it necessary to shut her up in a
dark closet --in that family the direst
punishment for the worst offence. For
fifteen long minutes the door had been
locked without a sound. coming from
behind it, Not a whimper nor a sniffle.
At last the stern, but anxious parent,
unlocked the closet door and peered into
the darkness, She could see nothing.
"What are you doing in there?" she
"1 thpit on your new dress and thpit
on your new hat, and I'm waiting for
more thpit pcyour
new prhol'"-Philadelphia Times.
Motrtcc P:c-"
Tuns: :<,fa-
ettfNL•' oxo
ERN combined
if you wish to
give your
triends_ an en-
ill 'tnient(
that will make,'
'Unlit spilt Moir
sides laughing
at the Comic
pictures gets
one of these
¢ ` ' They am Cho
:-','ie-,-..,. :We, l limit. No more
dais hours.
With each machine we give free Rims attt.
lantern slides with full directions so th"Lt ,
anyone can run it. We give It FliEE
our GOLD 3
for selling only S4.F0 worth of o
designs in Vtnws. Hostnnv,
Comes, &c., at elm 10c. Send your ,name
and address plainly written and we will for-
ward you a package of cards and ourbig pre-
mium list. But don't delay, for we give an
extra present for prontetuess. COBALT
GOLD PEN CO.,Dept. g00•Toronto, Out.
Mr. Samuel :Martin, of Strathroy, Ont.,
passed twenty years of his life in misery,
suffering tortures from lame back. He
triednearly all advertised remedies and
household recipes, but received no bene-
fit from any of them. seeing Cain Pills
Some months ago,
advertised Mr. Martin purchased a box.
The relief, which Mr. Martin experienced
atter he had taken one box, was so great
that he knew he had found the right
remedy at last, Re used two more 'boxes
and is now completely cured.
50c a box, f for $2.60. At all dealers.
Free sample 11 you write National Drug
& Chemical Co. (Dept Le) Toronto.
quickly kiYy stops cou,ihs,
cures colds. heals
tit" c
the throat and aaAt=, � — 2S cents„
A drtitittan seldom has the patience
to erase an ink )lite from tracing cloth
property. 11 the eraser is operated with
too mace pressure the cloth is •marred.
The Proper method 1s to (mei-ate, the
eraser with a light but quick motion.
Recently, an electrically -driven eraser
has been invented, consisting of a small
motor provided with a flexible she ft
which carrier", a circular eraser at its
outer end. In order to clean the eraser
of particles of ink which it packs up, a•
cleaning rubber IA provided, svgs;eh, bears
,Tightly against the erasing tubber;. A
device of this sort ehoul& be safficiettt
to .meet the requirements of a large
Your •D•rngr let 4i'iii Tell 'lou
Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes.
t ae . Ds sn'tfor SCSmart,
Soothes Eye Pain,
y in
Scalyur Eyelids and Granulation
es and in ation
'Sae Cured Her iiilsloand
of king
Waite er Today and She Will Tell
You How You Can Du the &r3 9r
For over twenty- years her husband was a hard
drinker. He had tried to but
could not dc' sto ot but
---� nine years aro abeStnp•
Ii,,ed hisdrinking entire.
ly by using a stritpli
remedy which any on1
redfeepds haa red tti
homes from drink b3
following her advice
The method is east{ ani
sure. If you have a
dear one who drinks Vel
earnestly advise you tt
write to hoc at•onoe
She makes no charm
for her help, (sheasin
el" for no money and ao
4'• , '+�a^ o•• +i : cepts none) she onll
asks that you are peg+
She will toll yonbowterm, sonally interested it
Sour Stomp trod Drink. saving one who drinits
Send your letter with confidence to her home
Isere is her address—
., Margaret Anderson.
its Hoene Avenue, omits addreeosNew pia nib
Note: (Writo y d' n„t chant,.)
(Human Life.)
"I tell you I must have some tnoneyt"
roared. the King of MMaritana, who was in
sore financial straits. "Somebody will
leave to cough up."
"Alas!" sighed the court jester, "all
our eoffers are empty"
Female Steeplejack.
A rare example of feminine nerve
conics from England. Anxious to ob-
tain unique photographs for sale in
connection with ca, chd ah, Mss
Lydia Akiene, 19, of the e
jack's ladder to the top holy
spire. on St..Mark'a Church, Leisoster,
which is more than 200 feet high.
Having reached the top, Miss Akiens,
camera in hand, coolly walked around
the narrow, unprotected staging and
snap, hotted some fine views of the
town. So awe-inspiring was the sight
that many of the crowd below walked
away, deelar ing they could watch her
no linger. Finally' 'the Interpid sna,p-
shotter caused tremendous excitement
among the Oli tlokerg' when she climb-
ers another ladder and reached the
weitiher •vete, 011 wltt;ch, she rested
for ' aonie•alliin p,tes, . lYS.Is . Akiens Ole .this
the .t:txan11l),onshaP a 1,1i dv a steeple-
j seta of the world.—N,e' , - oak Press.
Liniment Cures Dandruff.
(Succes Magazine).
A certain jurist was an enthusiastic
gofer. Once he had occasion to interro-
gate, in a criminal suit, a boy witness
front Baht.
"Now, my lad," he said, "are you ac-
quainted with the nature and signifi-
cance of an oath?"
The boy, raising his brows in surprise,
"Of course I ani, sir. Don't I caddy for
Vera (8 years old) What does trans-
atlantic mean, mother?
itlother—"Across the Atlantic," 01
course; but you mstn't bother tate.
Vera—does "trans" alt adoes,ea Nmean ow, it
Mother—I suppose
you don't stop bothering me with Yont
Qe(rhlfdutsh to
aafteafew minutes' silence)—
Then does transparent mean cross par-
• a o --•
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural.
(Chicago News,)
The young housekeeper was looking
at some live chickens in a coop.
"Yes," said the dealer, "I'll kill and
dregs a couple of them and send theta
over to your house."
"Well," rejoined the y. lt., hesitat-
ingly, "if you are positive they are fresh
y t the Country Club?" you may.
drafting room TrAul+il'CINAGLE: •
" • . this fit
he hides. c "suet able to hobble around.'"
Manager-- As a playwright do you thane slow is your Wife t 11?"
Scribbler will live? Critic --Ile may, if
oil, a .. e - --
a ,?1
,ej„„,�,,,.,a o..,.,,..,�a
.gar!'.,'.,f314% tZ.V.IltiMPAVitt70 ,.48 .{I c'4;ww ,3,f' i . Rr,t,,KO 'I'ecrYWiIN ttit,"i't•,t g.t:l. MI
A New Head hi 30brutes
Exchange that aching, throbbin€. eufforine, muddled head
for a clear, cool, comlorlable one by taking a
NA -DRU -CO Headache Water
25c a box at your druigists' or by mail from
National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Montreal.'3
'�+;„ 't',•' 'l.% .:v.`*• ' lrsxt t.1&.'i. 'tE.rev IM :' SIOMMTP
They oke no noise or sputter ---It quiet, steady flame, The match
for the smoker, the office and the home.
All dealers keep there and Ecldy's Woodentvare, Pibre)vare,
Tubs, Pails and Washboards.
The Eo B E )1` MC Co., Li i,"u, ted,