The Herald, 1910-10-14, Page 2Can be made by dropping the contents et to pecknge of PARKES' PICKLE MIXTURE is a gallon of vinegar, boll for fifteen minutes and pour over the pickles. This rnilcture keeps the pickles solid and nice li- ai ns he year fla. or to the picand kles. Sold rt ata 5c, by grocers or druggists, or sene by mail, poet paid on receipt of 30c. PARKS & PE Druggists, Hamilton. Canada GERMAN JOKES. Local Enterprise. Tourist—Why do you call this a vol- cano? I don't believe it has had an eruption for a thousand years. Guide—Well, the hotel managers in this region club together and keep a fire going in ft every year during the sea- son.--Meggendorfer ltlaet ter. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. A PICTURE NO ARTIST COULD PAI NT, (Peterbtmo Review.) setting 'of last night's sun, as clothed bowel 1 tr oublt worms of Ing, nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab - in all its unspeakable niaCrifieance it Ios n.10. ey are a posLive cure for all disapre:ared to rise ai:d cu net the t:ie giide ills of ehulhood and can be mist. this manning . An orb which men given to the new b.)rn baby with per - have studied. wondered at and beenine feet safety. They are sold under an ab- s•ildt,e q*tuu0at('c of a Government an- alyst over sine,• the ailed bn•:!n, al• st to contain no littrnzfui drug. they an orb r.f nlaynificenc^ and mystery cane„t p,:v+in:; do harp]--- they always that in the .umm.)r we aroi.l, is win- d:, rvud. 'Ir,. too. A. \Vindver, Roelt- t.r we s:'.'k, lett an orb eternal. Yes. crus, Ont., u rites: "1 would not be the sun went down in full splendor r,ill".ut Baht 4 Own Tablets. My beby 'Leat night: no artist could paint it: was small and delfeente and never grew no poet could deserib” it; the laws tin began gi io Ii now her theanTablets, tba thanks She e sl:y. the trees an Smithtown hill; tat. le 1 Tabletsn1101 is well, fat and rosy. 1 will harmony of Nature. `Then cane. the dusk. 02111 wi saw the evening star: certainly recnntm,'ne then. whenever 1 'then came the riark. and the heave rn ,r':. th,' o,]i, rtntiitr The Tablets are lit. up. Ansi with their Helaine. rtwsold el y nied'ta )ine>ftcie ah're or Dbyl� Williams iI at clear gnaw that the morning wmiii1 b,in., theti5t'e t Co.,s: from The Dr clear sky for the twilight. told 03 so. v tre .....---0......6.------- _ HER PREFERENCE. -c,; MC) Yt 1=)381117. (Lipplra•ott 3 Magazine.) F'u teeth - in GAMNSBOROUGH'S FIRST POR- TRAIT. The great artist Gainsborough was here in Sudbury. 'England, where his tether had a large orchard: , Night afar night. during harvest time, this c,i(hard was plundered, Search was made for the thief, but he could nota bed tumid. Watchers •y'/ere posted. tileugh they insisted that they did not sleep still the iru:t mysteriously disap- peared II was plain that not many could be engaged in the misehievious work. The 1 family concluded that a sing rug;t:e was reepesible for all their loses; but who could he be? One day young Gainsborough saw a rough looking man leaning his elbows en the orchard wall. 110 was gazing steadily at the groups of heavily laden trees. lie looks like a. thief," thought the ingeto)find!tied thebuy, bestltreesbelieve to rob Is to -night. 1 ant going to draw his picture. Rapidly he sketched the outlines of the suspicious looking intruder. Returning Lome, he snowed tate picture to bis father. 'With this to guide the searchers, the man was soon aresred. He proved to be the thief. Naturally, young Gainsborough was delighted at the success of his experi- ment. As a sort of monument to com- memorate his feat, be decided to make a statue of the fruit -robber. lit accordingly cut in wood an image of the men, with his arms folded, as when he had first been seen. Then the boy painted in oils the rough figure and l it up In the spot where the original /led first been seen. Ile named the r•(areevrow "Jack Peartree." ,••,''leis' says his biographer, "was prob- nhle Gnlusborougit's first work in oils." —Kate T'pton Clark, in The Christian ilr•ial,i. DELICATE BABIES NEED BABIES' OWN TABLETS For the baby who is delicate, who Who could paint a picture like the suffers, from constipation, stomach and l•' • • 'v difficult to Suffering RESCUED BY t' FRUIT -O -TILES" CHARLES SARRETT, £sa. Harbor an Bombe, March 24, 1909• "1 suffered terribly from Biliousness and Dyspepsia for fifteen years, was treated by physicians and took many remedies but got no relief. Then I took ""1 ruit-a-tives't, and this medicine completely cured the when everything else failed. To all sufferers from Indi- gestion, ndy gestion, Biliousness and Constipation, I strongly advise them to try this fruit medicine". Charles Barrett. Sac a box, 6 for 'fi2.50--0r trial box, 250- At ail dealers or from Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. Table of Cast. Often the housekeeper wants to count up the cost of any meal or especial arti- cle and is unable to c10 su because when supplies are bought in a quantity it is hart. to estimate the value of the ani - oust' used, and a table of average costs is useful, The e:est of dome articles vary a little in diffeic'r:: lucatlties. O One cup cif Co:•eel:teal - • - - - ' -' One cup. of :ii. .0:3 • ... - -. .... 03 One cup • of b r ,.-. ..... . Butter size of to cg,. .. .... .u3 , Tableepoortful u: Lutt:.r ... -. t.3 One egg .. .. ..... ... .... oy One cup of mo:': .. The fellowirg ezeOelee aria estimated t3 cost 1 cent: Oee to tap s.nif01 of wine, teaspoonful of vanil.:s, teaepnnnful of ol- ive oil, two of tea, one of soda, one of SQUASH COOKERY. Summer squash is considered by health authorities one of the hest vege- tables that can be eaten. It is 'beet during the fall season, when. the plants are mature, It is most easily digested and can be' served in a number of ways that will prevent it becoming monoton- ous on the bill of fare. Baked Summer Squash -pee of the un- usual ways of cooking summer squash is to bake it. For baking, wash but do not pare the squash. Make a hole in the top and scoop out seeds, staffing the hole with chopped squash or eabbage or celery and green peppers chopped finely. Serve with melted butter; they are delicious this way. Mashed Squash—To serve squash mashed, pare and cut in two-inch .cubes. Cook in as little water as possible until tender. Drain and place on back of range tightly covered, allowing thein to steam a quarter of an hour; then mash, season, add lump of butter and serve. Steamed Squash—Steamed squash is the best way of preparing it from a health standpoint, as in this way all its natural juices, so good for the system, are retained. Cut pared. squash in sec- tions, place in steamer and let remainuntil soft. Either mash or not as pre- ferred, and serve with hot melted butter poured over. Squash Hollandaise—Or pour over hot Hollandaise sauce for a delicious and unusual vegetable dish when entertain- ing or when a particularly nine dish is wanted at low Bost and little trouble. ''„owe then' singular elfPt.t:ctnc44 in i•he pastor ut a mowed church in the urine~ Rheumatism,thiLumbago and south wit ratner too lunch inclined to w' tics. to their power of sti.ritiat- IT "high,•' intruducrl:g various innoVa• to = the^a. . ,,alt Ing and strer.gtheninl kidneys. toms in his elturc.t hitt were not at They Paable these organs to tlipr - �to tee liking of the o ld-fashion e d d ar k -, tolsl f .ire front the bleed the uric eels':_ il,_•., twastenoiPr' 1(1v.tan*!•his 'new” ideas, the.pastor had '. vh.elt gets inta the ioints and mite - (le z and causes these painful dis- eases. Over Half a century of con- stant 'nee. 12:5 proved conelneiyely •that 1)r. Morels Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and c tea a iG M lee o tel trent ' 1 t•'rr'a .•thee-•--- Aalti:lg a Favor. Lizzie Ann Was a servant girl. She said bitterly to her mistress one l morn - arras;goo for stained e-a7s m the churen windows. This he was showing in tri- umph to one Mil woman parishioner, rr•i:,•n 11" :Weed her ho Wein,liked it. "It's share heautiful; the old lady was forced to admit; but, 'deal an"'deed, soh, 1 prof:'rs de glass j, -at as God made it." A BM LAWS S APPEAL, "1ir•re's another lc tier. ma'am, I've tn' rAno eommy 1homesend free with rcfull b ,- '11 .nit, ..., tie en q Leneorrhooa, Ulceration, got from :MIS. Jones' co.o,• )octivels says they've given her a ick t cry, tor„ i ihspiacentaots, I*alling of the Womb, Pain- repw, It ;•airly makes ones .. fibber'. i , Lizzie Ann hesitated, then s;fid dill i tai or Itrefi or periods, Uterine and Over- I tun i un,o)s or Growthr, also Iiot Flushes, f;i only: ' tierv0•lsnets, btelsncholy, Pains in the t.Ieed I bin thinkiri , if l hired to auto and 1Pack or BowS,ts. Kidney and Bladder troubles a photographer, would ye mind;, ma'am' f where euuee-d by weakness peculiar to our se:. You seeome at ly 1 d reutsue t treatment eek, at 11 book, spices two of cream of tartar. Salt and pepper aro usual'y pied tn. too small quantities to be c',;tlmated. For 2 cents one teaspoonful of brandy. one tablespoonful of grated chocolate, one carrot, one turnip, one largoonion, one tablespoonful of • coffee,' One table- spoonful of gelatin. if me and the roaster was took on tae front seat together? Ii. world settle that Marie when I sent herr tite picture." -Spokane Seol'esman-Review. I OWE MY LIFE TO GIN PILES, HUGE ELEPHANT HEAD. if you want to see a happy woman, Just call on Mrs. Mollie Dixon, 53 Hoskin a beet v, CYonian's Own Medical lidviser," also *ant tree on reoueee. Write to -day, Address, euantiers. Bos H. 8, Windsor. Oat. avenue. West Toronto. "After ten years of suffering from Rid - rev t)ieease, I believe I owe my life��o elm Pills. Before I began using Ville my back ached o )0011 but erten' aI eouk.i rot put on my )s tak- ing three boxes of Gin P111n these troub- les t , add alone morel is m1 testimonial to to r he )rand reputation of Gin Pills. MIRS, M. DIXON. GOO A. box, 0 for $2,50, at all drillers. Srn,ole free 1f you v'rlle National Drug k r9temtcal Co., (Dept. II L.,) Toronto, Ont. No Cause for V/orry. r, `eve g:i., 1 s(i points. Painter (to his servant)--- NOW earn" I—t•�a•---- t t` exhibition galbery. t t t1 Baltimore,c Nov. 1I, IN03 e i i., :MMI) A'R.D'S LINIMENT In the hands of Sirs,—I carate 8(10)21 a bottle of your MLNARD'S LINIMENT in the hands of one of thestu,ieets a the University of bletryland: send .0 being so kind as ti) ea me 0312 ie fir tt very' bed sprain.v l ich'',s nI O 1 .. , .n training for foot r lee,, (1 to .,re' thief It helped me would be putting it eerie mildly, and I there- fore isle it y.0 `•'emirs let me know of one of the students at the University of Baltimore so that 1' may obtain sante of it. Thanking you, in advance, I remain. Yours truly, W. C. 1IcCUEAN 14 St. Paul street. Cute Oliver Tylxiwrttter Co. P. S. —Kindly answer at once. The greatest of elephant heads, believ- ed to be tate largest specimen so far brought into civilization, has just been presented to the New York Zoological Park. It was obtained in British East Africa, by an expedition sent out under the auspices of the "Ansonia of a`tatstral Ilistory of .New 'fork. Richard flitter, an experienced hunter, was leader of the expedition. The elephant theteme,i 25 feet in length and 12 feet hight at the shoulders. rimmed the chest he men, - eared I8 feet 7 itches; length of .he trunk, 7 feet lS inches; eircumferenni of one of the front legs, 5 feet 2 inteir'4, length of tucks, 7 feet 2 inches, andtheie Home 1...h. 1, ty 20 Save Fe ll C.al1tev and Dress. Weil Tryr111 Simple au letachine with egnestifeeirk of EovetmeAL et iNDZovrows ,u n- :7..'enlftF JUST THINK OF ITT Dyes Wool, Cotton, Silr. o -Mired Goods Y'er£eath' with the 5A '1:. Dye—No chance of 8u u1cce. Fast 11 and Deuutlia! Colors 10 cents, from your Druggist or Deuier. Soni for Color Card and STOaY£lootetet. 76 L Johnson-nluherdson Co., Limited, D4ontreal. A UNIQUE OCCURRENCE. Luther Milbank, the plant wizard, at a dinner at Santa Rosa., praised Califor- nia as •, Witter and summer resort. Beside our superb climate and our superb 8,,e1•`ry," ended Mr. Burbank, "there is t:i:' further advantage of our reasonable prices. There- are no Monte Carla prices here. "At a Mottle Carlo hotel the proprie- tor said ono day to the elerk: "'Lias Lord Loftus, room 373, received his bili yet':' 'Yee, sir,' said the clerk; `I sent it up to him n an hour ago.' "'Strange,' mused the proprietor. 'As I passed his door just now I heard kiln singing.'" ISSUE NO. 41. 1910. HELP WANTED. ' 9- T ANTED—AT ONCItl, A GENERA'!✓ V domestic. one willing to learn. Ap- ply 94 Duke street. Hamilton, Ont. ANTED — CAPABLE FIOUSL• TV maid. Apply Mrs, A. C. l3easleY, 485 Main street east. AGENTS WANTED. 6�I EITHER � . ENT'S— SEX Are you making $5 per day. If not 'write tf it Immediately' ofmHolid y Books Sells at for our free elaborate sigh J. L. NICI'IOLS COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto fee 'l) ALY sai rysERS paid. WANTED. lf ed Tyler, 55 Clar- ence street. London, Ont. '?lr'IfJANTED — RELIABLE MEN OR v5 rr women. I will start you in the tea business; lasting proposition; easy and profitable. A. S. Taylor, Tea Importer, Chatham, Ont, WORTH KNOWING. Mud stains can be uettally removed from silk by soft rubbing with a bit of flannel. If this fails, saturate 0 piece of line with aloobol and apply gently. Fresh frt,it stains can be reuluved from �:. artel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre, pared remedy of proven worth. 1 ne result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all deur, stores. fl Ua LAI Will �1d 018 in$1 o1s V t A specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Write fur full particulars regarding plan of investment. Room 101, 108, St. James St., y7 )ttiontrertl. !i, stained. •r- Place a.tc linen by .wiling w part over a bawl; pour boiling water through it from a tea kettle held at some height above it. Ohl stains must first be soaked In cold water, then use t 'r ' water. the hot d Try vinegar for alt time snots which refuse to yield to ordinary treatment. For grease spots use powdered mag- .resia, Fuller's. earth or buckwheat flour. Sprinkle the spots thoro)tghly and leave until grease is nl)sorbed. Repeat if ne- cossary. Soot front an open chimney or chomped front stove pipes can be remov- ed by covering, thickly with salt. Brush it un and coves again if traces still re-, main. A child who hes outgrown his high chair, bat for whom the ordinary chair still ton tow, is now using one of the this picture s0 the ,�• `.• . ,' '2411 But be careful, for the paint is n:, quite . r �r y r ry 11i heels Nle was very 1Jashful, and she tried to i- ._.—.....,r6-,, t and silo scam as _ r • lent for a time. "What's the inntter7" w MAW rl'f'S LE::S;3;7 ON 1,f,4i�NECifi. ).. l;vrry let., trio st)ii a binrv, for fori on a journey ' asked ' Oh, 1 =eel blue," she replied. po+hPr, f• n,Larnes+, , ) t tt,tim)�t, for my the right, nowt be 'net 1:+g sod art anr-11 r o set a s' npaet "Nobody loves lie i4 a 111nr .,r.•--Tinvith., t it:.om'., 9 quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • - • '25 cents. IMPORTANCE RECOGNIZED. (Washington Star.) "My wife said that most men are mere nobodies," said ftlr. Meekton cheer- ily"1)id you endure the slight?" "No, sir. I made her retract before 1 would hook her dress up the back;" telinard's Liniment Relieves Neural. gia. FOI LED. (Success Magazine,) TO V is . dining room chairs with small rubber t t) , lege. Thee' bump.•"s screwed on the t+4• raise the ellai.1 jest enough, The rub - her bltnipe'rs are found among the small things of hnusefurnishing departments. Minard's Liniment for sale where. city yet. l ttickty stops gottgtbs, curer COWS. Servant Oh. titers all 1 � )t Ill put; gn throat sad wags. 2� cauls. melee it easy for him. They were driving cru old )'tl 1 ne'nd0 Bleette.l. along the acrinol e CHAaTLESS• I neVe't saw a moor, I rever saw the sea: Tet I know how the heather looks, And what a wave must be, I Nore visitedinwith Yet certain ami of the spot As if the chart were gI —Emily Dickinson. every• Wen )'O'$ gwine un me, and glands are An' . ,. oto sls el a )' a• trunk is g e tin so fell -up cold" � ' t • hZru to allot. .,,�.•.,.....,...,.,...•'•—.•--•." -.�- t (a ,e, eta t "Yon should not say • Coat," was his --•••^^•^"'-' a `el i r ', ° , ..lien ire manners; (Toil loves you, Teen* ru worn of eon n thine, 'for `^.. \env Su --- deur in Yo' s:ttanci, , locos you and you can to u. c along de rrdy. 211, 2't1r.r mother c• 3' sit on your EVIDENTLY AN IMin.wet'i tt. (Philadelphia Reeord.) Blobbs—He claims to be an English lord, but I don't believe it. Slobbs—Why? Iilobbs---Well, I've known Item for nearly two weeks, and he has'nt tried to borrow any ]coney. HER CONSOLATIO2l. (New York Sun.) The Venus of Milo sniffed. "Pm better' off than if I, had halide. Twit 'stn ltiut yet' do vr.' ha'r-bresh, t c bi h a, tc • Air 5,o c ., r o' cart'). Your Druggist -veva Tell Von I i ou 01; wet slivered 521 to use 'em Merin,: Eye 12e-m.OY Relieves (lore 11100, Mout n r wt ti l e I t st l )ale. wl ort cern s ri,,cc ( s; ctet u` 'enstornett r e siE"iiltDoesn't t et sye an, k arSe'lafor 55e. Tr) Menne 1n \nu. I Yes. itnd in )331JY'. [eyes for. Sealy leyeleis and Granelali::a .NANTE) TO BUl'IOH THEM ALL. �'eur c.sc,)c 1108 e2orlec3 ,v,ill the cn•teil man, your wife 110,1 apvon tlieitis, and you: favarite daughter leas gone eti the 7e 'o' tt, tilt c4 in �tLb'ioe3 •', ch[1o, ve.,t tie- itr Leeten yo' m e 'ern on de way? 'Case alt tranetin'1: onens1 leix't tie bestere wry yo' 1(in; An' If foil:s fcrgit (ley mangers, T'hvn gigs rough as piny -cin. So Ver. r'e' (roes on a Journey, Die de wordvo' mammy say; Pack yo' n101111ers in yo' satchel, F'c:' to tree sinner de wily. l7anline lane . es Camp, in TIM Inae- p2ndert ) t,t The best premiums and the best valves Silver Watches, Gem ever offered. Gold and ll'' to ;let Rings and Brooches, laughter -producing Moving Picture Machines, Finely Decorated Tea Sets and many other premiums given FREE for selling our high class (told Em- bossed Picture Post (ends. The very 1121(51 designs in Views Birthday Floral, Holiday Comics, a.0., at dor les. SOIL $3.00 worth and tom S v Yon can these flee tun. one of ti sell them in ate hour or Two, but don't deiay, for we give an extra premium for prompt- ness. Write to -day and we will send our a package and our big premium list. Come with Use crowds and get the best premiums offered. Write your name unci' add reee very plah)ly. C0IIALT GOLD PEN (:t1: Dept. 220 Toronto, Ont. ( tiV itiASSIFO. She Cured Her Robbsnd DrEnildragg Brite Her Today and Sho Will Tull You How You Can Bo he Same For overt:vonty years her husbend was a hare. drir.:or. Itched tried in every way to atop but could not do so, but nine years ago she stop- ped hisdrinkingentiro- )y by using a simple remedy which any one can givesecretly. Hun- dreds have freed their 10111e3 from drink by following her advice The method ue easy and sure. If you have a dear one who drinks we earnestly advise you to write to her at once, She metres no charge for her help, (she asks for no money and see 6 J, one) rt^µ septa none) she on auks that you are pee. See wet •ell yon how to rrse sonar interested it1 Your home (ram 1:414"' saving one who drinks. Send your letter with confidence to her home. Here is her address— Mrs. Margaret Andersen, !fl /..Peine Avenue, Milburn, l'dewYork, ii.. . (Wets vow Fdt rot,."# end eddsoas plaunty-+ A Silent Partner. "So you and. Meyer have set up a mar- riage agency,. What capital have you?" "I put two hundred dollars in the bus - broken Incas and Meyer his six untnitrried off rov loos in n hobble skirt." da.ughte, sem."—M ^ dorf0r__Bleetter. �yhy didn't yeti cable mc?" " 1 tipt pttWal it off from day to dey• I , bead of your firm expected every An old b•ichelor eon neva) ))nflersfand Jm,n,cn' to att„n+ince iris failure," how a pretty wnm"l1.1 ca,1 bt.r. flattered • by telling 3ter the balm resembles her. Minnrcl's Liniment Cures Burne, Etc 121 1 Stop it in 30 minutes, without any harm to any part of your system, by taking es,a' '7m��" Headache ' Tails °s 25c• a 1>oggix, at an drusts'. f ATIONAL i3000 AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL, 27 max_ -ems 31=117 a..,... •._-_.-....._... "SILENT" MATCHES A:111., TUE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, Tl E FIRST STRIKE They make no noise or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the home. All good dealers keep them and lady's 'P7t oodcnwarei Fibreware, Tubs, Pails and Washboards. The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited, LL, CANADA illi ?�n AlfirthMEMEZZAMTV ,IPAb `r;11 i:° l.y0 a ,tits ...0