HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-10-14, Page 1Vol. X1. The Official Organ of Zurich. and Hay Township t o as ` o t 15,0 0 0 0 I 1 4 FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 14, 1910, NO II We pride ourselves that in this store will be found all the best and most fashionable goods that the largest wholesalers in. Canada offer. A satisfactory purchase is not necessarily one that commends itself through cheapness alone, but rather upon the value you receive for your money. Our prices and values are unsurpassed, quality considered. We invite your inspection of our large Fall Stock of seasonable goods, LADIES' WEAR Ladies' and Children's Jackets in Black and colors in plain and diagonal. cloths. All the latest at prices to suit every- body. Call ia and look through these coats before you buy. Dress Goods We are always adding to our range Dress Goods and do riot hesitate to say teat our showing comprises the latest and best that can be bought. We have all the popular cloths in all the leading shades. NECK FURS Be sure and look through our stock of Neck Furs and Ruffs before you buy. Also Mafia to match. 110TOR SCARFS SPECIALS—Motor semis and clouds from 25 cents up. Glove, all shades, special at >g cents a. pair. MILLINERY I I3PT Our showing of fall style m Trammed Hats is attracting well merited attention if we can judge by the numbers that visit this department. You are cordially invited to visit our show 9i/ rooms. UNDERWEAR Ladies vests and drawers, special at 25 cents a garment and up. Fancy Collars and Sweater Coats 161 MEN'$ WEAR lien's and Boys' Clothing Faney collars special at 25 cents, Ladies' anal Child ren's sweater coag, all sizes and prices. HOSE Ladies' and Children's ho e, special worsted. at 25 cents a pail'. The kind that does not wear out. Tri We have a large stook to choose from. • We woulu like yon to have a look through our kook of Boys' suite, of which we have a very complete line. Also in men's and boys' over- coats. See our military coat, it is vert- serviceable and looks neat. Everything in suits, overcome, saps, glove:, iiiitts, uulerwear, ete. . FUR COAT S A large range of Fur Coats in Coon, Yak, Sitka l3eav- er, Klondike Beaver, Black :Martin, Bulgaria 1 Lamb, Bishop. Also Furlined Overcoats and Overcoats with Fur Collar. 1'ric- e3 as low as any. 13uy your winter cio,hinir at this stare and save money. NARWARF DEPT HORSE BLANKETS We have a complete line of Horse Blanicets ,at all prices. Also Plush Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Robes, etc. See our Single IIar-; nms. We guar;antc:e the qnality. ST I V L.5 ETC Our lii e of Steel Ranges and Cast Ranges cannot be beaten Also a full lis e of i3itsehnruers, Oak Stoves, Stove Boards, Elbows and pipes ete Get oiir prices before you buy. 1.1211101 11..t.e641.119.t.LIIIM/31.1.3912=1,1.1.1110•11.081911. PRODUCE OF LL K ....ern..,. m NOS TAKEN Telephone 9 ere, Z U R i C II :t! al LOCAL NEWS. A good line of men's overalls at D. S. Faust, Mrs. J. Zurbrigg of Hamburg, is visiting at the home of Mr, Chits, Brill, this week. See our crown prince range with high shelf, large size, for $25.00, at Hartleib's, Rev. L. E Eidt, of Dashwood and Rev. A. D. Gisehler oxchauged pulpits, on Sunday evening. Mrs. G. Merger is able to be out again, having fully revive red from her recent accident Mr. and Mrs G. visiting relatives Galt, this week. Misses Cantelon Holtzman are in Berlin and unci Mr. Aids worth of Clinton, spent Silnday at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnston. Fifteen subscribers have been connected up this week at Dash- wood, with the rural telephone system. We guarantee that the malleable range will bake and cook with less fuel than any other stove on the market, at Hartleib's, Lost. on Wednesday afternoon, a locket between Preeter's store and Post office. Finder please leave at HERALD office. Make an effort to attend the Tea Meeting in Hillsgreen Presbyterian church. on Monday evening 17th inst. You will be treated to the best that's going. Remember the date. A. Murdock's shoe store et Hen. sall, was badly damaged by fire on Monday evening, oansed by a de- fective chimney. The loss will he quite heavy, although some of the property was saved by removal. Mr. J. H. Schuettler .has dispos- ed of all his property here and will leave next week ' 't .e s wjfe and mother; for Cieveli.ta whe1e they intend residing in feit rre. Were sorry to lose J but wish him every success in his new home. The Rev. A. D. Gisohler will preach anniversary sermon in (hiselhurst, on Sunday. Rev. C. C. Cousins of Hensall, will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. Come and hear him t Wanted—I am open to take poultry from now on. Live poultry wanted every Saturday morning before 9 o'clock. Dressed poultry taken every Wednesday, Thurs. day and Friday. Highest prices paid. D. S. Faust. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist specialist, will be at Commercial Hotel, Znrieh, on Friday. Oct 11th. Hours all day. Glasses Properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat troubles treated. theran Church—Rev E. Nsudoerflcr returned Missionary from India will have charge of the services at the Lutheran church, on Bentley at 10,:10 a. m. He will preach in German and in the evening service beginning at 7 p. m. sharp, he will preach in English. Not only does the merchant bene fit by nclvertising, but people are finding nut that they can buy all their supplies from the stores that tidvertise more cheaply than from those who clo not, because the stores that advertise sell a greater amount of goods and therefore keep their selling enst at the low- est point Small profits and chick .sales is the motto of the merchants who advertise. Montreal's building record for nine months of the present year shows a marked increase over the same period of 1909. In fact the figures are about double and it is stated 1910 will be one of the big gest years in the history of the city, The total valuation, based on the estimates of materials is $11,205,38], while the total for the same period last year was but c5,- 650,412 September has proved Aa busy building month. Tho totel is a shade under ono million dollars. In four other months the amount is in the neighborhood of a million and a half, while in July.it rose tin $3,000,000 Figures for each of tho n'ne months show a remarkable difference when compared with those of last year. Only twine last year did the total rise above the million mark, while this year it has done so five tithes with anoth. er month just hanging on the bor .. er of the big suits, ,,.....----1 or II , I HE New Fall Goods have arrived. We have placed a large stock of Fall Goods, which was bought at right prices. Our Dress Goods department is filled with tne• very best and latest Dress Goods. We invite you to visit us before you purchase elsewhere. ur prises ares ur Goods are Right. Tho Fail Dress Owls 7s the Diagonal New Flannelettes, the very best Patterns in all shades, Shirtings, • Cottonades, Ladies' and Girls' Woollen Coats, Men's and Boys' Woolen Coats, Overalls, Tweed Pants, Mens and Boys Caps. Millinery C:pening Our Fall display of Millinery is open for you, under the management' of MISS G1.LBERT, who has been with us for several seasons. We have the Latest Hays, and a large assortment to choose from. We invite you to visit this Stole for your Hats All Farm Produce taken in exchange DSs FAUST PHONE17 ZGRICH NAMMWMINMWAIRVWWWWIMPARA D. S. Faust has a range of ladies long and short woollen coats. Mr, W. Lehman, of Mitchell: spent a few clays this week, with; Dr. E. W. Stoskopf. Chamberlain's C'ongh Remedy I has become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and inflaeneet. Try it when in need. it contains no harmful substance and always • gives prompt relief. Sold by ell. dealers D. S. Faust is open to take large ionions, bring them along. The School teacher, are attend- ing the teachers convention this week, Thursday and Friday, At the Missionary service in the Evangelical ehnrch last Snnriur the following officers were appoint- ed. D. S. Faust, President. John Geig;er, Viae President•, Herman Swell, Sen. Treasurer. The offer- ings of the day amounted to nearly IN 1,0VIN(*MEi ilOItY. In loving memory of our father .Samuel .ii,annie. who left ns a year ago to-dist/ (Oct, 12th 1::00 ) The (children. SPECIAL NOTICE. We will pay highest prices for live poultry delivered at our store every Tuesday forenoon. Wo are ialso buying all kinds of dressed poultry for delivery in November. Pricris guaranteed. J. Preeter. NOVICE OP DI51 ()LUTION. Tlro law firm of Prondfont, Hays Blair has been dissolved lry the retirement of Mr. Blair. Mr. J. L. Killoran has taken Mr. Blair's place, and the business will in future he earried on in the same place under the name of Proudfoot, Hays & %i`illor an. All persons indebted to the old firm are requested to settle at as early, a date as possible. Dated at Goderich, this first day of October, A. D. 1910. Proudfoot, hays sc Blair. Mr. Wm. Love, of Parkhill was in town this week doing business with Mr. Jones R byte, the Massey Harris ageet. Miss Josephino Hova'"d has returned to Berlin last week, after a couple of weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Jacob Howvald. Mr. Wrn, B. Ruby of the Bronson Line, lists sold his farm to Mr. Valentino (.erber, who recently arrived here from Minnesota. y7.']le price was kk.aio 1, no, Mr, John Hey Jr., has pnrchaseit els. .T, H. Selinettler's :3!) acre farm for ,15 S0.Oti. John now has the full ono unnrlred acres and has a fine piece of land. Forest fires have ]leen raging very fiercely in the Northern part of Minnesota and parts of New Ontario, tbn past few weeks. Large numbers have perished in the, flames and the loss to timber and Other property is said to reach $100,000,000. It is in time of sudden mishap or accident thitt Chamberlain's Lini- ment can be relied upon til take the place of the family doctor, who cannot always be t'ourid et the moment. Then it is that Chamber- lain's Liniment is never tonncl, wanting. In cases of sprains, °tits, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Liniment takes out the soreness and drives away the pun, gold by all dealers. Here's a good bint for housewiv es wbo are putting tap fruit, etc. When all ready to sorew on the covers jnst grease the ports that are likely to stick when opening the can. A little fresh hu d, sweet butter or pure oil put on them will enable you to sore♦ the Cover clown moll tighter, will keep the air out better, and will save cans. •Bovero and onss words next winter. �,