The Herald, 1910-10-21, Page 4017, 4ID MED ODC21120(1DGMDCOODCSIEDGDMEIODCD V The I`iolsonS Bank aa Capital paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $4, Total Assets over 44,000,000 I,ecl� Bead Office CJ COM CO a 0 ,000 BRANCHES Alberta -Calgary, Camrose, Diamond City, Edmonton, Lethbridge. A Br1H. h p Columb ia— Revelstoke , Vancouver, Westminister A. aoitoba—Winnipeg, Portv• OwEar utton,Amhersturg, Aylmer, Brockville, Ch esterville milton— Clinton, )rambo, Dutton. Exeter, la James, Street, MarketBranch,Hihgate, Iroquois, Kingsville,Kirkton, o OMills,London,Merlin, obsNorvlch. a © Ottawa. Owen Sound, Port Ridgetown,Siu oe, SmiilFalls, Stg Marys, St. Thomas, West End, East End. Branch, Toronto—Bay. Street West Toronto, Williamsburg., St. W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West and aWoodstock, Zarieh. Quebec—Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, 0 Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, LachinaLocks. v Montreal—Cote des Neiges. St. James St., St. Catherine, St. Branch. v St. Henri Branch, Maisonneuve Branch, Marketand Harbor borSte. era c , Pier e- ' ville, Quebec, Richmond, Roberval, Sorel, St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville, Waterloo- 0AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND CoLO:NIbS^London and Liverpool—Parrs Bank Bank Zealand—TheUnionofLeinster Australia,LnLimited. South Africa—The ited, Australia and New Zealand I flailed. n Standard Bank of South Africa, V FOREIG•' A eses--France-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- giumAntwerp-La Banque d'Anvers. China and Japan_Hong Kong and Shanghai IN UNITED STATE S Cuba—Bancot1 e1ttaid�i�orreral petale e it,' in all th' pith ez TEt CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS in it? Keith prayed much these days, There seemed little elseto do. He tried. indeed; to appa oh Turner, but only to' ineet rehnff ; and moree than ever convinced of his own weakness and the enemy's strength, betook himself to his knees once more. Therein is the secret of all true victory, for stron- gest as well as weakest worker for God. Our friend scarcely knew this yet, but for himself he felt there was absolutely no other re- course ;every door seemed closed save that to the skies. Mr, and Mrs Turner alone had heard the story of the peace which had come so wonderfully to his heart Eleanor he had not seen for some time, nor did he know that she was again confined to the house by her fath- er's illness He had wondered at the passage of time without a glimpse of her face ; thought oe• oasionally with what joy she would learn of his now life, but he found no opportunity for seeking her side His heart grew tender as he thoug- ht she might have prayed for him as he now prayed. for Richard Turner. Steepness nights are sometimes in God's order now as in the days of King Ahasuerus. Keith Weswiok experienced one a tnrnight after the never-to-be:i t gotten night at the mission, arising early, while the stars were still in the sky, threw on his outer garments and went forth, not knowing why or whither. One knew. He had scarcely walked u block before he was face to face with the object of his solicitude ; and what a face it was to look up- on, so gloomy so overcast with con- scious misery and despair. Keith passed by ;with a nod and word Of greeting wondering if the time for action bad come. A moment after he turned about and joined the young man as he strolled aslo g. "Well" said Turner, gruffly, he Ionised up, "what do you want?" "You" answered Keith. in a voice whose quiet surprised himself. (To be continued) Ethel M. Vvilliams, Would he go to the altar? Keith's brow was damp with the perspira- tion of anxiety . 'Le he watched waited, almost preyed in eager ex pectanoy. Ah, there went a dirty, staggeringman, lx filthy, . slovenly woman. He wa , inmost sorry, it might deter his i^lend; Rob would not like to . go ,' suoh ootnpany. "Go Rob, go, exf)nderfnl transfor- mations are wrol;ight there ; f know for I have 'witnessed them" said Keith, But hisfriend shook hie head "that's asking too much, I'd like help, but I can't go out there for it" Just then a worker halted beside him, Be .was earnest, Keith listened to his pleadings. arguments they appealed 't0 his judgment, would they to his friend's. Rob did not stir, the 'mission helper turned to our here, `'sometimes we stand in another's way by the posi- tion wd take out elves" he said. Simple enough wc°'ds but what a conflict they start id in the listen- er's soul, Would he be wilting to go to that altar eimself? Hardly Ought he to expect Rob to do what :..: --- On *tit ht; him to point hiwhere he was not in- clined Lie clined to load ie -. But he really had faith in the .iensecration, the prayers of these workers ,.could they not do as • much for Rob by kneeling here beside him as in • v principal cities. Zurich Branch - T. A. CONSTA•NTIN1✓, Agent 1)CePaD(lii a3D0=000CMDCOOD GDa CD �iC&i f? ¢3 LEGAL CARDS. ti. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND S O lieitcr,NotaryPublic Mensal/, Ont aAt Zurich (Zeller's office) every nlon- day. pROUDFOOT HAYS & Ii1LLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. I minden. t K. C. R. 0, Hays. J. L. MEDICAL lyt. T. P. NOLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen Halle and Biers, of Berlin, (er- many ; also assistant argeon ti Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- niic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. (general practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat Eared yes tested (Retinoscop® usedglasses supplied. OFFICE DASRWOOD, ONT. 'BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCT'iONEER, Exeter, PUBLISHED BY B. ZICLLER. FRIDAY OCT. 21st; 1910. The pleasant purgative effect experienced by all who use Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet?, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes ono feel joyf ul Sold by all dealers. There are events ()pouring in every community which. if report- ed in a 'local paper, would create a renetetion little dreamed et. WI,at to report and what not to report o£teinperpleaes the editor. Ho is of ton unjustly accused of cowardice and favoritism, when all the time he is looking toward, the good reputation of the town where hie lot is cast. The local editor from necessity almost constantly finds himself between two fires, and whichever way he tarns he is sure to be unjustly treated. This is one of the pleasures of the news paper business. kneeling by him oat ;'older? Stlie ly ; but—the tho't came with great conviction—but there could be no renewal of Rob's life -without his consent ; no power could compel him to be another man. If he evil - led to be saved, God willed it also, and others might be able to help him ; but if he did not thus will, neither heaven or earth could work his redemption. Had that not been the one object for which be- longed elonged and. laboredthese days past ; the t.':ousiug of Bob's will, and non, when it seemed within roach, when a few steps might bring the t accomplishment athis desire, h, hesitated to aid hint, Wherefore ;:iii:. mother, hie pni ton, his bread cloth It took only a moment fo all this thinking, then a stretches out hand. touched Rob's, and voice said '•I am going Rob, g with me" .As the young million aire bowed his knee before tha rough bench, both: those wretch ed fellow creatures, hie words fel back upon hie own heart as if tit tered by Another and a Greater Two yonng menwalked away frog the nission _that night eternal'. changed to et.life, One with t peace as _tl>ep• ri'S the sea, holden his wholebein:; in its calm; th other with a hope and fear, stil contending for mastery, but on thing settled; the battle was n longer his alone. "I have taker Jc: -t ` Christ te he my Relper wb<tt ever cones?, Keith" were Rob's las- words as they separated at hi. chamber door, the contest was no over ; nay, it, was jest begun, bu it was a rortett where One is eve victor—the crucified, He had taker the ileld.arter that evening Keitl. never gave over hope for Richert Turner, though his part in the young it tin's redemption was no ' very clear to hill.. In hie soul ht lo i . knew that only One could reach �.�� Co save this youth ; he's ow Sales conducted hi all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly ANDREW F. KESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, , Bconom1cal, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and 0uafdit;n, Every- thing ill fire 1nSutanee. ti GRA - UR. F. A. SI:LLERI , 11� lI�.T, duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor g' lU ate of Department afrtDestist r icTo- ronto University. of teeth. Plate work a Zara speciality. ecialy tiiont Dominion. house, _.r0 lion - day slirartNTig REF ,{.-`4Pat �7�•' ffn, ` , tlllillll "'311.0.11. A LITTLE FLOU 11, investigeticn woald do no one. harm. The market is flooded with inferior brands, but offers - mighty few as good as our SNOW DRIFT F LOUR, OCTOBER ROD AND GUN. Big game hunting is to the fore in the October issue of Rod. and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Weod. to. Ont., and sportsmen intending to try their forttnes in the woods this season will find the number parti Wally attractive. Hoose, deer. griezliee, mountain . lions and wolves are ell told about and both stories and illustrations are bound to find responsive echoes with all hunters. in each case the experi ences related are personal and therefore tar more interesting than any inhaginttry tales. In addition to big game stories there are numerous attractive papers deal ing with. other phases of ,Outdoor life and both the east and west of Canada receive attention in thin way. A finely illustrated account of the Dominion trapshooting meet` at Montreal is included. Canadian i;port;,men may take tip this isene, confident of finding within its pngew something to interest thein whatever niay be their particular inclination in matters of sport. The variety of ground covered is re markablo and probably accounts for the coritinue�..1 and wide in terfhstet aroused by the Magazine in the sportht r adv+ ,''tt ( S Ian e ponsibilitles of Canada.. E Notary LPu,lic CONVEYANCER I) o ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal entsicare fatly and promptly prepared. e— . Za11er block, Zurich, 0-i t. LODGE MEETINGS ry ,l Court 'Zurich No. 124(1 m �' ineots every 1st and 3rd • Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. an. in the A. O. U. fit! • HalJ. l. \liatl;ER, C. B. p� g � 7T Rickbeil Lodge A.0.11.117". tJ.�w o No. 303, meets the i nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in the k. Hall,1V IINV D BAl e k' Your cough annoys you Keep on banking and tearing the delicate men'ibraneas of yottr throat if yon want to be annoyed Bat if you want relief, want to be cured tune c'hrtmberla.in's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers . Clubbing rates. ' VVe have made ztrrangenients to offer the following low clubbing rates with TAR Ri11IiALD : 4.25 Daily Globe . , 14fatil & Einpirs 4.I .255 Weekly Globe . Mail & Empire • 1.60 Berliner ,Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald 85 tteltr 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Wcokly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly* Sun 7,75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Au Iuteruationnl Standard by which all others are being jud;ed. HAMMERLESS REPEATING SThe Latest Browning Patent. Silt. ;Shots. T ,t^,t Price $27.00 The raciest lines known to Shotgun Models. . Simple to Tslte Down. Simpler to PutTogether. Simplest Mechanism in tho World. Si/EVENS SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS made in the factory of precision with an ac- curacy unparalleled in the world. Ask yourDeal cr, Insist on seeing the STEVENS. 11f he hasn't got it, we will send you the uo. express prepotd, on receipt of Lis! Price, $ry.00. Your Complete Catalog of Stevens. l'hotgu:,s, Rites, Pistols, as made in the famous factory of precision is sent free the day you ask for it. k J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL co•, 1'.0. Box 5002, Chicopee Falls, Mass. direct from the best wheat fields, ground into the purest flour experience and niouey can procure, This is the his- tory of Snow Drift It's worthy of your order. It's the flour the experienoect housewife de- niands. If your dealer cannot supply von with Snow Drift - flour, advise us. H. COOK SONS & CO 11ENlALL Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land, Regulations. 7i b i person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a neuter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sab-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certaiu conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three ears. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his .homestead on a farm of at least 0 acres solely owned and occupied by him r by his father, mother, son, daughter, rother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in. rood standing /ray pre-empt a quarter•ec- ion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 or acre. Duties—\lust reside six months n each of six years from date of homestead retry (including the time required to earn iomestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres xtrii. A Homesteader who has exhausted his tomestead right and cannot obtain a pre- mption may take a purchased 'homestead a certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. )uties—Must reside six months in each of hree years, cultivate fifty acres and erect house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of thei1linister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this dvertisemert will not be paid for. Hoarseness in a child subject to ,roup is a sure indication of the tpproach of the disease. If Charn- eilttin's Cough Remedy is given at ince or even after the croupy longi has appeared, it will prevent he ntta ik, Contains no poison. 'old by all dealers. work was srmtly to lead Dick to there. Ile was still clinging to Rob's titluig him over weak plans, ' this r; enhad not vet iillmed APDL, _�• For Zurich and surrounding They havo a police woman in district an energetic reliable agent for triAngeles. Her duties are rim- to take order for nursery stock. OD PAY WEEKLY:, OUTFIT his appetite. It was only after {officer, appreciating her duties GOOD FREE, EX.OLUSIVE fate and complete deliverance from ! ited to caring for girls. Such. an many a conflict that Rob learne i and diligent in performing thein,• TERRITORY that must surely be learned ; that lie must no longer even try to fight this evil, but simply flee from it flee. -from its vicinity, its smell, from its very thought flee to the Mighty One, whose battle it had become. Put he learned at last, Is not this our exceeding. joy, that t when a. soul honestlyby. a?if to Chri.t. Ile never gives it up, -riot;' e• ,3r it falters or stays, hut wait: inpc.Vel..ssuntil He triumphs Oultr of li Every Wonday and Friday Forenoon can do valuable service In a corn. munity. There are many duties that the parent neglects—this is one of thein, looking after the girls, thoughtless and foolish keep- tinder cultivation. gnarintee ing them from badplacesaeliverstock in good condition. grade._ We can stopping their loud conduct on the and you that there is good money street. Ther() is another duty that de- in representing a well known re- mands official attention and that is liable firm. Established over 34 the prptee.tion of girls and women years. from the remarks of loafers along jirrite for particulars. the streets, Who has not seen , rt r� decent, respectable girls, going; t a+r ' 1tY ' quietly along the street, insulted s! i coo Acres ilii 4,a4 by some impertinent remark? The c . policewoman could swear out a TORONTO, — ()NT• warrant and have such fellows Highest Csh Prices paid. Jas. Whyte, Agt.' mAssvamtnis 00. arrested. A case of this kind, now and then would break tip the elirty business. Of course a cowhide promptly administered to those lascivious, leering loafers, would be a good way, but in lieu of that, this would answer.—Totrnnto Sun day World. Ase rr �ti,' u�O 0'O 6 ( .p.wwn,emt v�lit,} a. 4 1 PRIETA Agit W E A REPR33SENTATIVE For Z i rkh This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay lib(Pally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stock. Seed potatoes, Etc, Write for terms and catalogue. STONE &WELLINGTON' The Foothill Nurseries, Est. 1837 T1,r3nt© - - Ontario.