The Herald, 1910-10-07, Page 5FIRST GLASS TILE I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from ne in, to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ioh, Briok and Tile yards,. 11 tf. 1 ovA! h F fayea SHO - RC AND STOCK. MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest--- JEWELLERY icest—JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver The uri The Prize List of the Winter 1116,000 in Prizes. 'Thimbles, Fobs, N ecklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. Fair ,EX,EirER T. B. Carling has tken out auctioneers license, Edgar Willis has invented an in- sole for preventing cold feet and curing rheumatism. It is rumored that aL new skating rink .will be built in town, John Hobkirk of Seaforth, is engaged in Russel's blacksmith shop. W J White, of Ottawa was in town recently visiting hls mother, Mrs. John White, The pleasant Purgative effect experienced by all who use Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feeljoyful. Sold by J. J. Merner. In the revision of the prize list for the corning Winter Fair the Executive Committee made many additions with a view to encourag- ing exhibitors to bring met still better exhibits and so to make the Winter Fair of 1910 greater in educational value and attractive ness than any of its predecessors. On looking through the new prize list and beginning with the horse department it will be noticed that two new sections have been added to the class for Canadian bred. Clydesdales and Shires; one section is for stallion foaled in 1910 and the other for mare foaled in 1910; the prizes in each section are—lst $15 ; 2nd $12 ; 3rd $8 ; 4th $5. A section is added for Shire mares toaled on or after Jan. 1st., 1909, with priies of -1st $15 ; 2nd 10 ; 3rd $5 There are now two sections for Standard bred mares instead of ono, they are for nares foaled previous to Jan. 1st 1908, with prizes of -1st $25; 2nd $15 ; 3rd $10, and for mares foaled on or after Jan. 1st, 1908, with prizes of—lst $20 ; 2nd. 15 ; 3rd• S ' iticr's have been made to the Pony Class for Shetland Pony mare, any age, 1st 15; 2nd 10 ; 3rd 5. The Championship class includes new sections for Hackney mare, any age, and for Standard bred mare any age. Grand Champion awards will be made for the best Clydes- dale mare. Winners of Champion- ship prizes will receive special ribbons instead of cash prizes. Important changes have been made in the Beef Cattle Depart- ment. Formerly Herefords and Aberdeen -Angus competed together as also did Galloways and. Devons. The later breed has been dropped from the list and the remaining three breeds each has its own class. The sections are the same as last year, and the Fair Board gives $128 00 in prizes in each class. Tho prizes for Herefords are made very attractive by the addition of 020.00 from the American and Canadian Hereford Breeders' As- sociations The CeanadiLtn Here- ford 'Breeders'' Association is also prepared to add 50 per cent to all prizes won by animals sired. by Hereford bulls in the open class for Grades and Crosses. The heifer prizes for beef Shorthorns have been increased by $7 in each of the three -sections. The National Linooln Sheep Breeders' Association has doubled the amount of special prix stot for sheep, bringing up to $100.00. The most noticeable change in the Dairy Cattle an De mart ent is the by the increased b Holstein-Fresian Association of Canada. They have added $375.00 to the regular prizes for Eloisteins F. W. 9 JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. °, 8(315:043DG31319 <IND GOMM CUM tID=RID CID =CD GDGE:A0 i nits of wishing; our 8 �i9( 1 7i FE TAKE this opportu Customers a tliappy and Prosperous New Year, V and thank each and all for 1 baying made the past year 2.our Most prosperous year e g. since we have been in busi- gness. We ask you again for your hearty support 1 for 1910, and we will do 9 our best to merit it, by 1 giving you value for your Lt money. 'r 8 R iL t CLAS3 an Genera.13 l Merchant, B L A K E. tt 1 horn naDC^�wamma''a D2^namGa9eocara>Jaefzsla HENSALL P. Melville intends selling and going to the West. Dr. Macdairmid of Des Moines, Iowa is visiting his uncle, Dr. Macdairnaid. George Douglas of Stanley has moved into Mrs. Beek's dwelling. Joe Dirstein bas returned from the Soo and is visiting his sister, Mrs, James Moore. Gilbert Dick of Kippen has pur. chased George Sterling's handsome residence for $2250 00. J. W. Ortwein our leading poul- try fancier, took 14 first prizes and 3 seconds at the Seaforth fair, out of 19 entries. T. J. Berry recently received a fine import shipment of horses. Miss Myrtle Bengough and Fred- erick Brooks of London were united in marriage on Wednesday last. Mrs. Harry Taylor and family have moved in with her brother, Robert Eaorett. Wesley Moore left for London end bas secured a position as fire- man onntlie G. 1'. R. SCHOOL REPORT. out �l,D.�Dab411° •IPGD�f�tlD4 ODOPR 41100.11NAP f fODOODaDOiDCID tllYlt alUDepeal CIDMODapOM 1�IONID 8 1 Giveusaeall a and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR—Milverton, Exeter, -lensall, Parkhill and Royal. Household. ...ZURICH n u c itsiARKET WE keep in stock a " ft111liue of fresh meats, hauls, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. 8 YUN LIT FICHE 15 a gtc+esaxs�a,==;rx=r-r`• a8.eux:AmLuaw is .-t YOU 1 can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily den- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to R etern to J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia tit. Stratfor. Dept, R. Ont. Name ,, ..r.r,,,, ,• Address Age ...... ,Time Itup, ...... Mingle or double,,. Satisfaction guaranteed We take eggs, cash or any kind . of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds of Feed and Grain always on hand. ®11 Cake, Bibby cream equ v= alert, Flax Seed, M. & Je ASC whole and ground. 1 8 1 MKS D®1,aD9ID013111MID®GDCIOLIDCIDCODGD(Y,l<JGDCIESDGDQ.1mGDW1.112GDa.`a) MISIMOUICIOGDCIMODOZZEKDGZZ1DGDCSEW is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this we will send The Herald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, The following is the report of S. S. No. 8 Hay, and is based on the attendance, behaviour and class work during the month of Sentember. V class Chien Treumner, Sr IV Luella Kuntz. .Tr IV Gertie Wiegand, Tillie Kuntz, Flora Klienfeldt. Sr III Theodore Miller, Ottis Treumner, Ida Mesmer, Sr II Laura Shnmaaher, Hilda 5humacher, Lillie Broderick; Clara Wiegand, Clara Kuntz, Emma Messner, Cbarlie Hartman, Jr II Beulah Wiegand, Nora Miller, Christina Becker, Henry Becker. Ethel Klienfeldt, Herbert Messner, Norman Klienfeldt, Sr. Pt I Agnes Hartman, Tillie Messner, Willie tiler, Ernie Miller, Howard Treumner, Valentine Becker. Jr Pt I Edward Messner, Ride Messner, Kuno Hartman, Elmore 1 Klienfeldt. V. Graybiel, 1 (Mara Saraaras, Nelson Jeffrey, Joe, Teacher. 1 Jeffrey, Mabel Benner, Laura so that erhibitiors of this breed will now compete for $510,00 The Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' As- sociation bas al.o increased thier grant and have added specials of $50 in each of the three sections if anitnals making the highest scores aro rerord"d in their Herd Book. Tee (entniies of Welliugton, Balton, Brant, Norfolk and Ont; ario are offering special prizes in the daerent live stot.e depart- ments to amateur exhibitors resident of their ;e:spective counties. Prospective exbibstorS are re- minded that the dates of the Fair are December lith to 9th, 1910. The prize listsare now ready for distribution and may he had free on application to A, P. Wester velt, Secretary, Parliament, Build- ings, Toronto. SCHOOL RerPORT. The following are the names of The following is the report of S. the pupils in the order of merit No 3, Hay, for the month of for Room 3, for the month of September. Names are in order of September. merit. Sr Pt II lllargarett Hess, Gra- Sr IV M. Taylor, A. McAllister. ham Merger, Lawrence Rau, Sr III S Redmond, R. Consitt, J. Forrest. M. Currie. Jr II 0, Redmond, J. McAllister, G. Love, C. Johnson, M. Porter- field. and V. Green equal, S. Kuep fer. Sr pt 1I R. Love, M. Currie. Jr pt II I. Taylor, V, Riehardeou Primer W. Forrest, W. Black- well, A. Richardson, 0. Redmond, P. Kuepfer. The best spellers tor the month were : IV M. Taylor ; I1I L, Red- mond;II G. Love; First, V. Rich- ura1e an. M. Me11is, '.Teacher. E. S. NO 3, HAY Clarence Brenner, Louisa Howald, Frances Zeller. Jr Pb Il Clarence Foster, Rose Hess and Leroy O'Brien equal, Mildred Hoffman, Ruth Hartdeib, Theodore Leibold, Russell Preeter, Pearl Wainer, Jean Campbell, Alphonsus Dieterich, Weseloh, Claytus Mittelholtz, Alma Uttley. Sr Pt I Oliva Zettel, Celia Elide brandt, Harold Schnell, Arinina Brenner, Ronald Witmer. Jr Pt I Leonard Rau, Susie Deichert, Anthony MI, telholbi Irvin Fischer,Margaret Hazel Foster. First Cil Iva Inalbfleisch and Ivan K tlbfleisch, eq Alton Leibold, Jacob Haberer, Lloyd Sararas, Marjorie Fritz, Gordon Zettel, lhicliard Jeffrey, Julia Davidson, I �pieterich, Lloyn Hev. Minnie 's 31cN,'vfn, liispector Tom vieil-ed onr School' on Monday, and found everything O.K. The annual meeting, of Blake Branch Bible Society will hold its annual meeting this (Friday) even- ing at b p rn, Rev. Mr. Hassard, of Toronto will he present and deliver an address illustrating his remarks by lantern slides. Let there be a good turn out. The following report shows the relative standing of the pupils of U. S., 6. No 9 Stanley, for the month of September. IV of Pearl McBride, Jacob Brendnerman, Odwill Nicholson. Canada's good name for high moral .standing is not being im- proved by the almost weekly' occurrence of murders and out- rages of very dark colored oharaot- er. The stern hand of the law a has a. tent; ,en hand that should out prompt justice to the outla4 e so that those who imbrue their bailee in blood maty be taught the proper value ot human life. King Altiohol, if the evidence is true, is a copartner in many of these black chapters. Agricultural Savings and } can Co HEAD OFFIOE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advazlced on. gcoi Lam Mortgages, Prompt attention g:vetl to al plications for loans, ZELLER. Zurich, Ottley. Gladys STEPHEN COUNCIL The council ot the Township of Stephen met in the town hall, C=reditor,, on Monday, Ord o: Oct., at 1 p rn. All members were present Thi'. minutes •)f the previ1L' meet - Me. were read a;iJ adopted. \vuerth-Andersen "T'irat Aimee H•Lele.;ies of Crediton lis appointed Collector of tuxes for the year 1910 at n salary of 37•) and that the roll be handed to him on filing a hems wit'1 the clerk for the due perfonrn- auee of the work" Carried. Anderson -Yearley "That Bylaw No 169 being; a By-law to appoint A Hodgins, tax collector for the rear 1910. having been read the third time, be signed by the Rewe and Clerk and the Seal of the Cor- poration attached thereto" Connie(' - The following orders were passed. E Feltner gravel contract 14 40 ; F' rriebner, corn, 3.00 ; ll McCurdy, Brenner 1'.0; Gilbert Jeffrey �, rep bridge, 1.00; W Sanders, re• Jr tI Albert Hess 373 ; oa i moving obstructions, boots ; Jahn Disjardine 367 ; Stolon Thiel 354; Klumpp, concrete cut. N B.,i On ; G Margaret Fuss 352 ; Lennis Caine.; Hepburn rep floor on bri,t�te, 1.1:+ ; 350 ; Paul Jeffrey 347 ; Reinhald Fenee.viesre:a.s, Award, 10.00 ; Eli Koch 347 ; Alberta. Mittelholtz 344 ; Lawson. cent,'acts, 2r e�0 ; G Hep- Fo ter 83 )341 ; Hazel Schnell 328 ; 'burn gravel, 9170 ; D Mawhinney repWelde Royl 0 Foster re ; Edgar Garfield 1 Bridge 2.ei0 ; E Lawson, drwvt^3nex Laura Sairaras 3'.8 ; Witmer 325 ; Leo Mittelholtz 821 ;1 gravel, 1.'25 ; A Morrison, rep er" • Ada Howald 320 ; Janetta Thiel 2 25 ; J Klumpp, gravel oontrar ,, 287; Ward Fritz 282 ; Maggie Dee -117.73 ; J Kestle, con. 1.60 ; f anl•l chert 281 ; Earl Zettel 277 ; Elmore ; Shenk gravel contract, 11 b,, 1 M; ins 263 • Ernie Bender 263 ; ! Finkbeiner Drain award, - 10, , ,,: II R30711 9. The muses are in e,raler of merit including marks of each pupil. during the month of September. Jr III Harry Mess 279 ; Verde Fuss 273 ; Belmar. Schilbe 250 ; Min ton Heyrook 244 ; Samuel Fisher 142 ; Mary Jeffrey 133 ; Teodoro Howald 120 ; Willie Clansitis 11H. Sr II Genevieve Zettel 864 ; Roy Weber 336 ; Mary Zettel 321; Clara Weber 301 ; Minnie Monier 285 ; Walter Bender 233 ; Albert Mc- Cormick 230 ; Charlie Davidson 218; Lloyd O'Brien 207; Carrie l3 6 4 (, 1 ea III c' aches Gascho, Lorne Man- son, Isolate A. Meyers. II a 'Nanny Brennerman, Roy McBride, Alberta Finlay. II b Ada Kennel, Edgie Finlay, Lydia Ciingerich. Pt Iii a Ada Meyers, Ruth. Zirk, John Moyer. Pt 11 b Eva Boyes, Harvey Moyer, Sarah Erb. Pt 1 a Herhie Moyer, Carl Ma- Ol.inohey, Gordon 'Lirk. Pt I b Mattie Kennel, Florence Boyce, Ruth Schram. No on Roll 52. A.verage for month 42 G. S. Howard; Teacher. Cecil Weber 22,4 ; Pearl Siemon 188. L. H. M.ultiolland, Teacher, Tho following is the report for n S. No 5, Stanley, for the month of September, based on olass standing attendance, punctuallity and gene- ral deportment. Sr IV Elgin I McKinley, oliani ]�, Stephenson, Milton Pollock, Crvai McO(iaroh Tet, `]r III John Arreetr ng, Merger t Aninstrong. Maggie Wil- bert McBride and. Willie Hayter' (ebsent) Sr 11 nosey Halter and Jennie \IoClinclieY.1,;, � ' Jr II Lloyd liaayter (ab' ent•) Pt II Lorne McBride anal Pearl Stephenson. Pt 1 Edna iticC.•linchey, Esther Hayter, Elinor McKinley and M Ly* Pollock, M. ,) Keys, Teacher Ftthner coni 1 6u ; F Trie �uier g Qel° 51,00 ; D Tiernaniels0cernr 1st, 36,10 ; A i,'C 00 ; D gas p' .:l^, 3, 25 ; E1I L. Lawson filling ens 1S ii0,.� N Ress rep niotilds, 1.70 r (ninon eerx ent anmaking' ti' 4ya 1133.35 Rrtti�cn- soand oth',x5 rnding S B 100.0&;; R:air alters',xn, trtawing gravel, 1:50: tifaf(a ing; gr1,50; '� 'Nhols Dema opal 5.25 ; T 3Koy:s nd others c.utla'9, oda. Urdu 13d 23 5iD ; ' Welsh cern cul, 7.50; Jos Lawson Dement, 21.75 ; E Faliner gravel€son tracts, 39.20 ; W Sanders Pole 4.100 ; II Carruthers gravel, 10 IS ; 11allit.N ruthers gravel 8' 13 mu; C Prettty grataity, 25.00 ; E Gill Sr, rep cul, 2.75. Cenineil o djonrned to meet sentiftri in the Town Hall, 0rediioz,. on • Monday the'eth of December, n,91'7 at 1, p. rtr. Henry til bet, Clog Ir,