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The Herald, 1910-10-07, Page 2
can be made by a pt:cltage of PARIES' PICKLE MIXTURE 0t Delicious Pee dropping the contents of iz a gallon of vinegar, boil for fifteen minutes and our over This mixture keeps the picklese olidland nice the year round and imparts a most deli- cious flavor to the pickles. Sold at 25c, by grocers or druggists, or sent by mail, punt paid- on receipt of 30c. PARKS & PA: K Druggists, Hamilton, Canada Worth Knowing. Never try any brass or silver polish on lacquered ware. It will mean re - lacquering if you do. ;When cooking dried peaches rub or eut off the 'akin. They will have when cooked a totally different end. more deli- cate !laver. If the flavor of onions is unpleasant afterward—they are not digestible with everyone --use soda mint or a pinch of salt on the tongue. The se.ret of keeping c1+amois akin soft and supple is to hang it up to dry while still soapy. Remember this when washing ehamoie gloves. If there is no regular day for -silver cleaning the hostess will frequently be mortified by that sign of bad housekeep- ing, dingy table silver. The co:1k who knows ho x to make gond ;oup elears it with the white of an egg. It gathers together all small solids, ee it dote when dropped into coffee, thus making it clear. Pn not use either bread or cracker C`T tt Tnl's without seasoning. No amount of seasoning in the interior of a cro- quette or other dish will make up for thio emission. Try putting, horseradish through a nmeat chopper instead of grating it. It 4s much lege trying to prepare. Bread .erumbc ere also more easily prepared if run through the finest cogs of the mfat chopper. quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heats the. elaroai and lungs. • • - 25 cents. c s On Chicago, 'Dir. lteiuriek C. G. Hirsch, the Vien- nese conductor, said the other day that New. York's musical taste was mueh bet- ter cultivated than Chicago's. "A New York and Chicago girl," 'he went on, -met at the seashore. In the twilight, awhile the sky flamed pink in the sunset and the hotel orchestra play - 'ed Massenet on the terrace, the New • Yolk girl said to the Chicago girl: "'Do you like fugues?' "The Chicago girl sighed and answer- ed wistfully: "'No, but I adore clams.'" Minard's Liniment for sale where. - o ---- Wick of a Phoenician tamp. There has reecntly been found in Tunis a Phoenician lamp which still contained the wick. This lamp could not by later than the second century before our era. The discovery is interesting, for we learn that ep to new it has neva- been deeided ne to what material the wick consisted There have been divers hypothesis—eld- er pith, tow and various threads, lint. papyrus and even skins of animals. The wick now found will se tdoubts at rest, for. under microscopical and chemical analysis M. Eugene Colia has established the fact that the wiek was originally lint. M. Eugene Collin hes made his report to the French Academy of Sei- ences. every - WITH THE GREAT FLOCKS, Reading is the Solace of the Lonely She r, Herder's Life. Most of the sheep herders are great readers. There is a big book store in Casper, Wyo., which, instead of return- ing to the publishers unsold periodicals, sells them. to sheep herders at 5 cents each. One of the owners of the store is a sheepman. There is an attorney practising law in Cheyenne at present that studied his books while herding sheep. College men have been known to take a profitale post-gi•adutute course on a sheep range, to their ultimate success in life; but the general run of sheep herders doesn't average up very well. It is the illiterate sheep .herders that go crazy, says Everybody's. In the sheep 'country sheepmen Evill tell you that herders do not go crazy, and this,' there is notietng more elevating than association with sheep, or more broaden- ing than life upon the range. Peculiari- ties generally are not marked there. It is noticeable in Wyoming, for exam- ple, that most men draw the upper hp back from the teeth, exposing them, rab- bit fashion—a habit doubtless due to the strong white light upon the vast stretch- es or treeless land. They go grinning along through mirth and tragedy alike,. and the white plain grins back at them, nobody counting it peculiar because it is common. CRIED DAY AND NIGHT. HT. Mrs. R. E. Sanford, Inverary, Ont., writes: "My baby was sickly for over a week with bowel and stomach trouble and cried night and day.{Noth- ing I did helped her in the least till I began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. They helped baby right away and now she is a big healthy child with fine rosy cheeks. The Tablets are certainly a wonderful medicine and I recommend then' to all my friends who have child- ren in the hoarse." What Baby's Own Tablets have done for Mrs. Sanford's baby they done for thousands of other little ones. simply because they go to the root of so many cisildhood ailments—that is, they drive all impurities frons the stainncb and leave it sweet and healthy. Sohl by medicine dealers or by moil at 25 cents n. boy from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. — Sentence Sermons. Sermons. Zany mistakes figure for faets- The man who talks tears never waters STOP POISfflflNG YOUHSELf fleaadaches and Neuralgia Pains Promptly Cared LIT "Fruit-a-tives." Where there are frequent attacks of Neuralgia and I-Ieadaches, there is always Constipation, Weakness of the Kidneys and Blood Poisoning. Non -action of the bowels compels the blood to absorb foul matter which should have passed from the body. Weak Kidneys fail to filter from the blood the necessary amount of waste. The blood thus becomes poisoned and it is this poisoned blood which hurts the nerves And causes Neural- gia and Headaches. "Fruit-a-tives," made from fruit juices, acts on the bowels and kidneys and is the greatest blood purifying medicine in the world. "Frust-a-tives" is seid by all dealer: at 50c a box, 6 for. $2,60, or trial size, 25c, or may be obtained from Fruit-a- tives, Limited, Ottawa. �O6 the desert. When a man snakes his faith into a fort be ouarantines himself from truth. The test of life is not in great things, but in taking all think in a great spirit. Slaying ameu loud in the meeting seems to help some to forget what It was all about. lien who are at war with iniquities may -Well be willing to be at peace with opinions. The character of the people of the church determines the power of the chrnelt to make character. A man often thinks he is a saint• when he begins to exercise discretion in the choice of hie sins. The greatest danger of a little knowl- edge is that its owners never can make a quantitative analysis of it. - Your inn3;'aisrt Will Tell You Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore 'Yes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, awl Sells for 50c. Try Murine in Your Eyes and in Bahr! Eyes for Sealy Eyelids and Granulation b,• The Poet Again. He had long hair -and a pensive look. }Te Wrote a poen; entitled "Why I live." He signed it Augustus and sent it to a mare:Lehie. The editor wrote to hiss as follows: "My dear Augustus. the reason why you live. is because you sent the poem by snail instead of bringing it personal)y"-- l'erls Modes. MVlinard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc MERELY QUESTION OF COMFORT. (aluccess Mag,izine.) "Now, deet or," entnpl illed a bibulous patient, my neat trouble is elephants —pi:ile ones. s. Nat th it 1 oldest to ele- phants,. you llnd v-it•Ind. I like them -- but they do crowd one so." r r� toi Fever in•' Plants. • Not only animals, but plauta may suf- fer and die of fevers, says M. Leclerc du Sablon- When a bantam being has a fever he loses flesh on account of the increased combustion, tele quantity of carbonic veld respired firms the lungs being, augmented from 70 to lot} per cent. A plant attacked by a fever, which may be caused by a wound, rapidly ctsncurues is reserves of organic matter awl be- comes enfeebled, sometimes sufficiently to cause its death. M. heeler:: dee 4ablou has experimented with potatoes meter- ed feverish by cutting them. The tem- perature soon rises about Dale degree, and the quantity or carbonic acid given off increases several hundred per cent. If the potato survives its "respiration" after a few lays becomes normal, but it falls into an eufeeblea state, resem- bling that of a person conva4eseeut from e long fever—London (Vibe. Send us your name sed we will send you Srro, all ,hors: s paid, tido bandeorn.. LUCKY HEART PIOTUiIE BROOCH - which is the latest, dalntle:A and prettiest lep•elry novel- ty, all the rage every- where, We are giving it 40SOLUTt1Y FREE to introduce our goods. Suet Bond name nod address and we will send i to you at ouco, dddross ALOEN Mi. Ro., G9 ROY Si., PROVIDENCE, R.I.,11.8,11.; Lubricant for Ropes. A good lubricant for hoisting ropes, according to Mines and Minerals, is made by mixing one bushel of fresh- ly -slaked lime to a barrel of coal tar, or a mixture of pure tar and tallow can be used. When pine tar, which contains. no acid, is used as a base, lime is unnecessary, as tar is solu- tion -proof to ordinary mine water. Another good mixture contains tar, summer oil, axle grease and a little pulverized mica, mixed to a consist- ency that will penetrate between the wires to the core and will not dry or strip off. The lubricant should not be so thick as to prevent in- spection of the rope, and after the first application should be used spar- ingly, so that the rope may be kept cletn and free. from grit. Graphite ;nixed with grease is another lubri- catingmixture that is used success- fully, and sometimes pulverized as- bestos is used instead of graphite. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural- gia. • *lib for tree sample to Dept. 1;3. L„ National lDrue & Chemical Co„ Toronto, Home Dvaliva tv the• wale to Money Aird ressm Well Try' EA Simptet, as Washing vruilr ONEDrEFORALLt. NIDSDF¢DO JUST 1IN (OP sir 1 Dyeetvool, Cotton, Silk o. Mined GoodsPerfecdy with the SAME Dye --No chance of mistakes. rase end neautt:ol Colors 11 cants, from your Druggist or Dea:et. Sand for Color Card and STORY Booklet. 14 The Johnson-itichardson Co., Limited. Montreal. Mistakes of Life. One of the judges of the city of Lon- don court in England has drawn up a list of "Mistakes in Life,' gleaned from his experience on the bereh with all sorts and conditions of people who have come before ;him. There are many rules of success in life, but those presented by the London authority are somewhat unique, in that they point to success by showing, where failure is likely to be sustained, The "Mistakes of Life" are thus sweamrized: 1. To attempt to set up your own standard of right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to it. 2, To try to measure the enjoyment of others by our own. 3. To expect uniformity of opinion in this world. 4. To look for judgment and experience in youth. 5. To endeavor to mould all disposi- tions alike. 6. Not to yield in unimportant trifles. 7. To look for perfection iu our own actions. 8. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied. 9. Not to alleviate, if we can, all that needs alleviation. 10. Not to make allowance for the weakness of others. 11. To consider anything impossible that we cannot ourselves perform. 12. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp - 13. To live as if the moment, the time, the day, were so important that it would live forever. 14. To estimate people by some out- side quality. for it that within whiele makes the man.. A PIANO FOR 50 GENTS A. WEEK This :s a golden opportunity for any- one to owu an instrument. We have a large stock of used pianos, taken In ex- eh:tnge on iieintzmaha 3t Co. pianos. These instruments are such well-known snakes as Weber, ihiekerina, Jiahnee Bros., Thomas and. Dominion, and the price is from $60 to $123. Each one guaranteed for Hue years, and will be taken back in exalt:mgt with full am- ount allowed any tion' in three years. Do not let this. ehtenee slip by you. A. post card avi11 bring full p'art.tculars— I;eintzuhan .ti Co:, 771 King street east, Hamilton, Ont. ISSUE NO. 4:0 1910 HELP 'WANTED. THE A ENTS"' rue ��SEX Are you making $5 per day. If not write immediatelforfree outfit of lie iday l3ooks.t orato Sells at bsight. J. L. NicHOLS COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto $15.00 Afor man WEEKor AND E:SCE'I0NS IS to traVei ands appoint agents for established House. State age and previous employment. Permanent. E. McGarvey, Mgr., 2112 Wellington street west, Toronto. WANTED—AT ONCE, A GENERAL Y domestic, one willing to learn. Ai- oly 94 Duke street. Hamilton. Ont. v 7' ANTED — CAPABLE HOUSE - T V maid. Apply Mrs. A. C. Beasley, 94 Main street east. START TEA ROUTE TO -DAY. SEND postal for circulars, or 10c for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon - d in. Ont. Dr. MarLet's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments., a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. ' I ns result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at ail d'ug stores. ,.. .`3aa91—IFirel�,t.':1A'ARr'T'tS�. t raK NO I CIiILD03 1—eatmen tJ rerol er A specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. _. Room 101,111008n, St. J. James St., � +y` '+oleo nt 7?ii . J A Primitive Clock. There has recently been phieed on sv.- hibition in the prehistoric 5a10011 at the British Museum. a very fine specimen. of an early British clepsydra, or water' clock, which. was discovered some time ago near Basehurali., Salop. These prim- itive clocks, of which the museum pos- sesses five other specimens, were large bowls of very thin metal, perforated • with small ]Toles. at the base and 1urnieh- ed with handles.. They were placed, in a larger vesee1 containing water and allow- ed gradually to f111 through the holes at the bottom. In a certain number of • hours they would fill and sink, when they would be emptied Laud refloated by an attendant whose duty it was to keep watch over them. This form of timepiece was known from the earns•'' ages, and was in use in Egypt, India, Ceylon and other countries, and finally found its way int oBritain in Druidieozl times. The Teeth. Aren't they neglected? Some show it. Others will in course of time. And what :a sin it is to shirk duty! Even brushing once a day does won- ders. This brushing should take place before retiring. A tooth powder is necessary to a thor- ough brushing. And quite as important as brushing is the thorough use of dental floss. Every particle should be removed from between the teeth once a day at least, It's well worth while, for both comfort and beauty, to clean the teeth after evey meal. But if this is not possible they roust be thoroughly cleaned with floss and by brushing every night the last thing. History of a Wedding Ring. The ring used in the wedding of Sir harry aid Lady Verney is a mime which has been used for centuries in the wed- ding ceremonies of the i tinily. and is cheiishid as a precious heirloom. It contains an exquisite miniature of Charles I, circl,d with diamonds, ds, and l was given by that monarch to Sir Ed- mund Verney, his marshal end standard hearer, who fell at Edge Hill on Oetober 23, 1649. Sir Edm'und.'s body was never found, only a severed Mandl bearing on one of its fingers this very ring, which was soon identified as his. The hand was buried in the family burial place, and the ring has drn'ing succeeding gen- erations bean religiously treasured by the owners of Claydon House, --Pali ?1.tai1 Gazette. A Sensible Merchant. Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1003. Minard's Liniment Co, Limited. • ]sear Sirs,—Your traveller is here to- day and we are getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. • We find it the best 'Liniment on the market making no exception. We have been in business 13 yearn argil have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours; that salts itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. W. A. HAGERMfAN. Finding, Temperature of Star's. 13y aid of an apparatus devised by Pt'o- feseor Charles Nordmann the heat of the suns which we know as the fired .stars eau be told by <a comparison of their pests. The highest temperature an far found is in one of .the smaller ••tar. of the constellation Taurus, whieh shows 27,0(10 degrees. The temperature of our 41111 is les, th.taonc-seventh of this, be- ing only 0,608_ degrees. Even this' ie 1u/te waren, fax the electric furnace is ortly 6,500 d ateme. Many of the stats very ru ti hotter than _o ur sun. Bullocks and a Bull. Ile was an Trish barrister, therefore he trust- perpetrate it hull. Addressing the jury in tone of deep emotion, the said: "It will be for you to say, gentle• men, if- the defendants Shall be allowed to come into court with unblushing foot- steps, with the cloak of hypoerisy,in hfs mouth, and draw these bullocks mit of my ,client's pocket with impunity,"-'- Liverpool Post. 535lmfaaners� is certainly one of the most dis- agreabie ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue—bitter taste in the mouth—nausea—dizziness — these combine to make life a burden. The cauee is a disordered liver— the cure Dr. Morse's Indian hoot Pills. They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanee the stomach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of biliousness take r. m r s' m irad1lta,ss rF o© ttii1'ts, Confession of an Old. Error. An unsigned letter, unique in the his- tory of the Post Office Department was received yesterday at the Postmaster- Cleneral's office, telling of a violation of the postal laws committed twenty- five years ago. The writer says twenty-five years ago, when employed as a clerk in the post office, 1 one day made out a money order, and after the letter was sealed and ready to be mail- ed, I remembered that I had not filled out the blank quite right, and I o,el:etl the letter and made the proper correc- tion. I sealed the letter at once and fnrwardecl. it by the first 'nail. Al- though no harm was done I really broke the law, and wish to confess my er- ror" ---Washington Herald, Collars Made of Nlilk. Imitation celluloid collars made of goat's milk are used in Paris by arti- sans, tradesmen, waiters and coachmen. The milk eollars are said to be as ser - vi: cable as the celluloid. and to have less p liah, which makes them. a great im- provement. In preparing the milk for collars the curds are drained off the whey and sub- jected to high pressure, resulting in a substance that looks very much like a'elluloid. Milk curds have been used in Europe for some years for the slaking of bil- liard balls, combs, imitation bone kale handles and collar buttons.—Popular Mechanics. that "more than FILES CURED AT HOME BY ion METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with, references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to lies. M. Sommers, ]sox P. 8, Windsor, Ont. Mem .•••...-.•140.1.1.-. Definition of a Gentleman. There is only one strictly technical de- finition of gentleman, a num entitled to bear coat armor. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was used with tuns significance, and the second- hand bookstall hunter will occasionally find Soandso, "gentleman," written on dusty and stained flyleaves. But this definition has dropped out, for now any one may use arms who chooses to pay an arms license. The in- land revnue takes your guinea or two guineas without inquiring as to your right to bear arms. And though the Herald's College has the right to grant arms to those who can afford to pay the necessary fees it cannot prevent people from using arms to which they have no right.—London Chronicle. e t wl qulokly stops condios, cures colds. heals the, throat and Wags. s , . 25 cents. ONE MAN'S THEORY. (Boston Transcript.) "No: 1 do'l't think women will ever succeed as railroad engineers." "Why not?" "They would lose too much time hold- ing up their trains at crossings." r.e Nlinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. A DISTINCT TRIUMPH. (Life.) "What did Frost do when the Boston girl accepted him?" "}Tad it recorded in the minutes of the Arctic Club." CAM i n y yir�a EDDY'S "SILENT" ATCHES ARE TEE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE; L €CET, THE FIRST STRIKE. They rnaice no neian or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match Wee for the stur,ker, the off c and the home. All good dealerlt keep thein and Eddy's 'Woodenware, Pi'breware, Tubs, Pails and Washboards. The E Bre EDDY C Limited, HULL, CANADA. . M" : " 'r,:• ,aft .1 ,ZV07.1rJSt;' 0.V,0410 ,l res..• ?e ,11^1, .1%+,