The Herald, 1910-09-23, Page 2Death After a Scratch iitorris Quatzam, an eleven -year-old 'FS In dsor bey, felt off his bicycle and :suratebed his wrist, He thought .noth- ing of the injury, but blood poison sat lura and he is dead. Such incidents as these—by no means ax•faetluent—oug'lat to make people real - me the danger that may lie even In the %reehest flesh. wound. Take a simple illustration, When a dimers, a rusty needle, a splinter of dirty weed, a barbed wire fence, or a thorn, scratches the hand, the latter is imam - !fated with germs, of which tile al: about us is full. Directly these germs are introduced through the breach in the skin, a battle royal ensues between them, and certain organisms in our .bloacl. The way to avoid serlous results is tee ,aiieanse the wound and apply Zant- ke-tele :Gala-kluk is a powerful, yet paw - less gerna-kilier, and when applied to the broken skin is absorbed into the tissue, instantly destroying the germs taut spread disease and inflammation. As soon as applied to a sure or a rut Zam-Buk stops the pain and smart - Lug. That is why It is so ,popular with eattaidren. The flesh thus soothed and purified, the wound is made perfectly healthy, awe all poison and cause of festering removed. Having done this, Zam-f3uk then proceeds to heal the wound or acre, and a new healthy tissue is built nzce in a quick, paa.;less and perfect man - seer. Zam-Buk must not be confused with .ordinary ointments. Zatn-Buk is a :unique preparation, woe:tacsing anti- eteentic, soothing and heating qualities Lhte. arenot to be found together in .finny other preparation. It is not only a nanieue healing balm, but it is also sa skirt food. For all skin diseases and Injuries—cute, bruises, burns, eczema, 'dialing, ulcers, ringworm, etc., it is without equal. It is also used wide-. ly for piles, for which it inay be re- garded as specific. All druggists and etoree sell at 50 tents a box, or post free, Irvin lam -Auk Co., Toronto, for nriee. Harmful imitations should be names refused. BLIND WITHOCT KNOWING IT. (New York Press.) Lots of moat serious rye fatting,, even eine« one-tenth sight and twilight vi+ion. <:dist all unknown for years, maces by e e ne itecidetxt or test tree owner 13 en - 'tightened by discovery. Cases of from €i#ter Iosts of vision to _almost total one- , eye blindness <olne on without the own- - rr knowing it. Snell Joys of use of one eye is not so rare as one might believe; indeed, is surprisingly frequent. ----a; 4 o ''As the Schoolboy "A turtle is an eternal on its back and puts its month.—Le .Lire. Saw it that has tiles head into its DYEING Is .the way to _aVO Money end Dress WWII Try it 1 pia as Washing with. .MST THINK mF IT 9 Liryes 3%oo1, Cotton, Silk or Mixed Coods Perfectly ,!' '.vetkthe SAME 13ye.-No chance of mistakes. Rust ! and l3eoutlfut Colorsre cents, from yourllrugtrier or • i7ealer.5end for Color Card and STORY Booklet. 76 MSc ,lohnuon.nlrhardson Co., Limited, Montreal. A HITCH IN THE ARGUMENT. (Indianapolis News.) Notwithstanding the assurance we knee from eminent authorities that prie- rr a are not into high; the things that we :Tatler at the grocery cost a good deal .urore than they used to. oQ" 'teed- Wena, Ly eary, watery dyes. ICtetieved By Murine Lye Remedy. Try Seurine For Your Bye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. fi0o At Your Druggists. Write For Lye Books, berm, Muiine Lye Remedy Co., Toronto, d Pe, UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. Mrs. Blank is. a leader of Bar Harbor society. Her husband Raid to her, one afternoon, as she, made an elaborate toilet for a garden part- that she was giving to some member: of the British Ligation; 'Why did you write to all our pleats that this party was to be absolutely in forinal P Mrs. Blank lautrbe'l. "So as to be tee blst-dre'rtsed worau present, 0, eoural," iii said, e e Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. .O -0 -- From Prussian Mines, 'Ile coal, iron and salt mines own- ed by the Kingdom of Prussia last years yielded 19,080,000 metric tons of black coal, 400,000 metric tons of lignite, 173,682 metric tons of ore and Ti60,000 metric tons of salt. - - "•Tee good old times" probably saw oat as many calamity howlers. • Sentence Sermons, There is no food in a mushy faith. The strong are always sympathetio, Work is the best preventive of moral weeds. Laggard feet often go with a free running tongue. Cine light tougue can make many heavy hearts. Religion never galas in depth as it loses in breadth. Virtue Is more than a keen sense of the vice in others. A man loses none of his own pttoh when he blackens another. They are most harmed by flattery whir are most hungry for it. No man ever yet lived a hog's life and escaped a hog's looks. Belie -ion never works better on Sunday for resting all reek. The poorest man in the world. is the one who owns nothing but riches. The more mean men talk about re- ligion the less religion will mean to men. Too many are willing to advise the man who is down and assist the one who is up. Every opportunity to help another along the way is an invitation toward heaven. The trouble with man/ an nnlifter is that he is standing on the bubble of self-esteem, It does no damage to be railed a fool, the serious thing is to be satisfied with deserving it. Those who have the bread of life for a world have no right to waste time fighting over its history. , In the church where religion is a mat- ter of ratans and silk hats there are al- aars plenty of naked soots. People who cannot change their own minds usually believe they are ordain- ed to change the world's mind, A little energy applied in everyday helpfulness is worth a lot spent in talk- ing about extraordinary holiness. —Henry F. Cope. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I win send free with tail Inglet:cetera, my home, treatment which noe:tvely curve Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Uispiacements, Balling of the Wonlb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervo'asness, Melancholy. Paine in the kiead. Sack or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder trouble.% where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can coaticue treatment at home at a rest of only 12 cents a week. My hook, -Woman's Own Medical Adviser;" also sent free on request. Write to -day, Address. tdra. M. 5ureaters. Box II. S, Windsor, Ont. or, 113,000,000 Heathen. The millions still unreached by the gospel are these: Asia, 42,000,000; Afri- ca, 70,000,000; Arabia, 3,000,000; Syria, 550,000; the Sivaitic Peninsula, 50,000; Lantern Sumatra and adjaeent islands, e,250e000; Madura, Bali and D."otnbok Is- lantls, 2,000,000; Malay Peninsula, l,- •. n0,000. Total., "11 800,000. , In nil, 7S8 Preteetent.weeeiona'ry 7, 'cieties 'are - at work in foreign Beide. The anneal . combined contributions are $25,350.000. There are 5,528 ordained missionaries, 4182 physicians, 2,503 men lay missionaries, 5,400 married women, 4;135 unmarried women. or n, total of 10.820 foreign missionaries. There are 5,045 ordained natives and 02,018 unor,- dained teachers, preachers, Bible women, etc, The total living baptized Chris- tians are 3,006.373: adherents 5,281,871. The native gifts aggregate $3,800,000. The Christian Herald. Wasted Coal Units. One pound of coal may be taken to have inherently 10,000 work units. Of these 10,000 possible work units 200 are wasted in the ash pit, 1,000 itt the stack. 560 in banking fires, 80 in radiation and miscellaneous losses. In other words, in the boiler room 3,620 work units arta wasted. In the engine room 370 more work units are lost by radiation of heat from the pipes and 4,710 work units are sacrificed in the condenser, so that the total engine room loss is 5,180 work units. In other words, only 1,200 work units are actually usable out of the possible 10,000 work milts in a pound 01 coal. One-fifth of the coal bill is paid simply to produce a draught in the smokestack, vt quickly stops coughs, cures colds, beats the throat and lungs, • r - 25 cents. THE HOlIRORS DF STOMACH TOATURE INDIGESTION OP A LIFETIME PROMPTLY CVRRED B) " rIir,T1_'1.'-A-TIVES,'> Mrs. J. Ie, Flock, of London, Ont, for years received the best medical attention that Canada afforded, Her Husband was aprominent phY. sielan, yet his skill and that of his colleagues, Wee of no avail in helping Mrs. Flock. She writes, "I was a constant mar- tyr to Stomach Weakness all my life and no physician could cure me, but 'Fruit-aa-tives' gave me entire relief and I cordially recommend this fam- ous fruit medicine to the public." "Fruit -a -tines" corrects all disor- ders of digestion, and is a positive and speeds° Rare for Indigestion, Dys- pepsia anti Conatiiiation. " Fruit -a -tines" are sold by all deal- ers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 20_, or may be obtained from Fruit-a•—tiros, Limited, Ottawa. Worth Knowing. Dishcloths are often sadly neglected. They should be kept scrupulously clean, and in order that they .may be so they should be washed out care- fully with soap and well rinsed each time they have been used. After this has been done they may be hung in the air to dry. Some people, how- ever, like to have a stone jar con- taining a solution of soda by the rink and to keep the dishcloths in it when not in nae. To prevent -'any shade of blue from fading, soak for two hours in a pail of water to which one ounce of sugar of lead has been added. Then be sure to dry well before washing and iron- ing. Sew small brass rings to the cor- ners of the curtains where they touch the floor. Next screw small brass hooks to tIre window frames. The curtains can then be fastened high up from the floor, on the days the room is "turned out" for sweeping, without the use of pins, which of- ten cause damage to draperies as well es to fingers. Quickly atopy coudhr, cures colds, heals the throat sled tunas. 25 cents. 3 113, WI R Ilr PUT. IT. t Btchange,). in Sorrow, Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead, lead us, Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Through the trials yet decreed us, Tilt our last great change appears. When temptation's darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, Let The goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. --Tiros. Hastings, e -v Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural. gia. 5 A Pipe Smoker's Philosophy. Paris despatch says; M. de Watteville Inas been collecting pipes for a long titue, and his studies of them have led hint to evolve aplea philosophy. He says he is prepared to prove these statements: The pipe is characteristic 'of the race, while the cigar an " cigarette are cosmo- politan. The length of .the pipe stem is propor- tional t.o the netivity of the rime. The more' laborious the people, the shorter the pipe. The.lorger the pipe the more slothful the people. A. short pipe' stem' indicates economy. A race of gluttonous spendthrifts will smoke a pipe with e large bowl. But, after ell, he seys, the mein point about pipes is not to break thorn. Ate lanilireila the other Miffki whore I your eat 't) , man, I be' aieee cur eye, on a crev-7id, ear 'iintt','irr . . t "ay, • I was wondering ft hitt. umbrella. Is it still in , t iright Lad, This. Photon; aitshlr---What masse you stay in the clerk ronan'go Jong? New Boy --Because I couldn't find those undev,;loped plates you wanted un- til after I lighted a dozen snatches. RAM, gRoWTIi AND BEAUTY. To prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove dandruff, allay nesting and irri- tation and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and occasional dress- ings with Cuticura Ointment are usually effective when alI else fails. Special and full directions aecompany each package of Cuticura, or will be sent free on ap- plication to the Potter Drug 3. Chemical Corporation, Boston, U. S. A. In the treatment of eczemas, rashes, itchings and chafings, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing of ulcerated and inflamed mu. cous surfaces and for all purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, these pure, sweet and gentle emollients are abso. lutely indispensable. Armhole in Eclipse. The armhole'itas been quite in eclipse save under the arm, and if the sleeve and shoulder were not cut in one trim- ming rimming was so applied to give effect of such a coat. Japanese kimono, Maygar, whatever you choose to call it. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, • FISHERIES DECISION. (Buffalo Express.) The doeision of the Newfoundland fisheries dispute by The Hague tribunal appears to be rather more favorable to Great Britain than, to the United States, although this country won the greater number of the points submitted. The most important point, however, was whether the three-mile limit should be measured from the nearest land nr from headland to headland across the entrances to bays. It was over ibis question that the most trouble has oc- curred between American fishermen and the Newfoundland authorities. The court sustains the British contention The minor points won by the Ameri- 0505 embody some important coere3- sions, but they hardly outweigh the lnea of the right to fish within bays. However, the matter was fairly present- ed, fairly argued and' it would be un- worthy of this country to make any complaint over the decision. It is, at least, a cause for congratulation that the old quarrel has been settled at last and that both sides fully know their rights now. Opinion is. as it were, the queen of the world, but force le tyrant;—.I'aseal. GIRL READS TO CIGAR MAKERS. A Cuban Custom Introduced into a Chicago Factory. Miss Ethel Vipon has the distinc- tion of being what is declared to be the first woman reader to be em- ployed in a cigar factory, in. Chicago. Following the custom in cigar shops in Cuba and in many other parts of the world M. Newlsnder, proprietor of a eigar making company, has em ployed Miss Vipon to read to the men in working hours from the news- papers, popular works of fiction and standard books of different kinds. According to the proprietor, the men like the plan and are able to make more. cigars than before the custom was established, "It serves to break the monotony of making cigars," explained Mr. New - lander to -day, "and it improves the efficiency of the workers. Incident- ally, it is a means of educating the men also." Miss Vipon arrives in the morning as early as do the men. When the latter start their work she takes her seat at a table and begins her read- ing. Often the first story is the ac- count of a baseball game. Then fol- lows the news of the day and fiction or a magazine article. "I like the work," said Miss Vipon, whose weekly income from her road- ing consists of ,$3 from the firm and 25 cents from each worker, "though it sometimes affects my throat a little. On the whole, however, it is pleasing."—Front the Chicago Daily News. flyMC:3, LAILv427-al t -G"� of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unlace the waste matter front the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it de- eays and poisons the whole body, causing. biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other hareh mineral purgatives irritate :a„ delicate lining of the bowels. 1;r. Morse's Indian Root Pills --entirely vege- table—regulate the bowels ef- fectively without weakening, sickening or griping. Use ICS SS - likes CS ire: 11Rl CD i A. 959 4'-'w. CSU 'E' 5 1 A Remarkable Alloy. Another remarkable alloy has appear- ed in Germany, called Ruebel bronze, after its inventor, Walter Reubel. Ire main ingredient is 'magnetism to which zinc, copper and nilnminum are ad;led. A rine-grained homogeneous alloy of considerable strength and no specific gravity is thus obtained. This new al- loy is important in constructing air- ships. The Zeppelin airship, with its mechanical part of thenew metal, would weight 3% to 4 tons less than at present constructed. St: Isidore, Pr Q., .Aug,.18, 1004. 1'ffnard's Liniment Co., Limited, - Gentlemen, I have frequently* used MINARD'S LIN1IMENT and also pre- scribe it for my patients always with the most gratifying results, and I e•n- sider it the best all-round Liniment ex- tant. Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUCF. SIROTS. Sensational Air Race. What promises to provide the most sensational performance yet attempt- ed ttempted by airmen is the flight proposed in connection with the Milan aviation meeting, which opens on September 18. It is the feat of making a trip across the Alps, and three prizes of $14,000, $4,000 and $2,000 aro offered to successful competitors. Nominally the distance to be cov- ered is only 95 miles, but the aero- planes in the course of their journey will have to fly over mountains ex- ceeding 6,000 feet in height. No fly- ing ley night will be allowed and a maximum of 24 hours will be allow- ed for the journey, The race will start from Brigue, on the Swiss side of the Alps, and end at Milan. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc A Last Resort. `Paw, what is meant by the last re- sort?" Mr. Stunge—The one we •.;tared at last summer. Never again! ISSUE PM 38, 1910 ?FIELP WANTED, $11 (If,A 'iM" AND E7GPENSB$, r° i for elan or lady to travel and appoint agents for established House. State age and previous employment, Permanent. B, McGarvey, Mgr., 223 Wellington street west, Toronto, ANTk7D--AT ONCE, A GleNERAI, domestic, one willing to learn. Ap- my 04 Duke street, Hamilton, Ont. Ye ANTED — CAPABLE noun- ,'" maid. Apply Mrs. A, C. Beasley, 415 Main street east. TART TBA ROUTE TO -DAY, SEND postal for circulars, or 10c for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- da0, Ont. Dr. Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS 'I HE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for we- men's amen's ailments, a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. the result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. C1 D, sHELogN lnBr ke nt A specialty made Of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Write fur full particulars regarding plan of investment, Room 101, 108, St. James St., Montreal. featteeleteleree 4 Stick w the Good Old Horse Remedy it is a wise plan for all horse owners 0., keep some well known, tried' remedy ou the stable shelf. Horse flesh is heir to a good many aalnients. Many of them are trivial if treated properly. Most of them can be oared without the aid of a veterinary surgeon, if only the owner has some little knowledge of horses and the rem- edy is at hand. There will be cuts and sprains and lameness, an occasional shoe boil or a curb or splint will develop; there will be swellings, abnormal bony growths, etc. These come unexpectedly Laid surely, often without any apparent cause. The sensible horse owner reacts - nixes the fact that something Is liable tolite happen emergency. at any tinte and prepare for The appearance of I%endall's Spavin Cure in our advertising columns so often is intended to suggest, as it should suggest, a right line of action. Kendail's Spavin Cure Is one of the best all round horse remedies' that was ever compounded. The fact that it is so old a remedy is greatly in its favor. It it, proof positive of its efficiency, All old time horse owners know Kendall's Spavin 'Cure, and most of them use it. They would not have continued to use it. tor upwards of forty years if It had not proven to its legion of users that it dote euro the things for which is is re- commended, namely, spavins, ringbones, curbs, splints, wire cuts, swellings. llolses. sprains, lameness, etc.., the ailments that are always and everywhere common to Of course a remedy of such universal use has a universal sale. It is a reas- suring thought that it can always be had at the drug store. headers of this, how- ever. would do well not to wait to buy it until there is need for it. Being a standard remedy and as nothing else scents to take its place, it ought to be ready cam the shelf at all times. .4.sk .your druggist for Kemdail's '*']'Maitre on the Horse'' or write to ;Or 1., J, el�en1iail, I0nosbur it . Falis, Vt. • SHE GOT HIM, (Exchange). "Victoria," said her liusb:end, "you will not mind it. I presume, if I should happen to be detained at the office late this evening?" "I shall not mind it," austerely answered Mrs. Vick -Senn, "beeauee you willnot be detained at the office this evening or any other evening." A PIANO FOR 50 CENTS This :s agolden opportunity for any. one to own an instrument. 'We have a large stock of used planus, taken :a ex- change on Heintzman & Co. pianos. These instruments are such well-known makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines Bros., Thomas and Dominion, and the price is from $60 to $125, Each one guaranteed for five years, and will be taken back in exchange with full am. ount allowed any time in three years. Do not let this chance slip by you. A post card will bring full particulars.-- L3'eintzman & Co,, 71 King street east, Hamilton, Ont. ef► SAW AT ONCE. (Philadelphia Record.) Blobbs—That's a great chorus they have in the new show at team Holly Toighty Theatre. Slobbs—Yes, I knew the pieee would he a sueccess before the curtain had gone up two feet, That Splitting Head the will vanish if you take teNA at:,RU-c " Headache Wafers Give quick, sure relief, and We guarantee they contain nothing harmful to the heart or nervous system. 25c. a box, at all druggists'. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montrcal.26 MegeeM8=2MMI=EMMea create eeleee tri, . w°L'''J SiSEEE isW, e' EDDY'S "SILENT" T" M TCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT 'A SURE I,IGIIT, THE FIRST STRIKE They make no noiee or sputter—a, quiet, steady flame. The match for the smelter, the office and the home. All good dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, leibreware, Tubs, fails and Washboards, 4211116=i The E. B. EDDY Cosy Limited, ULL, CANADA i«I'uMAlet otvt.11,1 i