The Herald, 1910-09-09, Page 4qD 1 CDCESSIDCDC25.51N3CMD t<;rcu a> CD OD CD r v,,,, a CC, The rlolsons Bank Capital paid up $3,500,000 l -lead Office Reserve Fiend S3,850,000 R caf Ilontreal iBRANCHESAlberta—Calgary, Camrose, Diamond City, Edmonton, Lethbridge, a British Colombia—Revelstoke, Vancouver, Westminister A. C7 Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave, Ontario--Alvinston, Amherstburg, Aylmer Brockville, Chesterville, i Clinton, Drumbo, Dutton. Exeter, Forest, .granktor, Hensall, Hamilton— James Street, Market Branch, Highgate, Iroquois, Kingsville, Kirkton, �r ea Lambton 1Vlilis, London, Luaknow, 111eaford, Merlin, Morrisburg, Norwich, to aOttawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetown, Sfmcoo, Smith's Falls, Sb, «ll IMarys, St, Thomas, West End, East End Branch, Toronto—Bay Street q Queen St. W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West, Toronto, Williamsburg,, Woodstock, Zurieh. .$ Quebec—Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, Fraservilio and A O Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks, gy ✓ Montreal—Cote des Neiges. St. James St., St, Catherine, St. Branch, Cy St. Henri Branch, Maisonneuve Branch, Market and Harbor Branch, Pierre. ville, Quebec, Richmond, Roberval, Sorel, St. Cesaire, Ste. Flavie Station, ra St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriavillo, 'Waterloo. es AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND CQLoEIlss—London and Liverpool—Parr's� Bank Limited. It eland ---Munster & Leinster Bank, .Limited, Australia and New Zealand—The Union Bank of Australia, Limited. South Africa—The A Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. ‘12 FOREIGN ACM/TS—Prance-Societe Generale, Germany-Deubsehe Bank. Bel- gium Antwerp -La Banque d' n eisChina and Japan—Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba—Banco Nacional de Cuba, AGENTS IN Uiv'1T.Lr; wt iATL; :(. ci.ta and C,.t:rrc..k _u.,1t,.;ta in 021 til, e, principal cities. ca OLIP n c7 Zurich Branch - J'e A. CONSTANTINE, Agent 1Dc CDt7i+r^,>CD(1 C {D (MO BICEMCDCZEIRDCIDt4sr;agarCCIODGE,RD4 y. LEGAL CARDS, tT, J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitc r, NotaryPublic, IIensali, Ontario, At Zurich (Zeller's once) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR. ristors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., (oderich, Canada W. Pruuti£oot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen Haile and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon et Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- mie) eye Hospital and Golden Square; Nose and Throat Hospital, Loudon England, etc, (general practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested. (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASIIWoOD, ONT, BUSINESS CARDS. a . PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts, Satis- faetion 'guaranteed or no pay. Terms easonable. Orders left at this o ti es will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ee agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. thing in fire insurance. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-20 E. ZELLER., CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office-- ZelIer block, Zurich, Ont, LODGE MEETINGS Court Zurich Nn. 12.10 �• Oe • meets every tat and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, O. U. VT. Hall. J. J. i'Irr.NI;n, C. Il. A. O. TT. j Rickbeil Lodge • the °and and 4111 Frfda No. 3 93, meets at 8 o'clock, in their � Hall, :Verner r Block.. RED. WITWER ,_lM, W Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets yon can improve both. Sold by J. J . Merner, Clubbing rates. 'We have made arrangements to offer the fallowing low clubbing rates with Tali; HxiUALD; Deily Globe.$ 4.25 , Mail le Epire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 3.60 BerlMail le Empire 1.60 irer loin -nal t'fier{nan) 2,50 Family Herald Be Star 1.75 Daily. Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 4" lyj E E '�! .lam, . PUBLISHED BY E, ZELLER. FRIDAY, AUG Oth 1910. CENSUS OF MORTALITY, DIS- ABILITY .AND COMPENSATION. The date of the next census f Mortality, Disability and Cot pensation is 1st June of next yea which is the same as the date f Population. it is a record for o year, and gives the informati cencernin , eIl pprsnns to r ion, t schedule relates for the year conn ing to the hour of midnight of 31 May 1911. Personal description of eve person who has died in the yea or suffered disability by aociden or sickness and has received cora pensation therefor is required i the schedule, and for more cora plete identification reference i made to his family or household i the first schedule.. The name and sex of person, an whether single, married, widowed divorced or legally separated together with the month of birth the year of birth, the age at las birthday and the country or plat of birth are required ander person al desc�riptinn Nis or her Tania or tribal origin. religion and pro fession, occupation or trade, veil also be recorded under the genera heading of personal description 'whether the reference is to person who have died within the year or to persons who have been disable within the year ,by accident ox sickness, and to persons who Kaye sustained loss of time and earnings and tri allowance or compensation for loss of life or time Under the heading of Mortality records evil' be entered showing the month of death in the census year, the disease or cause of death s described by the Bertillion omenclature, the place of death if t occurred away from home, and he name and address of the herding physician. Disability and Compensation re - ate to accident or aickness, and nder these heads records will be ntered of the nature of loss or jury caused by occident in the eur, cause 01 the accident, week disability dile to sickness or ccident. Allowance or compensation tends eniplort;ee is uer.orded under ree heads: 1. The I.eluntery lnwance which May be made to mplyee by employer for lost time rough sickness or accident ring the year. 2. Compensation the year by employer tinder atute for (1) loss of life by acci- nt, and (2) for injury by olden`, which is required in some evinces of the Dominion, 3. mpensation by insurance for (1) ss of life and (2) for sickness or rye or n - x, or ne on b.P t- st i7 r, •t • n s n e 1 1 • s d VV. y .. c. T. U. THE CRY OF .THE TWO-THIRDS Ah ! 1lovv fast the breath eame for a rnoznertt behind that blonde musta.ohe l and something --was it his wakening manhood?—some thing inside that broadcloth ooat gave an unexpected thrill, what a way this girl lead of putting things as if she saw behind the scenes, simple her words were, her voice quiet and controlled; yet not more rarely to the pressure of hor little finger on the electric button, would have come the answering flash than -to her earnest words sprang up the soul of this young man to be worthy of laer apprecia- tion ; nay, to be worthy to be. With all the strength of his being be deserved her enoonium--wished that he was in reality possessed of possibilities such as she seemed to imagine be had, brit he had no hope that it was true, that she had measured hila aright, it was there- fore with a half smothered sigh that he answered his fair compare. ion "1 wish from my seal that your estimate of ine was the true one, but it is not you are deceived in iliac, . tau tweet is worthless a speoiman Of humanity as you can find. in N --there ; ;n't enough in me to make a res; ectabie scamp, or to get up it deoeet indignation against 'myself." A ripple of amusement answered this state nxent, "Its so delightful to know you do not overrite:yourself, I think we shall not quarrel over estimates at present, and I trust shall cone nearer in the future. Seeing 1' have no sick sister or needy mother dependent on me, what shall 1 do Miss Myers?" be asked humorously, then as she did not answer immediately," I might try my hand on J oselyn but I real ly don't know what I could do for him. Re has . signed the pledge number of times, only to break it. he has been dealt faithfully with over and over, if I should possess a reformer 1 fear he would prove too much for me, even Mr Turmont tried hills and. failed.•' •Perhaps onleone who did not pose as a re- ormer might be more successful Mr Turmont znay have been too err from gin 'to touch him." ''And am somewhat more a kin to Rob? Rise Myers, do you expect nae to hank you for'that compliment 'Not if you do not wish to, I should ot count it cause for sorrow, how - ver if I were nearer than another o a drowning man and thus better le to save hi`fi3, -Wei must get close to inert if we would help them fieetualsy err axikc : ou" said ith gravely,' Ipoitiug�"down with kind of awe into the lifted, thin- g face, He did 'not know why he hen kid her : perhaps it was the spect she had paid his manhood addreseiitg loin thus. Never efore had this son of fashion been preached on such a subject. )3e It the breath of a higher tttnios- here as he walked beside her ; to. e person at least he was some- ing beside the gay, fascinating mug millionaire. "Bur, we roust ek more than reform if we would stroy this rum curse ; the disease eeds itself, it needs germ cure" e sad, They were quiet for a oment, then she said suddebly ; r \Voswlck, what sort of a man you think Rob Joselyn would tike if he did not drink'?'' Keith arted a little at the abruptness of e gaestion ; she eves going back the subject of those Iate re- rks. "A pretty fair one, as n go," he answered, "not a ong character he would never that, there isa't enough of him - t a gentle pleasant gentleman." cite man enough to satisfy Ms tle wife?" "And his eeigbors o. He has fair abilities in some s t I ly n e t iib .lie a in t re in b ap fe p on th St ce de hr sh m do in st th to. ma me str be bu lit ars a n t it n e in y of a to th aI e th du in st do ac Br Go to inj OVLFa 88 YEARS' EXPERIEISCC • TRADE MARKS tf DESIGNS COPVRIGHT5 &,O. &Sine sending a sketch and description roay tintokiy ascertain our opinion tree smother an invention is probable pat ntn ie. Communise. tionsstriatlyeonadenttal. HANDBOOK ou Patents sent free. Oldeat agency for seeuring patentti. Patents taken through Munn. 44 co.recotva Special nnetico, Without char e, in ntrthe ck Ilifc , ericatb unionsfentfcuaLeforoitoairy neietljournal. Trn Canada, $3,75 it year, postage prepaid. Sold by allgg no�svpadeitiiierb. M LJNN Ae C 3618roadway, New Pearl Branch Otaco. 42$ t' at., Waahtngtttti, i . 0r Farmers Wanting Re= pairs for Spring please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second hand Machinery, call and see if I can't fill your wants. Also Agent ter Fairbanks Gasoline Engines, Weigh Scales, Feed Grinders. All kinds of Sawing Machi ales Buggies, Carriages and BAIN WAGONS Jas. t e, 1,4.8 4 "..BCARRIS CO, directions -is quite an artist, has sent out some good pictures." "Theaaic you, now will you kindly tell me if yon know any gentleman who would be really brilliant, able to make his mark in the world were it not for strong drink?" "A half dozen of them at least," was the reply. "Do you a single in- dividual w .o to yonr certain kz,ow. ledge is bettered in anyway by its use?" "not one" he answered, "If then, it improved the poorest to abstain, and improves no one to indulge, who would be injured of the Whole traffic In intoxicants wore done away?" "not one" he said again and added with emphas- is, "and before Clod I wish from the bottom of my heart it wore." "What if ten thousand men wished with you -.-nay, a hundred times ten thousand, w'iat if those thou- sands of men determined it should be so? what can you do toward making them so wish so determine, she put out her hand impulsively. T think yon are waking, tonight is my father's so I must not invite you in, but you know how weloofxle you always are when you please to come" she was gone, Reith went up the street with a face so grave as scarcely to be recognizable by any of his friends "God bless her 1" he said "I believe I am waking. Perhaps that is what makes me so uncomfortable of late. I wish—no matter what I wish --I wend could I get Rob home sober tonig if I tried? I believe I will attem it," as coming in view of friend's home, he shuddered an avoided passing that window turning up another street. H sought the opera house, hoping find Rob there- He spied the -par er ht pt his d by of which Mr. Joselyn had been member, but that gentleman ha disappeared some time before, so he was informed and he soon fol- lowed his example, From one glittering bar room to another he passed ; from one gilded gambling den to another he went ; but no- where did he find the person he sought. The search, begun almost reluctantly, had become eager by midnight. (To be continued) Ethel M. 'Williams, Pres. Supt. The "Flower" of Japan just budding into womanhood„ isn't the object of greater ad- miration than A Loaf of Bread Made by Ma of course the "loaf" must be made of Snow Drift Flour. It is always the same and never goes bacli on you, Snow Drift Flour is the farmer's favorite. Ask your flour dealer for it. ter, COOK SONS & CO HENSALL e Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Laud. to Regulations. ty a AN`i person who is the sole head of a, d family, or auy male over 18 years old, may homestead a quat•ter-section of avail- able Dominion ]aud in Manitoba, Sask. atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear iu person at the Dominion Lands" Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Sia months' residence upon and. cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine. miles of his Homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter,, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in rood standing ray pre-empt a quarter. sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six tnonths in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased Homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per .acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N, B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisomert will not be paid for. ASK MORE QUESTIONS Is the farmer ingnisitive enough about the things pertaining to his own business? It was stated a few. days ago, by a person who travels through the country a lot, that farmers do not ask enough questions. The man engaged in any other calling will take advant- age of every opportunity to acquire knowledge of his own business, If it is necessary to ask a question of anybody, he asks it. If an inquiry sent to a paper will bring the de. sired information, that inquiry is sent. Every avenue for acquiring information is made use of with the result that the person concern- ed soon becomes an expert in the business in which lie is engaged and is on the road to success and prosperity Is the farmer's posi. tion any different? If it is a good thing for the businessman to ask questions and by so doing obtain information that will help him in his business, why is it not a good thing for the farmer? The farmer has at his disposal many avenues for acquiring information. All the various Departments of Agricul- ture, Dominion and Provincial, are at his service. There are pnblic officials paid for this purpose. Then there are other ways of obtaining information. "Can be depended upon" is an expression we all like to hear. and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarr- hoea, dysentery or bowel com- plaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for ohildren and adults. Sold by J. J. Merrier. An International Standard by which all others are being judged. HAMMERLESS REPEATING SHOTGUN The Latest Browning Patent. Six Shots. list Price $27000 The raciest lines known to Shotgun Models. Simpler orPut Togo her. Simplest Mechanism in the World. STEVENS SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS made is the factory of precision with en ac- curacy unparalleled in the world. Ask your Dealer. Insist on sedn -the STEVENS. It he hasn't got le, we will send you the pun, express prepaid. oa receipt of List Price, jey.00, Your .Complete Catalog. ot Stevens Shotguns, hiSes,rhteis, orfsniteeayrpositi 15scnfrtfactory e d you ask for ft, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL co., P. 0. B.x 5002, Chicopee salts, Anja, Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five cents, A piece of flannel dampened with this linim- ent is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by J. J. Merne r. For Zurich and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY coo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firm. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars, PRIAN M II 1 SE Y CO TORONTO, — ONT. 4NIi A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock, We pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a, rare and choice list of zeady sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stock, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Write for terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthi 1I Niirseriet, Est. 1837 Toronto - - Ontario