The Herald, 1910-09-09, Page 2Baby's Terrible Eczema.
Mande Tied to Prevent, Scratching.
Five Doctors Failed to Relieve, But
Zam-Belk Warlced a Cure.
:leas, Chas. le,v=.ire, of Preseot't, North
Channel, Out., tells bow Zaan-lluk cured
her 'baby. - She Buys: "My baby's laetul
and face was one complete utas of
sores. The. itching and irritation were
fearful, and the little one's plight Was
so serious that at one time we feared
her ears would be eaten off by the dis-
"We had to keep her hams tied for
days to prevent her rubbing and.seratclt-
ing the sures. Doctor after doctor treat-
ed her in vain, until we had haft five
tinetors. They all agreed it wase a fright-
ful caae of eczema, but none of them
did any permaneut good.;
"As a last resource we were advised
to try Zam-Buk. The first box dict so
much good that we felt sure we were
at last working in the right direction.
We perserved with the treatment un-
til we had used thirteen boxes, and at
the end of that time 1 am glad to say
Zam-Buk had effected a complete cure.,,
Mrs. lloirees, of " Guise Street, Ha -
Alton. is quite as eloquentHam-
ilton. In her praise.
She says;-"Zam-Sulo cured my boy of
boils and eruptions when he was so bad
that he had been unable to mix with
ether children. Zatn-Ruk Is a wonderful
Preparation and mothers throughout the
land should always keep it hatiettj."
For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tr,ttc
itch ringworm and similar skin dr 'c s-
e�, Zam-Buk is without equal. It also
cures cuts. burns, scalds, piles, abscesses
chronic sores, blood poisoning, ete• ill
druggists and stores at 50 cents a box,
or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co.,
Toronto. Refuse imitations.
A Hard Heart.
Judge Ben P. Lind'ey, of the famous
Denver Juvenile Court. said in the course
of a recent address on charity:
"Too many of ns are ] ie:H ed to think
that one misstep made. the bny is r;on"
for rood. Too many of us arc like the
"An itinerant preacher preached to a
cowboy audience on the 'Prodigal Son.'
He described the foolish prodigal's ex•
travagance and dissipation; he de;erihed
his menure- and hie irns'. t•atinrg with the
swtine in the sty; he deeeribcd his re-
turn, his father's loving welcome, the
rejoicing and the preparation of the fat-
ted caIf.
"The preacher in his disrnnrse noticed
a cowboy staring at hint very hard. He
thought he had made a e•onvert, and, ad-
dressing the cowboy personalty. he said
from the pulpit:
"'My dear friend, what would you
have done if you had bad a prodigal ;on
returning home Iike that?' •
"'MeV said the cowboy, pr nmpt_ly and
fiercely. "I'd have shot the boy and
raised the calf,'"
q e
Be:.uise of its delicate, emollient, San-
ative,, .antiseptic. properties, ties, 3 ri ; ed from
ertalatta e. Oi,ttrsrent, rinds e:i t.i.1: the puna
est of cleansing "ngrecdients and most re-
freshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap
is unrivaled for preserving, purifying
and beautifying the skin, scalp. hair and
hands. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment,
it dispels itching, irritation and inflam-
mation and tends to prevent clogging of
the pores, the cause of many disfiguring
facial eruptions. All who delight in a
clear skin, soft, white hands, a elven,
tvltolesome scalp inti live, glossy hair,
will find Cuticura tamp and t'utieura
Ointment realize every expeetation,
Potato Water for Bread.
If the wa ee in which potatoes are
boiled (one res the potatoes mashed
being added to it) is substituted for
Mille lit making bead, the bread will
remain m=ist lenger according to the
advice of an excellent cook. This
sante cook does net melt her 1 •rd
before adding it to the bread, incor-
porating it With the flour as in mak-
ing pastry,
--meq b 2
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
se -e
Paris to be Made More Beautiful.
''this, already conceded to be one of
the motet beautif::l cities in the world,
recently has borrowed $200,010,000, with
which immense sunt it proposes to put
on some more arehitectnrnl and scenic
frills. Half of the sant will be devoted
to the upkeep of municipal buildings, for
new buildings, for parks, and promen-
ades, That- single interesting unit in
the scheme is an "X" bridge over the
Seine, one drive connecting the Rue de
Rennes with the Roe de Louvre, and the
other eonnecting the wharf of the Lou-
vre with the wharf Conti. A single river
pier will servo as the bridge support.
Useful Manicure SScissors,
.Manicure ecissens will be found in-
valuable in cutting the buttonholed
scallops on a towel or other linen.
It is wise to wash the articles before
cutting, if possible. Then cut out,
trimming any extra frayed tare cds
after the article is finally lat'ndered
and ironed.
The September "American Magazine"
opens with the following prayer by Prot
Walter ltausehenbusclt, of Rochester,
N. Y.;
"O. xodt ire remember withpain and
pity the thousands of our brothers aura
sisters who seek honest work and seek
in vain, ]?or though the unsatisfied
wants of men aro many, and though our
land is wide and calls for labor, yet
these thy sons and daughters have no
placeto labor and aro turned away in
humiliation and despair when they seek
it. U righteous God, we acknowledge
our minium guilt for the disorder of our
industry, which 'thruete even willing
wuriters into the degradation of idleness
and want, and teaches some to love the
sloth which once they feared and hated.
"We remember also with sorrow and
compassion the idle rich, who have vigor
of body and mind and ye't produce no
useful thing. Forgive, them for loading
the burden of then support on the bent
shoulders of the working world. Forgive
them for wasting in refined excess what
would feed the pale children of the poor.
Forgive them for setting their splendor
before the thirsty Overt of the young,
luring then for taking pride in their
seifi•;h livers and deepiaing those by
whose- toil they live. Forgive them for
appeasing their better self by pretended
duties and ui,jurions charities: We be-
seeeh thee to awaken them by the new
voice of thy spirit that they may Iook
up into the stern eyes of Christ and may
be smitten with the bies,ed pangs of re-
pentariee, Grant them, steength of soul
to rise np like Wren from their shame
and give a just retnrn of labor for an
they reeoive and enjoy.
"And to one whole nation do then
grant wisrlon to cerate a world in which
none shall be forced to idle in want, .and
none shall he able to idle in ln:turv, but
in which all shall Igtow the health of
wholesome wrevk and the sweeetness of
well -r -.caner nate,
St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1003.
-llinard's Liniment Co._- Limited.
Gentlemen, -T was harlly kicked by
my horse last May and after using sev-
eral preparations on my leg nothing
would do. My leg was black as jet. I
was laid np in bed for a fortnight and
could not walk. After using three bot-
was perfeetly cured, so that I could start
on the rug.".
Commercial Traveller.
Richest Man's Summer Day.
John D. Rockefeller, the rfehest man
ni the world, has adopted a daily sehe-
dule for the summer days of 1910 at
Forest Hill. Mere it is;
4a30 a.. m. --,Rises, bathes and dresses.
i a. n l.'akos a sti'inli about thy,
grounds, it the weather is fine.
5.30 a. m. -Drinks vamp of clear edra-
0 to 8 a. ma -Conducts
ness he may have.
8 to 9 a. in,-ilreakfast
11 a. It. to 12 m. -Lug
13 m. to2p.m.-A
plttie relaxation from all
riot, and cares.
2 to 0 p. m. -Auto tour
some friend, neighbor or
030 p. m. -!;inner.
8 p. n. to 4.30 a. in.-
l- ab
titi r'
ensu ly stops coughs, cures colds, beats
tae throat and lungs. - • • 25 cents,
Umbrella Economy.
Umbrellas last mew') longer if, dur-
ing fine weather, they ,are never kept
rolled up. If this is done, the silk
will soon begin to fray at the folds,
and a rent will be the result. When
wet, an ulnbrella should be opened
to its fullest extent on entering, and
dried with me handle downward.
There Pre millions of packets
of Wilson's Ply Pads sold every
year, and every Pad will kill
every fly that drinks the poisoned
liquid from it.
whatever t>us'i-
nap and com-
pleasures, wOr-
, generally with
member of his
Cnoking Prunes.
When next cooking prunes, just
before removing them from the stove
add. o little urrewrroot, we With cold
water. This will thicken the syrup
ever so slightly, enhancing the flavor
of the fruit,
Minard'e, Liniment for sale every-
W'II.\T SCIttlh O>;S SEE.
( `; e a' York Preis.)
It is not exa,;garation, but an actual
fact that a good snrge.on a'ltlom ;,ar;,s in
the street for a Welk without saein,a
forms of mild c.tnee,r of the f see. violent
Weer, or Mime, or eronething riding
around on some fellow's lower hip, nose
cyelius, 'Telt these victims of it?
Well, Tip reckons nob. But if the fated
one could only realise what sort of
cutpse head with mossy Wee and pita
in his skull he would looklike when
death came for him two or three years
from now, and if he only knew how
easily and painlessly he might be rn iy
now tarred, of enurse he Weeld fly 1:n
r sur'reon like a lost soul on a fearful
Cleopatra's Nose.
If Cleopatra's nose had h'en shorter,
feee of fh!' w'mn •vnrl•l would have
},en,, eha•..,,i,d,- l+,eat
Sufterc 1 Torttrres Until "I.rxnit-a-tivea"
Took Away The
"Fruit=a.-tires," the famous fruit
medicine, is the greatest and most
selheuengtificntatlsitr, remedy ever discovered for
"Fruit-a-tives," by its marvellous
action on the bowels,'-tidneys and
skin, prevents the accumulation of
Uric Acid, which causes Rheumatism
andrich,thereby keeps the blood pure and
AIrs. Walter Hooper, of Hillview,
Ont., says: "I suffered from severe
Rheumatism, lost the use of my right
arm and could not do my work. Noth-•
ing helped me 'until I tools "Fruit-a-
tives" and this medicine cured me."
If you are subject to Rheumatism,
don't wait until azeVere attack comes
on before treiri ;: "Fruit -a -tires."
Take these' fruit tablets now and thus
prevent rite attacks..
"Fruit -a -tit es is told by all dealers
at 50c a box, 6 for 12.50, or trial box,
25c, or may be ftntti.sed from Fruit -a -
lives, Limited. 01, a':ia.
'ro An ,infant.
O rare bird, unfolding free -
Fairest flower of mystery,
Tender sprig of noble tree, •
Thy liquid eyes aat -s only light;
Thy leaves of life are spotless white
Legate from. lands whore all is bright,
What isthy,cba.itn with beauty rare
Calling ns near. thy joys to share?
Thy mission, teeth street 'signs, declare!
O tell the whencethe reason why,
We listen to thy purest ery.
Hast thou a word from yonder sky?
Pivot and point of farthest reaeh,
Comest thou .from the golden beach?
Speak! . in thy mute celestial speech.
O to learn the song they sing,
And with perfect homage bring
Praises to the only Bing.
W ,Ic ome from the mystic Iand,
Clasp me with they velvet hand;
Take my plisdge by thee to stand.
Comrades, let as look and wait,
Partners of stts>lime fate,
Watching at the morning gate.
-H. T. Miller.
4 sa
Miinard's Liniment Relieves Neural-
gia. •
Fi'ari9. aclodes.)
Stage Manager -Why cticlie,t you go on
tshen you (;ot. your cue. "Come forth"?
Supe --0i was waitin' for the .other
three to go on first; sure, an' how could
I come for, rth if l: wint first?
Breaking His Silence.
"What's all this racket about,"
Asked 'the customer, "overhead?"
"It's a roar from the silent partner, sir,"
The girl et the eounter said,
� b dt•
i49inard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
Sand Bath for Cooling Food,
Where iee cannot be procured a
simple method of pooling anything
that . is canned or bottled is to fill
it box with nice, clean sand and bury
the things in it. The box should be
kept in a shady place and the sand
very damp. A few hours will suffice
to make the articles refreshingly cool,
/tea,. '5 eaZ . 'Weary-, Watery urea.
r.•selieved By Neurine Eye Remedy. Try
ivlurine For Your Lye Troubles. You
Will Lilco Murine. It Soothes, 60e At
Your Druggists. 'Write icor ]rye Books,
tore°. 5lurl'ne Dye Remedy Co., Toronto.
(London Evening News.)
No man living has ever yet seen Lon-
don as it really is.
Tete arceia. fact, twelve Londons, (ma
of "which -the county -is controlled by
4,300 popularly elected Ston and walucn,
who sit on 144 public bodies.
lhe biggest London of all is the po-
lice London, covering 692 square miles;
the smallest is the City of London, eat -
tending t" otte sgttare mile.
When one speaks of London one must
put an Adjective in to describe whnt
London i, referred to. Here are the
Londono, tvitll their areas as known to
the law:
City of London, one square mile.
county of London, 115 square ntilos.
Water London, 537 square guilds,
Postal London, 220 square railae.
Pat•liam.ntary London, 630 square
Telephone London, 117 square miles.
lrccicsiestical London, 120 square
Grear Landon,squamilai,
PoliceteLondon, 6'(11 square utiles.
Police CourtLondon, 114 square 'Milos.
Central Criminal. Court London, 420
square miles
County Court London, 20.i squaremiles,
The smallest population of one Lon-
20,000- in the city ---and the lar:;.
rest population, 6,550,000 ---in Greater
mC HAT • SAVEt) II cm.
"1 et,eo, knocked down by an .auto yes-
trrrir • "
rr�Wrett, you 'don't seem to be seriously
injurer' a
'Y o, rive t''e e link! The o• 'ttcr of the
]Motor Cara to Geoerate Electric Light.
One of the greatest additions to the
pleasure and convenience - of night mo-
toring is an unproved, electric light eye -
tem recently perforated abroad. - ...,y•
moans e• it greatly increased n•
s t a e l t>fiici.>r
fir' ,?'
ey for all the lights of the ear is aeeun
ed, as well as a much safer a,r.i mere
convenient system than has herotofoi•e
been employed, The system in eueetion
consists of a small multi -polar genera-
tor h.atving a positive drive from the en-
gine, fold is contained under the same
hood. Besides this, •a flevieo known as
a load regulator send a small storage
battery are required. The generator,
which runs upon ball bearings, and
weighs but twenty-four pounds, 15 cap-
able • of producing tite required current,
even on a slow speed of the engine, to
light all the regular• equipment of
lamps. It also furnishes the ignition
spark for the engine. If running -et a
high speed or when the engine is being
operated free of the machine, the load
regulator comes into play, diverting the
excess current generated into the stor-
age battery, and thus keeping it at nil
times fully charged and able to supply
the necessary current • for the lamps
when the machine at standing idle. It is
unnecessary for the chauffeur to leave
his seat in the machine, either to light
or adjust the lamps; or to ascertain
the amount of current being generated
by the dynamo or the battery. An in-
strument located directly in front of
him gives all the necessary information.
A @"r' .E(
This is a poldon opportunity for any.
nee to own au instrument. We have a
large stuck of used plenum, taken en ex-
change on Ideintzuaan & Co. pianos.
These instruments are such Well-known
makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines
Bros., Thomas and Dominion, and the
price is from $60 to $125. Each on
guaranteed for five years, and will be
taken back In exchange with full am-
ount allowed any time in three years.
Do not Iot this chance slip by you. A
'post card will bring full particulars,
rleintzman d, Co., 71 King street east,
Iiamilton, Ont.
ALL )'0it JACK.
(Christian Guardian.)
One of the riflemen at the l3isley
ranges this year is a Briton named Tan
C.'ht'ow Iiim. He belongs to the Singa-
pore team, and is the first Chinese Bri-
ton to contest the Empire Cup. Mr. Tan
Chow Kim is a sergeant in the battal-
ion 61 Singapore native volunteers, and
is supposed to be one of the finest COI -
nese shots in Asia. Another competitor
at Birley this year is Sergeant Befell
Singly, a member of the Msley State
Guide e.. There are surely many strange
names enrolled under the flag of the em'-
pire, but all of them. will fight for the
rent.•'"r' lack,
P u
In thirty years there has never
been one of Wilson's Fly Pads
sent out that would not kill flies
in immense quantities, if in the
first place the flies were in the
house, and if the housekeeper
followed the directions and got
them to the Pads.
Carry Your Umbrella In Your Pocket.
A twenty-six inch umbrella that will
fold up and go in an inside pocket with-
out crowding has been invented and
constructed by a Minneapolis man. This
seems almost ineredible until the secret
is told. The handle and all the ribs eona-
sist of fine steel tubes, in sections,
which takes up but little room. The
wooden handle of the umbrella is hollow
and receives all the rest of the telescop-
ing umbrella rod when shut up. A
small light case is provided to contain
the whole, which. as stated, goes easily
into the pocket. If such a device can be
made and sold for a reasonable price
there is little doubt but that the inven-
tor will make a fortune.
Another Question..
"I bate to bother you, pop, but, really,
I'd like to know—"
"Neil, what?"
"How it happens that baby fish don't
get drowned before they've leerrte;t to
ISSUE JNO. 36 1910
CalTA12T A T1flA 170UTL TO -DAY. SENT)
iJ nostai for circulars, or 10e for SUM. -
pies and terms. Alfred Tyler, London.
$2,00 TO 55.00 A DAY SURE.
Pleasant, lronor'able work at your own
hum(-, for man or woman, No experience
of et.oltal necessary. Our Company with
anile capital, will furnish work and
nituis absolutely free. Edward McGarvey,
Manager, Toronto, Ont.
Dr. acrd's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo•
men's ailments, a scientifically pre•
pared remedy of proven worth. 1 ire
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all d'•ug stores,
-' • .mzramt
i�gg �gg
r )11 0, g+ t3�cRON
A specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Write fur Tull particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 108. St. James St.,
Switzerland's Longest Bridge.
According toitlie London Times, the
longest bridge in Switzerland was
,a:I>ieta:I recently on the Toggen-
burg-Constanee line. The bridge,
which spans a ravine and a stream,
is 350m. in length and 08m. high,
while the principal piers have a
foundation depth of lOm. The cen-
tral span is 120m long. Owing to the
fact that the line is an important
strategic one, precautions have been
taken to demolish it instantly, and
for this purpose a dynamite cham-
ber has been built under the bridge.
About 29,000 cubic metres of masonry
were employed in the construction of
the bridge, which, so far, has cost
80,000 pounds. Under the supervision
of Federal engineers and experts, the
bridge was substituted to severe tests.
Four loaded locomotives, each weigh-
ing 87.7 tons, were placed on the
principal span for ten minutes, and a
heavy goods trait. was passed aver at
full speed.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs, M. Sum-
mers, Box W. S, Windsor, Ont., will send
free to any mother her successful home
treatment, with full instructions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this u•ay. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
Roll olr. 0 'shining sun,
To the far seas;
Bring down, ye shades of' eve,
The soft, salt breeze.
Shine out, 0 stars, and light
My darling's pathway bright,
As though the summer night
She comes to ane.
-John Hay.
is an enemy within the camp. It will
undermine the strongest constitu-
tion and ruin the most vigorous
health. It leads to indigestioi1e bit-
iousness, impure blood, bad complex-
ion, sick headaches, and is one of
the most frequent causes of appen-
dicitis. To neglect it is slow sui-
cide, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
positively aura Constipation. They
are entirely vegetable in composi-
tion and do not sicken, weaken or
gripe. Preserve your health by
en cif it,TZ tc3,
(Catholic ,Standard and Times.).
"Why don't you try' one of those to-
bacco cures on your son?" asked Gaddie.
"That wouldn't have any effect on
him," replied Poptey.
"Ohl yes; they simply kill alt appetite
for tobacco"
'l3ut he smokes cigatrettes."
relieve and cure indigestion -acidity of the stomach -biliousness -flatulence
-dyspepsia. They re-inforce the stomach by supplying the active principles
needed for the digestion of all kinds of food. Try ono after each meal.
50c. a box. if your druggist has not stocked them yet, send us 50c.
and we will mail you a box. 33
National ttntg and Cite:Meal Comaony of Canada, limited. Montreal.
They make no noise or sputter --a quiet, steady flame. The match
for the smoker, the office and the 'tome.
All good dealers keep them and Eddy's woodcnware, Fibre rare,
Tubs, Pails and Washboterde.
The Eo Be EDDY Co., Limited,
n':Arre 3 Etalaararartarealialfae.,Z. wetak+irWird' .-"" d'nielair•::eoe ages! Zaar e.-7i,,.a i' i+gire