HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-09-02, Page 8This is the season of the year when v,e dean out our sumer ,.1-o k, fl oc-der to make room for GOOCIIS. ' i S offloading tine' T-i'we want to dear out all our Tp 'n. - and s mn er Goods. lhere 1. - s Warne to wear them but al. TODITI to carry over any stock in is store, we have placed prices: on all our sum= ‘,t.,:umtt,tang for nen and boys r• li uEL 11.:7, your opportunity to save horn yo Ordered Clothing We waist to keep busy until our fall or– +1ers coma in, and now is your opportunity to save money on an Ordered Suit or odd Trousers. • et lisy and buy flow. NsN S P.� P We've too many suits, and we are going to sell. then, t flats the situation, put plainly. vsJollQ "d -at Sale strawsl "Vacate T ', Every hitt must � state at Once" There's plenty of straw hat weather ahead, but now is our time to Stell thelia and sell we Must. Girl's and Joy's 35 cts sailors, for 25 cents Men's and Boy's 60 cts straw flats for 45 cts Men's and Boy's 1.35 straw hats, for 90 cents�'i en's 1.50 and 1.85 straw hats, for 1.10. t .n IIU0LINS—Wn are clearing not all fancy, plain and swiss =silos, that sold for 25, 20, 15, 12, and 10, all reduced to._ • • • •....• • • •, ...• • • • • • 5as• Linen and Duck Suitings Wo have a few pieces of Fancy Suitings left which will be • sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specific This is the time of the year when the poultry man coni - plains of ileus not laying and some dying. ''Royal Pt -triple Stock Specific," has provers one of the most successful e ..y and flesh producers. This preparation once tried will give sat15- V faction, and every package is guaranteed to give', satiaiaction or your looney "Refunded." lice for rod ce GENERAL MERCHANT ri9 nt �' ri o +„ w Hemlock & Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having a [large stock of prime Hemlock and cedar, is prepared to out to order any bill up to 36 feet long in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD BAYFIELD Si SS RUS 1 N � The Young Men Of this town have i°airlyswoop- ed down upon lis this spring. and ordoied suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wascloing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. So if roil want your suit to i. ar well and fit well have.it tailored with us. Suits from 1.512. to $24. Laundry in. Connection � 1 m E. Oak e!i MAN Tailor, - ZURICH i3 kin fit{ -i © 1 G, ©erf4P5 Q WANTED Girls warted for newest n brightest, cleanest and most up-to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing ▪ Ladies' waists. Girls ex• perieneecl on power sewing maohhies preferred, • but degigger. • .fii1l be taught. • Comfortable quarters. Steady work, Good wages. a THE STAR wHITEwEAR MFG. CO. Berlin, - - Ontario, oDOXI.an IDml3 ftiDe ao. i",am- ccs' e d 4 ooPc.•o z ,. .;� o'0 4VG 000 t You will be surprised at our large stock �g of Shoes for men, women and children, but0�0 as leaders in the trade we have to keep the D D very best. Our turn=over is so large that �p we can and do give you better prices than 4 you aro accustomed to get. Our Spring Stock 0 will be found right. Call and examine it. 40 Q0 Qi) 'o r ri Stoc es P. ER, Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town We want to ray a good Word for the man wh.o meets his small obli gations prointitly. They are not as plentiful as they should be and the man needs. encouraging. Most glen will pay but fewer will pay prompt- ly. Almost any firm will testify that counting, the time postage, booking and the like, it costs all seine accounts are worth to collect them and still the man owing; it to thele is perfectly responsible in a financial way. • It very often hap. pens that the worst sinner in this particular is the man best able to pay. The annual report of the Van- couver Board of Trade for the year 1909-1910 has just been issued and containstnuch of interest regard- ing the growth of that important coast city. The statistics are worth studying. Five years ago bank clearings :totalled $75,000,000, last vent they amounted to $290,000,000 Customs duties there in 1000 amounted to $300,000, in 1909 they reached a total of $4,000,000 Building permits in 1004 amounted to about $2,000,000, last year the amount was $7,250,000• The pop- ulation is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100,000. Stich growth as this commands atten. tion, and more than anything else it makes evident the foot that Vancouver, as well as the entire province of British Columbia has ahead of her a future of unlimited pessibiliti.es. OVER ea YEARS' EXPERIENCE . TRADE MARES D&sini46 COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone tending a sketch and dcsorlptlon mai' quickly ascertain Ont opinlen free whether an Invention la probablyatentable. COmmnntea• Mons strlotlyconfdentipal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oideet agency foreeo,ring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notke, without Charge, In the p !1 �al!/ R� Rn1 i�4L A handsotYlely ilh,etrated weekly. Largest eir- enatlon oofiany-dentias v ©Orval. Tcrrn for Canada, 3,, a year, Postage prepaid, Sold by »ll new-deatCrds ���� MUNN Co $876roallwar, New iFlraneh nice. tik Ii pt,. 4Yaahington, b. An Mart r ntari aint H4 l les \/OU are not asked to try a&ftt new discovery" nor to make an experiment when you paint with ROBERTSON '5 PURE PREPARED EST It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar- ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province—not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices. - .* PHONE 13 ZURICH !HURON'S LAa.a"'CEST COMBINATION ..STORE a r ru, "94 1 New stock of Pine and. Hem= lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand Shingles, big shipments just to hand. BrI }.g in y ;ur 1u °der Now L i. l�tiONEVIIIMIZOONMOMMIIMI 1� �.� `Il�li ZURICI OD MED OD CEIMM DCGTTDeDGMAGOPCOZIDGOMMOUD GSM OD O➢'1® CID COED eD®Lb0.10MUD WORM GD®UD 0:11:19GDa®OD (11=0Ga 0• SEPT.0 9TH TO 17 191 LONDON, CAN DA_ —._.._._..._.. e Speed Events $25,000.00 IN PRIZES AND OPEN TO ALL ATTRACTIONS 1 e, Show. j Attractions Better Than Ever. Don't Miss It. Fire- works Each Night, 9 1 The Great give Stock Exhibition Everyday, Dog Show Cat Athletic Day Monday. Reduced Rates over all Roads VISIT LONDON'S EXHIBITION 8 Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all information from W. J. REID, Pres,, A• M. IIUSIT, .'sec es 4.,aDaaenaaar�DGDw000a®oDrwioe�pwa aaoseaaoaiocoomooDonotw nomeV6�4om omen sc ao cna