The Herald, 1910-09-02, Page 64.0
Crare'.J Sprung ToneIon,
Collar and Saddle Galls
2$t nmu1toba Are„ Winnipeg,
1141,. 1709.
"I bane used your Spav1u Cut on a Sprung
Tendon with good results and I can recommend It
for Collar And Saddle Cans." J. n. lariat.
dl 9s
Sp villa Cure
SS a blessing to farmers and stockmen. In the past
PD years, ffondae's Sparta Cure has literally saved
millions of dollars ter bones owners.
Itis the one remedy tbat can always be deponded
upon to absolutely cure Spavin, 8lugboao, Curb,
Splint., Swellings and Lameness.
Never blisters, scam or turns the hair albite.
As good Amman se for beast.
Aeop Kendall's always handy. OL. a bottle—
d for t6. When you boy at your dealer's, got copy
of our book "A Treatise On The Ifo se"—It's Area
—or write us ci
B. J. KENDALL CO.. Enosborg Pails, Vt.
(Catholic Standard and Times,)
".Sir," began Lord I3roke'.e?ig'1. pompons.
ly, "I've called to request your dangh-
ter'a hand in marriage"
"That's out of the question, my men,"
replied old itoxley. " Ilow.'ver. I d•in't
want to seem aItotether unel!arit:tble, so
here's $3 for you."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
What Women Are Saying.
"One true heart, on which to rest,
is worth all the fame in the world.
No one can live without love. Faith-
fulness to one person through Iife is
possible, normal and right. If you
cannot get the person s-ou most want,
it is better to take the person you
can get than to live a lonely life."—
Laura Sean Libbey, authoress and
vaudeville monologist.
"Beautiful gowns should only be
worn by beautiful women. Stout and
middle-aged women should never
dress in the height of fashion. They
should create fahions of their own,
which suit themselves. Then they
may always be attractive and Charm-
ing.",—Lady Duff -Gorden (Mine. Lu-
The First Airship Service.
it is now reported that the first of
the steerable airstrips wroth are to ruin
between allaris aua the provrneee is eo
leave „5•'ortrouvilie, near Paris, some tine
this tuooth, for \1e aux. During the
levies exhibition sac May Make trips
around that towel,. It is evident from
ail toe •pricey of aerial voyages quoted
so far that only the rich amuug us will
be able to atiuid there fur sone time to
comae. From n. 2 to :t 4 is mentioned by
the president of the Aerial League as
the probable cost of a trip of thirty
miles only.
it is true that airship sheds (or docks,
to be mere con•eiett.nt) cost not less than
d:'�,UOO, and may Gust well on to x'u,000,
and that an airship itself casts from
£10,000 to tC1U,00U, and may very like-
ly soon have an accident which will cost
lunch more to put right. But railway
stations and railway trans; and espec-
ially railway lines, cost much more
than this to build.
We were all 'thinking that Lucerne
Was to have the first airship service
connected with a German town, but now
it seems that Frame is to -have this
honor. The Lucerne -Germany service
is not promised until next summer,
while the Paris to Fontainbleau, Rouen,
Lyons, Bordeaux, Pau or Nancy services
are promised, at any rate, some of thele
by September next.
There will be fire steerable airships of
the .Patrie type, which will carry from
eight to twenty passengers each, besides
crew: Paris will be their port and the
docks will be at lesy. There will be
four lino, out toward the east, via
Reims (three 'of the stations on which
are said to be practically ready), one
toward the southeast (the stations on
which are not yet begun), a third to-
ward the southwest to Orleans, Tours,
13ordeoux and Pau, and a fourth to the
west of Rouen, via Sartrouville, which
has a station already. The first airship
is ready and has been named the Ville
de Naue:y.—The Queen,
(Baltimore American.)
"Jobbins is a touch-and-go sort of fel.
"Yes, I know. He touched lire for five
and then he went."
Don't imagine for a minute that
you can kill all the flies in your
house in a day with one or two
Fly Pads. Two of Wilson's Fly
Pads for each window of the in-
fected rooms will, however, clear
them out in short order.
First Breach of Promise Case in
The fleet breach of promise ease has
'Records show that by fax the great- t just been decided in Austria. It was
'est number of deaths among little- ones
occur during the hot summer months.
The ceeessive heat, the difficulty in
keeplag .baby's luil':! sweet, improper
iced all tend towards bringing on those
dreaded baby troubles --eholera infant-
- urn, diarroheu..dyseutery and other stom-
ach and bowel truui:les. lo guard against
tlte;o troubles Baby's Own Tablets
should be h€'pt in the hou-e. An occas-
ional does of the Tables zvi]I pz•event
these deadly summer complaints or t-ure
them if they come on suddenly... Mrs.
0. Morin, Ste. 7.'itc:, Que., says: "My
baby suffered from a severe attack of
cholera infantum, but after giving him
Baby's Own 'Tablets the trouble disap-
peared and he regained health splen-
didly." The Tablets are solei by medi-
cine dealers or by ]nail at 25 e, its a
box from The I)r. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brcekville, Ont.
Most of Us.
Lcok wiser than re talk.
Find fault lxeause we're near-sighted.
Muke mistakes; tiny a few profit by
])o best in after life what we played
at ;nest in youth.
Enjoy ourselves most when wo. forget
ourselves most.
Can talk, but may one here and there
can really converse.
Find it easier to be good than great;
there's leas oppesiticn.
Wislt to be loved,- but overlook the
proviso: We ourselves must love first.
Would get na better if we glee as
much attention to fair work as We do
to fair play.
Fail to grow because we hold to the
,impression that we're contained be-
tween our hat and our boots.
Would enjoy greater privileges if only
we showed ourselves more appreciative
of their accompanying responsibilities.
Would be better of if we'd give more
.thought to how nowt' we et uld do with-
out and ]toss to how until we could ac-
euniulate.—The I'onkkeeper.
(Catholic Standard and Times.)
. Owlett-I had an awful time thinking
up an excuse to give my -wile when I
got home from the club last night.
,scum—Did she demand one?
Owlett—Of course; 1 got hone so ear-
ly it piqued enriosity,
brought by Fraulein Ilelen von Suss-
mandI, the well-known opera singer,
against aliron von Frankenstein.
Some month; ago a marriage was ar-
ranged between them. The banns were
published. the date of the wedding fixed,
when suddenly the Baron declared the
engagement at an end.
Fraulein von Sussmandl brought an
action of breach of promise. claiming 80,-
000 kronen damages. Before judgment
was given an arrangement was comae to,
the opera singer receiving 13,000 kronen
as solution.—From the 7elagdeburger
To Reduce Erosion.
The erosion of reservoir hanke by wave
aetion may be reduced greatly, aeeord-
beg to a bulletin of the United States
Department of Agriculture by P. E. Ful-
ler, by loraiing a boon of old railroad
:ilk pars or other fi mbe-r around the in-
ner banks. The slecoces should be held
together by cleats securely nailed. and
the entire boon] anchored in a line three
feet from tate banks. This precaution
is suggested in rounection with small
earth reservoirs for irrigating small
Famous Sayings.
"The upper ten." --Nathaniel P, Willis:
Znterprise, Ont., October est, igo8.
"I sufferedtortures for seven long
years from'. a grater Tumor. I was
forced to take morphia constantly to
relieve the awful pains, and I wanted to
die to get relief. The doctors gave me
up and nay friends hourly expected my
death. Then. I was induced to take
"Fruit-a-tives" and this wonderful fruit
medicine has completely cured me.
When I appeared on the street again
my friends exclaimed 'The dead has
come to life.' ,The cure was a positive
5oc a box -6 for $2.5o --or trial box,
250. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa" -
Howard—When Dr, Incision operated
on me he left a pair of surgical scissors
in my anatomy, Can I sue him for dam-
Lawyer—Better -just send him a largo
hill for storage.
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
where. -
(National Monthly.)
A prominent • lawyer of Miami re-
cently received a call from a colored
"What's the trouble?" inquired the
lawyer. • - - -
"It's about mall ole man. He's cahy-
in' on Thigh wit' a. lot no-ocamt gals, he
is, an' sumfiu's got to be done!"
"Do you want a divorce?"
"Go 'long, man. Divorce nuffin
Think I'se gwine to gin him des 'what
ho wants, an"'low him to go sky -shoot'
in' round. wif dem gals? Not on you'
ife, mister lawyer, I don't want to di-
vorce; what. I wants is a 'junction."
Carterhall, Nfld.
Minard's Liniment Co:, Limited:
:)ear ,Sirs; -While in the country last
summer 1 was badly bitten by mosqui-
toes, so bad'eAthat I. thought 'I would
be disfigured bpit' a'tionple of weeks. I
was advised tF try your Liniment to al-
lay the irritation, and did so. The effect
was mare than I expected, a few applica-
tions completely curing the irritation,
and preventing the bites from becoming
sore. MI1' ItD'S LINIMENT is also a
good article to keep off the mosquitoes.
Yours truly,
W. A. V. R.
Pr71�e +'t' 38'$&99
ndearn Rost Pills
exactly meet the need which so of-
ten arises in every family for a
reedieine to open up and regulate
the bowels. Not only are they ef-
fective in all eases of Constipation,
but they help greatly in breaking
up a Calc] or La Grippe by cleaning
cut the system and purifying the
blood. In the same way they re-
lieve or cure Biliousness. Indigestion,
Sick headaches. Rheu.metisnl and
other common ailments. in the full-
est sense of the words, Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills are
A Household Remedy
Indiana's Wall a•ta gealoons.
Hr walks along the estreets.ou Sunday,
a covered basket on his arm, a brazen
gaze for all "coppers" and a sly wink for
all dry drinkers, Fie is the "walking
saloon,' 'brought into being by Mayor
Shank's Sunday closing order. The po-
llen are looking for him, but than far
have- found only two of hint. Two hun-
dred Al Alt' of him are said to be tramp-
ing the greets on Sunday,
'i'he walking saloon does riot eonfiie
ata efforts to Indianapolis. I3c oily h.4
found in any dry territory in Indiella at
any end all tines, and mere, thin th(aa-
fourilis of the State is dl v.
The walking ytionn So -s not carry a
11cteea; hie only Ineem111•:uir' is a big
basket, Ific get: it on Stu'dty •and
peddles It on Sunday in the highways.
and byways of the, city end the State.
ifs !s a puzzle to the pence, for all lila.
ket earrlers are not w11kdne, a.11•:ons, al
though all walking eutlnons ere beeket
earrlers,—From the Ind•L:inepolis Sun,
Wigg—He is Val mot.t fornrtl inll-
vidual I know. Mra gee-11ra's light, I
don't believe he would even ]Lew to the
inevitable without a formal horrible -
Earliest Use of Mineral Ink.
In ancient times Indian ink, made
from lampblack and glue, was used for
writing on papyri; but inspection of the
earliest MSS. on vellum or parchment
shows that iron -gall inks were introduc-
ed not later than the ninth century.
The reason for the change, says the
t'niversity Cnrespondentwas that, al-
though a carbon ink is more permanent,
it has no penetrating power and can be
sponged from the vellum, whereas the
iron ink bites into the fibre, and resists
the action of air and light.
Rea, 'Weak. %'voari, Watery Eyes.
!Relieved By Murine Foye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At
Your Druggists, Write For Eye Books,
H'ree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
The expression, "The Upper Ten,"
seems to have originated with Nathaniel
P.' Willis, the American poet and writer
on varied subjects. In a contribution
on "Necessity for aPromenade Drive"
Z'1ni111s .wrote "at present there is no
distinction among the upper ten thou-
sand of the eity,"
The idea seems to have impressed
Janes Fenimore Cooper, for in his "The
Ways' of the Hour," published in 1850,
he says: "Those families, you know,
are our upper Crust—not upper ten
The quoted lines appeared first in the
,New York Mirror, which Willis assist-
ed in establishing, and in which most
,of his work appeared during the twenty
,bears he was connected with the paper,
,els a prose writer, of ease and elegance,
Willis was justly admired. He was an
observing traveller, and he knew how
to present his adventures in glowing
colors. However, his writings were mar-
red by frivolous conceits and he made
merchandise of facts and opinions that
he gleaned in private intercourse.
These las: transgressions eventually
led to quarrels and personal encounters.
Lockha-rd gave hint a severe castigation
in the Quarterly Review, and, with
Capt. Marryat, then editor of the Met-
ropolitan Magazine, he fought a blood
less duel.
All Around the Home.
(By Cynthia Grey.)
The grape fruit for breakfast should
be cut in half the night before, the seeds
all carefully removed, and sugar sprin-
kled over the fruit, which should then
be placed in therefrigeratorover night.
The result is a delicious fruit for break-
fast, sans all bitterness.
To clown a straw hat, cut a lemon in
half and rub the cut surface over the
soiled straw, squeezing the juice out
while rubbing. The straw will soon be
ns bright as when new; then rub dry
cornmeal over the straw with a. sponge
or rag to remove any particles of lemon.
Or strain lemon juice through afine
fabric and dip an old toothbrush into
the juice and scour the straw. Or dis-
solve tartaric acid in water to make
what is practically lemon juice.
To get rid of the red water which is
frequently found at the bottom of the
kitchen boiler, empty it entirely and
wine dry. Then cement wash it, just as
you would whitewash anything, and let
it dry before yeti put water into it. By
so doing you will have .no mo1'o dirty red
?lames of States.
Rhode Island means Iced Island. Sail-
ing' up the bay, land'pf a reddish appear-
ance was observed, and it was called
Rood (red) Island. New Jersey- was
named in honer of LordCarteret, who
had been Governor of the Island of 7ersny
in the English Channel. Pennsylvania
is siulply "t'eno'r 'Woods." Caro-
linas trete not named after Quee4i ,Caro•
line, bat after Charles TI.; the Latin of
Charles being Clarolns, hence Carolina.
Ohio means `"beautiful. river;" ferules-
seas, "river with the great bond;" 1111-
nois, "river of men". -•-river along which
teen live; Ala.baina, "here we rest," and
lawa, "drowsy drips, or sleepy heads."
(Montreal Star.)
In an. article entitled "The Faith that
Heals," published in the British Medi
cal Journal, Dr. Osler says:
"Faith has always been an essential
factor in the practise of medicine. Ono
good result of the recent development
of mental healing has been to call a t-
tentiou to its great value as a measure
to be carefully and scientifically ap-
plied in suitable cases.
"My experience has been that of the
unconscious rather than the deliberate
faith healer. Phenomenal, even what
could be called miraculous, cures are
'not very uncommon. Like others, I
have had cases, any one of which un-
der suitable conditions could have been
'worthy of a shrine or made the germ
of a pilgrimage."
$11.00 Atlantic City and Return
Via Lehigh Valley R. R., from Sus-
pension Bridge, Friday, Sept. 2nd. Tick-
ets good to return within 15 days, and
stop -over at Philadelphia. Particulars
8 Xing street east, Toronto.
Worth Knowing,
The skewers that come in meat, or the
orange wood sticks, are very useful to
clean out corners of windows, otherwise
inaccessible places along shelves and
baseboards and any crevice. Qne finds
them indispensible after once using.
All cooking teachers recommend the
frothing of chocolate. It should be
beaten with a patent egg beater before
sending it to the table, - whether whip-
ped cream is to be served with it or
not. An English chocolate pot is sure
to be provided with. its long paddle
whose handle goes through the lid of
the pot. As each cupful is served the
paddle is turned briskly two or three
time before the chocolate ispoured off,
the process being known over there as
Jellied chicken is easily prepared, and
making an attractive dish, especially if
there are stoned olives served with it,
or quartered eggs around the mould, or
chopped aspic jelly. Cold lamb, sliced
thin, is improved by a border of broiled
tomatoes, and cold roast beef is ren-
dered more appetizing by them also.
Cat's "Whiskers."
It isn't altogether aie accident that
Tabiby has a crop of t",,vhiskers," or
feelers, growing from her upper -lip and
from near her eyes.
In fact, not having any hands, thoese
"whiskers" serve much the same purpose
that you use your hands for. With the
feelers Tabby is able to feel her way
about in the dark, for thy are highly
sensitive and abundantly supplied with
nerves communicating with the brain.
Puss' eyesight is pretty good, but she
is predisposed to be nocturnal in habits.
With the aid of the feelers and a highly
developed sense of smell, she is able to
get around either in the daytime or af-
ter night.
r.-- 4 le
Separating Whites from Yolks.
A new machine separates the whites
and yolks of opened eggs. by allowing
the former to pass through a sieve and
automaticaly ejects bad. eggs, which ,will
not separate, their weight tipping a
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
Dinks—So you enjoyed the circus?
Winks --Yes; I was particularly inter-
ested in the juggler. P11 bet that man
could get any number of bundles from
a street car to the train without drop-
ping one of them. --St. Louis Times.
ISSUE NO. 35, 1910
ki salary paid, Alfred Tyler, 955 Clar
euce street, London, Ont.
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
1121112.1=1.1119211.1120 [612011140101MOICIL
Prescribed and recommended for wo•
men's ailments, a scientifically . pre.
pared remedy of proven worth. 1 hd
result from their use is quick and per.
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
lb JZI5z •t?
Ca D. SHELDON5n13rso e,,rrnt
A specialty made of investment's
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks. -
Write for full particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 108, St. James St.,
,tirOJ IfieiiMi. inti L
A Song.
Not from the whole wide world I choose
:Sweetheart, light of the land and sea!
The wide, wide world could not inclose
For thou art the whole wide world to
—Richard Watson Gilder.
To A11 Women: I will send free with full
instructions, my home treatment which
positively cures Leuoerrhoea, Ulceration,
Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes,
Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains in the Head.
Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
sex. You can continue treatment at home at
a coat of only 12 cents a week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent
trey on request. Write to -day. Address,
Mrs. M. Stunmers. Bon II. 8, Windsor. one.
A Living Memory.
My absent daugnter—gentle, gentle
Your life doth never fade! -
Oh, everywhere I see your blue eyes
And ,on my heart, in 'healing or com-
I feel the pressure of your small, warm
That slipped at dawn, almost without a
sigh, .
So softly out of mine!
Wm. A. Croffut.
Snakes are unpleasant reptiles
and most ladies would get very
much excited if they knew there
were three or four in the house.
Yet snakes are cleanly and most
kinds are harmless, but the house
flies - you allow to live in your
kitchen and dining rooms are
probably loaded with germs of in-
fectious and deadly disease. The
remedy is found in the constant
use of Wilson's Fly Pads during
the summer months. No other
fly killer compares with them.
(lN ew York Sun.)
Iinicker—The cost of food has gone
Bocker—But it doesn't coat any more
to pile the home plate with 200 pounda
of beef.
This is a golden opportunity for any-
one to own an instrument. We have a
large stock of used pianos, taken :n ex-
change on Heintzman & Co. pianos.
These instruments are such well-known
makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines
Bros., Thomas and Dominion, and the
price is from $60 to $125. Each one
guaranteed for five years, and will be
taken back in exchange with full am,
ount allowed any time in three years.
Do not let this chance slip by you. A
post card will bring full particulars.—
Heintzman & Co., 71 King street east,
Hamilton, Ont.
There's nothing like it.
Getting in training is easy.
Loose, comfortable clothing is neces-
To begin with, one may walk a quar-
ter -mile.
The following day half a mile should
be walked.
Then add a quarter of a mile every
day until the four-n.ile point.
Some may filed it an advantage to go
up the seale a bit more slowly.
It may be will in many cases to take
the half -mile, one -mile, two-mile and
three mile 'Iva as several days before at-
tempting an increase.
ztriiteisllG at7!'all'i1tfi4•.+.r vmmiMt,gll.ttl+T
1a 1`
They make no noise or sputter—a quiet, steady Bailee.. The match
for the smoker, the office and the '.:ooze. - All geoid dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, Fibreware,
Tubs, Pails and 'Washboards.
The E. Be EDDY Co., Limited,
dr&"!.:*S. .,.'�r ""t•y":•". ,..