HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-09-02, Page 5FI) 9 ACL TLE I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2t in, to six inob, If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ioh, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. Mived! ''%ovedL SHOP AN STOOK MAIN STREET directly West of Dorninion House Ready to supply you with just et -little bit tho Nicest - JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIE'TS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, N ecklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, -Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, Wo will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. gDOZ'®4De04111,0'8CD4DCS2214D(ZISDCID2 EDOGINZIP4g 9 E TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for having made the past year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. R. N. DOUGLAS General 'Merchant, B L A K E. § 5 .44D®gnasio4D4ali)4 DO=VIDOMNI DMEW 4DmI+4M Ailea 'Craig Sept. 21 and 22, Blyth.,..„ . , , Oct, 4 and 5. Bri gcten . Oct. 4. Brussels... , . , . . , .. Oct. 6 and 7• Dungannon Oot. 6 and 7. Sept. 27 and 28. Sept. 19 and 20. Oct. 1, Gocl.erieh .... , . Sept, 19, 20, 21. Hamilton... Sept, 14 and 1e,. Kirktcn • ..-Oot. 6 and 7 Listowel.. .Sept. 20 and 91. London.. ' ... ....Sept, 9-17 Lucknow. ....Sept. 22 and 23 Sept, 20 and 21. • Sept. 15 and 10. Sept, 9-17, • .Oct. 4 and 5. . Sept 27 and 28 Sept. 27 and 28. . Sept, 22 and 23. Sept. ] 9 and 20. Sept. 13 and 14. Sept. 29 80. Sept. 21, 22, 23. .... Sept. 21, 22. Elmira Exeter Fordwich m o a Zt1A C ,iO a a q MEAT MARKET ET WEkeep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNCA T BEICHERT ARE YOU R1 'u ED I can euro the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE acid remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. Sittthrii, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. N M G s Name Address...,.. i Age Time,Rup Single or double, ... , Satisfaction guaranteed emeeameaseemeeeeeeneeemeeseee aerate, Mitchell New Hamburg Ottawa Parkhill Riplcly St Mary's Sealerth. Tavistock Wellesley Wingham Woodstock Zurich MARKET REPORT. -The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up to Thursday, Barley.... 45 ` to 45 Peas 55 Bran 20.00 Shorts. ..... .. 22 00 22.00 Oats Cis 36 Wheat 94 Five Roses flour '1.10 Purity. . 3. l0 Royal Household, .... 3.00 Choce family . 2.85 Hay 0.00 7.00 Dried apples .... 5 5 Clover seed 8.00 9.00 Potatoes 25 25 Butter 17 17 Eggs 17 17 Hogs liveweiget 8.40 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.. 2.75 Wheat, 1.08 Cats 3S 3E Barley 4e 52 Peas 80 80 Hots liveweight......., 8.10 Being Pre )taxed for (egeist :x. hib.ition, These are busy days •at the Exhibition Grounds, London, where a number of workmen milder the Supezintendand, Mr, James H, Brown, are preparing the buildings and grounds for the Exhibition which is now only a few weeks off, The 'new building for cement Machinery and similar exhibits is about completed and is a model. Exhibition Building. Tho space in it is all allotted long ago. The Machinery Hall has been re -block- ed and is now solid and in first class geondition. Changes have also been made in the Horticultural and Agrioultural Building which will improve them both for ex- hibitors and visitors, The Dairy Building will be greatly changed ; the high framework in the centre has been removed which adds arcaily to the appearance of the Building. This, in addition to the fine front for the Cheese Exhibit. makes this Building an ideal one, The greatest changes will be made in the Main Building. The Art Annex of former years has been changed into a "Made in London" Eehibition, where tho Manufactur- rs of London will have an opportunity .of showing to the thousands of visitors the •finished articles of their own production. The Art Exhibit and . Decorated China will be provided for - in the Main Building Gallery. The management, with Mr. Wm. Moore as Chairman, of this department aro determined that this part of the Exhibition will be. away in advance of anything ever seen before at any previous Westein Feb!. All information regarding the Exhibition will be promptly given on application to the Secretary Tho dates are Sept ember Oth to 17th. EX E TER With the corning of the Canndiatn Navy follows in course the training of future marines. Thirty students will go into the Naval College this Fall and following en educational course for 2 years will get at the more practical and technical side by becoming' midshipmen and follow the .sea for 31 years pro moting to sub Lieutenants. At this stage the first receipt of pay begino.. Candidates must be sons of British.. snbject, have lined in 'Canada 2 years. and must not 'be under 14 nor over 16 sears of age, College is located at Halifax where there will be -opportunities of receiving occular demonstration of variou s phases of Military affairs. r✓ sf� REASONS FOR BllYIKG A E LAVAL 1)e Laval Separators :r.avc enough over any y;1-t&'itt' er(PtniEn^'of lnillc in Iauttcr-Ina, x1,t !• t 1. ,rtrillc, la l:ut", tdme trouble to pay tor 1h', I 'elves even. six months. ire Laval rcp:ot,,rn•s ,ave crion,2-11 over other separator in 'lo,er ,elm.- ration, ruining heavier and stmre- I her ces:Nn, skimming cool inn, greater eat acity, easier cleaning: easier rnnuing, and less repairs to pay for theim,elves every year. Improved De Laval sepeiratore save enough over 1)e Laval, no elfin• es of five or twenty-five years ago in more athsoletely thorough separa- tion under all conditions, greater capacity. easier running, aad greater simplicity to pay for them- selves every two yours,- De ours.De Laval separators are net only ,upetior to others but at same time reheaitest in proportion to actual capacity, and they last from five to ten times longer. These are the reasons why bhc world's experienced separator users incltuling Ohl per cent of all eream- erfinen, use and endorse tiro De Laval separators, SC II A SALES AGENT Blake P. 0., Ont. Hello! Say, Did you,ever use Royal I-Ioilsehold Flour? If not, it's time to try it. After once giving it a trial, you• will say -"Well say, this is the finest and best bread I ever had." We ;also handle Exeter Family Flours. f'liiverton, Uensall, and BI8T3Y'S CREAM .EQUIVALENT 6 is something that every farmer should not be without, g 1 1 9 for feeding calves with separated milk, It will give the same results as pure milk would. Ground Oil Cake, International Stock Food, Worm Powder, and Louse Killer Salt in 100lb bags, 45cen.ts Try ovtr Manitoba Oatmeal A full line of groceries on hand. Eggs and kinds of grain taken in exchange the flour and other ,goods, Give us a trial, We will use you right. CiAS, Z1 "�� an e 0 ,r" DM= gD01/300CID qSaJL,' 4D4DeSIG,4D(Dmb4DQIlSD4D(17.8P4DM9CD CSI!D406I•,gD4a51,�49ct4'.tD40,r.:ui4DCS'vIDnD¢„7%DADR=5q maal,s�: C. E. Locke of Boston, who was on his way home from China, call- ed on his brother -in -lacy, W. T, Acheson, last week. Thomas Kestle, who sold his store business at Centralia, has pnrchaeed to dwelling in town. F. W, Toni, of Toledo visited his parents here, and 'Inspector Tom at C3oderich, last week. Chris Zuefle returned from Detroit recently, where he pur- chased. a Cadillac Auto . for his fu'm, William Triebnei', who has bee? attending Chatham -,Busiz $s '091 - lege. returned on Tuesedi lath, Rev. D. - W. Collinse echo has been holidaying in Northern Ont- ario for some weeks. has returned home_ _...._. Is oa rz Sortenla-At tete Saville Lite, Bay, on Aug, 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scbade, a son. A MIXED PRAYER Jack 13aldwin, having dropped his hat in an old dry well, tied a mix) to a stnnip anal let himself • down t" get it. A. wicked wen n.inietl Neal carne aping and to have a little fun he quietly detach - 1/ al the roll from 13aldcvin's old 1:110d. horse acrd began ariproaching the well, at the same time ringing the bell Of course Baldwin thought the old horse wits coming. Fie said: "Mang that old blind fool, he's coming this way, and he ain't got no more sense than to fall in on top of rue, Whoa, . Bill " The sound came closer. "Great Jerusa- lem, the old blind idiot will be rilght on top of me in a Minute. Moe there, dad rat you." Neal kicked a little dirt on Baldwin's head, and he began to pray ; "Oh, Lard, have mercy on me -whoa, Bill -a poor sinner., I'm gone now -whoa. 13111 -Our Fathers' Who art to -whoa 13i11 -Our Father who art in -whoa Bili -hallowed by Thy - tee. Bill, gee --what'll 1 do -name - Now I lay no' down to -gee, Bill- eted rat you " .lnst then in fell more chit, 'O.h. Ford, if you ever inE'eed t'o do vnythiig for -bank, Bili, blast yon, gee-Thv kingdotn come -gee Bill, back np-Oh, • Lord, you krbow I was baptized in Smith's mill darn -whoa Bill. back up." (LV1oro dirt) 00, Lard -gee" Neal could hold in r.o longer, and shouted a laugh which might have been heard two miles, or . about as far as Jack chased -him when he got oat. • 1 1 ° 1 1 1 H 1 1 FROM ALL CANADIAN RAW, C STATIONS IN ONTARIO ALAR ItE, MIL TUE I'.AY AUGUST 30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Free transportation will bo furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific whoro laborers are required East of Moose Jaw, Including branches, and at one cent per mile eaot way West thereof In Sasi:atchewan and Alberta. SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO TO l!li1W EG ON AMU DRIES ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FO @ IC ARS mmD AT ZURICH, IV:AUK!, K!, SEP1 7g Let, Len Green � ca. s, $30 For hur..c that never ;,,u peak, ince, line heats, ill 3 2.30 -Glias, $4.0 .Tile heats, 3 in i:) Bile h .ts, . ill .) ,.Milt? lll'itt., .) in '> Foot Race, open to the Wo k lt, 1-4 11111e calash, T11,,.1t $3, eip YLEE }, ossa S'4'11 g sill. i1 , .., `,etl , Races begin. at 1.30 Admission .25 Cliiltu','il .10 4r -ear V.y ,eico ernn,. arltra ceee rkr- RR at 10 1 i Crt (ht.on v`+ Znriel Crediton hes a very feet tram this season, having won 14 out of 10 gauges ,played. The local diamond is in splendid sl),ape. and this., the last game of tb. season, will be a good one. Conic and see it. Gemini? Admission 15 cents. Cihil(1'oin 1() (41fl( ti. . mze in the Town Hall, commencing at 8. BERT HARVEY, of '.tor- e ate, the celebrated Comedian; JEAN' CARMIC,Ir L, Lo ;don's pope lar''Elocationtst; Master VICTOR RIDDELL, aged 11, Highland Dancer. Placa of Hall at Preeter's Store. Admission ..25 Children .15 ReiiiitTed s>+t ,.25 GOD SAVE THE KING