HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-09-02, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
Vol. XI.
O ,4
NO 5
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I ut go the Su riser Goods
at prices that will sell them quick=
ly• We_ do not want to carry
them over. Quickest way to do
this is with lowered prices. In
this list you will find bargains
§ that are well worth your time
and money to investigate.
Prints, regular 1211 cents,
” " 7 cents,
Muslins, " 8 to 10 cents,
ca " 15 cents
Ginghams, regular 194 •cts
All new goods and a
tiurrinier Sale price, 10 cei,ts yard
" 5 cents yard
'! 5 to 8 cts Sand
10 cents yard.
" 10 cts yard:
money saver at above prices.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
The greatly reduced prices iii waists should clear thein out
Regular $1,50 waists, sale price tih00
cc 1.25, waists, Sale price 00 cents
'c 1.00. waists, sale price 75 cents
cc 50 cents. waists, saleprice 30 cents,
Special seductions in all ladies' Whitewear, Gowns, Skirts,
shirts with col" V
Comet Cover; Dr at`a'e:•s; etc.
For men, youths and boys, Men's Neglige
ar attached, seine are reversible.
Regular $2.00 ,hirts, sale price 81.05
. " 1.50 shirts, sale price 1.10
•' .1.25 shirts, sale price 00 cents
" 1.00 shirts, sale priee 75 cents
1 A job lot of fancy shirts going at 30 cents
les, 2 for 25 cents
Bargains in all
fancy Straw hats.
A few fancy vests left going at reduced prices
Regular 81.25, fancy vests, sale price $ t.00
" 1.75, fancy vests, sale price 1.25
"' 2.00 fancy vests, sale price 1.,50
3 specials at 18,
Do not miss this Bargain
Our line of Samson Harvest Tools is very
popular with farmers who look for something
real good in forks, etc. Best steel only is used
and handles are best white ash. We have all
kinds of rope, and would call special attention
to our Plymouth hay fork rope. There is no
better Tope on the market and costs only as much
as ordinary rope. Harvest Mitts, Oilers,
Goggles, etc. •
Try our Peerless Niachine
Oil, you'll like it.
i) J. Preeter,
Telephone - - - ZURIC 11
3csst : gocxxxmvoolsa 3+F3eE#3 F=low*= E
Mr. J. Preeter ie attending Tor.
onto exhibition, this week.
Mrs. Bernhardt, a Preston is
visiting her parents Rev. and Mrs.
Mrs. Fred. Howald and two child-
ren of Crediton, are visiting rela-
tives here, this week.
Mr. F. W. Hess has exchanged
his piano for a Handsome New-
combe player piano.
Miss Eleanor Hertleib left for
Toronto, where she will take a
position as stenographer.
For a good day's amusement
come to Zurich ,Labor Day colebra
tion, en Monday Sept 5th.
Mr. Louis Jeffrey has sold his
dwelling at the West enol, to Mrs,
George Siemon, for CAM.
Mr. Harold App1 of Seaforth is
taking his holidays and visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Appel..
The Exeter and, Zurich Juniors
will play a mine'' this (Friday)
evening.. on the local diamond.
Everybody cornea
Bliss B. Manning and Mr W.
Marsh, of near Auburn, were the
guests of Miss Freda .Hess, over
Crediton baseball club beat
Exeter, by a score of 11-4, at the
latter place, on Monday evening.
It was a lively game throughout.
The reserved'' seats for rile
bowling club concert 'are selling
fast and you'll have to burry.
Plan at Preeter's store.
Wo beg to announce that we are
are having our opening display of
Fall dress goods and Fall coats
now. All ladies are cordially in-
yited. J. Preeter
Messrs John Schafer, W; Daw
son .and O. Baird. Parlrhill, were:
in to vn on:Moti r ,i Miii., Dawson
is the editor' the ' Parkhill
Gazette and 'extended afriendly
call to Trns Hi:numn.
The Turf Club, Baseball Club
and Bowling Olub have joined
hands to make Labor Day at
Zurich, a pleasant day for visitors.
Remember the date—Monday Sept.
Mrs. Gottlieb Merner had the
misfortune to break her collarbone,
on Friday evening, while going
down the back . steps of her
dwelling. As she , is well up in
years it will be some weeks before
she will be able to be out.
Lutheran Church—At the Tor ore
to Convention of the Federation of
Labor, the following resolution
was adopted :
Whereas the churches and the
clergy are taking a growing, inter-
est in the study of the labor move.
mento; and
Whereas many of, the minister s
of the various denominations are
indicating that interest. in part, by
a public dicussion in their pulpits
of the problem of the toilers ; and
Whereas it would be an advant-
age to both church and labor to
select a special day upon which
the attention of all glasses may be
concentrated upon the questions
which concern the toilers ; there-
fore be it
Resolved. that the Sunday pro -
ceding the first Monday in Septem-
ber be officially designated by the
Federation of Labor as "Labor
Sunday" and that the churches of
America be requested to devote
some part of this day to a presenta•
tion of the labor question ; and be
it further
Resolved, that the various cen-
tral and local labor bodies be re-
quested tc co-operate in every legi-
timate way with the ministers
who thus observe Labor Sunday,
seeking with them, fo secure as
large an audienoe of workingmen
and others as possible,
In compliance 'with this mani-
festo of the Federation of Labor,
next Sunday's services in St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, will he
devoted to a discussion of the labor
auestion from a christian point of
view. The morning service will be
odiduoted in German, the text of
the sermon being .Gen. 2:15. The
evening service will be conducted
in English and on the basis of
Mark 6 :3. Rev. C. 0, J. Maass
will expatiate' on the necessity,
the dignity andeihe reward of labor
A hearty invitation is extended to
all, especially to those who belong
to or are taking interest in the
lactic army of wage earners.
WW161it Qldviw W W ,OIgv tLW D'L W'i,W,t
oy its
1„91fidr s9 eats,
2 PC. 'Wt9 YoLIr Choice
size 22 i
3 suits
1 suit..... I
3 suits. size 24
4 suits ...... ......size 25
4 sults size 20
Prices were $2.25 to $3.5O
CHILDREN'S Black Cotton Uose, regular price
was 20 cents per pair, now for
g Bargains in Men's Shifts
Men's sailor straw Hats
selling at half price.
1 IR se
• will be put out on the Bargain Table for Saturday.
We invite yon: to visit u
share in these Great Bargains.
All Farm Produce taken in exchange
Mrs. Granger of Oarnia, visited
at Mr. P. Pender's, last week.
Mrs. Gordon, of Cleveland is in
town visiting her mother and
other friends.
Mrs, H. Axt of Exeter, is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
Axt, this week.
Miss Mildred Eilber of Crediton,
is visiting relatives and friends
hero, for a few weeks.
We have it now. The Never -
Fail coal oil can. Never leaks or
gets ant of order. Plumps oil into
lamp. Guaranteed for one year.
Call and see it. J. Preeter.
WANTEii—re;xperienced girl to
do general housework and help
with two small children. Must be
good cook. No washing. Goocl
wages. Apply Mrs. G. W, Harri-
son, Canadian Bank of Commerce,
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Commercial
Hotel, Hensall, on Saturday, Sept.
17th. Hours all day. Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
Lutheran Church—The monthly
meeting of the Ladies' Aid in con-
nection with St. Peter's Lutheran
church, will beheld on Wednesday,
the 7th of September at 7.30 p.. in.,
at the residence of Mrs, J. Deiohert.
All aro requested to attend.
Labor Day, Monday Sept. 51h
will be a day of sport in Zurich.
In the forenoon there will be a
baseball game between Crediton
and Zurich teams. Tho afternoon
will be taken np with horse races.
bicycle race and footrace. In the
evening a grand concert will be
held in the Town Hall, the attrac-
tions being Bert Harvey, comedian,
of Toronto, Miss Jean Carmichael
elocutionist, of London, and Master
Victor Riddell, Highland dancer
and piper, also of London, Don't
fail to visit Zurich on Monday.
Mrs. Masters and Miss Masters
are the guests of Mrs. C. Fritz.
Messrs T. and E. Worm were in
Exeter Monday evening to see the
Exeter-Credition baseball match.
Miss Lily Faust left on Thursday
to attend college at Napierville.
Miss Roxie Eilber is taking her
place in the post office.
A baseball game between Credi-
ton and Zurich will be played. on
Labor Day forenoon, at 10.15
o'clock a. m. This promises to be
the best game of the season.
Will be observed in the Evango-
heal church, next Sunday Sept 4th.
The pastor will preach a Harvest
Home sermon, at 10 a, m. In the
afternoon at 2 o'clock an interest-
ing program will be rendered. Rev.
Mr. Millyard of Hensall ; Rev. L.
Eidt, Dashwood anti Mr. Win.
Durst, Benmilier, will deliver ap-
propriate addresses The Brother-
hood Bible class will have charge
of the singing for the afternoon
A special program will be rend-
ered in the evening at 7.30, consist-
ing of exercises by the Juniors etc.
The Senior members of the Sunday
School. will furnish special music
for the occasion. Mr. Arthur
Eellernian of Dashwood, will de-
liver an address. The famous Lad-
ies Quartette of Dashwood, will be
present and render several selec-
tions. The church will be artisti-
cally decorated for the occasion.
Missionary offerings will be reoeiv-
ed during every session.
An invitation is very cordially
extended to You to meet with us
next Sunday. A day, when every-
body turns out, all the
Old Nembers
New Members
And Visitors
You will be very welcome and
we shall be glad if you will bring a
friend with you. Will You Collie?
Really you cannot afford to miss.
this Children's Dap.