The Herald, 1910-08-26, Page 5FIRST CLASS TILE I have a large supply of the very best the on hand, from 2e in. to six inch. If you need any pall, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. Movedl Moved!, SHOP AND STOOK MAIN S RT E it T FALL FAIRS, Ailsa Craig Sept. 21 and 22. Blyth...... , ...... , .. Oct. 4 and 5. Oot., 4. Oct, 6 and 7. Oct. 6 and 7. Sept. 27 and 28. Sept. 19 and 20. Oct. 1, Brigden Brussels...•, Dungannon Elmira Exeter Fordwioh Goderich , .. , Hamilton., Kirkton Listowel.., : • .... Sept. 20 and, 21. . Sept. 9-17 Sept. 22 and 23. .Sept. 20 and 21. Sept. 15 and 16. Sept. 9-17. Oct. 4 and 5. Sept. 27 and 28 Sept. 27 and 28. Sept. 22 and 23. Sept. 19 and 20. :...Sept. 13 and 14. Sept. 29 30. Sept. 21, 22. 23. Sept. 21, 22. directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just ti 14ttle bit tho Nicest - JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY' GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Lire. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. E. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. tr,D(CiDOD OD100,1AmR,OD a®OD®aDOIODODCLISDa g i7C[E TAKE this opportu- Customers a 611appy g and Prosperous New Year, ;c and thank each and all for I having made the past year e our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again 2 for your hearty support O for 1910, and we will do 1, our best to merit it, by 6 giving you value for your a $ money. nity of wishing our Sept 19, 20, 21. Sept, 14 and 1F,. .Oct, 6 and 7 London Lucknow Mitchell. New Hamburg Ottawa Parkhill Ripley St Mary's Seaforth. Tavistock ... Wellesley Wingham Woodstock Zurich 1 I R. N. DOUCLAS, eGeneral Merchant, B L A K E. 8 g 1 awiloaDarDatwimDasryDasraDasDaoam doomva, ..ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness.. Our aim is to keep nothing hitt the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. EXErle'R Bowling Club Concert at Zariob, Monday evening Sept, 5th. Bert Harvey. Comedian ; Jean Carmioh. ael, Elocutionist; Master Victor Riddell, Highland Dancer. Miss Maud Johns has bean t)n- geged as tetaoher for IT. S. S. No, 15, Hay and Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell left this week on a visit to Winnipeg. Mrs. R. H. Collins and Miss Bonthron have returned to Toronto Percy and Harry Bewden of Ridgetown are visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Knell are visiting relatives in Seattle. Mr and Mrs. Charles Linderfeld are spending their holidays at De- troit and Cleveland. MARKET REPORT. -The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up tc Thursday, 45 to 45 65 20.00 22 00 22.00 35 36 94 3.10 3.L0 3.00 2.85 6.00 7.00 5 8.00 9.00 25 25 40 17 17 17 17 8.30 YUNCIDLET . DEICHERT, ARE YOU RUPTURED I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE aHd remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. ;MITI#, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. Barley Pees Bran Shorts Oats Wheat Five Roses hour Purity ... . Royal Household Chose fancily Hay Dried apples Clover Eeed Potatoes ,Butter Eggs Hogs liveweiget HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.. 2.75 • ..... HENSALL Bowling Clnb Concert at Zurich Monday evening Sept. „5th. Bert Harvey; Comedian ; Jean Carnia- ohael, Elecutionist ; Master Victor Riddell. Highland Dancer. Mrs. L. O. Charlesworth, of Blyth is visiting her mother, Mrs. McLean. Miss Florence •Pope is visiting relatives in the vicinity of Dash- wood. Hal White of Regina, is back for a visit with relatives. Miss Mary Johnston is visiting her sister Mrs. Shortt, at Wood. stock. George Douglas of Stanley, in- tends moving to town some time this fall. Miss Pearl Beek leaves for Melville, Sask., where she has se cured a. good position. Whew` Oats Barley Peas Hogs liveweight 1.08 38 38 48 52 80 80 8.30 l emsesseseress aDescaesee aw eveaApwr 't ap I Dello! Say Did you,ever use Royal household Flour/ If not, it's time to try it. After once giving it a trial, l ever bad.."TdlW/also se this is the finest and Deet bread I ,�i.�rr�aNrq�aa60110W roro0r+Mw' S i 1 flilverton, Ilensall, and i Exeter Family Flours. • EI)Bl3 "ca cREA. k<J[ Tt)ITIVA.LENT $13,000 FOR HORSES. Canadian National Exhibition pro- mises a Greater Horse Show than has been. With a horse prize list of $13,000, every prominent breeder in Canada taking au active interest and the best horsemen of Britain coming the ocean to do the judging, the horse show at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition promises this year to eclipse anything in its history. No class of horse has been neglected from the Pony to the Clydesdale, and as in addition to the regular prizes there are specials in a large number of classes, the show is being looked forward to by horse. men generally. 1 Name • Address... ... ..._......., Age Time Rup....... Single or double . • . Satisfaction guaranteed poovaKaaaoapootioca:Dootpaoacgmeol ,1. •1 �M- • es REASONS FOR MN A DE LAVAL De Laval separators gave enough over any gravity ereamincr of milk in hatter -fat. arc:iity of cream, sweet , kimmillt, labor, time and trouble to pay for themselves every six months. 1)e Laval separator;.; save enough over other separator in closer sepa- ration, running heavier and smno- tlier ceeam, skimming cool milk, greater capacity, easier cleaning: easier running and less repairs to pay for themselves every year. Improved De Laval separators save enough over De Laval machin- es of five or twenty-five years ago in more absolutely thorough separa• tion under all conditions, greater capacity, easier running, and greater simplicity to pay for them- selves every two years. 1)e Laval separators are not only supetior e time cheapest in to -proportion to at en apact al capacity, and they last from five to ten times longer. These are bhe reasons why the world's experienced separator use's including 98 per cent of all cream- erymen, use and endorse the De Laval separators. C. SCI SALES AGENT Blake P. 0., Ont. SEVERE STORM 8 0 is something that every farmer should not be without, for feeding calves with. separated milk. It will give the same results as pure milk would. !, Ground Oil Cake, International Stock Food, Worm Powder, and Louse Killer • Salt in 1001ba bags, 45cents Try our Manitoba Oatmeal g A full line of groceries on hand. Eggs and kinds of grain taken in exchange for flour and other goods, Give us a g trial. We will use you right. 6 0 0 ASCIO, ZURIC 47 DOINDODOaDDO DGEED ODaCIIDUD,7®aDmlDtlD®ODGEIatlDtlWDUDOINbODEIMtlDaGIM4DONIID0 liDCIDOWR QDMISDODCOMO 01 Clinton, Aug. 22 -About 4 o'clock Monday morning this district was visited by a very severe thunder, hail and lightning storm, which resulted in considerable damage being done. J. Granger, of the thirteenth concession of Hullet, and J. McGee, of the first conces- sion of Goderich township, both had their barns burned 'by lightn. ing. Several other cages• are re- ported of horses .and cattle and birds having also been struck. ( . Watt, Joe Shipley and. L. Weir were losers All the telephone and telegraph were out of; business. Some boys here .pinked.. up fifty dead birds under two trees, Horn .TrrFRBY-At Bauble ,line;. Stanley, 21st inst.. to Mr.. and Mrs. Geo Jeffrey, a daughter.. . "Outdoor Canada's" iaani'e chang- ed to the Athletic World. The August number of "The' Athletic World" e. new name for "Outdoor Canada" Magasine. has inst been received at this office. 'Since this publication was taken over by W . . Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont., each issue has shown a niai k ed irnpsoyement over its change of policy to that of a national athletic periodical is this month carried out both in name and nature Bes'des the change of title the size has been increased and the contents augmented. Judging by the Aug. ust number, full as it is of good. up-to•date reading pertaining to things athlelic, a conspicuous place is assured "The Athletic World" among the leading Canadian nat. Tonal publications. As an instance of what a great railway corporation means to the country in which if operates, it is interesting to note the returns of a census of C. P. R. employees resi• dent in Montreal. The total oees in that of the company's employees city is 11,093. It is taken as an average estimate that three lives are dependent upon each wage earner, making the totalnumber of persons dependeut upon the C. P. R somewhere between thirty and forty thousand people. On the usual basis of calculation about seven thousand butchers, bakers, shopkeepers, physicians, teachers, etc . make a living by attending to the needs of there people. It may, therefore, fairly be computed that upwards of fifty thousand people live in Montreal because of the existence of the C. P. R. It is estimated the anual distribution of wages by these people is in the neighborhood of $12,000,000. is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish. this we will send The Herald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, $1O'°YIN ?NOM ALL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN oN'YANIO ADDITIONAI FARM L 'EXCURSIONS TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific where one cent per mile each way West thereof In Saskatchewan a Incrudind Albecita. cher, and at SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO TO WINNIPEG a 6 HOVE PARTICULARS TES ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC ADEN unfortunately they have Iess PRINTER6 MUST BECOME FIN-1money to spend in pursuit of rest, ANGLERS. change and recreation ;than most others. Dear Reader, if any .'of these remarks interest you person- ally you know how to do one kind act before the sun goes down. Bowmanville Statesman: -Fera people not in newspaper business eau appreciate financialnenewspaper conditlices in ordinary during summer months. Every every publisher of a country v knows from personal experience how very difficult it always is to finance the business during July August and September Subscrip- tions are usually payable and paid in December, January and Feb d rtising and job print. n eto • Some people work harder while on their vacation than when they follow their customary avocation and wonder why they are tied to that "tired feeling." To get the benefit of a holiday akerao e t andd thereby build up for the coming days. `town and country merchants ruary. Ave can and t sell jest as chew:y as ing dwi dl their smallest point city mail order stores and in u ny during the summer months so that instances cho per, but people must 'pts in all the branch- I be educate 1 to the fact, City the CEO es the very small. But the weekly expenses vary very- �• little through - stores depend entirely on advertis- inn. Glualizy and price may be till out the year. Of course, the outlay • , right, but the story must bo told for fuel and light is less, but the ; in advertisini; like the city st ore stone amount of paper and other news is. office expenses run along about the i '-,..%;•--.'-- -77. same, so that the regular weeklyI GET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY than in other m r expense is not much leas than for the office at, star. I There is no trick about advertis- must be kept to get out the paper. Don't let anyone deceive you i9eie talking ship," we know, I ing.Don't point Take enough of an who owe small accounts fobut there are thousands of r print- ing or subscriptions who could and would gladly pay the bill if they knew how exceedingly grateful the poor printer is for every dollarr that finds its way during these summer 'months Hundreds of newspaper men this Year are not taking holidays which the daily grind makes urgently necessary because their subscribers are carrying money in their own pockets which rightly belongs to the publisher and in many cases having a pleasant holiday on that fable. due thePreaohersinter.ancl This is no editorsQ perhaps more than are otherclass, require yacation and change and 4:12 JOBB PREEIBR, Agent iii , interest in it�yoirself to know j whether you are getting value for your money in the actual advertise- ment. Of course, people like to road an attractive advertisement, but they do not like to read one that leaves then: doubtful es to the merits of the advertised. article. The more straightforward the ad- vertisement the quicker the people are to decide upon trying the goods dealt with. That is one reason why a summer advertising oanI* paign ought to be included in the plans of the business man who liae hithertofore never given a thought to it. People have tithe to read the newspapers in the summer- time, and they do read them,