HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-08-26, Page 1THE ESL The Official al Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. Xl. FRIDAY MORNING AUG, 26. 1910. P40 4 MCMIZIENICIOCIE 10i 1t1r MC3E*Co c0saell:itSalBC34 Clearing a Summer Sale! Out go the Summer Goods § at prices that will sell them quick= § ly. We do not want to carry § () them over. Quickest way to do § § this is with dowered prices. In § this list you will find bargains § that are well worth your time 0 and money to investigate. NOTE THESE VALUES § Prints, regular 12+ cents, 6 6 " 7 cents, 1f.uslins, Gi 8 to 10 cents, ' « 15 cents gi tsinghams, regular 191 cts All new goods and a 0 Summer Sale price, 10 cents yard •' •• " 5 cents yard oc ': 5 to 8 ets yard ca " " 10 cents yard. LG ti 4• 10 cts yard: money saver at above prices. ti Ladies' Shirt Waists The greatly reduced prices in waists should: clear .them out quickly. Regular $1,50 waists, sale price.$1.00 << 1.25;, waists, sale price 90 cents " 1.00. waists, sale price 75 cents CG 50 cents,: waists, Rale price 39 cents, Special reductions in all ladies' whitewear, Gowns, Skirts, Coiset Cove=r, Drawers, etc. 0 HOT WEATHER BARGAINS 0 0 For hien, youths and boys, Men's Neglige shirts with col ached, suine ars reversible. Regular ,$•2.00 shirts, sale price $1.65 ' 1.50 shirts, sale price 1.10 ▪ 1.25 ehirts, sale price 00 cents t, 1.00 shirts, sale price 75 cents A job lot of fancy shirts going at 39 cents each, Men's four-iii-hand'l`ies, 2 for 95 cents Bargains in all lines fancy Straw Hats. SUMMER VESTS 0 0 A few fancy vests left going at reduced prices Regular 1 25, fancy visits, sale price $1.00 �• 1.75, fancy vest, sale price 1.25 • 2 00 fancy vests, sale price 1.50 ISpecials in Tale Linens of Kamm 0 3 specials at 1.8, 2 and 23e. Do not miss this Bargain HARVEST TOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Our line of Samson Harvest Tools is very popular with . farmers who look for something a real good in forks, etc. Best steel only is used and kandies are best white ash.We have all kinds of rope, and would call special attention to our Plymouth hay fork rope. There is no ti better rope on the market and costs only as much as ordinary rope. Harvest Mitts, Oilers, (Woggles, etc. Try our Peerless Machine 0 Oil, you'll like it. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN J Preeter, Telephone ‘9 • Z U R 1 C H liaotICSICIK #E3att orsocseetaciitacancia 0:361404 Nceocx 41 Aq. �..i�,.11 CAL A L� ...�N.PEWS ,®7 41 M M vim. +.l I-119.44 o 84 ins. 841, . 11.v 64 Mr. Garnet Steinbaoh. of Berlin was in town, on lieonday. Dr, Wilson of Palmerston, tnede a business visit to town, this week. Mrs, Joseph, Doses= left last. week for a v1si$ with friends in the West. Miss Linde Raneleli.who has been at Hensall for some time is very i11 with in.fleratiitition Monday Sept. 5th (Labor Day) will be a big dray in Zurich. Come and enjoy a good day's sport. Mr, W. H. ¥wise ,of the Molsons Bank is taking'.hisholidays, and has left for his house, in Luoknow. Lost -On Wednesday last a 2 ftirrow plough clevis. Finder please leave at Hess' implement shop. The baseball match between Crediton and Zurich on Labor Day, promises to best genuine fast one. Don't miss this game. Miss Carrie Cabman, who hes been at Stratford tor some months, returned home on Tuesday even. ing. Mrs. Wm. Rupp who has been visiting her mother Mrs. H. Wurm, has returned to her home in Michigan. Moir the insane murderer who escaped the Hamilton Asylum, a week ago Monday, was • recaptured near Niagara Falls, on Saturday and is again safelystowed away. Bowling Club Concert at Zurich. Monday evening Sept 5th. Bert Harvey, Comedian ; Jean Ourmieh- ael, Elooutionist; Master Vietur Riddell, Highland` Dancer. Lutheran • Church—The evening service will be.00nrluoted in Eng- lish. The subjeet of meditation will be. "The ¢'3t sisters an Olive Tree in the... I,, ` :f .-•Geil.:" All are cordially.iseeited. Dr. Oven's Burgeon, Oculist specialist will be at Comreecial Hgist, H.ensall, on Saturday, Sept 17th. Hours all. day. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat troubles treated. The Zurich Herald last week entered upon ita eleventh year. Although published in a restricted field. The Herald is a very presentable paper, and the editor deserves the generous patronage of his constituency. -signal This has been a good season for butter and cheese factories on ao• count of the abundant pasturage and at the prices received the re venue is of no small consequence. Now is the time to lay plans for next season if not already patrons of some dairying branch. A feat that is not often perform- ed by amen of nearly 82 is to pitch on in the field and unload, ten loads of grain a day. This was done by Mr. S, Martin Sr., of the Babylon Line, recently. Mr. Martin is at work daily and performs farm work as easily as many men half his age. Mr. George Spotton of Wing. ham, owner of business colleges at Clinton, Winghani, Orangeville, Peterboro and Welland, way t, visitor here, on Wednesday. Mr. Spotton . is also interested in the North Huron Telephone. Co,, limited, being pre:Aictent of that cum lump . BASEBALL E�tPter baseball team rufere.l another defeat here too 'Thursday evening in a full nine inning,: game with the local team. The visitors bad a decided advantage in the early stage of the game, but our boys came up strong at the finish and won by 7-6. There has been a lot of see sawing between these two teams thin season. each having won two and .lost two so far. the visiting team being the losers in till four games.phe "rtabber" should prove an interesting one and it played here would draw a good crowd. The following was the line. up and score : For Exeter :—Bayle, Carling, C. Dtaplan, H. Duplan, Rowe, Bawden Bissett, Acheson, Hoskins. For Z.urtot - Bdigboffer" lf, Faust of, T 'Wurm 2b, E Wurm 0, Mistier t►, Moise 3b, I3offmnen Ss, Hess lb, Either rf. By Innings l 23456789—T'l Exeter 2 0 0 i.' 0 0 4 0 0— 6 Munich 0 0 0 0.0 1 2 2 2. 7 AMMAN Clearing Sale Boys' Suits, shirts, I4ats, ehild's Hose "r Boys' 2 pc. Snits 3 snits ..size 22 1 snit ..size 13 3 snits size 9.4 4 snits, „ „ size 25 4 suits_ ..., size 26 Your Choice Prices were $2.25 to $3.50 CHILDREN'S Black Cotton Hose, regular price was 20 cents per pair, now for............ .toe Big Bargains in Men's Shirts Men's sailor. straw Hats selling at half price. These .µIargains will be put out on the Bargain Table for Saturday. We invite you, to ..visit ius . a share in these Great Bargains. All Farm Produce taker: in exchange a S. FAUST Z (IRI0II AmmummwmtvwmwatwA Read Gasoho & Gasaho's ad- vertisement, this week., Mrs Brenner Sr., who has been quite ill for some months, is much Unproved in health. What about a new set of buggy harness. We have a good stock in now. Also a full line of trunks, snit oases, etc. See our lines. J. Preeter. If you intend to get the best Steel Range this fall, then don't fail to see the Modern Malleable Range. We aim give you testimo- nials of every one sold as the best range on the market That speaks well don't it, at flartleib's. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangeli oak church, will meet next Tuesday afternoon Ang. 30th, et 2.3u in the church, A very interest ng pro. ,grain has been provided The President Mrs, (Rev.) Gischler will speak on "Unknown Multitudes.' A hearty invitation is extended to the ladies of the community. Canada has the largest wheat fielu in the world, the largest eke vator and the largest mill. The lamest titt•look in the world is at Peterboro, The longest bridge span is being built at Quebec. The largest railway yard in the empire is in Winnipeg and the largest coI- leries in the world are in Nova Scotia. Canada has the most pro lifio and extensive sea fisheries in the world, the largest silver, nickel and copper mines and the thickest known coal seams in the world. A grand concert under the au- spices of'the Zurich Bowling Club will be held on the evening of Sept. 5th, Labor Day. Bert Harvey the noted comic singer, of Toronto, Miss J. Carmichael popular eleau- tionist of Laltdon, . viotor Riddell Champion Righlend dancer at Re- cent Luoknow t.an.es, and, a num. ber of other attractions have been booked. The concent promises to be one of the best ever held in Zurich. Mr. O. Eilber has a number of small pigs for sale. Apply at once. Mr. G. Holtzman returnad on Tuesday from a visit to Mildmay and other points in Bruce. See ne about your picture fram- ing. We have the biggest stock of mouldings in the oonnty end charges are moderate, at Hartleib's . o a month rent is offered fi r a suitable dwelling; war- ted at once. Apply at Ts s ilzeALD Office, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Steinbach, of Detroit arrived on Saturday evening in their auto, for a visit with their parents and other friends. Bowling Club Concert at Zurich, Monday evening Sept. 5th, Bert Harvey, Comedian; .lean eartnich- :i.asl. lilocutionist ; Master Victor Riddell, Highland Dancer. WANTED—Experienoed girl to do general housework and help_ with two small children. Must be good cook. No washing. Good wages. Apply Mrs. G. W. Harri- son, Canadian. Bank of Commerce, Exeter. With the issue of Aug. 5th the Zurich Herald enters its eleventh. year. The Herald has Saes a material aid to the business inter- ests of Zurich, and has received in return the loyal support of the business men. The Newe hopes to see the popularity of The Herald. ever increasing.—Seaforth News. Sunday, Sept. 4th, will see the conimenoen,ent of a vigorous edu• national campaign on the part of the Ontario branch of the Domin. ion Alliance The aim is to cover the whole of Ontario, and the work will be begun in the northern part first, commencing at North Bay, Powassen, Callander, and Nipissing Sandridge, Cobalt, Haileybury, New Liskeard, Matheson, Chariton Cochrane, !rhornloe and other places, on Sept. 4.