The Herald, 1910-08-19, Page 5FIRST CLASS TILE have a large supply of the very f best tile on hand, from 2t in. to six inch... If you need any cell, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick. and Tile yards, 11 tf. paved! Moved! SHOP AND STOCK MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just to —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY' GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. 50 WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our aCustomers a tHappy and Prosperous New Year, ee and thank each and' all for e having made the past year ng our our most prosperous year 8 • since we have been in buss - ..I nees. We ask you again • for yor hearty support 11 for 19N, and we will do a our best to merit it, by �J 9 giving you value for your ' money, 9 R. Nr OOOOLAS 9 General 1,,Ierchant, B LA K E. 4,1)6011DO IROO MIE)a4iDa@9aDa�DaDt )aDMID • ■ r■ZURION■■■ MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a I1 full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make oir own sausages. 4 Give as a call. YUN4BLU 1 DEICIIERT. elooncsaraosweeteeic000nanocecoserearsocreet ARE YOU RUPTURED I can ,cure the worst ease of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss Of time.. ACT AT ONCE aria remoye the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, Stratford Deptl R. Ont. Naine •.,,., Address. Age .......'1'1me'Rup... Single or, double ..... Satisfactionato oce le ONTARIO 'BEEKEEPERS' AS. SOCIATION. Pearliament Buildings, ' Toronto, August 3rd, 1910. Dear Sir :— The Honey Exchange Conn mittee of the Ontario Beekeepers' Association met at the Secretary's office yesterday, August 2nd. Reports were received .from 450 points throughout the Province, representing 23,582 hives of bees, an increase of 50% over last year. All parts of the Province were well represented and the Committee was thus able to , get very accurate figures as to crop conditions. It was found that there was practically no old honey left on the market and that all reports indit;ttt• ed that 1909 prices suggested by the Committee were realized, The average production per colony of light honey is 58 3 pounds as cont pared wii,h 59.1 rant year. While the crop in the centre and . western part of the Province, where the bulk of the . marke�iitable honey is produced, is lovb%r considerably than last year's, there is a much larger crop in the eastern counties which has kept up the average. .After considering the reports carefully the committee would re• commend the following prices for the year: No. i Light extracted (wholesale) 10 to tic per 1b. , No. 1 light extracted (retail) 12e to 15c per ih. No. 1 Comb (wholesale) $1,80 to $2.25 per dozen. No, 2 Comb (wholesale) $1 50 to $1.75 per dozen. The Committee find that large quantities of extracted honey have already been sold by. Peel County Beekeepers at 10%o, ear lots. f. o. b shipping point` for the western markets. In view of the decrease in the crop and the firm prices of fruit. the Committee believe that the above prices should be realized and would suggest that beekeepers hold paft of their honey for later delivery unless present prices are satisfact. ory. We would again suggest that the local demand, which is increasing, should be specially looked after, A later report will be issued to cover Buckwheat honey. Yours very truly, Wm, Cease, Streetsville. W. j Craig,. Brantford. EL G. Sibbald, Clause. Morley Pettit, Gueinh. P. W. Hodgetts, Seo'y. Code, 'Cholera. ant Chd4FilbeT'B:TLs S Diarrhoea Remedy. .- 'Neve: fails guyat new It uy ave TieTE" FARMER . OUND OUT Once upon a time a farmer had 3,000 bushels of wheat which he sold, not to a grain merchant, but to 43,000 different dealers, a bu„ hel each. Now te few of the dealers paid cash on delivery but far the greater number said it was notcon- venient then, beit.that they would pay later.. After a few months had passed the farmer's bank account ran! low. "How's tbis?" he said. "My 3,000 htisnels of wheat should have: ll•ept me in aifluenoe until another crop is raised, but I brave parted with the grain and instead I have: avast nrimber of accounts go small and si:t tteied that I cannot get around and collect even enough to pay expenses," So he posted up a public notice and asked all those who owed him to please pay quick. -ly. But few came, the ethers said "Mine is only a small matter and I will pa' r some other day." For- getting that though each account was very small, when they weee a'i'1 put together they meant a large sum to one man. Things went on thus and the man began to feel so bad that he fell out of bed and awoke, and went out to his grainary where he found his ;71;000 bushels of wheat. Ere bad only been dreaming. Moral—The next day the masa; went to the publisher of hie paper and said "Hero sir, is the pay in full for your paper and when next year's subscription' is due you can depend an me to pay it prompt- ly. I was in the position of an editor last night and I know how he feels to have one's honestly earned money scattered all over the country in small amo>mnts." OVER 66 YEARS' EXiDERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion tree weather an Intention is probably patentable. COM M1111 tions strictly Eal. NANDB ppK On n Pat n t s soot free. Oldest agencyfor .Recur nRaEotts. Patents taken thrOghM8Co. r0oeivt *pedal noted, Without °barge, hi the Scientific iimertcan, A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest err. ,alation of any seientlllo Sensual., Tetlna for Canada, $O.Th a year, postage prepaid. bold be g nettudealers. UNN & Co $6iBroadway, Newyork 2rraano Oinde, B21r V 8t,. V asltinlzton, 0.0. THE.... Ary_ ,�T �,T—�----,-____,`. THE. DRAGOON COTILLION etI anonee amore rDnDW■If neetaODneaeneneeenemeenomenee neoeaeme rose ewanotre Horses and Men in New 'Dance Arranged for Canadian National , • Exhibition,. s SEEDS During/the past few weeks the various parts of people of the a ous p rt Ont..: ario have seen the troopers of the Royal Canadian Dragoons on duty for the preservation of lave and order at points affected by the (rand Trunk strike. At the coming Canadian National Exhibi- tion they will have an opportunity of seeing them in a more attractive guise when picked riders, will execute in front of the grand stiand the beautiful and intricate; -:€figures of "The Dragoon Cotillion!' This embraces all the picturesque and complioated figures of the stateliest of old fashioned dances. As the cotillion reaches its climax the movements attain a puzzling coin. plexity out of which' horses and riders extricate themselves in a most graceful and precise manner. The spectacle in daylight as the red coated horsemen perform their evolutions with set lances and bannerettes fluttering in the breeze is beautiful in the extreme, but it does not equal in any 'sense the exquisite picture at night when each lance point is tipped withan eleottrio light. This episode is in- variably greeted, with their riders, with applause by the thousands who nightly visit the Canadian National Exhibition. FISH AND GAME PROTECTION, A new departure, but .ore that should receive the approval, of all sportsmen, marks the August issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, publish- ed. by W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Wood - stook, Ont. The greater portion of the reading pages is given up to the reproduction in full of the Interim Report of the Ontario Fish and Genie Commission, As a rule Government pd'blioations receive only scant attention and have but a limited circulation. In this in- dtanoe, however, the Report, through its appearance in the Alagazine, will be brought pro- minently before the attention of sportsmen, not only throughout Canada but also in the states, and the marry suggestions and re• commendations contained therein can scarcely fail to have some effect in a much wider field' than the Province. The interest taken in Fish and Gane protection is now general throughout North America and this document Will be studied and quoted for'.a lolls time to conic. The. statemirl€t. ,,11 exist• ing oonditiOns and .'Yui eetel!1,"Q' re- commendations. tor improvement will bear much consideration frons' sportsmen. Through their organ- izations thev should let the Government know their views on these matters in order that "legisla• tern meg be basal upon at1 heist some of them. The interesting ex- perience gained in "Cianoeing on Lake Superior" is concluded' and the story told of Mr. Yance's i'et Fox, while the capture of a big fish is related. For trapshooters the number is fascinating as it gives interesting accounts of many big meets and numerous smaller ones, showing the importance attached to this bra.noh of sport throughout the Dominion. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a . dose of .Cham- berlain's Stomach and ' Liver Tablets tonight befizae retiring and you will feel all right in the morn- ing. Sold by 3'. J. Merger. WESTERN FAIR,. 9 London, Ontario, Sept, to•'17. The official programme for this great Exhibition is being distribut- ed throughout the Country, and it is certainly a very complete one this year. There will b3 tWo Speed events each afternoon of more than ordinary interest. The music will be furnished by the Bends of tbe 7th Fusiliers; Lon- don, and the 91st Regiment e.7an- adian Highlanders, Hamilton, Ontario. Berao's Comedy ("irons, a great European Act, introdno(ng trained ponies and Mule.; The. Ernst Trio, The Adelaid Trio and The Plotz Larelies, all separate. acts and all artists of the very highest order. Tho Balton Troupe, Aerialists, are perfect wonders. The flying Jordans are world faun; ous» The Flour Albas and The Zello Troupe are Comedians who are really funny, while Billy La- Mothe and the Motoring Comiques will never be forgotten. The Marriott Twins Co. is an act of skill, comedy and novelty, which must be seen■to be appreciated. In addition to all tbe above, there. will be a ;magnificent display of Fireworks each evening, introduc- ing the novelty of "een Automobile Collision," with fifty-eight -ei ht other other distinct pieces, and coached- with that new Pyrotechnic triumph "The Eruption of Mount Vesuv-' ins," Grand Stand reserved seat tickets for each perforinsnee. All' information on applicati+bnl to the Sr eretary, Land or, Ont. 1 and MSS Corn left. Best brands of Millet and Hungarian Gras Seed at lowest prices. 8 TURNIP SEEDS: Canadian Gem, Excelsior, 1 Elephant, Jumbo and Greystone. Also the ✓ Paznous Aberdeen for early winter feeding. e B A small quantity of White Cep Yellow Dent STOOK FOODS International Stock Food : International Poultry Food : Pratt's Animal Regulator : Hackney Heave Powder : Hahn's Celebrated Hog Cholera Preventive. A Pull Stock of fresh grocerie,,, Royal House- hold, Milverton, Exeter, Parkhill, and Hensall Flours. always on hand. , SALT 200LB FOR 95 CENTS. J. fiASCas ZUKC +D(4i■DaDfrBbODOMMGD MOO 0.'BDaDa0Da0Map (mezzo Daitat aDdliri0aDOMGDa7aDaDaYP■DaDONOaDU■®aD®>9VMan 0 The general 'public will take notice that I ani doing busineee in - Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse= Hair, Copper, Etc. 'All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the eneh will be paid or trade gAven Orders for celleotion of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt •attention will be given. L WEXLERe : JUNE DEALER, : EXETER .- is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this W3 will send The ierald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, inn ten,. I � ifAF •4`I 0 1 ti r/ • REASONS FOR RAYING A E LAVAL De Laval separators save enough ever sass gravity creaming of milk , fai Ibultter-fat,' quality of cream, sweat ddmmilk, labor, time and .:lrt;d•outldle to pay dor themselves every . ads ,moxtths. De Laval separators save o'iouph 11woo: ,otiler separator in closer sepat- {nttio:,, running heavierand sumo - !cher oeeatn, olkiunnring cool calk, 'Lgaeater capaoit'y, easier cleaning: le sior cunning and less repairs to ,-../s9.3• for themselves every year. • IVA proved lie Laval separators I. aatwe•etterlgh over 1).e Laval maohin- i es of hive or twe2aty-five years ago . in aaloseabsolutely thorough separa- tion minder all conditions, greater calash', ea$iar running, and greater simplicity to pay for them- selves every two years. ' 1)e Laval separators are net -only supet4or to others bit at same tittle cheapest in proporrtion to actual - capeity, and they last from five to ten tivaes longer. These taro the reasons why the world's experienced separator users including 90 per cent of all creaani- erytnen, use and endorse the De Laval separators. ; SCIIRA6 SALES AGENT i Blake P. 0., Ont. FALL FAIRS. Ailsa. Craig. Sept. 2i, and 2,. Blyth...... . .... Oct, 4 and 6. • Brigden Oet. 4. Brussels Oct. '6 and 7. Dnneeinnon Oct. 6 and 7.. Ginlira .Sept. 27 and 28. 'Exeter Sept 19 and 2e.. N urdwich - Oot. 1. t;o lrrtrh .......... Sept 111, :30, 21. 1 Ramiston ..... , .... Sena, 14 and Z. • .Oct. 6 and. 7 .. Sept. 2Q, and 21. . Sept. 9-17 .. Sept. 'l2 and 23. .... Sept. 28 and 21, Sept. 15 and 18, Sept. 9-17. • .Oct. 4 and 5. Sept. 27 and 28 St Mary's Sept. 27 and e8. Seaforth.. Sept. 22 end: 23. Tavistock.... Sept. 19 and 20, Sept. i 3 wad 14, Sept. 99 30, Sept. 21,; 23, ...... Sept. A1, 224 Teirkton T •anowel Len+lon... , .. . faneknow Mitchell., New Hamburg- Ottawa amburg - Ottawa Parkhill Ripley Wellesley Wingbam Woodstook Zurich NEW VISIBLE LOADING' REPEATING RIFLE No. 70 The most accurate .22 Caliber Repeating Rifle made.. Two rnodets, one made for.22 short, the i other Yor.2s' long rife cartridges, Handles 15—.22 short cartridges, which are always in sight whale being fed tate chamber. For the .22 long r9tib;• 12 cartridges. Weight 43 pounds. Extra strong double extractors. THEndgve'unisabsolutely ua.ttecd isi. vorsal datisfaetion, Fitted with bead 1roatt and sporting rear eights. List Price ,x'8.00 Scud as thirty coos in n;antpl f rrout lot• ostcanpleteltiroarm Catalog and Asia Beards intansDly- intorestine and In. structieo one d,u, bud page. book, entltlad ”Guns' and Gunning." Hardware td, are and S ora) p n "Goad r)tnlors evar adt s Y Ctvt c,at Stevens S}Of@')rnr, rt *i Pk3rwo in stock. if you cannot al tutu, ,vu Will shat, (BM t express prepaid, upon receipt ,,ftaialog prise. J. STEVENS''A;11MS. root, Ca. ec P. 0. fax 55OG2 �CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS, diananaveawzmeimrmnue..