The Herald, 1910-08-19, Page 2Warren, Ont.
Feb. 11th.
"I hada horse that
had a Spavin for a
long time and I had
tried nearly every kind of medicine
when a neighbor told me to use
Kendall's Spavin Cure, which I did
and It acted won4erially."
Irendeliro Spavin Cure is no
untried experiment, but is the world's
standard remedy for alt Swellings,
Soft Bunches and Lameness in horse
and man.
Used the world over for 40 years.
Erery farmer, stockman, express-
man, livery proprietor and horse
owner generally should keep it
always on hand,
$1. a bottle—O for $5. Ask your
dealer for free copy of our book "A
Treatise On The Horse"—or write us
IBR. ffs.. J. KENDALL CO. '56
Encsburg ].cells, - Vermont.
Maintain it. .
Or acquire it.
It is necessary.
It "makes" a woman.
There's on beauty without it.
Or, rather, beauty without it vaniehes.
Dont' canntenace any slovenly posi.
It is not resting, in reality, to stand
on one leg.
It ii tar from restful to sink down
on the heel.
One sheuid stand on the ball of one's
feet, never on one's heels.
And one should sit up and well back
on a chair, never on the edge. •
Allways tie chest should be held up
and out, the chin in and the head up.
Spent mg does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send
free to any mother her successful home
treatment, with full instrutions. Send
azo money, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dit•
amities by day or night.
(New York .Sun.)
Damocles saw the sword suspended by
n hair.
"S'iueal:s," be 'cried; "my buttons liar'
Lean -neat n re -risonths.a4'
Thus it may be inferred that he was
'Your Druggist lX i1i Tell You
Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore }eyes,
Strengthens 'l.Veaic Eyes. Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, arid Sells for 50c. Try
Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby':
Byes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation
(Chicago News.) •
"A than on our side of the river," re-.
marked the Ohio man, "recently emptied
a pint bottle of whiskey at a single
drink, and died from the effects." •
"That matt, sub," rejoined the Ken-
tucky colonel, "ruust have been crazy.
Any sane man, suh, ought to know there.
ie at least two drinks in a pint bottle
of whiskey." • i .+ ,i AMIE
m o
$11.00 Atlantic City and Return
Via Lehigh Valley R. ]:t., from Suspen-
sion Bridge, Friday, August 20th. Tick-
ets good to return within 1.i days, and
stop -over at Philadelphia. Particulars e
King street east, Toronto.
"Alas!" sighed the poet, "the world
does not understand me."
'Well, cheer up," rejoined the practi-
cal person, "that is something to be
thankful for I'm sure."
Minard'' Liniment Cures Cold,, E.e.
(Chicago Leader.)
Her—Do you like my biscuits, dear?
Him—Well, they're fair, but you
should have seen the ones my great-
grandmother used to bake.
Her—Why, you never saw your great-
but I've heard grandfather
mention those biscuits to grandmother.
Linley Sambourne, chief cartoonist of
Punch, died yesterday after a long ill -
Prairie Chicken and Grouse Have
Flourished in Absence of Rain.
"'This extended drought has been good
for one .thing, we certainly have a
large crop of prairie chickens and
grouse," said. a St. Paul sportsman wh'a
has just returned from a trip west.
It is reported from other sources that
chickens are plentiful this year, and
when the season opens October 1 them
will be good shooting. In former years
heavy rains in the breeding season have
tended to drown out the nests of the
prairie chicken and last year there were
very few brought back by the hunters.
This year promises to be better,
. In the meantfine the ducks are having
a hard time of it. Reports show that the
usual haunts of these and other aqua-
tic birds, the small sloughs and pond's
of South Dakota and. Minnesota, have
dried up to such an extent that the
ducks are going north.
Many sportsmen from the South are
sending their dogs and trainers North
to break them for the opening of the
season, September 1. One party with 18
dogs passed through St. Paul yesterday
from a hunting club hi Georgia. They are
on their way to a place north of Winni-
peg, and will return to the States in
time to get the good shooting.—St. Patti
lche, bestri re&eftly
ev as for ;' 4tzlisu n,
hikeat, ,restres, eczema
sore feet, sgs and
'''Isiisters. A skin food !
e Eli Druggfiga and Seta -S.3.-504. @
King Edward Peace Mernoria
Mr. Andrew Carnegie and Sir Willi
Mather, with others, have both become
vice-presidents of the Peace Society, and
have each promised £1,000 to the King
Edward peace ,propaganda. fund, which
they are anxious shall be participated in
by as niany as possible, and for which
it is proposed to, raise at lease £50,000.
The placing of a marble bust of rung
Edward by a distinguishes sculptor, in
the Peace Palace at The HTague, which
wan unanimously decided upon by the
society at its annual meeting. is describ-
ed by Mr. t'arneh a as "a. most beautiful
and approe'riate thing." Anything fur -
then will be a natter for thoughtful ad-
ministration, and Mr. Carnegie has etip-
ulatetl'thee any sum raised should be
'devoted.. .te ,meeful nropuncle• in ;per-
petu at'.on .,f Xing ' en
eirelw¢x7°eitl s woo:', rn
promoting good -will and peace; and not
be "frittered away in bricks and mortar
or in petty proposals." This strikes one
as statesmnnlilce, and the most fitting
form of a real memorial and one most in
accord. with the late King's aims and ef-
forts. Negotiations are, however, in
progress to ascertein the 'Wishes and to
secure the approval of the Ting and the
Queen -Mother.
It is an undisputed fact that
one package of Wilson's Fly Pads
has killed a bushel of house flies.
Fortunately no such quantity can
ever be found in a well kept
house, but whether they be few
or many Wilson's Fly Pads will
kill thein all.
(Hlarper's Bazar.)
Jonah ,explained his sensations inside
the whale.
"It was moving day and T didn't feel
any more uncomfortable than at home,"
he cried. .
Sadly he made his way to the new flat,
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
(Montreal Witness.)
The chief of police of Chicago seems
to have gone to the root of thv matter
and to have acted both legally and
wisely when he gave the order:. "Per-
mit no pietures or illustrations of acts
illegal in the State of Tllbnoie," As
prize fighting is illegal in Illinois, the
pictures of prize fighting are, there,foro,
and thereby, excluded. The chief of po-
llee of Chic Igo is in'favor of the law ttnd
public opinion,, and has made his en-
forcement effective in a sentence.
Williamstown, Out., July 27th, 1908.
"I suffered :all my life from, Chronic
Constipations and no doctor, or remedy,
I ever tried helped me. "Fruit-a-tives"
promptly curia me. Also, last spring
I had. a bad attack of BLADDER and
KIDNEY TROUBLE and the doctor
gave me up lent "Fruit-a-tives" saved
my life. I an now over eighty years
of age and I' strongly recommend
"Fruit a-tives" for Constipation and
Kidney Trouble".
50c a box, 6 for ease—or trial box, 250
—at dealers t::r• from Fruit -a -tines
Limited, Ottawa.
The Negro in Business.
It is interesting ,u see how the negro
has succeeded in those businesses in
which slavery furnished hila a. term of
apprenticeship. Mr Junius B. Groves,
of Edwardsville t; .. is often referred
to as the Potato Eng. in one year alone
he produced. 721,i1'0 bushels of white
potatoes --121,500 beehels more than
than any other imIlvidual grower in the
world at that time. He buys and ships
potatoes and otL'. products to nearly
every portion of the United States;: lex•
ice, and Canadae times of other men
sful fruit trot' `'rirr
and nix le,
Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore. Besides beef, poultry and
eggs, Mr. Turner, of Wilberforce, 0.,
ships 100 gallons of milk daily to
Springfield, 0.
Gentlemen, In .lune, '98, I had my
hand and wrist" bitten and badly man-
gled by a vicious horse, I suffered
greatly for several days and the tooth
cuts refused to heal until your agent
gave me a. bottle .•f 1'IINARD'S LINI-
MENT, which 1 began using: The ef-
fect was magi 1; its five hours the pain
had ceased..
two Weeks,' the wounds
hard coml,le. and iny horn! And
.arm -were .lee
Yours truly.
A, E. ROY,
Carriage Maker.
St. Antoine, P. 1,:.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
'A Memorial to Gutenberg.
A literary memorial to the memory
of Gutenberg, the founder of the
printing industry, is about to be
pu:I i I • bed, atter ten years of strenu-
ens lr,bor on the part of the artistic,
sctent:.fic and publishing industries of
Germany. It takes the form of a
new earnlon of the so-called 42 line
Guteuhurg edition of the Bible. This
work is still not only one of the
greatest monuments of the printer's
tart, but nll=o marks the .clete of the•
first period of the Gutenberg era.
Gutonburg's 42 line Bible contains
nearly 1,300 pages, some hundred of
which are decnrttted in miniatures in
color and gold. --Frons the Westmin-
ster Gazette.
Nell—You can never tell ranch about
a man from his speed's. Belle—No, Choi
who stutters terrible, proposed to
me five tninutes after he was introduced,
while it took lade, who is the most
*voluble fellow I� know, three years,
king George's. Income Taxes.
That the King willin future pay
no income tax on any part of his in-
come is a feature in the rearrange-
ment of the finances of the Crown
which, howeve. ? iteresting, gets no
mention in the report of the Select
Committee on the Civil List. The
reason of this is that the payment of
income tax by the sovereign is a
purely voluntary act, and therefore
cannot bo included in "a survey of
the Civil List.
It is understood that his Majesty
will be at charges for the entertain-
ment of his brother sovereigns on their
visits - to him, but the understand-
ing is nothing in the nature of a. deal.
Prom the Pall Mali Gazette.
i .
A Swedish Invention to Give Mariners
Warn ing.
Wonderful possibilities are claimed for
a Swedish invention called the photogra-
phone, by means of which it is said that
sound waves can be registered on the
sensitive plate,
The negative is developed in the or-
dinary way and the sound curves trans•
ferred to ebony plates, from whieh the
sound is reproduced as by the gramo-
The photoerephone records can be re•
produced ad infinitum, and if the origi-
nal music or song should not be strong
enough to fill a large concert hall, the
sound can be increased as desired. On
account of the immense volume of its
sound the inventor prophesies that the
photographone will replace fog sirens in
Instead of the inarticulate howl which
the grate send out in the night the pho-
tographonic foghorn will call out the
naive of the lighthouse for miles over
the ocean.—London Daily Graphic.
It was such a bright spring morn-
ing. The birds were singing gayly to
each other as they worked at their
nest building, and the dandelions were
nodding their yellow heads in welcome
to the little girl coming down the lane,
But Susie wasn't happy. Instead
of smiling she was crying. And why
do you think she was doing that?
B cause she had to wear an apron to
school, And such a nice, clean; fresh
apron as it was, but Susie didn't want
her pretty frock covered. It was silly
for mother to think she wouldn't
keep clean. Why not take it off and
leave it behind the old chestnut tree?
This idea pleased her and she
dried her tears and was soon dancing
along to school, apronless. "On my
way home I'll get it and mother will
never know the difference," she
The morning passed off beautifully,
and the girls all admired her frock;
but when she was eatifig lunch and
laughing at some joke, wha did :she
do but drop a piece of bread and
jam on her lap, with the jam side
Alas, for the pretty frock. It would
never be pretty. again with that ugly
stain on 1t. flow often she wished
that afternoon that she had worn her
apron. What mother said I don't
know, but this I do know—it was a
Iong time before Susie came to school
without an apron ,and she never
again left it in the lane behind the
chestnut tree.
can be made by droppi ig the contents of
a package of
in a gallon of vinegar, boil for fifteen
rn inutes and pour over the pickles, This
mixture keeps the pickles solid and nice
the year round and Imparts a most deli-
cious flavor to the pickles. Sold at 25c,
by grocers or sent by mail, post paid, on
receipt of 30c.
To Clean Paint.
The ordinary whitening sold by gro-
ceers and stores is excellent for clean-
ing paint, and does not injure it in the
Mix it with cold water to the 'con-
sistency of cream; wring a clean
cloth out of warm water, squeeze it
as dry as possible, dip it in the
whitening. mixture, ,and rub the paint
until all the stains' disappear. .
A wooden skewers such assooleutehers
use, is excellent for pushing, the cloth
into crevices and corners. Russe off the
whitening with warm' water and a clean
cloth, and then wipe the paint as dry as
If rubbed until quite dry, the polish
will be restored to the paint, said it will
look like new.
Minard'se Liniment Cures Garget in
Practically all Canadian drug.
gists, grocers and general dealers
sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your
storekeeper does not, ask him
Too Late.
After the guests had waited for half
an hour in a'Berlcsbire church for the
bride to arrive messengers were de-
spatched to the livery stable: to try and
discover what had. happened. The liv-
eryman, made to understand that he had
omitted to send ts carriage to her house,
a;rknowledged that all the blame rested
on him and apologized. in manly fashion,
but when they suggested that he should
proceed to remedy the delay he failed to
see their point.
"What'll be the use o' feteliia' 'er.
now?" be argued. "The eirviee'll be'arf
over." ---•London Globe.
Mr. Phunn--I tell you these railroads
are a tyrannical lot. •
Mr. Phann--You bet! I've even been
at ball games that were called so the
two teams would be able to call their
ISSUE NO, 33, 1910
for new patent musical Instrument:
requires no teacher; anyone ,canplay the
tunes at sight. No experience required,
Particulars free, Address M. Strakoseh,
Itenora, Ont. f
�vJ salary paid. Alfred Tyler, 355 Clar-
ence street, London, Ont.
future, love, marriage, business and
all mysteries of 11fe revealed. Send birth
date and tic in stamps, Eugene. G, Page,
Box 403, St. Johns. P, Que.
Dr. Mantel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy of proven worth. 1 he
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug steres..
r C, D" S&IEL DOf� Inl�rotcernt
A. specialty made of investments
i, in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Write for full , particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 108. St. Tames St.,
V1).n *a.. 0. s, Q7,5,�ti
Long Bridge Spans,
The long span of concrete bridge
over the Wissahickon at Philadelphia
is not long to hold the distinction of
the largest structure of its kind. Its
span is 233 feet, and the Rocky River
bridge of 280 clear span is now under
construction at Cleveland, says the
Chicago Tribune. A bridge having a cen-
tral span of 281 has been designed for
Spokane to carry Monroe street across
the Spokane River. A span of 285 feet
has been adopted to carry the New' York
barge canal over a gorge in the vicinity
of Medina, N. Y. A bridge recently
placed under contract by the civic au-
thorities of Rome will cross the Tiber -
with a span of 328 feet. The east of
this bridge has been estimated at $250,-
000. A bridge comparable with it in
every respect is now more than half fin-
ished at Auckland, New Zealand. It has
a tote]. length of 910 feet and its main
feature is a span of 320 feet, which will
carry a 40 -foot roadway at an elevation
of 147 feet above the ,ground below.
This is a golden opportunity for any-
one to own an instrument. We have a
large stock, of used planer, taken :n ex
chance on Heintzman & Co. pianos.
These instruments are such wail -known.
makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines
Bros., Thomas and Dominion,, and the
price is from $60 ton X125. t Each sons
guaranteed for five years, and, will be
taken back in exchltege with full am-
ount ailosved any time in three years.
Do not let this chance slip by you. A
post card will bring full particulars.--
B'eintzman & Co., 71 King street east,
Hamilton, Ont.
A Thoughtful Maid.
"Good -by forever:" said the young
nian, coldly, as he prepared to depart.
"I leave you now, never to retui'n1"
"Good -by," said the fair maid in the
parlor scene, "but before you go let me
remind you that you can telephone me
in the morning ever so much eheaper
than you can send a messenger—and
you can buy me a box of choeolatee
with the difference"
u., r• sen n .. I ,w
A New Lax
;$wve—the best known to modern medicine
t! —Is the active principle which makes
so much better than ordinary. physics. While thoroughly effective, they never
gripe, purge or cause nausea, andnever lose their effectiveness. One of the
best of the NA -DRU -00 line.
25c. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we
will mall them. 23.
Natineal !Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, - - - Montreal.
MINUS I' Irvin
The Best in the Market
Made of aluminum, light and
strong, safe and humane. Dog can
drink with muzzle on, Cannot get
muzzle off. Held 'In mouth 1»' bit
back of tusks. Does not worry the
animal, Price 60 cents, any size.
Enquire from your dealer.
230 Barton Street East,
I-Tamilton, Ont.
At the e Outset
Young married couples should start their housekeeping careers
aright, Remember, chars. June -chide, that
dy' In'tra.
is the ]3]1ST on the market. Also that Eddy's "SILENT" Matches are
absolutely safe and. harmless. Matches, Paper of all descriptions,
Woodenware; Pails, Tubs and Wash Boards.
• :•r'y•herr;9,,i to •
; o- .., • • •t.e5; ,''ee,,r'r,e1 ' . ,