The Herald, 1910-08-05, Page 21
Cut up ripe peaches after peeling diem
and save all teejuice that flows .freta
them. Squeeze the fruit through a jelly
bag and to a pint of this add sugar to
taste, the juice of a lemon and a pint el
cold. water. Turn into a freezer and
grind until as stiff as desired.
Make a good boiled custard of six
eggs and a. quart of rich milk. Use
enough sugar for this custard to sweet-
en abundantly. Set aside until cold, fla-
vor with vanilla .and add a 'pint of cream.
Beat hard and freeze.
Pat one tablespoonful of butter into a
kettle, add two onions sliced, a small
carrot Chopped fine, and halt a cupful of
chopped celery. Cook slowly for 15 min-
utes, add a quart of water, a bay leaf,
a dash of cayenne, a salt-poonfnl of
white pepper, a teaspoonfulof salt. a
tablespoonful of chopped parsley and
thyme. Moisten a teaspoonful of curry
and add last. Simmer On minutes and
strain. Just as it is reedy to serve add
five tablespoonfuls of boiled ripe.
r>ti Evei-yliudy now admit °� 1
Zane-Bssk best for these. 1
Let, it, give YOU ease
and comfort:
Prtvir sts and Stares evertn)are
',r ;; Harper's Weekly-)
Two little girls saw the wide-open
mouth of a crocodile in a picture book.
"Crocodiles is awful," said one, ser-
iously. "They eat up little heathen
babies what don't say their prayers, In
my Sunday school be give pennies to bay
.missionaries to go and shoot them.'
C p
The source of all intestinal
troubles is the common hoarse fly;
his buzz is tine first symptom of
typhoid.. Wilson's- Fly Padi are
the oily things that 1011 them all.
S;,err0 Eel ts'°" ce either.
:tee -1 has recently entered a new field.
'appearing as an effective material for
,power belts in mills, factories and sim-
ilar places.. Its advantages lie in the re•
dttttion of width both of blts and of pul-
leys, the consequent reduction of weight
end expense, and a reduction in the dis-
taiice between axles nccessitat d her^to-
fore to secure proper tension of leather
belts. Size of pulleys can be increased,
and therefore a gain in power seeiineel
because of the reduction of weight and
width. Extraordinary spends, impractic-
able with leather or rope transmission,
are readily available with steel baits,
and the savings eft fed in all depart-
ments cover an inereaped initial cost
easily in a season. The pulleys are pro-
vided with canvas and cork surfaces to
give the steel bands the beat pos:-ih:e
hold upon thein.
Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que.
"1 have been completely cured of a
frightful condition of my Stomach
through the wonderful fruit medicine
'Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything
but what I suffered awful pain from
My head ached incessantly,
I was told to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and
sent for six boxes. Now I am entirely
well, can eat any ordinary food and
never have a Headache."
5oc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or trial box,
25c. At all dealers or from fruit-a-
tives Limited, Ottawa.
Many. Uses of Sand.
The sands of the sea are singularly
useful. They are of primary importance
giass making. They have an import-
ant place in warfare, as a bank of sand
twenty inches thick is proof against
modern rifle shots. The electrical pro-
perties of sand show that it has positive
electricity, although a rod of silica, the
chief constituent of sand, is negative.
The sinrtllnr drying effect which oc-
curs when a stretch of wet sand is press-
ed by the foot is due entirely to an al-.
teration in the piling of the sand grains.
Normally the grains are close together,
but abnormal piling is brought about by
pressure of the .font, the space between
the edges of the grains being enlarged
end the water drained away. If the
pressure of the foot rs continued the
sant becomes wetter than ever, the par-
tial vacuum quickly bringing water from
the surrounding sand.
In quicksands the moving- charactor is
thought to be due to the imprisonment
between the -grains of . gases from or-
ganic matter.—Chicago Tribune.
Patron iz ing.
"Yes," said the somewhat severe lady,
°iny ancestors came over in the May-
• "Froin what I have •heard,'' replied
Mese Cunirox, "ace:nuznodutio;is on the
3Iayflouzer didn't compare with those 'of
a modern: liner, but, of comes, the rates
week loyeee ae3Wa,seingtor e )sero
This s a golden opportunity for any
one to own an instrument. We have a
large stock of used pianos; taken ::t ex-
change on Heintzrnan 3c Co. pianos,
These instruments are such well-known
makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines
Bros., Thomas and Dominion, and the
price ie from $60 to $125. Each ono
guaranteed for five years, and will be
taken back in exchange with full am•
ount allmved any time in three years,
Do not letthis chance slip by you. A
post card will bring full particulars.--
Heintzman & Co., 71 King street east,
Hamilton, Ont.
A strong solution of Epsom salts has
been found useful as a primary dress-
ing in burns and scalds. The solu-
tion is applied on a cloth, or in ..le
case of a hand or foot the part may
be immersed in the solution and kept
there so long as there is any pain on
removing it. It is claimed that pain
is quickly relieved.
can he made by dropping the contents of
a package of:
it a. gallon of vinegar. boll for fifteen
minutes and pour over the pickles. This
mixture keeps the pickles solid and nice
the year around and imparts a most deli-
cious flavor to the pickles. Sold at 25c,
b./ grocers or sent by mail, post paid, on
receipt of 30c.
Recipes for ramous Dishes.
(Hot Pepper Pot.)
Hot pepper pot is a famous New Or-
leans dish of ven.l, A knuckle of veal
is eooked until the meat is ready to
drop from the bones; then the meat is.
removed and cut fine, and added to
tripe which has been cooked and cut into
small pieces. Then the meat is put
back into the broth in which it was
eooked, together with a minced onion,
two sliced potatoes, a sweet pepper cut
M shreds, a sprig of parsley, and a bou-
quet of herbs. When the pot boils up,
it is further seaeoned with salt, pepper
and paprika.
Yonr DrnggIest Tell Yon
Murine, Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 50c. Try
Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby's
Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation
4 A V
A Warning.
A boy who had been going to one of
the public schools in Buffalo left school
to go to work for a small manufacturer.
Theboy was dull, and his stupidity
annoyed the manufacturer greatly. Af-
ter two wars of trial the manufacturer
dliscb.argeil the boy at the end of the
week on Saturday night. "You're dis-
charged," the manufacturer said. "Go
and get your pay, and let that be the
last of • you. You're discharged." On
Monday morning the manufacturer was
much surprised to see the hey at his
former place at work. "Here!" he
shouted. "What are you doing in this
shop? T discharged you on Saturday
night." 'Wes," said the boy, "and don't
you do it again. When I told my moth-
er she .licked• rine."
Although Aberdeen is the 'home of
Scotch granite, n' 0111,',n''
recently was exported to that city from
South Carolina quarries to meet a de-
mand for variation in color from tae
xiative stone.
If hooks for the bathroom, kitchen
and pantry are dipped in enamel
paint tli,ere will be no trouble from
iron rust.
Turpentine should be sprayed or
sprinkled in the haunts of cockroach-
es. It will often quite destroy the
pests and will always disperse them.
Grained wood should be washed
with gold tea, a small surface only
at a time, and rubbed well with a
flannel cloth -before it becomes dry.
There shrould be a separate grater
for onions. Do not' use a combined
grater in circular form with different -
sized teeth "for nutmeg, .cheese and
cabbage, or you may lament spoiled
foods. •
When packing a new tin trunk be
sure to line the inside with newspap-
ers before packing anything in it, for
the new paint, especially in hot wea-
ther, .is liable• to melt and stick to
anything placed in the box.
When washing knives never allow
the handles to go into the water, as
this discolors them and often loosens
them. A good plan is to put the
knives in a jug with just enough
water to cover the blades and after-
ward rub them with a cloth.
Paper wrappings should never be
left on meat or any other damp kinds
of food longer than is really neces-
sary. .Paper (beim a compound of
zags, lime, etc., with acids and var-
ious chemicals in ermixed), is clear-
ly not fit for keeping such things in
for any length of tire.
Every inothnr r•lust know how
fatal the sumac' months are to
small children, t'holera infantum,
diarrhoea, 'dysenu ry and stomach
troubles are ab :minion at this
time and. inane. ,, precious life is
snuffed out after wily a few hours
illness. • As a aaieguard mothers
should keep Baby's Own Tablets
in the house., en occasional dose
of the Tablets will prevent stem-
ach and bowel troubles, or if the
trouble comes on suddenly, will
bring the little one through safely.
Mrs. R. E. Sanford, Inverary,
Ont., writes: "My baby was sickly
for over a week with stomach and
bowel troubles and cried night and
day, nothing helped her till I be-
gan giving her Baby's Own Tab-
lets, but they helped her right
away and now she is a big healthy
child with fine rosy cheeks. The
Tablets are .eertiinly a wonderful
medicine and T. recommend them
to all niy Menet who have little
children." Sola by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from the D:. t:-illiams Medicine
Co., Brocit . tent. • .
e..4. *1 9% teeeseeereseeseeeee+
,r•� a
Frogs efie With Singers,
Theatrical compnoes playing in the
Auditorium this spring are having seri-
ous .competition from a large colony of
bullfrogs that has made its. home .direct-
ly under the building. From the dis-
cord that rises: nightly there would ap-
pear to be thousands of frogs in the
When Vancouyar people went to the
Auditorium early this spring they heard.
an occasional croak and little was
thought of it. At first it was consider-
ed a joke, but the population of Frog-
ville multiplied fast. The bullfrog chor-
us became decidedly annoying, and on
evenings when the frogs are at their
best it is an even break between them
and the comic opera singers who are oc-
cupying the stage above. Unless some-
thing is done it is regarded as only a
question of time when the theatrical at-
tractions will have to be limited to mati-
nees, the frogs confining themselves to
evening performances. -Vancouver cor-
respondence Portland Oregonian.
This is to certify that I have used
MINARD'S Liniment in my family for
years, and consider it the best lini-
ment cal the market. I have found it ex-
cellent for horse flesh:
W. S. MOO.
O O.
"Woodlands," Middleton, N. S.
Contains more real body-building nutriment
than meat or eggs—Costs much' less
For any meat in combination with vege-
tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed
prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven,
to restore crispness."
Sold by ail grocers, 13o. a Garton. two for 25e. t2�1
A Canary's Ears.
A canary's ears -are back of and a
little below its eyes. They are not hard
to find when one has learned where to
look. There is no cuter ear, such as
animals have, but simply a small opening
which is covered by feathers. It is quite
surprising that birds should possess the
very acute hearing whioh they do, while
Iacking the fleshy flap which enables the
animals to catch sounds.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
They're important. ; {;
They must be regular.
They should be appetizing.
The food must be nutritious.
Three meals a day shruld be suf-
Water (plenty of it) and lemonade
are good between meals.
Under no circumstances should
more than a sip of water be taken
before a meal.
Indeed, the- less water with meals
the bettor, providing plenty is drunk
If cold milk is taken at meals it is
best to take it a sip at a Lime.
Fruit, eggs. brown bread and milk
make a fine breakfast at 8 o'clock.
At 1 a little meat, good vegetables
and a sfinele dessert form the dinner.
A cerer], milk and fruit, with per-
haps a custard, should form the sup-
per at about 6.
While a child needs a sponge -off in
tepid water before going to bed, the
nal bath should iso taken half an
hour before breakfast, The shower
is delightful.
Quite Different.
Applicant—Did. I understand you to
say that you accommodate 200 persons
at this hotel?
Hotel Proprietor—No T said this ho-
tel had capacity" for 20.0:-Browning's
eG e O
Rare Gases in' the Air.
Claude has employed his method of
estimating the rare gases in'the atmos-
phere, in an attempt to determine whe-.
ther the passage of the earth through
the tail of Halley's comet produced any
effect upon the quantities of these gases
in the atmosphere. The method, which
is extremely sensitive, was applied to a
current of air 12,000 cubic feet per
hour, Experiments were made on May
17, 10, 20 and 23 for at least three hours
on each day. The results do not indicate
any appreciable alteration produced by
the comet in the quantity of these in-
ert and difficult eondensible atmospheric
Minard's Liniment Cures Distewnper.
(Washington Star.)
"Sometimes you have to hit a man to
make him keep quint, so that you can
save him from drowning,"
"Yes" xeplied the abrupt , person;
1"and the time to do it is when lie first
begins to rock the boat,"
Minard's Linirnent Cures Gateyeet in
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assured. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
o - O
Englishman—Did you have a pleasant
voyage from London to New York?
American—No. The purser gave us
our custom house declaration slips on
the second day Out.
Little lien's father caught a bat in the
barn and brought it in to show to Itis
small son, asking hire what he thought
it was. "0, papa!" said little Ben, "It's
an angel mouse 1"
PL': wk':. lE4hY�-
6i D. SDELDO d inI okar
A specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Write for full particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 108, St James St
ISSUE NO. 31, 1910
IJ postal for circulars. or 10o for Sara -
vies and terms. Alfred Tyler. London.
future, love, marriage, business, and
all mysteries of life revealed. Send birth
date and Se in stamps. E. G. Page, box
4t5. St. Johns, P. Que.
Dr. artel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre.
pared remedy of proven worth. 7 he
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
',IJ.T e,:e•r
4tv..eteeeei9'.+., t'. 4:,
Charity and Prudence.
The contradictions of life are many.
An. observant man remarked recently
that lte was prowling about a certain
city square, when he came upon a. drink-
ing fountain which bore two conflicting
One, the original inscription on the
fountain, was from the Bible: "And who-
sover will, let him take the water of life
Above this hung a placard: "Please
do not waste the water."
Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, E.c.
Rules of Road for Airships.
The Aero club of France has pre-
pared for the French Government a
set of aviation rules of the road to be
used es a basis for the formation of
laws regulating airship traffie. The sug-
gested laws insist that a band of lights
must be displayed on buildings at every
250 foot Ievel. Overhead wires must be
indicated by flags by day and by lights
at night. Airships must keep 150 feet,
above private property. Balloons have
the right of way over all dirigible air-
craft and are at liberty to go wherever
the wind listeth, but they must keep 300
feet above private property. American
aviators will await with interest the
action of the French Government in this
matter, In case laws governing airship
traffic and providing regular lanes and
courses for various types of aircraft
are enforced in France, it may not be
long before other civilized countries will
follow suit.
Three packets of Wilson's Fly
Pads cost twenty-five cents, and
will kill more flies than twenty-
five dollars' worth of sticky paper.
oe® .
Chester—See the lady -bug on the
Archie—That's not a lady -bug. Lady-
bugs never go into young gentlemen's
Chester But this is a landlady -bug.
Photography Taught Free
Your name on a post card will secure for you a Free and
Complimentary Membershid In the Dominion Camera. Club,
'.nd will entitle you to all the privileges and advantages of
this club, including free instructions, advice and latest in-
formation as to advances made in the Art of Photography.
Write to -day and take advantage of this special offer.
Dominion Photo Supply Co., Limited
%'R;!tha'Sii 1V-. s114•61ut ,'e • Yat4X4 ?x : ; °w tis 470•;'s?M iom.°' ,iJ4i1?;S A•trt011i
At t
Young. married couples should start their housekeeping careers
aright. Remember, blrs. June -Bride that
is the I3EST on the market. Also that Eddy's "SILENT"
absolutely safe and harmless, Matches, Paper of all
Woodenware, Pails, Tubs and Wash Beards.
eIetelies are