The Herald, 1910-07-29, Page 2F
Great Bag By Duke of Connaught PAALYSISAnd His Son
s4,u account of the Duke of Con-
onnau ht'. danger from a charging. lien
during hisbig game hunting expodi-
tion in British Last Aeries has been
written "by express permission" by
Captain G. iiiddell, and appears in
'.lire East African Standard.
The party's total bag of big game
consisted of an elephant, seven lions, fif-
'teen rhinoceros, fear buffalo, one ehee.
tah, and three hippopotamus. Thirty-
three different species of antelope
were shot. The Duke of Connaught ob-
tained twenty-three animals of dif-
ferent species, including fine specimens
ad lion, rhinoceros and buffalo. He had
the best individual bag of the party.
The first and finest rhinoceros was
bagged by Prince Arthur of Connaught
near the junction of the Nanuki and
Leeki Pjvers. Near the Onderka River
the Duke shot his firsts lion, a splendid
black. -maned specimen. It was carried
in triumph into camp, where the "lion
song" was sung by the natives with
ranch enthusiasm.
Two other lions were bagged by the
Duke during a week's hunting southeast
of limbo. 'the hunt was a typical one,
starting by the sighting of the lions,
which were "rounded up" by the hunt-
ers mounted. The guns then advanced
as the animals lay in knee-hig'.i grass.
One lion charged when hit by •the
Duke of Connaught, and received its
'death wound only four yards from its
assailants. His Royal Highness bag-
ged a liouess the same day.
Subsequently a rhinoceros charged
the camp during lunch. It created in-
describable confusion until its career
was cut short near the dining tent with
a bullet. The Duchess of Connaught in
the same week shot a large rhinoceros.
The live stock of the caravan was added
to by the capture of a very youthful
rbinoceros, which, "after charging every-
one and everything for twenty-four
!sours, suddenly became extremely
During the expedition the Royal
;party covered some 400 miles.
s5ea, Weak, '4'veury, Watery Eyes.
'Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 5Oc At
Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
PRV' Marriage and Long Life.
glia Jeteques Bertillon, of Paris, has
:started a world-wide discussion by his
• advice to "marry if you want to live to
• a good old age." "A married an or wo-
ame has," she says, "'thrice : as numb
-eltanee for n good long run of life as a
'bachelor or a spinster." The average
mortality among widowers is greater
than the average among married men, so
he recommends that they marry, provid-
ed that they are under 00 years of age.
The married live longer than the single
for the reason that, as a rule, they lead
more regular lives, In every community
there are enough aged. married couples
to demonstrate that Dr. Bertillon's de
ductions are well founded.
c]C+'ruit• 1-tives" The Only Medicine
sTbat WW Really Curs
The Liver both causes and cures
Obstinate Constipation or Paralysis of
the Bowels.
When the Liver becomes torpid or
weak, then it cannot give up enough
Bile to move the Bowels.
"Fruit -a -tines" acts directly on the
liver and makes the liver strong and
By curing the liver, "Fruit -d -tines"
enables this important organ to give
off suiiicient Bile to move the bowels
regularly and naturally, and thus cure
"Intestinal Paralysis." •
"Fruit-a-tives" is made of fruit
Juices and tonics and is undoubtedly
the only medicine ever discovered that
will positively cure Constipation in
any form.
"Fruit-a-tives" Is sold by all dealers
at 50c'a box, 6 for $2.00, or trial box,
25o, or may be obtained froin Fruit -a-
Lives, Limited, °trews,.
"Too many Americans of the twen-
tieth century," said Jacob A. Riis, in an
address in New York. "have a wrong
idea of business. Now business is. real-
ly, honest service—honest serviee—noth-
ing but that.
But too many men look on business
as a certain seaside shopkeeper did.
"A friend of mine visited this man's
shop to buy a flannel bathing suit. The
bathing suits were all a. little too large
for him.
`They're marked unshrinkablea my
friend said thoughtfully. 'This one here
might do if it would shrink. But—'
I'll ask father about it,' said the
young attendant.
"And then, behind the partition. my
friend overheard this dialogue:
" `Father a gent wants to know if our
unshrinkable bathing suits won't shrink
a little any way.'
"'Is the suit too large for him?'
"'Yes, father.'
"'Then of course it will shrink, Why
don't you try and have some head for
business, Willie?"
'Of Skin, Hands and Hair Preserved.
Fee preserving, purifying and b anti•
fying the skin, scalp, hair and hands;
for allaying minor irritations of the skin
and scalp and for preventing them be-
cnming chronic; for imparting a velvety
softness to the skin; 'fur sanative, anti-
septic cleansing, and. in short, for every
use in promoting skin and. hair health
and bodily purity. Cuticnra Seep and
Cutieura Ointanent are unsurpassed. In
the speedy and economical treatment oi_
torturing, disfiguring eczemas, rashes,
itchinge.. and inflammations., Cuticura
succeeds when all else fails,
This :s a ge. p
one to own an instru
large stet?- o4 esea..
charge r u Ilbihtzenan w C
These inst"riinients are %resit well -knee
makes as Weber, Chickering, Hawes
Bros., Thomas and Dominion, and the
price is from $00 to elea Each ons
n aranteed for five year., and will be
taken back in exchange with full am-
ount allowed any time in three years,
Do not let this chance slip by you. A.
post card will bring full particulars,--
IIeintsman & Co., 71 King street east,
Hamilton, Ont.
The Bigot.
There is no bigot quite so hopelessly
fette4, as the ratan who is always find-
ing bigotry in other people. There is
Consisting of .One Man, One Burro
and a Roiling Water Barrel.
It might be thought that such an ex
citing thing as a fire would startle the.
Mexicans out of their habitual Palo -
knee, but such is not the ease.
The alarm of fha at Matamoros, Coa-
huila, , Mexico, was given by the dis-
charge of numeepue pistols and guns,
says a writer in tse Wide World Maga-
zine, and I haste n;le to the scene,. think-
ing at first that a battle was waging.
After a long interval, during which
the people watched the fire with inter-
est, chattering,, ani :ng themselves mean-
while, there; appeared plaeidly trundling.
along, the road the liatamoresan equiva-
lent of a fire engine, a barrel rolling
along the ground, drawn by a reluctant
A swivel phi in atoll end of the keg
permitted it to tilt freely and ropes
attached it to the ardmal. Behind walk-
ed the fire brigade, a solitary peon,
bearing a bucket, Arrived at the scene
of the conflagration, the water in the
barrel was ;poured into buckets and
hauled to the roof of an adjacent house,
whence it was flung int othe flames.
Everybody was mealy excited. The
calmest thing •of 1,11 was the fire, which
burned steadily on till thereewas noth-
ing left to eolleUree. Then as the specta-
cle was over, the people dispersed. Every
one was satisfied, except perhaps the
unfortunate owner of the house that
had been destroyed.
(Catholic Standard and Times,)
Ascum T saw your wife at the dance
lest night. She certainly did look mag-
nificent. By the way, old main, you're
rather thin, aren't you?
• Muttley L gates, T am. You see we
went to honsekeepin;z recently and 1
arranged with, my wife to give her a
certain allowance each week provide for
the table and buyepee for herself.
Minard's Liniment Cures Gorget in
(The Delineator.)
Dorothy was visiting' her grandpar-
ents in the country for the first time.
Seeing a quantity of feathers scattered
about the hen yard she shook her head
in disapproval.
"Grandpas" she said gravely, "you
really might to do something to keep
ever cbiekens from weerinie out so."
none so creed -bound as he who is always
flaunting ashis creed, "I believe all
creeds are wrong." He, like every one
else, has a belief; but his belief leads
him nowhere, while the beliefs of those
who rejoice in their creedslead to a
definite somewhere. The believer's creed
'is a possession of value, the result of
hought andconviction that seeks to
build. The creed -attacker's creed is au
obsession, such as one finds in the dis-
ordered minds of a lunatic asylum; seek-
ing to destroy others, it destroys only
It is an undisputed fact that
one package of Wilson's Fly Pads
has killed a bushel of house flies.
Fortunately no such quantity can
ever be found in a well kept
house, but whether they be few
or many Wilson's Ply Pads will
kill them all.
• (Catholic' Standard and Timex,)
"Eliza!" yelled the poet, "why don't
you keep that kid quiet? What ails hint,
"l'an sure I don't know," replied his
patient wife; "I'm singing one of your
lullabies to the little darling."
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Begging from the Wrong Man..
No More Sour
Curti Flavor
end Preserver
Is a concentrated ex;ruet of spices that
f avors catsup at ' li a•er given fori
time. Many. peoi
making of catcall because it always
spoiled. You can :ow make better and
ulcer looking catsr,r, than you ever made
before Catsup if
Fl vor i c. rr fromoutt
rmgr gg rrkes
ocer. . It
leaves the natural r<td ioior of the toma-
to and imparts t , most delicious
flavor. Sent post pain on receipt of
so eents.
An Original Thinker.
A .studious peraou can, by thinking
ons for almost
long enough ' n s
anything. The • not be neeessaraly
go axons',may presenta-
h .;' u' °who,
t a -pin stand on i s ,point?"
He conside r d the proposition
time, and then answered:
e "In the first place, a point is defined
by Euclid as that which has no parts
and no magnitude, and how can a pin
stand on that which. hath no parts and
no magnitude?
"In the second place, a pin will not
stand on its head,' much less, therefore,
will it stand on its point.
"Thirdly and lastly, it will, if you stick
it in hard enough."—Pearson's.
Builds Strong, Healthy,
Sturdy Youngsters.
To serve—heat in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt
to taste. Sold b1 all grocers, 13c, a carton; two for 25c.
' Braised Lima . Beans.
Soak beans over night. Boil tender in.
water. When well done but still tender
and not soft and soggy drain off water,
reserving it for broth, Melt three ounc-
es of butter in a frying pan, add one
teaspoonful of tomato sauce, sour drops
of tobaseo sauce, a few drops of lemon
juice. When hot put beans in. Stir them
with a fork to keep there from burning
and when golden brown serve.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, E.c.
Getting Even. •
When Governor Tweedie was a mem-
ber of the New Brunswick Legislature,
an net was passed regarding the revision
of the voters' Iist which was strongly
opposed by the Opposition on the ground
that it gave an undue advantage to the
party in power.
Hon. Mr. Tweedie made Tight of these
objections; and painted out that even if
the majority of the revisers in certain
parishes happened to be supporters of
the Government, in other parishes mat-
ters'might be reversed, so on the whole
everything would work out satisfactorily
as in the case of the Irishman's pic-
A Visitor, he said, once went into a
house in Ireland, where "he noticed a
large picture of the Pope on one wall
and a picture of $ing Witham on the
"I suppose you think it strange,» said
the woman of the house, "but my hus-
band is an Orangeman and I am a
Catholic, so when he hang King William
on the wall I got a pioture of the Pope
to put forninst hien.'
iEverybody now admite6
?arra-llwk best for these.
Let, it, give YOU ease
and comfort. —
Drugeeset a - S!. . -' ' hero
Bishop Talbot, not his Giace of South-
wark; but the ono who was known as
the giant .'`cowboy bishop," was once
attending'a meeting of chinch dignitar-
ies, and one ofthe clergymen, who, had
been urged by a tramp to give Itini,sonte
money, sent the following to the Bishop.
The tramp approached 1iishop confi-
dently, The others watched with,inter-
est. They saw a look of surprise come
over the tramps face. The bishop was
talking eagerly. The tramp looked trou-
bled. And then, finally, they saw some-
thing pass from one hand to the other,
The traxnptried to slink past without
speaking, but one asked:
"Well, did you t something from our
The tromp grin'aed sheepishly, "No,"
ho admitted. "1 pee lane a shilling for''
his new cathedral,"
I Wonder Why.
I Wender why the cooks we like
From us are always on the hike.
I weeder why food soars sky high
When "biz" is dull and money shy.
Why my last summer's' suit will 'do,
But white must .have one that's now.
NO, 30. 1910
kJ postal for circulars, or l0c for sam-
ples and terms. .Alfred Tyler. London,
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for_,wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy, of proven worth. the
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
.r4 .; Y"NYt"3
O. De SHELDON InBrokernt
A''specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
' trial Stocks.
Write for full particulars
i regarding plait of investment.
Room 101, 108, St. James 'St.,
nee '�'te.Krl• at
Mashed Potatoes Espagnole.
Pare sit potatoes and let them stand
several hours in cold water. Boil in
salt water, drain and press tbi-ough a
potato dicer. Add a tablespoonful of
fine chopped onion and parsley cooked
in a tablespoonful of butter, salt if re-
. quired, half teaspoonful of pepper, and
about a half cupful of hot broth to
make the desired. consistency.
4 _
Practically all Canadian drug-
ruggists, grocers and general dei L rs
sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your •
storekeeper does not, ask him
•'s Liniment Co,, T�inxjteds
Dear sirs, -This falrgot thrown on
a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so
I could' not work. and it hurt me to
breathe. I tried all kinds of Liniments
and they did me no good.
warmed on flannels and applied on my
breast, cured me completely.
Rossway, Digby Co., N.S.
I wonder why the stork makes friends
With folks who, Cannot; meet both ends.
I wonder why _when Boise I seek
At one, the stairs so loudly creak.
Why skeeters retina triy mug will play
When there's a peach two steps away,
Why when an outing I have planned
It always rains to beat the band.
And when aaeeeming •stooks 1 buy
Down, clown they o -I wonder why?
.--Boston. Transcript.
(Louisville Courier -Journal.)
"My pigs seem sickly," complained the
amateur farmer. "Yet I give them en-
ough to eat."
"Your troughs are too narrow, strang-
er. A hog doesn't think he's gettiuo
enough to eat unless he can put his feet
in the trough." i
lir. Owemuch—I posses no • pi°operty,
Miss clip; my entire wealth is my in-
Miss Flip—Don't let that worry you
—poverty is no disgrace."--iaiegende
• M inard'it
Lihiiitent Cures Diphtheria.
Force of Habit.
"Just look at those two motors hitel
ed an to each other."
"Yes,: they belong to the rich ban
er, Wagner, who used to drive a four i
' hand!'
n -
(Cleveland Leader.)
"There's a gas works north of you, a
glue factory to the cast; on the south
you have an abattoir, and the redueticsi
plant is to the west,"
"What's the'advaite?"
'You can always telltagthe dircetion' of
the wind in an instant;"
$11,00 Atlantic Cagy and Return.
Via Lehigh Valley Railroad, from Sus-
pension Bridge, Fridoy, Aug. ,G; tickets
good to return within 1:5 dhtys, and stop-
over at, Phil.7detehia., Particulars 8 King
street ease 'Toronto.
One. Chance to Lose. •
1tNow that the Democrats are crowing
over their prospects of winning the Con-
gressional elections," said Representa-
tive Butler, of Pennsylvania, the other.
day, according to the Popular Magazine,
"I am reminded of what good old Ike
Hill, assistant sergeant -at -arms of the
House, used to say on the eve of an
election. Ike was a Democrat through
and through, but he was a philosophical
'Witten anybody asked him
he bow
thought the vote would go,
invariably reply:
"By gosh! I think we've got 'em, if
tbey don't buy us off."
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont.. will send
' free to any mother her successful home
treatment, with full instructions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. ,Don't
biome the child, the chances are it can't
help it. 'This treatment -also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
A Very Dry County.
The landlord of a village hotel in a
prohibition county• in Indiana ie vert
The other day a drummer, who 'VMS at
the hotel, walked up to the desk where
the landlord was standing and asked:
"Landlord, can you sell me a stamp?"
The landlord weighed the matter"
thoughtfully. Then he replied: "No, sir.
I'd like to help you, but the darned drys
is watchin' me so clus I had to cut it
Photography Taught Free
Your name on a nest card will secure for you a Free and
Complimentary Membership in the Dominion Camera Club,
Ind will entitle you to all the privileges and advantages of
this club, including free instructions, advice and latest in-
formation as to advances made in the Art of Photography.
Write to -day and tape advantagerof this special offer.
Dominion Photo Supply Co., Limited
,�'N`i. ^'yam y�'n
t!s'uitle, 1..61,VrAIN t, A4P.S''.$i i V",,,f4
Satisfy the most particular people. They are the most perfect
rade, noiseless as their name implies,. no sputter, no email or
'sulphur, are quicker, and safe..
Ail first-class dealer, keep them.
The E. B EDDY COMRANY, Lirnilad,
Hull Canada