The Herald, 1910-07-29, Page 1111117111.1111110,,,-- a The Official Organ of Zurich artd Hay Township. j Vol. X., FRIDAY ISIO+''1°a{'1NC, JULY 29, 1910 NO. a ee=e8se:el itE. ?etMe NC 3 Mg ee=re 'Miw iremet acireeen0 leziri ,M yy�yry ale ! 0 Out go the 5 m er Goods at prices that will sell them quick= ly. We do not want to carry them over. Quickest way to do § 0 this is with lowered prices. In this list you will find bargains § that are well worth your time and money to investigate.. 0 0 0 lar 0. 0 .JIM.IGWMOMINEM.. NOTE THESE VALUES W Prints, regular 1221 cents, <, " 7 cents, Muslins, " 8 to 10 cents, " " 15 cents (Uinghams, regular 12 ots All new goods and a Slimmer Sale price, 10 cents yard ,s k °' 5 cents yard " 5 to 8�cts yard ". " C' 10 cents yard. tC C C. 10 eta yard: m.oneysaver at above prices. Ladies' Shirt Waists The greatly reduced prices in waists should clear them out quickly. Regular $1,50 waists, sale price $ 1.00 1.25, waist:,, sale price 00 cents . 1.00. waists, sale price 75 cents cc 50 cents, waist:,, sale price 80 cents, Speeial redactions in all ladies' whitewear, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Claval;, Drawers, t:tc. r, s HOT WEATHER BARGAIN For men, youths and boys, Men's Neglige shirts with attached, some are reversible. Regular $3.00 shirts, sale price 1.05 ''1,50 shorts, sale, price 1.10 1.95 shirts, sale price 00 cents " 1.00 shirts, sale price 75 cents. A job lot of fancy shirts going at 39 cents c3acb. Alen's four-in-hand Ties, 2 for 25 cents col § Bargains in all lines i) fancy Straw Hats. 0 0 SUMMER VESTS A few fancy vests left going at reduced prices Regular $1.25, fancy vests, sale price $1,00 " 1.75, fancy vests, sale price 1.25 cr 2.00 fancy vests, sale price 1.50 of SpecL;Is i. Ta le Linens 0 specials at 1 20 and 23c. Do not miss this Bargain HARVEST TOOLS Our line of Samson. =Haas est Tools is very popular with farmers who look for something a O real good in forks, eta. Best steelonly is used and handles are best white ash. We have all kinds of rope, and would call special attention Ito our Plymouth hay fork rope. There is no I if better rope on the market and costs only as lunch as ordinary rope. Harvest Mitts, Oilers, Goggles, etc. `Try our Peerless Machine. • Oil, you'll like it. PROIUGE OF ALL IDS TAKEN 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Telephone 9 ZURICH matc wtmotaeogozpAmtpezx limeneenee‘neteetreevetelteneerer41) .41) LOC A L 'NEWS. D. S. Faust las two fine pieces allover lane in Ecru shade. Mr. E. Appel is spending his an- nual holidays et his old home near Now Eia.m.bur;. See our b• inder twine at 8 cents per lb, at Har")eib's, Mr, J. J. Irlerizer shipped a oar of horses from Uoderich, yester- dey,.to Western Canada. D. S, Faust, has -a fine range of Ecru shade of :lace and insertion to match. Miss Carrie lastner of Sabering ville, is the guest' of her triond, Miss Koehler Paris green 25 1b to clear bal- ance of stook, at Hartleib's. Miss Lydia Koehler returned home on Tnes.lay, after a month visit with hei''sisters, in Toronto. See our home made single har- ness at $12.00. We back it up if anything goes ,yrong, at Hartleib's. Mrs, M^P1isil and sister Miss Bertha O'Brien, from near Brandon are visiting their brother Mr. Wm, O'Brien, and zither relatives and friendsin town, Lost—On Tuesday, between St. Joseph and Maple Grove, a ladies' blue coat, blue .silk lined. Finder please leave "''rut the Dominion House, Z u"rioh, Mr. Henry 'Ii , Miller has pur- chased Dr, B3uchanan's farm on the lath Concession for $4000 00, and will get possession lst of March, when the present lease expires."• Mr. Peter L „ � �•°� srrltaeon, Line. has euro ,�,artin' War'n's faun c, $1500 00, n^izer': 170 aore5 it thy: Dr,Ozre"feetP', "ft3tel, Zurrhb `on fc ty . 19th. Hours all day. its es properly 'fitted,. Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat trouble s treated. Mrs. Christina Volland had her house moved up from the old Kaibfleisch mill, site to one of her lots at the South, end. The house was purchased from Mr. Kalb• fleiseh and moved by Mr. Sam Dietz, with two traction engines. •lI1r. and Mrs. William Uttley mourn the death of their infant child, a girl of a year old, which sad event occurred on Saturday afternoon. The. remains were in• terred in St. Petters R. p. Cemetery on Mondai' morning at 7.30. rffilliMMIANWAWIVAMEMMIAMANWWWWW drys, 9 \'our Boys' 2 pc. Suits 3 suits 1 suit 3 suits 4 snits 4 suits .size 22 size 23 ..... size 24 eiee 25 size 26 Prices were $2.25 to $3.5O moaCHILDREN'S Black Cotton Hose, regular price was 20 cents per pair, now for ; IOC ig Bargains hi Men's Shirts. Men's sailr straw Hats selling at half price® QSY Thse t: n J r.. $ BASEBALL Our boys took their sweet revel), ge out of the Exeter team, on Thursday evening, on the local diamond, in a game which had to he called at the end of four innings, owing to•rain and darkness. The scoring was all done by the Zurich boys, the visitors being shut out completely, and at the finish the tally stood 5-0. Playing was brisk on both sides, but the locals played an almost errorless game, with 0,' U. Maisie in the box, and be did some pitching too. Ed. Wurm be hind the bat took everything that care his way, while "Yorky" Bess on first was simply"it." The three juniors, Charlie Eilber, Lee Hoffman and Roy Faust showed that they can easily' take their place in a senior game and did some fine work, while the r "t of the team did equally well and all put rip the snappy ball that cpeeta tors like to look at. The Exeter team slid some finework. their bat tory being well up to the mark, but the fast diamond seemed to puzzle the infield. The following was the lineup :—For Exeter -Carling, 2nd Palmer if ; Keys . ss ; Boyle, o ; Misner, p; Bawden, let ; Bissett, rf ; Southcott, of ; Brintnell, 3rd. Zurich—A. Edighoft'er,' if ; Charlie •Silber, rf ; T, Wurm, 2nd'; E Wurm c ; M Rennie, of Geo Hess, lst ; Roy Faust 3rd ; Lee Hoffman, ss ; W H ;Mise, p.' The attendance was good considering the rather threatening weather and the short notice in which the games aregen- erally arranged. Our boys can always look for good support from, the public as lone tee they Teat up the kind. of hall the people want The Grancl Bend campers'. team is billed for ZurichThursday evening, bat as we go to press to early eve Will be unable to give the result instil nex.'t'week, ill be put out on the Bargain Table for Saturday. invite you 'to visit us. and share in these - °eat 'Bargains. AM Farni Produce taken in exchange D. FAUST PRONE 17 ZURICH AMMWWWIWNWMTRAW"M coc A full line of canvas gloves, at D. S. Faust. Next Wednesday is the regular meeting day of the Hay Council. The annual gala day at Grand Bend will take place on Aug. 4th. D S. Faust has a full range of men's working shirts. Miss Mell Koehler entertained a few of her friends, on Friday evening. See our team harness at $25.00. Guaranteed goo.' stock, at Hart- l eib's . Wingham I. O. O. F. lodge are running their annual excursion to Sarnia and Detroit, on Saturday Aug. 13th Mrs, A. J. Denorny, of Windsor, accompanied by three children, is visiting relatives and friends at the Bauble Line. The Ladies' Aid of the Evange- lical church wish to announce that there will be no meeting in the month of August. The • frequent snowers of the past week were needed for roots, potatoes and other growing Crops, but somewhat hampered the wheat and hay harvest. Mr, Louis Lipphardt, who has been visiting here for some time, left on Tuesday morning for his home in Saskatchewan. This was his first visit to his native town in about twenty years. Mr. Doyen, general agent of the Upper Canada Bible Society will. hold the auntie' meeting on Sun day evening 31st at 7.30, in one of the churches, announcement of place will be made at the zoo;ruing service. A young roan, who is now waiter in a New York restaurant, at one time moved inwealthy one cies, mid had plenty of friends. I1 is his boast that within a few yearn he spent $30,000 for champagne, How mary of those who helped to drink his champsg:ne look upon hire otherwise than as a Noll!. D. S Faust has a good range of boys' knee pants. Miss Bertha Wurm of Detroit is home for a visit. Small boys' overalls, at D. 8, Faust. Miss Ida Well of Toronto is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Well. Mr. and Mrs. McAdams of De- • troit, Mich., are visiting Mr. Wm. Bassow, on the Bronson Line. Mrs. David Gottschalk of Bad Axe, Mich, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lehman, and other friends. Mr. Jerome Bedard of Courtright and Mr, Philip Bedard of St, Jose- ph called on friends at the Bronson Line, on Sunday, Do not waste your time looking at factory harness when you can buy our make at same prices, at Her ilei b's . Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl and son Percy, of near Clinton. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bloch, on Monday last. The finals for the Gordon Medal resulted as follows : Dr. B. Camp• bell, 29; Ferd Hess 11. 'In the final round P. Lamont defeated Dr Campbell 21 to 18. Mr, Lamont thus is the proud holder of the medal this year and will have to defend it 'again next year, WHY NOT 'IELL IT. ,Wever growl because a news- paper fails to give every scrap of news, so long as yet take no trouble to give the editor or re- porter information. We know red-.ders who are awfully put out at times because we make no note of their arrival or departure, or those visiting them, or of their social affairs, or the heaven sent babies that visit their homes, The average newspaper man isn't a. niedittna or a mind reader, and in most oases itis not his fault :if items do not appear.