The Herald, 1910-07-22, Page 5FIRST GLASS TILE I have a large supPly of the 'very best tile on hand, from 2e in. to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tt. oved! oved! SHOP AND STOOK M A.'I N STREET FALL F A IRS. Aileaa Craig, . • .. ... Sept. 22 and 23. Blytth .... Oat. 4 and 5. Brigden ........ .. Oct, 4. Brussels. • Oct, 6 and 7. Dungannon Elmira... •.. . Exeter Fordwich Godorich , . , , Hamilton... Kirkton Listowel London directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —.little bit the Nicest -- JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY' GIFTS, Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, N ecklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. aICODaoaIAID<I SDCQCIDOC 3MaDa®aDWED(16=9).3,�t`a, WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our o Customers a Happy and Prosperous Neve Year, 3t and thank each and all for 1 having made the past year our most prosperous year ft since we have been in busi-.11 �f ness. We ask you again e for your hearty support 5 for 1910, and we will do 0 our best to merit it, by g giving you value for your money. Ne DOUGLAS, 5 General Merchant, B L A K E. Oct. 6 and 7. Sept. 27 and 28,. Sept. 19 and 20, Oct. 1, Sept 19, 20, 21. Sept, 14 and le. .Oct, 6 and 7 Sept 20 and 21. Sept. 9-17. Lucknow, , Sept. 22 and 23, Mitchell,..,... ,.,Sept. 20 and 21. New HamburgSept. 15 and 16. Ottawa Sept. 9-17, Parkhill Oct. 4 and 5. Ripley .. Sept 27 and 28 S. Mary's Sept. 27 and 28. Seaforth....... Sept. 22 and 23. Tavistock Sept. 19 and 20. Wellesley . Sept. 13 and 14. Wingbam . . Sept. 29 30 Woodstock Sept. 21, 22, 23 Zurich .... Sept. 21, 22 s,D02432+aD®aDa 9ay„DC. aD<®DaD®aD=9 034 c u p ZURICH e u u MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hales, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. 1 UMBUT & DEICHERT BENEFITS OF THE FARM TELE- PHONE, -A correspondent contributes the following to one of the ,leading daily papers :-- Paeple who ,Jive in the country and on the farm to -day do not realize the many benefits which they enjoy over those of the past. Really, there is no country today. What we call snole is the suburbs of the city. In the olden time a visit to the city was a momentous undertaking. It required several days' time and often elaborate preparation. There was a sharp line of demarcation between the city dweller and the country dweller which exists to -day only in tradition. Farrier Hayseed, if he ever existed, is a thing of the past and a standing article in the trade of jokesmiths. The building of railroads was the first movement to break down the distinction be, tween city and country, then the trolleys rapidly accelerated the work. All of these have been, in. strumental in the matter of giving to the country dweller 0.1. the ad- vantages of the city man with all the pleasures of countrylife added and he is infinitely better off than is his city friend. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be con- trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and. Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by J. J. Merner. MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up tc Thursday, 42 to 45 CURED At your home, without pain, danger or operation, or loss .of time. This is not a Truss Cure. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless ceased. Why wear ill-fitting trus- ses all your life, when you can be cured for all time to Dome? Fill in coupon : Age ... , ...Time "Flop........ What side Rup • • • • • • Name .... ........... Address Retern to • J. S. Sniimn, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. iSow. `.or»3Ot1Ca .Barley.... Peas Bran Shorts Oats Wheat Hay Driea apples Clover seed Potatoes Butter 70 20.00 1"11109D00.0 D 6f dirpcoQr71DUDd QDtmiroo mQDlimpUD1 92 00 22.00 35 37 1.00 12.00 Eggs... , ....:.. .... Hogs liveweiget HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.. 2.75 Wheat.... 1.08 Otis 38 38 Barley' 46 52 Peas 80 80 Bogs liveweight- •. 9.05 • Soreness of the muscles, whether- induced hetherinduced by violent exercise or in- jnry, is quickly relieved 'may the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by J. J. Merner. 5 5 8.00 9.00 25 25 17 17 16 16 9.05 Nothing has done more to this end than the rural telephone, which has brought neighbors anal friends within earshot of each. other, has afforded the dweller in the remote country opportunity to converse immediately with his friends or agents in the cities. It has an- nihilated time and space for him, and while sitting at his own fire side he can at the same time, for all practical purposes, be is the city, or enjoying social. converse with a friend in anothee county. There is nothing which has done so much to break down the lone- someness of farm life tee' the tele- phone. The farmer's family i.'ro tenger isolated, but with a sort .. tel.sphone at hand they can os•eimanicate with friends at any keur 'ef the day or night and v', tt socially without leaving their h• me. . While the expense of installing a telephone is comparatively 'ight as a convenience it is invalttab'e, and for conducting the business of the modern farm is absolutely indis- pensable. In the past if there was a breakdown in the farm machin. ery, all work had to step. The farm team had to be hitcliee un and the farmer had to take a day off and drive all the way to town to `get the necessary repairs of be had to wait until he oor;.d c + kunicate Gc1 1i' -Cl i city 'Mitt g, 'yetur' :'' sometimes losing several days, of valuable time in the operation, With present arrangements, he simply takes the telephone off the hook and sends his order to town or to the more distant city and in a very snort time his machinery is running again and perhaps several days of precious time, in the midst of the harvest season, is saved. to him. There is another way in which the telephone on the farm is valuable beyond all computation In the case of serious accidents, or sudden sickness, when a few moments' time may mean life or death to the sufferer, medical aid can ins tantly,bestreimoned and relief afforded, whereas if a tetitn had to be hitched up and a doctor brought out, the patient might die while help was being sought. For business, for pleasure, &act for satety, the term telepbo.ne is indispensable, end every farrzaer. should install one. It should not be a esu estion as to whether he can afford it, but whether he can a and to ,do without one. Often a single service from the instrument wil11'. save him more • i'han the cost of inn• stealing and maintaining. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 9 1 Itt 5 1 9 1 1 SEEDS small quantity of Write Cap Yellow pent and MSS Corn left. Best brands of Millet and Hungarian Gras Seed at lowest prices. TURNIP SEEDS: Canadian Gem, Excelsior, Elephant, Jumbo and Greystone. Also the Famous Aberdeen for early winter feeding.. STOOK F00 International Stock Food : International Poultry Food : Pratt's Animal Regulator : Hackney Heave. Powder : Flahn's Celebrated Hog Cholera Preventive. A Full Stock of freshgroeexieFl, Royal House- hold, Milverton, Exeter, Parkhill, and Hensall Flours always on hand, SALT 200LB FOR 95 CENTS. ZURIC 4 6DICDIMXIDC1652DaDOZIKOCDCOMCOCIWDCDGSSIDCDMITDCIDGZIOCCEMaDOISMCMCMCDCD '05/9GID S aDC aaC CD The general public will take notice that I am doing businees in. Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse= Hair, Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given. NI WEXLER. : DEALER, :. EXETER yl -41l at a REAMS FOR BUYING DE LAVAL De Laval separatC_s gave enough over any gravity ereaaning of milk r;a ie,+.• 1,f cream, in butter -fat. q ,meet. tkinunillc, labor, time and double to pay for themselves every six 71101.1tts. De Laval separators save onotrgb over other separator flu dlosor sepa- ration, running heavier and smno- ther ceeam, skimming 000l milk, greater caraeity, easier cleaning: easier running and less repairs to pay for themselves every year. Improved De Laval separators save enough over De Lava1 machin- es of five or twenty-five years ago in more absolutely thorough separa- tion under all eonditions, greater capacity,, easier running, and greater simplicity to pay for them- selves every two years. De Laval separators are net only superior to others but at same time cheapest in proportion to actual capacity, and they last from five to ten times longer. These are the reasons why the world's experienced separator users including 98 per cent of all cream. minion, use and endorse the De Laval separators. C. SCR SALES AGENT Blake P. 0., Ont.. is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this we will send. The Herald to any address in Canada,,to the end of the year, . .�--. _..�._ --em. having an infirmity. If blind, deaf alien, and also racial or tribal ind dumb, crtz� ar tiniatic, idiotic • origin, nationality and religion. or silly; recoi.i therefore will be Every person of alien birth who has made in the proper column, and the become a naturalized citiz n is a1 age at which ttie infirmity appeared•. CA's'�.DA'S NEXT CENSUS 41? POPULATION. ATION. Cauai7an by nationality; and every British subject with residence in Canada, as we,11 as every native of hire. R. II. Collins. awl flat glitz , Canada who has acquired citizen-! + ; . �r • shiln'oy birth or uaturaliaation, is of 't'ororto are visiting relatives else a C'anadiau by nationality. But I and friends in town. there ie no Canadian by sari. 1 or The ,ha s of al, Friday ridgy venins, in tribal led, tile.s the Indians are connection with the "l'rivitt Mernor- seemutilated. Every person having an occupy tion or trade wail be •enterea for it, but if employed in the census year at some other occupation for part or whole time be will be so recorded also. If the per;aou is working on !own account, the r.n'try will be yo made. An entry -is also required to ;be made showing where the person is ernployed, as on farm, in woolen in drug at foundry shop, store, etc. Wage-eara0>rs .art •entered to show the number of hoee.ks employed in 4910 at chief occupation or trade, :at other than ebief ,ee upationa if any; the hours of working time per week ;at chief occupation, or at other .occupation if any; the total eaveirtgs tin 1910 at enief 0ccepatlon, and the :rate per hoar when employed • by ithe hour. Entries are required to be 'made iter each person showing the amount .of insurance Meld at date of the ,census upon life, as well as against ,aeeident or sickness, together with the cost of suet insurance in the census year. Under the heading of education iaci ]antYt' ane records will be toilet is icgnired to be specified. EXETER The next ceneas of Canada will; be taken place ender date of 'Jane; 1st 1011, and will embrace the.snbj,<icts of popeation, rnortali'ty, i aga•teniture, mansfaotures, misiea^sile, fisheries and dairy products.. Poptalation will :be recorded tueadee the heads of residence and persona!t deseraption; citizenship, nationality and. religion; profession, ocecpation and trade or means of living; wage earnings and insurance; education and language spdkeru, and infirmit- ies; Every 'person living on 1st June will be. entered en the schedule' of population by name, as member of a family, institution or house- hold, together with place of- habita- tion, sex, relationship to head of the family or household, and whether single, married, widowed, divorced or legally separated. The month of birth, year of birth and age at last birthday will also be recorded. Entries will be made for each age at College;. Convent or Untver- sity is also called for. a a `sits cif for every person of five years age and over showing the number of months at school in i 9 i 0, and. if the person can read and write, and the language commonly spoken by each person The cost of educattou. in 1910 for persons over 16 years of person to show the country or place of birth, year of immigration to Canada if born elsewhere,. year of naturalization if formerly an The last question on the sellerle of population relates to infirmities. It ellls fora record of each person sal church, was a splendid success. The Ikv,h •ood Lana furnished the music. Chester Harvey left on Monday.' last, for the West, where he intends. making; his future Home. The James St Methodist Snnday School held their annual picnic at. t,rand fiend, on Thursday. Miss Tillie Yaeger, milliner,. returned last Thursday frons Tilsonhurg. Chas Djcr, of the Mv',;ens b nk spent his vacatior at Ietroit aha Casey ille, Miele. Mi. and Mrs. 'William Wolper celebrated their silver wedding; on Thursday.. 1,41:74:7:1 4 Getting into the Horne Women buy more than two^thirds the merolian- dise sold in retail stores and every woman re,ads the Cla.ssifled,Warat Ads. Our paper goes"intra the homes and the;a,Want Ade. vasIli'reach. the Spenders. ty 0 a NeAW n M1 i4.1N •Ctih':�i�CvM1l4ki'�' '� 'i a.i4l�".11•• 1 130'.. _ '