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The Herald, 1910-07-08, Page 10
8 1 to 6P er Sie Big Cut on all Summer Dress Goods Large range of dark and light prints, regular price 12 1-2 for Mercerised plaid and striped ginghams regular 15. and 12 1-2, for Fancy flowered muslin, regular 121-2, 15, and 20c, now for yards print to clear at 10ce 10c. 10c. 5ca SpCCP !ien's fine balbriggan under- wear, regular .35 for .25 each n ave N1k sutana petticoats, 85c. LC.CAat s' ilk sateen tinder= 4�P'alt a,4, 11, wary clods, bi'ieht finish, 111irre (i.iect, 1.1() and 76, for 85 and 6 • 50C. cN- y a complete li e of (.oaf;'? ''O'"u.Liable summer un(ler«'eae. 0 rkke�...�. tv4 71. w,h Just arrived a new line of en's fancy shirts, ties, braces and belts. hey Face for Produce 1 OEN AL MERCHANT Ztirk w nt,t r" la Headquarters for the Celebrated BOAft\AY , Irt, Zurich Herald. Heirlock ez Cedar Cud: to Kip rder The undersigned, having a Marge stook of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to cut to order any bill up to 36 feet long in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE w A. MUSTARD BAYFIELD usId1eSS shlnA The Young Men Of this town have fairlyswoop- ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor misdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. So if you want. your snit to wear well and fit well have it tailored with us. Suits from $12. to $24. Laundry In Connection W. H. HOFFMAN Tailor, - ZURICH Miss Ida Sipple is visiting re• halves and friends, in Detroit, for a few weeks. Miss Rau and bliss and Mr. Riel of New Hamburg visited at Mr. John Taylor's over Sunday Miss Ethel Kellerman of Dash- wood, ie visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mrs. K. Yungblut left on Thurs- day morning for a visit with friendsai5r Berlin. 1.1401,4 of the Parr Lin& aid ,At with symptoms of appen'd:.:itis. Miss Carria. Gaisman of Stratford, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Gallman, this week. Lenz'—About 3 weeks ago, between the 14th and Zurich, a heavy striped shawl, Finder please leave at this urine. Air. Orville H. Ehnes, of the Dominion Bank, New Dundee, visited his parents, Mr. and bars, 1A. (i, Ehnes, over the holiday. The Zurich Juniors played a ;ante of baseball with the Bayfield Juniors at the Iatter place on Tuesday evening, and won by a score of 17-t. The monthly meeting of the G:: iiee' Aid, in connection with St. :'e•ti rs Lutheran church will be held on Wednesday the 13th inst. at Z p• in., in the school room. Mr. D. S. Gordon, who was toacher of the 14th Con. school for some pears was pre .dented 'with a handsome club hag by his friends in Zurich before his departure. The Brantford cordage makers of (lild Eclge has in vented a mach- ine to take- out all the lumps of their twine, which is a great ad- vantage over a.l1 other binder twines. Call and see it, at Elart- leih's, Sanne price as the lumpy stuff. About forty children from Tor- onto arrived here on Wednesday evening, for a few weeks' outing. About hall will remain in town anis the remainder aro being taken care of by the Hangers in this vicinity. The youngsters will be given a good trine and we are sore they will be grateful for the chance to get out into the open air fora few weeks D 93D ( l0 DOMED a3 0 ca WANTED Girls wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and most rip -to -date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing Ladies' waists. Girls ex• perieneecl on power sewing machines preferred, but beginners will be taught, Comfortable quarters. Steady work, Good wages. a a THE STAR WhIITEWE AR MFG, CO. Berlin, - -- Ontario. QO The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town 00 You will be surprised at our large stock of Shoes for men, women and children, but as leaders in the trade we have to keep the very best. Our turn—over is so large that we can and do give you better prices than you are accustomed to get. Our Spring Stock will be found right. Call and examine it. P. BENDER urieh �• .%' •�J•r9 O �•'�•-o' C.•O.4•'© d,•CO • J O�v O' ty-•Oa•4•b•� An Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes YOU are not asked to try "a new discovery" nor to make an experiment when you paint with ROBERTSON'S PURE PREPARED PAINT It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar- ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province—not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices. PHONE t3 T 9 URON'S LARCESr COMBINATION STORE ZURICH 1 New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand Shingles, big shipments just to hand. v PHONE in your Order Now Painting is part of it just as much as soap- ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water cannot remove, and discolorations that scouring will not take away. Use the paint brush in Such cases. THE $HERWIN WILLIAMi FAMILY PAINT 4011100004 (iii is IIIf////UUlll�ij In small cans, is made to meet the thousand and one demands fora little paint about the house. It is ready to use. Dries quickly veldts good gloss., Can be washed. ' PRE d T t.p 4«7'9