The Herald, 1910-07-08, Page 4OD 13D 47.0 ) 4300f) (1.1 •,) c3D0l©D c ;,,,,. •({Dti K10 The riolsons Bank tr capital paid up $3,500,000 Reserve Fund $3,850,000 Head Office - I1ontreal BRANCHES Alberta—Calgary, Catnrose, Diamond City, Edmonton, Lethbridge. British Columbia—Revelstoke, 'Vancouver, Westminister A. CA Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave, Ontario—Alvinston, Antherstbnrg, Aylmer, Brockville, CHestery n e, v Clinton, Mambo, Dutton. Exeter, Forest, rc noir Kingsville, milton James Street, Market Branoh, Highgate, I q , e Lambton Mills, London, Luoknow, Me-zford Merlin, blorrisburg, Norwich, A T•4 Ottawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetna Bra mc0e, Sonto's Ball Street U Marys, W., Trenton, to'ost End, West Toronto, Williamsburg., Queen St. Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, Woodstock, Zurieh, N Quebec—Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, 1�'raserville and A 0 .Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks. v Montreal—Cote des Neiges, St. James St., St. Catherine, Sb. Branch. rd St. Henri Branch, mond Roberva1,nch, Market and Sorel, St. Cess renrbor Ste. Flan iel, Pierre - Station, St. Ours, ec,Ste. Richmond, Waterloo. a St, Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville, v AGEsas r,; GREAT BrzTaix Alan CoLoN ES_London and Liverpool—Parr's Bank Limited. I)eland-3iunster & Lstralia and Aust al1Bank, Lim ted.eSouth u'�frica—The New Zealand—The Union Eank o 5 , Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. FOREIGN AGENTS—France-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank, Bel- v giallo. Antwerp -La Banque d'Anvers, China and Japan—Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba—Banco Nacional de Cuba, AGENTS IN UNITED STATES—Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities, at W. C. 11, U. THE. 0R7 OF THE TWO-THIRDS He leaked all the dissatisfaction he felt when he 'appeared before his fair beguiler that night, and reading hie ingenuous countenance. l3lanohe summoned all her fascina- tion to comfort him to help bin to forget, -You aro not well." This society life wearies you. A light exhilarant will,doy.ou good, see I will pour yon a glees of this cham- pagne with ley own hands ; it will refresh yoa" It sneered absurd to retuse tonight whet he took with- out demur last night. The young span was not 'ready to meet her raillery if lie acknowledged his feeling ; so, though his better self revolted he Swallowed the draught a, she had predicted, bet- terndas Ris mother seized her felt oppor- tunity and dealt with it faithfully ; but without reference to her terri b - le past and the reason she especial- ly feared this habit in Lim ; she could not bring herself, to mention that, Gustin was sure as he list- ened to her that he would never drink again ; he was not so sure. twenty four hours after. lie liked the taste of the 'stuff . Meanwhile this youth had lost his charm for Miss Blanche now that he no longer resisted her. authority. A newer acquaintance, and one more suited to her mind, appeared on the scone A Mr. Anderson, large and fulsome with an astonishingly developed bump of conceit. .Ire had no scrup- les to be overcome, not his habits but himself must be captured ; and, as he was said to be fabulously rich and to have resisted many charm- ers, Miss Arlington entered with ardor into his. conquest. Gustin, slow to believe, ,at last could no longer doubt the fact that he. was set aside, and, foolish boy that he was sought to drown his sorrow and chagrin in the rine-cup this faithless siren had taught him to love. He was of mime broken- hearted, hope was dead, his life ruined. One night tittles theatre ho watched out of green eyes while Mr. Anderson made,,love to his heart's idol and rushed madly out to drink half the night through. The next day at ..Vie counting house he brooded over his wrongs until nearly crazy. There was to be a select affair thee, night, even his mother and ries':.; were to at- tend. He deternlitned to use the occasion to learn taiA cling lady's real attitude ilootilk"- himself. Blanche should Lith aside as she wr.�s c,�'u1 ; G e sl tkulti oit7ieii -x"&01u =<Y -- as she would any other man who sought her favor. f e fortified him self with a ,lass of wine betoro seeking the drawing room that night, and added more than one to it ere lie found the opportunity hes ought, He tl;ought Ile had never Sed her lard, more beautiful • divine" l:t e lie it. Bea however scone of the accident werestl,::ut'u N. 1'. 1. nautlunt�cd publication of this divine she may have appeared to to for aeslstancee, but refu'etl tiny a:lverti.eniert will not he paid for. her instate ted lot r, Mils Blanche help and expre:sed the wish that more sneh cars would meet with like t cident. i If reports its itrc true ana the rexlyllt''r ,t•r.'_ (li',CO : t-rca iron dopyiu the 1 1 Li ca 8 Zurich Branch - J. A. CONS`PA.NTINE, Agent DetiNeWiDGEOlDeannigEOGISD c ;:). (Mtn a s-0 GIDC ©F3 dll;'�teD(109Del LEGAL CARDS. t3. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- liciter, Notary Public, 'Howell, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's offiee) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL r E J-c�` 4. PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, JULY, 8th 1910. The wirewortu is wor king over- time this season and farmers are complaining of its d epredations. Scientists claim that th is pest thri- ves in old sod. Farms help is scarce and many farmers are se eding their land to grass and letting it remain for it longer time than formerly. — I Hence the increase in the wire- DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, for• worm supply The chain of cir- merly with Dr • nGP I eps interesting. Hallnd Biersof Berlin,,- hlmore sod ; more sod, more ] many ; also assistant surgeon n1t Moorefields' (Royal London Op mic) eye Hospital and Gold en Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, father was a favorite of mine,. a handsome fellow, all Osmond, like yourself, you resemble hun so much that I can imagine myself twenty years younger when in your pre. some. It was very strange, not to. say suspicious. his sudden disap• pearance, spirited away as it were, ono nlonent, the next we hear of his daughter's death and the of his own ; gash following the other with startling rapidity." Mr, Arlington liked to hear himself talk, vas quite fiue'nt and had set- done had a more interested listener. "Of course, we know Dr Droutly was at the bottom of the affair and. could explain if bewould. I at tempted to question him once, but without satisfaction, He. is a re- served matt and naturally repulsive to rue. I never saw two men more unlike he and his brother, your father. It is about as satisfactory to question him as . to squeeze an apple of Sodom for grape juice." Gustin kept silent. He was not ready yet to lose faith in his best friend. "1 iutended to have spoken to you in reference to the matter some time ago. Of course you can know nothing from memory, being but a babe when these things oe- cured ; but some explanation must have been given you when you questioned concerning your father's death. Perhaps your mother made you her confidant?" "My mother never mentioned her troub- les to me, Mr. Argliiigton, She had beon too sorely smitten to un- cover her wounds even to her son. From a child 1 learned to avoid subjects which grieved her, I sal. dom questioned her," answered the youth truthfully, but with a sense of loss such as he had not felt be- fore. Had not his mother lacked confidence in him? "But your uncle? Surely he—" "Never re- ferred to the matter ever so slight- ly. I know nothing whatever," a tinge of chagrin in his voice, the first send of suspicion against his uncle planted in his boson. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres. Supt. wireworm ; more wireworm, ass crop. You begin with less and end with less, yet have more in the middle. Who can solve the riddle? London England,' etc. General. 1The solution that naturally suggest nt• to s itself is less land in sod or land in practi3e, With special atte eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASSWOOD, ONT. BUSINES CARDS. sod fora shorter term of years. This means shorter crop rotation. A shorter crop rotation means more work. And there you are— farm help is scarce. If shorter crop rotation is the only remedy it looks as tf the farmer were up against it pretty hard. There is -- — • room on this wireworm question S. PHULLAPS, for the scientist to still farther exert himself. It might be possible AUCTIONEER, Exeter. to find some parasite that wonld Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- play talon the wi ONYOTI 1 and Again, ret- faetiOn guaranteed or no pay Terms ly lessen the nu it seasonable. Orders left at this office might not be impossible to find will be promptly attended to. some insecticide which could be conveniently dietribute over the 1,tnd and whish •would put the ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE 1NStRAN- ea agent, representing the London, \vireworm out of 1)0 ne fe ITN., is \710117 (- two earth, curtltiy Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand. an opportunity for ti1,1 sole Int' , to „' rt ,. lv well ueu h versed in ard, Wellington and Guardian. Evt:ly- thin„ in fisc ulsnlal ct. L., \ be 'icer,-:+)ri river aeotian (,t Cih-toil•) D' 1 rte A C 1 > .et •�•, + , there 1a likely 1 The world's most successful medioin'e for bowel complaints is, Uhambei'lain's Colic, Cholera, and DitLrrhoee Remedy, It has reliev- ed more pain and suffering, and: saved more lives than any other medicine ist 'ase. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold by J. J. Meaner. The following is. the report for, U. S. S. No, 1, May and Stanley, for the month of June. The names are in order of merit. Sr IV L. De Lafranier, A, Mc- Donald, I. Pollock. Sr III. Bessie Snider, Jacobe, G. Johnston. Sr I1, Minnie Johnston, Jr IL Wallace flame), Ducharme, P. I)ucharnne. Pt IL Alton Johnston, Jaynes Johnston, Vera Latimer, S. Duch- arme, L, Martman, Edgar Schenck. Sr Pt I. A. Ducharme, Mary Schenck. Jr Pt I Herbert Hartman, Anna May Haugh, Armand Schenck. Average attendance 18. V.. Graybiel, Teacher.. - Verna Alice Married VICKERS—HEY—By Rev. C. C. J. Maass on the 2911 of June, b1r. N. B. Vickers, of St. Thomas to Miss B. A. Hey, of Hay Tp., Oat. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulatio)srs. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system,. cure constipation and sick headache. Sold by J. 3. Merner. A touring car containing Rich ard. H. Holmes, Miss Vera A. Holmes, .5 G Holmes, Thos Lane and three children of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, was running near "' nesilr *nen. it swerved, e and sef stones and gravel turned completely over an ein bankment. Holmes and his son were pitched headlong out of the car and the other passengers were burie:l beneath, Mrs. Holmes and Mr. L'Lne being' quite serinuele- injured, Some farmers near the TC ITP person who is the sole head of a .E -i family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in Hood standing may pre-empt a quarter. sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time. required to earn ' homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra, - A homesteader who has exhausted his • homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 8300.00. W. W. CORY,' Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. make himself fns the 'tut,,-!)+ the 11G:11t to know i the i t Y este 6 r �eg a ,,... _. .. '_. _. ; , tied \. A'3 d,I" r -..�r. 0 ri 3, and Tit101v[.>Cail",i�I1 ;v�2._.`J>�:. l . , r on Znrieh and Ellrr0Un(1111g 1111 energetic reliable agent order for nursery :tock. PA 1 WEEKLY. . OUTFIT FR IDE, EXCLUSIVE E TEI2 RITOII Y r DR. l* . A. SELLEl; Ir, 11Ul' '.l'1 T, ' -i l s rt ('ttulsl sE c 'i t u t c c nc�, 1�: 1 finate c the Ido 1 College of Dental are as iils�lJrtLint as ilor clrtiln((i J t a, frotat ( ;1 )f y.. ' t°. ;)il )1v' C':01(i :?:Lt..f 1: 7tL ) ({{ , ,?(lel i- t,t(.4tUa^`:. � r. to be a :tl'Cl )(ltl!'.(.,G' (Tcti'l('t ate of a, 'fitment also 1101101..010e- li 1I(121 2tbsen(:e, r -!i flit sat i ,riri atcr : lc itsht and iJ(.:.:r;(1 ate of Department of Dull extraction rr a To. g 1, t;, it. that ii chalice hound th to th;; iron and stc,E•1 in } to take Tonto UsaivErsity, Parole �s extl'aetiAt `ani `t slid old. e'ec ' ,,, 1 _ , ,ac<.:: \.site hien for at dastries of this p: ovin(ne. It is re- j of tooth. Plate work a speciality. At `i°1.:; •:i, best thing to • Ported that mining n1(?n have been 1 GOOD Dominion House, 'Zurich, eve)y Mon- getting on?" i.t (Se 11)1X11 impressed tll:ti, l:trrie ';� It• -''2u "First rate 1 i have talc -en r: ' i ]3L n ' \ her father. A 1 wi e.' kota; are befog tormed to acquire din f ! i 1C' U tys cordial, h' was especially se ♦ "A ver sensible Mean' it s t! t ( ,h°Ir' his daughter titer b vying prone xiae in the new belt. The; 7,Ej,Ll lt, CONVEYANCER AND "i�ilJt aL bit Qi it; ; 17i: d (: 2' rt1;.tE" ;iL' 'll ltitrl til tt•,: I'E,'senet. It was assays repoet d rte giving al) net i ®� Acres �v Notary' Pullin. Do e cl s , :Mortgages, sixty per Cent, iron, if C,�rre(1t, +tt� . � T t t r -1� evil s*1 they t f ,ung optim 2 4 r`(linii2 would seem. tO tub: ,I C 11 . d + - I in tee 7, s ii' are tt , 1st Gt. cit, Chit. "T}lore 5 n() 2l�'' , ' • ` t 1 ?u]ler bloc},,, • , rl1( very .t d nt ir.�i 1:( ,i 1)prttlnent cane • a o -t n > t'= and ric.itint l) prepared. 'Office-- "Then I'm Ferry Tor :,•ovi, '. ' t , � , •n ill\ s t. ' . lne a large -vessel as her :as2r .;s portion." "Then you rna(li:? a gonf. ter a11?" LODGE MEETINGS Court Zurich No. 1:240 ah t, Atii, e „By ism, as :ae-( -.r¢-('• i . e :1 s .. a: .l(eI:1; ,.ir.t i)1 :i lin;.Y,t()nK+aid( v.I' extfyll•rl\e. .(t 1'i° .'cid the the \,(tq, Ginnie. rex ltli(i t.) your Transcontinental Railway will uu for r°l ` 1,., tieltl tr s c.f shortly sltrvez it lief, into the ir on 'tit titer's cls 1,11. Hardly the sub- collnt,ry which is within Coes rea oh jr.,ct i o: ,..u, ,;ictl zrLtllerin;,, i a be e f the Inain lino. Should the (1e- 4 .10 V e �L- 0 meets ever 1st and r!4(1 Nothing to boast of, 1' e 21 yl] sate. but 't't tr ate 25]Qni3 Thursday of c+rrlt nlnntlt at s o'clock p. )n. in the. A. O. 11. W. Hall. • J. J. MINIM, 0. 11. /� T Rickbeil Lodge C.iLo'J e �T. • No. 3 98, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their lrla.11. Monier i3lock • Dun). 'Wvr\visr ,id. W e'ARh1 TOR SALE 100 acre farm for sale, Lot, 14, in the 15th Con., of Hay. Soil ri,^h clay loam; good house nearly new, largo bank barn 44x724 two wells and a never failing spring near the rear of farm: fences wire and cedar rails in good repair. Will be ap pply on easy terms, for particulars ] to E. Zeller Zurich, Ont. Clubbing rates. tiVrWe ha,ve made arrangements to offer the following low o�.ubhi g rates with THE $'A;RAI,D 4.25 Daily Globe „ Mali &.Empiare 4,25 Weekly Globe . 1,60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weokly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun Farmer's er's Advocate 2.251 y0t1. The shit) turned (. t„7, EL \ti trYt)L I have r no n less old tinder- owe. "Then I'm sorry I spt ts. "Bah ! You can sptr.nl w :nn i) ae yon like. Tho old :.lit wee -.este ins -reset and went down on bee ane .t,) y tige,” - "Soyou got the pull there, any- how.' -'Not so much, mate ; I only got five hundred dollars out of the j(:b as i)y &aro." • ('That WAS too bad." "Too had? Nothing of the sort! Wife was on board and went down with the rest." OVER 66 YE:(�F%S° EXPERIENCE ; TRADE ItiIAR1 3 DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &G. , ,1yone.pending a sketch and desorlption may quickly nddis probably ppatentable. t?oee ummtmica. tlonastrtatlyconedentiat. HANDBOOK on Patents sent tent. widest agency h. MunurtdcgC0.reccile iiaLas taken t spaehaltiotica, without spurge, in tho S � t tTlie e�'ictt 0 A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any ectentille journal. Terms for Canada, $am a year, postage prepaid Sold by ri+l�l pnpetvidealerai;.. t, Ui6 J iii Co',885llsoat�,a1�, New t) r { Branch ()Oleo, (a23 ii' St., Wasl:ingtut1,1), S. ,tia:,l:'d o�-rr the matter. t -0 ,•+m a i . AtrS R W:g Re- pairs for ring ' please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second hand Machinery, call and see if I cau't fill your wants. Also Agent for Fairbanks Gasoline Engines, Weigh Scales., Feed Grinders. a i''jfa 1\reee n!, tal to preQent in- dica.ti()ns there is no doubt brit t' ;s'. t..,. \S'i' -net, 1.11;v be dere). All kinds of Sawing Machines Buggies, Carr'iaryes and BAI N WAGONS Jase Whyte, ... g' - 11ASSEY.EiAI u1S CO. r, lir Cn0tr n s,,r, 13./AA flD+.'Gilial ='S 1r t.n � r itcdy. +l":eVe till. ;P•^.:rit. :'.n'. 1t ::tr :alit: Lie. INESE-EKE EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN • CAN D. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES, GOING nNTES Apr. 5, 19 Sums 1r&, 28 Au„, 9, 23 play 3, 17, 31 July 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20. THROUGH SPEICIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.00 p.na• on above days Through First ctnd Second Class Coaches, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write It. L• Thompson, D.B.A•., Toronto. A83: 1'013 13O1::E »EEl2El'iS' UAISPOLET 1lnder cultivation. We Lruttrwrite e to deliver steels in good condition and up to contract grade, 'We can slow you that there is good money in representing a well known TO - rum. Esti»blishet over 30 years. Write for particulars. P liMA N11,5711'1' CO. TORONTO, — ONT. AN LT) A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay like rally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of . ready sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stock. Seed Potatoes, Etc. Writs for terms and catalogue. STONE &WELLINGTON The 1+ onthill Nurseries, Est. 1837 Toronto y m Qntario