HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-07-08, Page 2ADVICE SAO A CHILD. "Help yourself, help yourself, little boy Don't wait for others to wait upon you," Grandma was holding her afternoon chats, Knitting and rocking away as she sat. • "Look at the birds, how they build their own neat! Watch the brown bees, always toiling their best! Put your own hands to the plow if you'd thrive; Don't waste your moments in wishing, but strive." Up in her face looked a mischievous elf; "Don't forget, darling," said she, "help yourself." Afternoon shallows grow drowsy and deep; Grandma was tranquilly folded in sleep; Nothing was heard but the old farm- house clock Plodding along with its warning "tick! tock!" Out from the pantry there came aloud crash; Pussy jumped up from the hearth like a flash, Back to her chair strode this practical .boy, Steeped to the ears in jam, custard and joy- Grinning, oyGrinning, be cried, "Please, I've upset the shelf, Grandma, I minded; I did help mvself." —E. Rexford. BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE SUMMER COMPLAINTS Baby's Owen Tablets should be kept in every home where there are infants and young children, and at first sign of illness during the hot strainer r months they should be given to thea little one. At no time of the year is baby in such danger as in summer. Summer complaints conte on so quick- ly that unless prompt aid is at hand the little one may 1): beyond help in a few hours, The Tablets never fail to relieve the sick child, and if occasional- ly given to the well child they will keep hien well. Mrs. P. Laroche, Les Fonds, Que., says: "Last summer my baby suffered severely from stomach and bowel troubles but the prompt use of Baby's Own Tablets saved hie life." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Improved Drawing inks. The distinguished German chemist Ost- wald has taken out a German patent for the improvement of drawing inks and water colors. lie has found that by the addition of small quantities (from 1:100 to 1:1000) of volatile organic cone- ' pound. of the aliphatic series, which are soluble in water, at Ieast to a small ex- tent, ar.:lhvontnin not leas than four attune of e:arl•on, ink•, drawing inks and other water color, are rendered capable of readily marking such surfaces as parehnent. ivory, waxed paper, ete. In the case of nentral liquids, an alcohol cel 'r or other nentrnl Snbstow.e iS used. while to acid inks, free fatty aeids, stitch as valeric or eaproie acid, may be added. WIRE W l S My snare, a very valuable one, was ha:i1y braised and cut by being caught iu a wire fiance. Same of the wounds would rot heal, although I tried many different medicines. Dr. Bell advised me to tree MINA.RD'S LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the sores be- gan to look better, anti! After three weeks, the sores have healed and best of all, the hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is most always the case in horse wounds. F. M. DOIJCET. Weymouth. ICE-\W:\fa0':V COMEDY. Driver—(on front) -1 wasn't always driving an ice -wagon. I once owned a string of horses and wore diamonds. Weigher (on t tek)--That's nothing. I used to own me own mansion and motor every day to kill time. Bo' (on sidewalk) ---Say, you fellows stop letting off so much "hot lir," will ~au? First thing you knew you'll melt the iee and we'll gat in sh,rt. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. SLIGHT DIFFERENCE. (Philadelphia Record.) Hobbs---Uarduppe must be seized with a spirit of reform. Ila says he hasn't had a drink for a month. S'.ahbs---eih, you mat have- misunder- stood him. What h:' probably sola was that he hadn't bought a drink for a month, There is nothing that takes the con- e et it nut of a n,an like attending his own weatI;ng. TORTURER FOR SEVEN YEAHS "FRUIT-A-TiVES" ITER SALVATION K b i18at7,RIV1 JOSEPH LlRETTt 1STo. In George St., Sorel, Que. "Por seven years I suffered from womb disease and dreadful torturing pains, and I had constant Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation --the latter so bad that sometimes I went ten'days without action' of the bowels. Six different doc- tors ostors treated me and for a year I was in bed, constantly facing death. Then my husband coaxed me io try "F`ruit- a-tives" and this medicine, and nothing else, cured nae and saved my life." (Signed) lime. JOSEPH LIRETTF,. goy. box -6 for $n.5o--or trial box 250.—at dealers or from Pruit-a-lives Limited, Ottawa. Germany's Wonderful Cities. Germany is building her cities as Bis- marck perfected the army before Sado- wn and Sedan; as the Empire is bulding its warships and merchantmen; ;as she develops her waterways and educational syeterns. In cite- building, as in other matters, all selenee is the hand -maiden of pr_litrce. The engineer and the archi- tect, the artist and the expert in hy- glen are alike galled upon to contri- bute to the city's making. The German erities are thinking of to -morrow as well as of to -day. of the genez•ation to follow as well as the generation that is now upon the stage. Germany alone sees the city as the ecntre of the civilization of the future, and Germany alone is building her cities so as to make them contribute to the happiness, health and well-being of, the people. This seems to be the primary consideration. And it is unique in the modern world. --June Busy Main's. Send for free sample to Dept. A. L., N'a• tional Drug S Chemicai Co., Toronto. NEVER SATISFIED. (Louisville Courier -Journal.) "Why don't yon perfect a melon with a handle, se that people could carry it conveniently?" "It yould be a waste of time," ans- wered the horticultural wizard. "Than they'd want 'em with wheels." THE OTHER SIDE. (Louisville Courier -Journal.) "I see you employ a number of old men.,, "I do," "How old are they?" "Too old to be interested in canoeing, or mandolins, or race horses, or girls, or tennis. That makes 'em fine for work." ?Don't imaginefora minute that you can kill all the flies in your house in a day with one or two Fly Pads. Two of Wilson's Fly Pads for each window of the 111- fected rooms will, however, clear them out in short order. FATE OF THE UNFAMILIAR. (Boston Transcript.) TO SAVE THE BABIES. Big Gotham to Go at the Work Again This Season. The New York Department of Health, wets .r mreucn iterallcentInst, inyeathe cityade's a infandt tiomortalityof20 rate for the mouths of June, July, Aug- ust and Septreirtber, has its plans Aow completed £oe t11s year's campaign, and, beginning July 1, lel doctors will be on. hand, as wail as sloe l4L nurses, who have'beein at work• since April 6,• visiting babies in the poorer sections of the city. The plana rely on the cooperation of sixty different private agencies and char- itable organizations working with the Department of Health, and supplying re- lief of all kinds where it is needed, such as milt:, ice, permanent nurses for ser- ious eases, vacation trips and outings, and money relief where that is consid- ered desirable. The campaign is in charge of the Divi- sion of Child hygiene, whose head is Dr. S. J. Baler, and the office looks like the staff tent of an army oa manoeuvres— maps flagged to represent every death last summer, maps by districts for the nurses, and ward maps. .Charts of all kinds are ready; on tvhiclt each move is planned. There are daily reports and weekly estimates, which the doctors in charge follows as eioseiv as a broker does the fiuctuatione of the stock mar- ket. A PIANO F011150 CENTS A. •WWEEK1 This is a golden opportunity for any- one to own an instrument. We have a large stock of used pianos, taken in ex- change on Heintzmaa & Co. pianos. These instruments are such well-known makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines Bros., Thomas and Dominica, and the price ie from $00 to $$L" -:i. Each ons guaranteed for five years. and will be taken back in exehav e with full am, ount allowed any tim a ir three years. Do not let this chance slip by you. A post card will bring fall earticuiars.— Heintzman & Co.,' 71 'deg street east, Hamilton, Ont. Oiled Roads in Kansas. The Standard. Oil ('o'!Yu • ny offers to donate $700 worth cif crime oil to use on a mile of road in...d''lferent counties. State Engineer Geari.f1,f the Kansas .Agricultural College, says' it will cost be- tween $400 and $500 to rr'pare a mile of road for the use of call. In Jackson County an effort is Niue made to raise the money neeess 'fy4 o prepare the road for the oil. It is claimed for ' '1 roads that the process is peri id ti at when properly 1 water r-Yk«enact trital. •. - i rfil tr.-' ,0—'-- IIONO1?ED t'ITIZE T. (Cleveland Leader.) "You treat that gentleman very re- spectfully." "Yes; he's one of our early settlers" "An early settler? Why, man, he's not more than 40 years old" "No, but he pays his bills on the first of every month." Practically every up-to-date druggist, grocer and general deal- er now sells Wilson's Flv Pads. JUSTICE OR FORCE. (N. Y. Peace Society.) The only two powers that ever have or ever eau govern human beings are force and reason war and law. If we do not have one we must have the other. The problem before the world is how to decrease the area of war and increase the area of law until war vanishes and law envelopes the world. "I understand that you . have two brand-new jokes iu your dialogue." "Yes," repiied the musical comedian. "What are they?" "You recognize them by the way the audience treats them as strangers and refuses to give them a smile." hvfed, •4.4reai>;.'Weary, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Iurino For Your Eyo Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books, ti'roe. Murine Eye Remedy 'Co., Toronto. Tent for Fine Muslin. A Madras physician was buying mus- lin for a turban in a department store. "None of this is fine enough," ho s tide "In the turban I have on there aro forty yards. But forty yards of this would give Inc a head like a Saratoga trunk. "India muslin is very very fine. It must be fine enough to disappear if it is to pass our Al teat. Yes, fine enough to diseppeai." He mailed. "It's true," he said. "'The test is this: The muslin is spread on grass over night. In the morning, when everything is dew drenched, if the muslin isn't prac- tieal identical with the dewy gossamer covering the lawns—in other words, if it isn't invisible ---it is 'discarded and must be sold as 'sreonde,"— "ew Or- leane Times- Democrat, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. New Style Foundations. A. new method of constructing the foundations of buildings in order to pre- vent, as much as possible, earthquake shocks from being commurtieated to tho building has been devised and patented by Dr. J. A. Calantarients, of Scarbor- ough, In this system the foundation, which is built in the usual manner, is faced with hard material such as gran- ite or iron, and upon this facing layers of talc, mica or other smooth sub- stances are deposited, each layer being dusted with powdered tale, mica, asbes- tos, soapstone, or•eand, or mats of as- bestos, etc., may be, used. without the plates of tale. Slabs of granite or iron placed on this prepared zone form the base of the superstructure. The object of the arrangement is, in the case of au earthquake, to allow the building to slide laterally. Means are provided for rendering the sorvice pipes flexible at the point where they issue from the ground. g Vet •: 7+. 1 '. ,,1++'fr' le... a,..4.:14,1;,0i, .� �'.fP r`s�giC•-; a /"3�1r •!" wAayyjili erns: �.. .._...met... �.».. Nourishing, Strength -giving Substitute for Meat Serve biscuit smothered in creamed vegetables, or cover with any seasonable fruit and add cream and sugar. 44t your grocer's, 113c. a carton, two for 25c. 2112 Ct9rir/1'M frjg}: q ii�aw 3%r:ty ti3s a at;nv wtatf�t;il� a r aV ,. i1' C',+t'.t• i 'r ,� r:{y: 'l {t+ 45 ,7r,��,{}r�jj,,, \u � r� 7 Nis r'rtivr •irk Srh "Y Vd f� dieeT " F AN EMBARASSING WORD. (Catholic Standard and Times.) "Then," said the reporter, "I'll say several pretty songs were rendered by Miss Packer." "Oh! gracious, no!" replied the host- ess, "you mustn't say `rendered.' You see her father made all his money in lard." o Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Home Breeding of Horses. For a number of years army circles have been discussing the advisability of providing for the United States army large horse ranches that will supply the latter with is much-needed war steeds as specially trained army Horses are al- most as necessary to modern warfare as smokeless powder. It is now announced that the Depart- ment of Agriculture will attempt to in- augurate a system for supplying the army with special army trainee nag;. European countries generally have their horse -raising done by their departments of agriculture, Russia being the only na- tion whcse horse breeding lie entirely under military supervision. ro l o o a'is ErsrE'II tai I rest EtD it I exactly meet the need which so of- ten arises in every family for e medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they ef- fective in all cases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by cleaning out the system and purifying the blood. In the same- way they relieve or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheumatism and other common ailments. In the full- e--t,�sense of the words Dr. Morse's y1iehen A Household i eme • a-% s The Kaffir's Day Off. When the South African Kaffir has a "day off" and sets about enjoying him- self one of his greatest pleasures is to dress himself up in some extraordinary fashion and ;generally play the fool. The fete day umbrella and sundry curious forms of headgear are brought forth. Several hold up candles. Al- though it is daylight, to show how civil- ized and up to date they are. Crude musical instruments—anything that will make a noise—arc greatly to the fore on such occasions as these.—Wide World. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. PLAINT BY A SORE CONTRIBUTOR I would, not live ahvny; I ask not to stay Where the weather is nasty the livelong day: The few balmy mornings that down on us here Can't stone for this climate the reat of the year. ()ETTING ACQUAINTED. (Bueliange.) "Rid, I kin lick you!" "Weil, I kin snake uglier you kin, blame yea" •The' kind of matt who always knows what his wife's clothes cost, says the Dallas News, is either a detective or a nulenute. faces the-: y ISSUE NO. 21, 1910 AGENTS WANTED. QTART A TEA ROUTE? TO -DAY. SEND postal for circulars, or 100 for stun - vies and terms. Alfred . Tyler, London, Ont.�,r FOR SALE. IRST-CLASS GROCERY STOCK AND buildings for sale. Address Sydney Smyth, 404 Talbot street, London, Ont. Dr. Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. rho result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. zemumw Da O. SHELDON ink Qrrrt 0.2w!s ss .'..w.1,. A specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. Room 101, 108, St. James' St., Montreal. ;eitt:7lrik� l-,eCCr•"et i'Cinatil.i+rw4:.2s4`" Long Serpentine Wharf. One of the longest wharves in the world, almost a mile in length, or to be exact 4,700 feet, is at fort Los Angeles, Cal. It extends into the Pacific in a tong, serpentine curve. 'The reason for this construction.' is that it offers better resistance to the strong currents and the buffetings of the waves than if it were perfectly straight. Until the nearby harbor 01 San Pedro was developed by the Federal Government the big wharf at Port Los Angeles was a very busy place, but of late it is eomparatively seldom used ex- e•epao 'by' the Japanese fishermen, who have £armeia a colony along the adjacent beach, Broin the Scientific American. eoa. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. '„WVR.-4 A'.li,,... va.IAIRMaW Pula School of ming A COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE. AffMated to Queen's University, KINGSTON, ONT. For Calendar of the School and further infor- mation, apply to the Seeretry, School of Mining, Kingston, Oat - neer.;, ..a•Yie 41W.Sctu.,,W,5, +Nrgr. Mining and Metallurgy. Chemistry and Mineralogy. Mineralogy and Geology. Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering., Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Biology and Public Health. Power Development. it SURE PU E THE KIND THAT PLEASES THE PEOPLE! a MADE�p q� IN CANADA. E.W. GILLETT CO. LTD. vitj TORONTO, ONT. Lip The E, Q. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Relit Canada HERE SINCE 1851. "k¢... Viigr L' AVto 'At reeve. t+r0" t^Ry`:t,.... 1 vy •, wv..+0: YI!'l 8l11i .. V'. W5k' ,114,4.+a .,rVit'AleMBY, Wit(!:-da1Ms:Rl cl� ,f,ar't"�"- .-..a�,J`• EDLWS "SILENT" TATCHES Satisfy the most particular people. They aro the most perfect made, noiseless as their name implies, no sputter, no smell or sulphur, aro quicker, and safe. All first-class dealers keep them.