HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-24, Page 8d to know the necessity ofhavingi good quality in goods n order to secure the longest service. The careless and Wasteful buy 2nd and 3rd class goods because they seem cheap. We do not carer to that class, but carry Goods that you will not be afraid to look at when you get home. Ladies White Wear A choice line of waists. Ranging from 75 cents to ghi3,i0. Neat patterns in 'underskirts, new goods just in. From 75 cent up. Dont forget to examine the summer uuderwear Fancy Belts and Collars Some real new things are being shown in Fancy Neckwear, Wash Belts, in abundance. SUMMER E GOO R1 S We are showing an exceptionally assort- inent of Wash Goods, for this season. Every lady, can have somethin to her taste from our many lines, Plain colored Linens, fancy stripped Ducks. plaial. .i epp, Ginglaams, Cllanabrays, and S;FL IK PARASOLS A41 • bea.ilt`,iful milk• of Siik Parasols are shown s here for aa.1.00 to - "3. 3.00 a fiats {•fie Just, arrived a complete v'ar'iety of Straw Harts, bt:itablo for men boys and girls, Men's and Boys' UnderwearUnderwears0 '0,7e are showing <, line of UndeTwear, which is ,SeC011d to 11011e for stile, quality ii «•and Prices 35 cts to $1425 A L 't) ;•,ee. enr Dew B ae,h,:'onth s Side Combs an l -earl e:.ttk.s to match. We also line of '' 1«) have a tortlZ}lute Turbans and Hair lar}ll;;, Something New For The Bab We lia,ve a fine line of babies' fancy color- ed lace hose, also a nide line of fancy bib. We have decided to cleaar stock early giving e chance of secuxin�'mir numerous you are in need some � a splendid B good price come early, we do not wish a single hat. our Millinery customers a artiains. if at a reduced to carry over GENERAL MERCHANT 1r VPI Oat' 3 rio emlock iSic Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned,having a Olarge stock of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to out to order bill u 36 feet long inn Hemlock andoup to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD BAYF1ELD usiness ushi The Young Men Of this town have fairly -swoop- ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right srice. So if youyour uit to wear well antdfit well have it tailored with us. Suits from $i2. to, $ 4.. Laundry in Connection W. E. norraAN Tailor, ZURICH 0. aartleib has put a metal roof on 5/1rs. McCormick's dwelling and shop. Foster':; tile kilns will bo opened on Saturday, sizes 2 , Iia, 3, and 4 inch, at $R 00 9 00 Io 00 and 8i5 00 per thousand. Ail best quality. Ltitr..i. R. Schuettler has coni pieted a neat cement step and cement sills at F. W. bless' jewel. et;s store. E o also putacement floor into the basement.L'hildrens Day' Services will be held .aJ,C flys Nth Con., Evangelical chore} on°i`�und,ag, and a cordial ' invitation is extended to all to he pm esent. There' will be no preaChin» servici in the 1✓vanrelical clirch here on Sunday, owing tthe Children's D,tv at the 1.1tfmnn, Sunday School will be held a30, the usual boom'. Canad now of whiclha525 are in Ontario. 1in+uebec, 30 in New Brunswic62 ixxS'ova.Sootia,12inPrmnc;eEdrd as 802, newspapers Island 79 in Manitoba, 25 in Al- Iberta and Saskatchewan and 33 in British Columbia.. PROGRAM OF SPORTS. The following' , IJIH(!?, '' sports will take Grand J3end on school !picnic and Civic holida 1. Egg race. y.- 2. Shoe and stocking 3. Threading needle (boys and Girls 4. Obsta) cle race 5. Ladder race, 19 and minder. 6. Wheelbarrow race, 7. Donkey race. 8 Three legged race. 0, Stick race. 10 Foot Race, boys under r. 11 Foot Race. girls under 8 12 Foot Race, boys nnder 10, 13 Foot Race, girls under 10. 14 Foot Race, open to School boys. 15 Foot Race, open to school girls. c 16 Running Jump, boy under 10 17 Running Jump, open to school. 18Flop Step and Jump open to school. 10 .Baseball match, North vs South. • D6ta412lfr i3CI.* WANTED es o Girls wanted for newest ti brightest, cleanest mtincl most • up-to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. 0 LadisW'�r waistssts.st 3irlsof sewing `� perieneed on powdr sewing machines preferred, but beginners will be taught. a Comfortable quarters. Steady work. Good wages. TETE STAR W iT'T.E'GY.EAR MFG, 00. Berlin, la< Ontario fat to t:) a .,..--„i",<7.e--,,e),W*--,--'"€;:"4.S''t<t?.,V",,F,'"c7"1"--4,-VW&...-..) w rico _ 0 VVfI a. �1 ' r. r �� al° ;;,raw o' htes •ww.�,wn..wwaw«.n.uo �� 4$p You will be surprisedr 0()n of Shoes for men wmen and children, but P as leaders in the , trade we have arge stock a 4 Qilp irery best. Ourto keep the �� turn—over is so large that d A we can and do give you better prices than ll 6y,j you are accustomed to get. Our Spring Stock . , is will be found right. Call and examine it. aD Op f go PVP 13. NDEIlt, Zurich. Dov 0T he- only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town 0 �poa An Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes YOU are not asked to try • at new discovery" nor to make an experiment When you paint with Sflf [UTSUS'S PUUT PRfPI#BTU PAINT ‘\ It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar. ket as an absolutely, dependable product. It is evade especially to meet and withstand the par.. titular clitnatic conditions of this Province --.not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices. F? E I 211Victi o ip LARCi $T C'p'l BIRIATI 9N STORE New stock of Pine and Hem- lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand .Shingles, ig shipments just to hand. Brin in your Order Now PHONE �+a •r !. .'r� self a F7 zuRicui Rouse �YC1eanj„r�g Painting h part of it just as much as soap- ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water canncit remove, and discolorations that scouring will not take away. Use the paint brush in such cases. THE $NERW/N W/LLIA,v$ FAMILY PAINT ,ovo •til!///a p› 1lll 1111111/>�� 144160ii 3!� I Wit” fWr:t. In small cans, is made to meet the thousand and one demnands fora tittle paint about the house. It is ready to use. Dries quickly witha good gloss. Can be washed. J. PRET 'S R , Zurich.