HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-24, Page 5FIRST GLASS TILE I have a large supply of the eery best tile on hand, from 2e in. to six inch, If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur-, ioh, Brick and Tile yards, n tf, TT0d! ovedi SCOP AND STOCK .. nJ'/•1 V I P • me y. 1?. A. of the Evangelikti'l cleteech.. will bile their strawberry festival r?r+ir,n(1t>y evening June 27111, in-tk ad of the 24th as was einem) oed bet ore. supper will be served from 6 to 8 p. tn. A choice program and lots of etre-wherries but the event of the evening will be the +ruction. Bale of the 3333 name quilt. Colne and seo your name on the quilt. r Cotte C9tN^'i n^o Cii�.aY�1i'eberii�..1i9 a tplgr.aWuea Irciu,•r:y. Weyer fails. Rey it nnw. it may save fife, HENS/41-l- MAIN STREET, directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just c. —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Pings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets,. Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. o ESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. UO eZAD O D OCU U ygD GIOD OD aSD 4 D OSEED O D OFm O D 03An O Icy 8 a 1 iTE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers a 6Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for 1 having made the past year our most prosperous year esince we have been in busi- b ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by 1 giving you value for your e money. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quito a number from tended the Seaforth Tuesday and Wednesday. Albert T. Ingram a native of Hensall died at Vancouver recent- ly at the age of about 40 years, Be left here about 20 years ago. • here at- racee on Tars, Owen Geiger and son liam were visitors in Toronto, last week. W. R Hodgins a former resident of Hensall is laid up in Winnipeg Hospital, with a badly broken arm. W. Passmore has the contract for street watering at thirty-four cents per tank. Tho members of the Hensall Gun Club would like to arrange a friend- ly match with the Zurich boys. 11, 3. Billings the former popular manager of the Bfolsons,Bank, here, bas been promoted from Forest to Ridgetown . Our baseball team gave Exeter a trimming a few nights ago. Score 9-5. S. Cooper of Clinton has the con- tract of building the new hotel, R Cudmore will do the mason work. A young man entered ai hotel in Aberdeen with a dog, and attracted a good deal of friendly interest. from an Irishman, who inquired what kiwi of a The owner looked the questioneit r inso- lently up and down, and then replied with, a drawl --"rt is Dross between an ape and an lrisb• man." ,Faith, thin, we're both related to it," was the ready retort, Not All Silver Linin to the School Book Cheapness Announcement is made of the issue of a fresh lot of cheap school books in Ontario, and again Sir James Whitney is hailed as "a man who keeps hie word " Some criticism was offered 'against the first batch of books. They were objected to on the ground that they formed a standing advertise- ment for a certain departmental store ; also that much of the matter which they contained was poorly selected. The price at which they aro offered to the public is indeed very low, but it so happens that the firm publishing them was su- p plied with plates by be ment, which left the said publish- ing firm nothing to do save the presswork and binding in addition to furnishing the paper. Naturally this would bring down the price yery materially. but the cost of the plates must be paid for, if not by the people directly, then by the people through the Government in- directly . Should there be no bet ter management shown in connec- tion with the issueof a second in- stalment of new books, there will be very little reason for th praise. 3ov ernment to expect public One detail of the announcomentre the issue of a fresh lot of new books has an ominous sound; it is that one of Toronto's departmental stores has tendered successfully for the publication of some of them DOUGLAS, General Merchant, 13 L A K D. ,4001LLODOI11111DODONDO W D®OD[IIINDODf17DODOD®Oii aseZU:RICH MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a `I full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep laothing but the best. We make our own sausages. • Give us a call_ YUNGLUT BEICHERT• UPT CURED IRE At your home, without pain, danger or operation, or loss of time. This is not a Truss Cure. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless ceased. Why wear ill-fitting trus- ses all your life, when you can be cured for all time to oomo? Fill in coupon: Age Time Rup What side Rup • • • .. . Name Address...... Retern to J• S. SMITH, 88 Caledo• nia Stratford Dept, R. Ont. EXETER i 1:4: t= 1.7.)) iA. sra.11 quantity of White Cap Yellow Dent and MSS Corn left. Best brands of Millet and Iungarian Grass Seed at lowest prices. TURNIP SEEDS: Canadian Gem, Excelsior, Elephant, Jumbo and Greystone. Also the Famous .A.berdeen for early winter feeding. 1 1 5 STOOK International Stock Food : International Poultry Food : Pratt's Animal Regulator : Hackney Heave Powder : Haihn's Celebrated Hog Cholera Preventive, A Full Stock of fresh groceries,, Royal House- hold, Milverton, Exeter, Parkhill, and Hensall Flours always on hand. SALT 200LB FOR 95 CENTS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The electric light poles and wires have been all put into good shape, which add to the appearance of the streets. Tares Willis and wife, of Marlette, Mich., are visiting relatives here. The 33rd regiment, F. Co about 30 strong are attending the annual camp at Carling's Heights, London. Our baseball team played a game with Fullerton lest week and won with a snore of 4-3: 1 1 1 Special services are being con- ducted in Caven Presbyterian church,` this week: • Railway rhetters are gaiet at present although it is expected that the St. Marys and Western will shortly be expended to this town. REASON ENOUGH. m. S: J. 6ASC 7 ZUitC O7(Z1DODOGS,ODOMODGDO D ODOWIDCID®YIDeD®ODS'90DGMGDOESD66fimeDOLVIDQDtIMIDOD®DDQ9MINZODDDQ1112e S C The general public will take notice that I am doing busineos in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest arket Prices Paid for Scrap Iron,. Rags, Rubbers, Horse= Hair, Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to 3. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash willel bt e paid or sr trade store, prompt leGmln Or Orders for collection of scrap may will be given. Believers ill the "strong, pur- poseful, independent" woman of to -day will find significant the following anecdote of a Chinese missionary. This missionary was taking tea with a mandarin's eight wives The Chinese ladies examin- ed her clothing, her hair, her teeth. and so on, but her feet especially amazed them. .»Why," one cried, -"yoll can walk and run as well as :a. rem!" to be.sure," seen the mis- si0nwry, ' Cam you ride a horse and swim, too'?" nYes." "Then you must be as a+riia n?" "I am." "And you wouldn't let a bent you, -not even if he your ltusband, -would you?" -Indeed, I wouldn't," said the missionary. The mandariu'seight ladies leek ed tit one another•., nodding their heads. Then the ,eldest said soft ly. -Now 1 understand why the. foreign devil never has more than one wife. lie is ;'raid. REASONS FOR BUM A DE LAVAL De Laval separators save enough over any gravity ereaming of milk in butter -at, cluaiily of cream, sweet rkimmilk, rubor, time and h ouble to pay for themselves every six months. De Laval separators save enough over other separator in closer sepa- ration, running heavier. and srxno- d:ler ceeam, skimming cool milk, greater capacity, easier cleaning: easier running and less repa;rs to pay for themselves every yex.r. Improved De Laval separators save enough over I)e Laval machin- es of five or twenty-five years ago in more absolutely thorough separa- tion under all conditions, greater capacity. easier running, and greater simplicity to pay for them- selves every two years. De Laval separators are not only superior to others but at same time cheapest in proportion to actual capacity, and they last from five to ten times longer. . These are the reasons why the world's experienced separator viers including 93 per cent of all cream- erymen, use and endorse the Do Laval separators. sc SALES AGENT Blake P. 0., Ont. +li".i**„ aq,rr;r�5t; M. WEXLER. : JUNK DEALER, : EXETER PARROT CAUSES AN ACCIDENT I strong as Born Woodstock Sentinel Review :-A CUJRRIE--At Hillsgreen, on the 14th inst., to Mr. and Mas • Archie peculiar accident occurred near the tt a daughter. Broadway school today. The driver Cu,of a bread wagon left his rig stand- ing in front of a house where there was a parrot. The parrot noticing the horse unattended "Back na to show off its training. it called out. The obedient horse d up. The .parrot called out morn was Bache "Th® horse back: "Back Yip" again;° ed up some more. The parrot the head on a level with the bo ri kept on calling "back up," and the His clothes lss cold should then ed ver his, be 11 the bread an d SUNSTROKE. In case of a sunstroke, whether the victim is a child or adult, her should be taken to a shady spe • and placed in a reclining position,. horse kept on obeying ti wagon went over the side of thead and upset t on a steep incline."Get eo face and head, and the whole bras rubbed with ice. In case of p 19 hot - Then the parrot called out tration it is bes up " but the poor horse, tkough he cloths, or plasters to the head andi did his best simply couldn't and it feet. took eight men to put the wagon Ii crying about; on its wheels and on the road again . What are you cry , No great damage was done, except Freddy :� and I to the feelings of the driver, ' ++I got licked twice today." those he relieved to some extent at I t'How was that?" tin, I teed' the expense of the ,parrot, which, c1adT ac dad went pee, canedhrah-tate her an' an' the teacher licked, d;•id' an' dad carne home an' wallo,teil me." As a train was approaching a station the other day it parted in the middle, and, of course. the communication cord snapped, they end of it striking an old lady on,. FALL 'FAIRS. concerned. A whisk broont is excellent, for cleaning and dusting the mattress ; the :earners of stairways:, for dustiix4 away the grime from under vadiators a nd in polishing Ailsa Craig-. Sept.Oct. 4 22 and 2:3. stoves. . ~.... and 5_ t Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Blyth1f on are I the bonnet. •What is the matter?" she ex -- claimed. "Oh, the train is broken in two,"' replied a gentleman who sat oppo- site. "1 should think so; too" respontl- P I'tw 11 you s. ed. the old lady. looking at the l ars they exnrge broken cord. "Dirt they" think a d 7 drnaly lighted bit of pudding string like that would hold a train Log.:thee p� S C417C, Cholera am, i >t�Etllllt�f'��irSil L,.a:risoea hrtxedy, Never fails. pup it now. it may save 1110. Brrgdep Brussels Dungannon ....•° ^ Se iOc• or and 28. Elmira Sept. 19 and 20. Oct. 1. Set. 19„ 20, 21. 14Sept.anden Oct. 6 and ' ,Sept. 20 and 21, Sept. 9-17.. Sept. 22 and 23. Mitchell • . • • SS',ept. } t. 20 and 5 and 2116. New Hamburg. Sept 9-17. Ottawa » • • . . Parkhill Oct. 4 and h. Ripley Sept. 27 and 28 S*, Mary'sSept, 27 and 28. Seaforth .... Sept. 22 and 2. Ttivistonk Sept. 19 and 20.'.1 Wellesley .. p •Oct. 4- y sold c a guarantee than y Oct. 6 and '7.. net satisfied after using two-thirds Exeter Fordwich Godertch . • - Hamilton. Kirkton Listowel Tendon fencknow of.a''.)e'ttle according to td.irections, your "money will be refunded. It is up to you to try. Sold by J. j. Kerner. " said one man to an- otherti from the corridor ,of a convert hall, •"1 envy that fellow' who was singing." ••• Envy him!" colleen]. the other, "Weil, if 1 were going to envy a singer I'd select somebody with a better t'oice. Hie wee alaont the poorest I ever heard." °fins not his vealCe i envy, man." was the reply. "It'sihts tremend- ous co•arage." .Sept. 13 and 14-.:1 �IA,1'.KET REPORT -The fol- Winghatu ...Sept. 29 30. 3mvinf; is the report of Zurich Woodstock ,�...Sept. 21, 22, 23 arket•corrected. up to Thereday,a Bailee? ......... • .. to 42, Peas-. ... OVER P55 YEARS • ......... • . 650 1,00 Q EXPER!ENG . Bran. ............. Shorts.. -�3.Of1 2193 3.0 00 Oats.. .., 5 85 Wheat A 5 Hay...52.00 ......, <. 5 Dried apples . , .... -0 n. 0 Clover seed ..-• x.025 200 Potatoes.,............ 17 i7 Butter.. . - 17 17 Eggs... .............. • • 8.80 Bogs liveweiget HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Beat Flour....... 2.75 Wheat l➢8 38 Oarts ..,..... Barley Peas TRADESMA KS IGNCOPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone ascertain sending leartn r i description eth Quickly i oa-opinnfeWheerr a n lonProb bl7pstorable. Commmlca . Patents taken throe h Mena o. roc0P9Woe lloonadont.lt1A4le0K on Patents seat trot. Oldest hey for DODuzmgrutero. epeeSat notke, naboutarte,t® 5 tftflfk Hm rka» s A bandsotnety tltoetratod'weekly. Largest Cir. Canada St.75 a year, scientific tageuprols'std- Terms by AMUNN CoNow York SliiBroadwsy, Zona olroo. g26 T' Af4. WssbingtPP.D. a ,tS 52 80 80 flogs livew< igt,t...,.... 8.80 IIOMESEEKEI: ' EXCUR$kVJS ViA . - / TO WESTERN C N 9? A LOW ROUND Tl?.0 x.11 ES GOING 1Ar;Efi Apr. 5,19 June 11, 28 else 3, 17, 31. July 12, 26 hod. 9, 23 Sept. 6, 20 THROUGH SI'ECI.a TRAINS TotIONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Throttle 2.00 p.m. un above dans T irnt 1 rrst :and Second Class Coaches, Cnlr,uist and 'tourist SIeepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write 11. e,. Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto. ASK roll O13 F3EESERS' 1'A,tl'r1LET