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The Herald, 1910-06-17, Page 5
FIRST GLASS TILE.---- I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2e in. to six I' inch, If you need any call, write 71 or telephone to John Foster, Zur- le lob, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf, ved! . owed! SHOP A STOCK MAIN STRE �'T. .correct- put my wish to niy d..ar. ul clever it of face ;iply ask directly West of Dominion House prtned it, a ball," Ready to supply you with just i, kind of —little bit the Nicest— -? of act- menadea Ily, but,' as smile, babillage JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, it tells Necklets, Watches r woman Brooches,_ Bracelets, the phy- Veil' Pins, Collar Y» Pins. Everythinglt"... n in this Line. so un- aeatinig— COME ALONG, We will ,i;fuli" try to PLEASE YOU. lot afraid rom the ling. 1 am F. 7 V • HESS ES and you 9 �e. 1 am JEWELLER . nce, but at 1 may G. R. HESS, Assistant, Lance. 1 ry prience of ,,t,'DGmf10,1DG�OND=DGD4FG+GD GDG®GDO:410G{0,•, E TAKE this, opportu- nity wishingour Customers a iHappy and Prosperous New Year, and all or I having made the past .year our xnoB prosperous since we have been in b' uSi- ness. We ask Sou again for your hearty support for 191o, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value .for your money. ask your e ., it is, 5 a singu- t; man, and �Fa 7 would ��( filas known nuell mis- and thank each C : wind to nity o reap Paul, 'Thanks. Yes. Well, and 1. like him. I'll put the fuse to non." Mow little either dreamed tha coil of the cannon would stri beautiful woman at his side St. Maur's unowned wife! CHAPTER, X.VIt. Dr. Clifford kept both carr- his secret heart he does not approve riding horses for all his part or, as is someticnee the case, he, is thoroughly believed in that glo afraid of being blamed 'tor picking miss, and had been delighted a loser, Mrs. Errington so bold and taco Far from having the demoraliz- a rider. ing effect that should be expected, "I�o use mounting you on quiet palfreys," he had said, the strict discipline of 'betting on bought for her use a beautifu the womankind seems to • develop high-spirited bay mare justly many latent good qualities which Fleetfoot. The doctor, too, w as a. rule are not conspicuous, 011011 of his stable, and would not ha as self control, self reliance, te keen second-rate horse in it at a and intelligent interest in the sport "Everything good," said he, "01 of kings, and lastly, the true phi- all," losophy of bei;ag a good loser.. And it was no tvonciet• that 0 The above is from a recent issue on the road to Epsom looked of the Toronto Star, and. following cavalcade—the elegant carriage this comes a long list of nnrrles of noble grays, its two lovely o prominent ladies of the Queen City and well -mounted groom folloi its two outrider's. who were in attendanee "at the "Handsome horse, and most 1 races many of whom were, no rider to match," said the do doubt, included in those described lantly; "that low felt hat, a in the paragraph quoted. We have blue veil airily twisted abou no desire to be puritanical or nar- that close -fitting habit, set y row, but the fact that many of the perfection, my dear. 1 always ladies of the premier city of the beautiful woman looks her best province freely "play the ponies" back, if she nes ,avdid" can hardly be considered tt good So, she knew, did her lov " omen. It is only a short time ago laughed. t that a lot of bine was consumed in "1 am afraid, doctor, that yo some lessons in flattery the o the Dominion Pa.rliament to .frame at Mr. Orde's, and that his ne legislation that would in some been corrupting you." measure remove the gambling evils "Ah, he will trip off prettti surrounding the race track. Tho by the score to one of mine,",,I, outcome was the Miller bill, But the doctor. "I keep min' all through the agitation men only the select few, you were considered to be the victims 1 c. I knew you must , bo so ttscd_t.o, c of the habit. But aceordingto this ht will be the mothers of the ('store ee ; of Edward Heideman W i Ion the est inst. to Jell F.t Berlin. `' Playing the races at the V bine by the fair sex nate beam part of my lady's education, is wonderful how it has gro•'in' the last few years from the 61)34ll quarter pools to bets running any way up to five and ten dollars on eaoh and every race. It curvet be said that this state of affairs has been brought about by the infl.tten, ce of the sterner sex, as it is only by great persistence, coaxing, or chasing;, or by great good nd•tare, that the were man can be induced to take my lady's money to the bookies and bring her the much. de- sired odds, It is either too much trouble on his part. or, perhaps, in �ie �od^ t year — Miss Anna Heidenut quotetion'the women, who le a and g t Mrs. Thomas Oke cold her residence her ® 7ame? Ford. Et <t'vL ed generation, have contractt.li the as Married gambling habit. Vt is not the best hie Sell, of l:lncl of atn outlook. As to the "latent (qualities" that are di •••lc,rl. cif London, ed in women by bettine', there e do hrs. ;;eerizs little' roam to doubt that held on Friday, at the Grand Bend they are qualities that see ' be Park. inucll better 'had they n0''e < been This week several from here developed. took in the Sunday'Scbool conven• __ ___ _. •__ tion, at Crediton 1 1 UMIIMMIWINIIMMINEROdtAINSYMOISOMIIVONe A smal). quantity of White Cap Yellow Dent and MSS Corp left, Best brands of Millet and Hungarian Grass Seed at lowest prices, TURNIP SEEDS: Canadian Gem, Excelsior, Elephant, Jumbo and Greystone. Also the Famous Aberdeen for early winter feeding. A International Stock Food : International Poultry Food : Pratt's Animal Regulator : Hackney Heave Powder Hahn's Celebrated Hog Cholera Preventive. Full Stock of fresh. grocerien, Royal House- hold, Milverton, Exeter, Parkhill, and Hensall Flours always on hand. SALT 200LB FOR 95 CENTS. J. ASC 9 ZU iCt yRDerFIDDCDGi9,9CDOXIDCDC'�DGDCGS:RCD(OB®DCDCiQmDGDRdm CDCffid'SICDQRD:ICD�9CDMMGDOIC9GDCf�GDc9S7/CDe£3DEOCIN i 40 The general public will take notice that I ani doing busineeS in Exeter in toe line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse - Hair, Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S I1ARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given. WEXLE O : JUNK DEALER, : EXETER DASf-9l(VQ©L? � E �7 The annual school picnic will be II U it ri EE d �' FL m 3OA OL S, $ ;i Fester business mien General Merchant, B L X K B. 'r 1 their -stores every Thur noo (luring July and .t 1 ,"-a,D6mb GD,IDC.'DCDMEEIXIDDCIMMCD(16=PS. LT=GDQLtiDOf III , o J Y■■ fa t. e m u MEAT MARKET WE keep i11 stock a full liiie of fresh meats, hams, etc''. etc Our eats aro noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our e1l'11• sausages. Give us a tail. Y JN it3L T E1C E TO kfHUPP CU,tea RED C' -E lG feu At your Homo, without pain, danger or operation, or loss of time. Thfs is not a Trues Cure. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless ceased. Why wear ill-fitting trus- ses all your life, when you can be cured for all time to oome? Fill in coupon : Age Time R.up What side Rule Name Address Retern to J. S. SMisrii, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford. .Dept, R. .Ont. rq'toocaeveceatieciegiocte pManCectiu hg31.reK X111 close delay after - ,last. NEWS ALL T:,anin shoulder aiicnost int; variably caused by riaenrnatisin of 5a -zees Cosworth is htlra' +'1ai])ar- the'musales and yields quickly tel }. the free application oft Chamber- int' the 'fci'uudation 'for 1: 1 new laves Liniment. This linimeer, is s hotel. Dan McEwen the ..meted horse trainer spelt some pleasant days Decently ,with his friend, T. Mur- dock. Drysdalo spent last week 'visiting friends in Maxlette,Mich. T"rtae Observer °nest; week s 'Lys :— not only prompt and eeectunl, bat in no way disagreearete to use. Sea: by J. J. Merrier. 1 ;i to JI st bio a iii f '�rtaa lid'.: i, i d DeC r,0 •• . VASOis FOB RIM M A E LAVAL ile Lavin ,epaanata'i, save enough d\1 r any ruvula• 4.104-.4:Mug of reit('• ]i1 mill(.}ct-lift. <'t"fl' 1iy ,4 .0.1.10, wvosft. 4kineenalk, hi1,;u, tune asi11 • i va•r 1.1i uu.a ,le to ixty tor Llde nay;,1 ti e y ;.ix a aonths, lie Laval P0lfi•at<na t VP& ,.14ougt•1, o+ei..other separator in .doter sepa- ration, running heavier wmr smno- t•llee• ceeam, skinaeniiuj cool Milk, greater cayacit}•, easier •cicaning, a:asior =dunning• and less cepa rs to pay for themselves every year. Improved De Laval- separators save enough over 1•)e Laval tataclzin- es of div,,a or twenty -tire yo4:rs ago i n mere absolutely thorough c eparaa- tiaiel under all . conditions, greater capacity, easier manning, and greater simplicity to pay, for them- selves every two years. I)e Lam' separators are not.only :;upetior to others but at sometime cheapest le proportion to actual eapncity, and they last from five to ten times longer. These aro the reasons why the world's axtierieuced separator users including 0' per cent of all cream• eryinen, use end endorse the I)e Laval so iat•atori. C 148>q° kdSC;J1 SALES AGENT Blake P. O , Ont. "C. k: H 11 Mr. Wm. Siebert 'and Miss Ada Siebert 'e.;;tended ate wedding of her. Sielrt's sister at Berlin, on Tuesday. Mr.' ralnian Warm of Zurich was assis'u alg in Mr. Siebert's sto e, derive the week. oat's. J. Wagner still continues I , c"iNDATES in very poor health Her friends , l :i;ir. 13 June 14, 28 Aire 9, 23 arE anxioltglY looking for Iter { v^ e , i3 20 recovery. Tn'I0V7II 5:'ECIM, TVfl'15 'On Tuestla* of this week one of i TD:cOSTO 7a'i; WINNIPEG AND WEST those pleasing events took place at Lcavt. Tnr,roto 2.00 13 -m - 't '' R. a t,l-turch Zurich -when WW' . 1 e .move cloys met the representative's of 'I'1leker- , �i'ldt of (:leis village an Miss , Tt,rouch . !* t .n pec n smith Te ephone Co., and Kr, l'Marg:fret Mc.Bachen of Stephen. l r• .,::Snt :a -f �our.t,t � 1,lAra. Pot or writ SIO SlA , TO �1r, WESTERN CANADA 7.OW RriLai4D TRIP RATES i ill..y 1:, 21 3wy 1 , ,.0 ep.. , "*The C)oun' it tinct eiti37`i s of ensaa ' ! d i~F d S o d Cass 8oac'ue�, C le nil 9•�'ali•enentin r the Bell hw ere lxniiaell in nlarriag' Tho yp write 6L,',.P T 1.T . l so i, i'.i' .' ., Toronw. �c.._ shnrlP t'n . in tltti'til)era Macao•' ceretri(ra, over, they then canna , Land 011-MnndltV night R. Bnnthro.n wee to theirbcome here where a recce. ale -ted ,e+;i,airman (telt.d. he called, tion was given the ;(tests narn• on 3,lr'fasiicon tostsrte the position, tiering rt int one • hundred . We (It -the 13a>il do , as to Kn all nigh', extendi e;tstgra.t l atistit$ and hope i . 1 service -sand long-e.s.tance eon that their joys a 'Lr be many tint'. t jnet,ntion. 'That' gea$1ea1an statet"a? their ser:OWs to,„. a.•, bier 'journa'y I tV il'ia n Finlay, is at I,9e tench ethno, if •i r. McD111ell was recon'„-' over itfes sea. 'Thee f.11 reside in this week, sertiing on the jury. I oik-.;ed'for the tie essary outlay in': this village. Congratulations to Mr. road 'bars. w tt-:he:me:es and warm rite= •i1laEtt4:G, or gvaai3giri:,1•nutePriVtib Sill��a4 ,:ue fiefR. N. li.ln�las. l},1 til" inane lost., ai�reatr over and above.the estiteu -: sunshin.., veget t on h .s taken on a N. girl. !•eti•e.arning;e of the •1•re'rraal and Bell quit!; •a ro E aloe eve ythi a = h or. I' that he was wilting to give 10 ks.ns tiling'( - were ;sing to Mrs. I.'`. Caplin; is visiti.:a�; Ian'nll nigitt servit,e, bet otherwise have at:coo'i (=cp. daughter near Stratford, this tveely. i the thing was utterly impossible. ASA l"t:,t i'. u1.SLF.IiE1i5 BL.A KE The annual Blake Sehoel picnic' i1'`l.r. Geiger on behalf of the THE -JUNE T?C)I) AND GUN will be held in Holtz' Grove, on. ` corp0ratioi, matte w condit€ones. –•-- Tuesday, 28th inst. Sports of all offer of'fil t;' dollars ar wear for for r Wkailo each tissue .of t;anadu's kinds for which prizes will be ' years, huti,his was considered no't forerasost; 4por`a;srner..% Maga:du awardsd to the winners. Everbodr 11'•101'L,h. v1ehh". Shilbs•aur'law and the cnntra,ing, some feature of .special in••r iia tile section is n)Y•cli".11y invited. °.J'udharsmifin representatives states. (Bart as •their poles goers alt 'the• i st.rtirai, quitak action. on the part of "... • ui're'h • required, , v people v. he 'a.a0 •n ..sill )0 4 1 i 11 n'it. they would connect •Witt k^zalrrrro`li and this scald be Hen sall's'last chtvnce for an all night •S1' Price and country csoneetion., 'During the 4evening Mr. Gibson informal the meeting eblat had;, 1,unile3rs:; whiles th,e story of the ;; T ens:ill:acted three yease ago.it-i, euceees r.€ ,Tack Miner .i4 attracting-; would ktve an all nig -is.t direct': wild-cee`1a izt large la,ulmbere to u sereep :at the present tono, but ;. pond neer his home ctura.aot Tail tet': now it was toofiate," . leold,tl e;attenti n and secure the.' anterest of all Wild bird loves. Tile �• latter-sxl„rc forms a splendid illuw- OVER 68 y�'A.ttu% ' Ijrettion of the success of protection . Exp(: il:alot and should encourage all engaged in the wefrk. Mr. Miner has de ' tnonstrated the fact that it D.4 xit.s. Bible to succeed with tine wary wild goose and success with s"ia li shy breeds melons that efforts in other avec tion5 need not spell failure. teres(, •tie ;fv,ne number of Redo, e.ncl'4 ,cita in Canada, published try'(: ()1itt.~11b«i,1,i.is ,:?•eh awl qir -T 'p,•vlor, Woodstock, Ont , i rte; raver Tablets will Organ) np the 0 -rt Ii r ..c ., 1 ^ at .,c �-a 4 •,. notable for ,.a 1 .1 of t: clic tier : es, 1)a i..11 each one of parthcaah br 113 G,'1•(' t to ".. prf;� crit de ,.c>ndency .and i7:21'iY er- ell sportsmen. '�T'bmee Vv..0l.1 I ' ttb(i that -whole systole. Srihi by " w, . r r iyie •nn,• stho•ly"."ib�)te of d,�io� lout ' with f't: -. successfulcaptur-5 or •ti, annose t1:,1l trove ntreri v,g lc) all big game., e. ` eADM k�iPalts DES4GNS Co17RIGHT tics e: au gone Bending s ahetoli and4, scrlpptann easy giitcicly ascertain our opinion free whether nu tnve tion is probably pato�jstable. ommunicn- sentf • tractiyconAdeuU -' or s oro tar patents. 13 sant floe. eldest agqonc� for soouriiytPPatonia ic'atotitd taken through. Munch & CO. toceiVe epccial notice, without charge, in the A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. L•Irrlet car- mention of 51.70 0 year,ispostad'ific ) i)repaid. 504 by �altl� newaderaers, p� . 111Nr gve118818"aitway, NeW Tor'k ,F AIO 0010e, ta513' St,; warlxanatau. n.e. Taher•ilnporta.noe of the policy- of 0onservatiol justifies the ili.ustra• teat account of the gathering at Toronto university, This policy means more to the future of Ganz. - da than the :present generation can fixilyrealize and to all interested in that great out doors itis vital, .el full •supply el stories appealing to. • xt11 tastes is included in a nutuber which will prove a fine ;00011. anion • On all vacation ;it'll s. AD TliElin ,Adopt the use of Classified Want Ads.1They have proved money; ,makersfor others, They, are appreciated by the buyer; as €Eley enaableliim to quickly locate the place Where, he can field his requirements. Vit-Jahc,,find your lousiness represented? . G»,nfl,i10.,!1 M lard.,,,