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The Herald, 1910-06-17, Page 4
The r lolsons Bank c' Capitai paid up $3,500,000 Reserve Fund $3,850,000 .-lead Office _ flont- eal Ca v iBRANCHES Alberta—Calgary, Caxarose, Diamond City, Edmonton Lethbridge. sea British Columbia—Revelstoke, Vancouver, S'iestministor A. © Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave. Ontario—Alvinston, Amherstburg, Aylmer, Brockville, Che=terville, Clinton, Drutnbo, Dutton: Exeter, Forest, Franktor, Hensall, Hamilton -- James Street, Market Branch, Highgate, Iroquois, Kingsville, Kirkton, esLambton Mills, London, Lucknow, Me-iford, Merlin, Morrisburg, Norwich, eOttawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetown, Simcoe, Smiih's Falls, St. Marys, St. Thomas, West End, East End Branch, Toronto=Bay Street Queen St. W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West Toronto, Williamsburg., Woodstock, Zurich, . , Quebec-Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, Fraserville and a Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks. a Montreat—Coto des Neiges. St. James St., St. Catherine, St. Branch. St. Henri Branch, Maisonneuve Branch, Market and Harbor Branch, Pierre- ville, Quebec, Richmond, Raberval, Sorel, St. Cesaire, Ste. Flavie Station, St.' Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville, Waterloo. Aenrrs aN GssAT BRITAIN AND COLONIES—London and Liverpool—Parr's Bank Limited. Leland—Munster &Leinster Bank, Limited, Australia and New Zealand—The Union Sank of Australia, Limited. South Africa --The Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. • FOREIGN AenNTs-Prance-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- gium Antwerp -La Banque d'Anvers. China and Japan—Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba—Banco Nacional•de Cuba, AGENTS IN UNITED STATES ---Agents and Corresifondeuts in all the principal cities. Zurich Branch CLD 11 43i3C 42SSD LEGAL CARDS. a ra 0 0 � J.CA.NSTANTI:NE, Agent ra MID ri;.,;rya CID{� UM) GOC4DfLN79 • tI. J.1). C00KE, BARRISTER AND SO - Reiter, Notary Public, Hensel/ , Ontario At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS as BLAIR, BAR- risters Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, for• t.J merly with Drs. Jansen Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal Louden Opthal- mic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hoepital, London England, etc. General practice, with. special attention to eye, enr, nose and throat. )oyes tested ' (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASH -WOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no . pay. Terms easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. TETTE FilaRq PUBLISRED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY. JUNE 17th, 1910. Two Irishmen were in a city bank recently, waiting their turn at the cashier's window. "This reminds me of Finnegan," remark ed one. "What about Finnegan?" inquired the other. "'Tis a story that Finne gan died, and when he greeted St . Peter, he said, 'It's a foine job you've had here for a long time .' 'Well, Finnegan,' said Stn. Peter, 'here we count a million years as a minute and a million dollars as a cent ' 'Ah!' said Finnegan, 'I'ni needing cash. •Lend me a cent.' °Sere,' said St., Peter, 'just wait a minute.' DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA duate of the Royal Cellars o¢ Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also 3:Amer gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every'Mon- day. -26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal •Dooi;rmenita care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS THE CRY OF T, He blushed, tc TWO-THIRDS sure, but be eves used to blab ing Audacious boy !quote his another to her I she would. not broolt that. She would teach him .speedily that only one held supreme a,teiliority . cver his action. As she thought thus • he was thinking how beautiful she could make herself, how charming ! "You will taste it 'to please me?" with such. a bewitching glance from under the dark lashes, such a dainty turn of the suberb head and pleading of the proud lips. She so seldom deigned to coax. He was thrilled as his • eyes met hers, he would so like to please her. "I am so sorry to refuse you anything," his voice treinilous with heart- throbs. 'You ,will pardon me, since I am under pledge?" Pardon him 1 nay she would conquer him, rather. Another of those delirious glances." You will at least touch your lips to the beverage to do me honor? I do not often care to drink after another, 'There are many who would crave the privilege 1 accord you," extending her glass to him once more. He could surely do that, he would. Honor her ! How he felt honored as, after his lips had touched- the rim, this temptress, drained its last drop ! she relished • it more than usual. "The taste is improved," she said roguishly, flatteringly. She spoke tlio truth—it was spiced with vic- tory. She rewarded his obedience by allowing him to kiss her hand and pour passionate things in her ears. She would conquer him wholly ; from this hour her soul was set on his snbgugation This lady was the only child of Sylvester Osmond Arlington, a man whose wealth could not whol• ly hide the shallowness of his brain He had held some petty spite against Dr. Droutly's father and perpetuated it in favor of his older son. .'his gentlenen had not been about accepting D Droutly's in- vitation to the reoe tion with which he had welcomed hits sister and ber son to America, but it lead furnish- ed endless food for criticism. "You are not like your uncle," said the charming Blanche ' to Gustin one evening es they st,':ld together, "except in ene restiect," with a half mischievoust meaningful glance that =rattired while it abashed the yout Mustin was growing sensitive where his ab stinence was coneefned "You are more social than tfiie doctor, more like your father, sapa says only he was n )t afr,t'c)• fie •la,ss of wine and you aro "4- ai,' not afraid of wine," Gust)nz:e 4 answer, bis face flushing like' ru girl's under accusation. "I never tested it until the other night, and that was but a taste." "Poor bo;' I" touching his hand playfully, ' ou have my Patrons of a cheese factory or creamery have a right to a clear and full statement each month of the amount of milk or cream he has supplied, how much cheese or butter it has ivade, what the product has sold for and what he is entitled to receive after the necessary expenses for manufactur- ing; etc., are deducted. Many of the statements sent out are far from being cf this class. As one authority puts it "they surpass all understanding." There are many factories that take pains in this regard and patrons receive all the information they are entitled to in concise and attractive form. What one factory can do they all can do if they know how. Would it not, be possible for somebody, some dairy official, if need be, to devise a simple, yet complete form of factory statement, that conld he used by all alike? It would give the patron more confidence in the management of his particular factory and afford less room for criticism at the annual meeting. O Court Zurich No. 1240 J. • 1•• a meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 5 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. @Ixrs,isr, C. R. Aa TT `g T tic r 1i eo b 1 Lodge ®. lJ . • No. : SC meets the 2nd and 4th Friday e'i eves y a•effintll, at 8 o'clock, in their Rall, Memoir Bioek. J,' m s. NV ri'w a , �i . W "It oared ine," or "It saved the life of my child," are the expres- sions you hear every day about Chamberlain 's Colic, *teem and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret et the success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy is that it cures. Sold by 3. J. Mentor. Clubbing rates. 116r (AM 1:AAVbai'",'uiit,--=,v ',1!J. dUA3 SV -r instance—how to entertain his friends. "My uncle is no niggard" said Gustin, on the defensive for his best friend. "lie spares no ex- pense where his principles are not involved, be is theflnest gentleman I know and as social as --as---" "A bear," interrupted Miss Arlington, and laughed so merrily at this sup- posed wit that the youth joined with her, though hardly relishing the fun. "You needn't think you deceive ane into believing you ad- mire the doctor, she continued." Why you two are so different with a swift glance of rognish flattery," as midnight and sunrise, and must be as congenial as a mid -summer day and au ice storm, But of course its the proper thing to love one's relatives." "Is that why I adore my cousin Blanche" he ask- ed, ed, made boil by her evidentflat. tery. "Adore and yet refuse the smallest complia)ice with her will" tapping his arm with her fan im- patiently,"Let a baby vow stand between you andyour pleasure, she saw her companion wince, and was glad of the approach of another suitor her partner in the next dance, for whose area slie dropped that of our friend. .He felt ohagri ned, dissatisfied. "It does look childish to be tied to a promise in this fashion," he muttered to him- self as she moved away, and she was saying in her inmost heart. "He shall be my slave yet, he shall not refuse me anything I ask not even to drink a glass of wine." Yet she -did not care for this fair -faced boy beyond the enjoyment of the hour, the triumph of such small enjoyment. Did she succeed? who can doubt it who realizes the pow- er of a first grand passion over the heart of a youth? not so many days thereafter his mother started as he bent over her to give her a kiss. "Gustin, is it impossible you have been drinking?" "Only a glass of wine, mama," replied the abashed youth. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres. Supt. sympathy, you haven issed a treat' -One can hardly be said , to miss what ho never had," laughed the gentleman. ''But your commisera- tion is worth earniug even by positive loss" he continued, willing to hold her at his side even over the discussion of so uncomfortable a subject as this. Itis surely no sin to refuse wine." -Nor to accept it," she retaliated with some warmth. "It looks so childish in a Success in dairy more than any grown num to be tied to a pledge. other business is made np by at I suppose your mother simply meant to shield your childhood frena the eervants who might gi've you too freely or of an inferior quality, He shook, his head "my mother never left me to servants, Miss Blanche and I never saw lig- nor of any kind in her house," re- plied Gustin truthfully, and then flushed crimson at her incredulous astonishment. "That could not have been said when your father lived," cried the young lady tos. sing her head significantly. It is ono of your uncle's innovations, I hal,••,, beard liipn, rev your rather had a princely ..ran: and knew bet- teution to little details. A monthly statement is a detail in the manage- ment of a cheese factory or cream- ery that needs some attention at the present time. The mail order houses are going to crush the little merchants out of business. The little merchants compete. They are wasteful. The big departmental stores ars organ- izing the retail business and cutting down expenses. The evolution of industry demands that the retail business bo trustified and organiz ed. That means the end of the country aisd village storekeeper With him will go others. The tdvocrtte will not have so much to do. The small business men will not be able to give the advocate any accounts to collect. Tho country printer will also' feel the effects of the change. He will not get so many bill heads and letter heads to print. Tho lawyer will not give him so many legal forms and printed demands for payment to set up, The little villagers will have to find something else to do besides becoming thevillage printer, the village lawyer or the storekeeper. The villagers will be cIrawn into the capitalist Mode of production. They will lie seized upon and turned into wage slaves. They will get the view point of "We have made atrrangements the proletariat worker. After to offer the following low elubbing hunting for a job and not finding mates with TIM liVRAlyn; ene, of the country villager will Daily Globe , $ 4.25 cease to think that this world is • ,, Mail & Empire 4.25 perfect and that, the mail who is Weekly Globe . 1.00 Willing to work has the world Mail & Empire 1.60 bowing to him and worshiping Berliner journal (German) 2.50 him. Cheer up,Comrades. That Family Herald & Star 1.75 little fellow who leas been sneering Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1x5'0 Weekly Sun ` 1 ',75 l±anner"s Advocate ' 2.25 GETTING READY FOR HIM. The little girl entered the shop with the air of a real grown-up lady, and stood by the counter with her wide blue eyes on a level with it. "Well, Sadie?" said keeper, -"i;arah, if you please," she corrected. "Well, Miss Sarah," he said, "what can I do for you?" "I want to get a mitten, . if you please, an' charge it to mother." "You mean a. pair of mittens, don't you?" "No," she said, with an im. patient toss of her head ; "I mean ju' one; one that's suitable to give to a young man that's going to be rejected," at you about your, acenalistn, will 't,e feeling the !inch prettq soon :and will be kicking just as herd as ylaa are; Farmers Wanting Re= pairs for Spring the shop - please order now. Anyone wishing New or Seconal Band Machinery, call and see if I cau't fill your wants. ties it is unusual that gold should be engaged in New York et this time of the year for shipment to. this country. The fact that this. has taken place during the' past few weeks has attracted the at- tention of the financial papers of New York. Ono journal, of un- doubted authority, believes that the explanation of this movement- is not far to seek, and sets it down, to the steady exodus of labor across the border and the conse- quent flow of United States money into Canada. The daily papers tell, of the great numbers of U. S. farmers selling out and settling in, our own West, and the substantial, drafts that so many of these emi- grants bring with thein, to a very' large extent go through.New York for collection. There seems reason for the belief existing in some quarters that during the next crew years the movement of gold to Canada from the same source will. steadily become greater. If you are not satisfied after using according to directions two- thirds of a bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets, and Liver you can have your money back. The tablets cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial and get well. Sold by J. J. Merner. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land. Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, en certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least, 80 acres solely owned and occupied'by hint or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in rood standing n -ay pre-empt a quarter. sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—dust reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres - extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his - homestead rightand cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. New Maid—Please, mum, there's a man at the door come to collect i on sornething yea bought on the installment plan. . Mistress—Ask him whether it's the encyclopedia, the phonograph, the brass bed, the piano, or the sewing -machine. .A young man who had just married suggested to his wife that they should argue some •ifsestion fully and frankly every morning. This, he thought. would help then to gain a fuller insight into each other's nature, thus making for increased. happiness.. The first question happened to be, "Can a woman, dress on $20 a year?" He took the affirmative. And when last he was rushing upstairs to take shelter in the garret, and she was following with a broom. A little three-year-old, was being shade ready for a bath. much to her discomfort, as she heartily dis- liked soap and; water, "Don't dit water in my eyes," she said, "and don't dit soap in my nose." Thinking to gniet her, her moth- er said. "Never mincl, Dorothy, it's my nose, anyway." "Well, I don't care," replied Dorothy with feeling ; "it's me that's using it." Also Agent for Fairbanks Gasoline .Engines, Weigh Scales, Peed Grinders All kinds of Sawing MacIavines• B tgg ies, Carria: es and BAIN WAGONS Jas. Whyte, .Ag't. M.ASSE?-HARRIS CO,' Agricultural Savings and an Co HEAD OJ'I+'ICB LONDON - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farr 1Vlortgages, Prompt attention g:veu to applicaticns for loans, E ZEL.L E ., Z r ch, For Zurich and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY COO Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firm. Established over 30• years. Write for par,tieulars. PELFAN TORONTO, URS r0 — ONT. r A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay 1ibse ally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stock. Seed Potatoes, Etc, Write for terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries. Est, 1837 Toronto Ontario